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Elite: Dangerous Standard Beta (Starting Jul 29th - $75)


Being able to seamlessly land on and explore planets is a pretty huge differentiator in NMS's favor, and something that makes it perfectly reasonable to be more interested in that game right now. I know Elite will supposedly be getting that stuff at some point in the future, but that's just words right now. With NMS we've already seen this, and it looks amazing.

Didn't I just mention Frontier: Elite II had been doing this years earlier? What do you mean "just words"? Where the hell have you been?


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Being able to seamlessly land on and explore planets is a pretty huge differentiator in NMS's favor, and something that makes it perfectly reasonable to be more interested in that game right now. I know Elite will supposedly be getting that stuff at some point in the future, but that's just words right now. With NMS we've already seen this, and it looks amazing.

His point was that Frontier already did this with Elite II:Frontier in 1993, not just that they are adding it to Elite:Dangerous.


Let me also add that No Man's Sky proceedural generation wasn't also to scale, and the transition between surface, atmosphere, and space was a bit jarring.


Gold Member
Didn't I just mention Frontier: Elite II had been doing this years earlier? What do you mean "just words"? Where the hell have you been?

With Dangerous it's just words right now. And yes, Frontier (the game) did it, but the expectations on how that stuff should look are obviously on a whole different level now. Hello Games seem to have pulled off very detailed, beautiful procedural planets, with varied plant and animal life. Perhaps Frontier (the dev) will as well, but that remains to be seen. Not that I'm doubting their skills, but right now it doesn't exist. Therefore it's not unreasonable to currently be more excited about NMS. That was my point.

Let me also add that No Man's Sky proceedural generation wasn't also to scale, and the transition between surface, atmosphere, and space was a bit jarring.

The stuff shown in that trailer was intentionally "compressed" in order to be able to show off a lot of what the game is about in one seamless gameplay segment in a very short time. The full game should have more impressive scale.


Couldn't help myself, dived in with the Standard Beta, gives me two weeks to learn to fly before the online mode unlocks, yay! :D

Now just gotta find a cheap HOTAS, leaning towards the Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X, which I can get for £30

Any impressions on this stick with E:D?

Hmm, that ain't that bad of a price in Australia, only $62. Reasonable, and bundle with the beta price may swing me.

Edit: Okay so I did some digging in my closet and found an old Power Wave joystick, would this be sufficient? It has a Z axis slider, 13 buttons and one PoV hat.

Buggy Loop

Frontier already has shown early footage of procedural cloud systems for gas giants when you'll enter its atmosphere. Maybe its just "words", but its 100% guaranteed we'll have atmospheric re-entry, walking around, hunting/whatever.

These guys dont back down on their claims so far and they were actually the pioneers of the whole full galaxy + atmospheric entry decades before everyone, for them its not some exotic technology that gamespot has to make a 4 days special show to market how its even possible, as if it was out of this world technology. (p.s. im not down playing No man's sky one bit, i cant wait for the game, but the media is playing really fucking dumb with the tech)


After the super long absence of games in this genre, to be getting both No Man's Sky and Elite:Dangerous so close to each other, I really can't wait.
I think both games are going to offer things the other doesn't and I look forward to both of them.


I'm such a consumer whore. I said I was going to wait a while on a buttkicker, but here I am, having just ordered the parts to a kit. Soi-Fong asked me to let him know what buttkicker I eventually went with after doing some research, so I'll just post it for the entire thread instead.

Primer for those unfamiliar with buttkickers: a buttkicker is a brand of transducers built to strap to chairs. These are essentially the magnets from very powerful subwoofers. Instead of vibrating the air to make bass, these things, when strapped to your chair, rumbles your body. This does a couple of things - first, it gives the impression of enormous amounts of bass, one of these things is supposed to make it feel like you have an impressive sound system even if you're just wearing headphones (and side benefit: these things are silent outside of the chair, so others don't hear/feel the bass). Second, and more relevant to VR and games like Elite Dangerous - it'll essentially translate all the low frequency noises in the game (so, for example, stuff like the warp engines or the sound of your ship accelerating) into full body rumble within the chair you are sitting in. This is supposed to be amazing, especially in Elite Dangerous and Assetto Corsa.

So, after reading a bunch of reviews and opinions and articles, and shooting off some PMs to people, here's what I've found: Buttkicker Gamer2 appears to be sold out absolutely everywhere. These things are kind of like the transducer to buy, but they've been hard to find for over a year now. Supposedly a new batch is coming at the end of august. These things apparently go for about $300 when actually sold according to some guys on reddit, although looking on google I found some stores that list them at about $150 (although they haven't had them in stock for over a year apparently).

Beyond that, buttkicker isn't the only option. A poster on Reddit put together a list of parts for a kit he bought and assembled that apparently performs as well as these $300 buttkickers, only for less than $100. For those who can't be bothered to dig through the reddit thread, here's the parts list:

AuraSound AST-2B-4 Pro Bass Shaker Tactile Transducer by Aura Sound

Lepai LP-168HA 2.1 2 x 40-Watt Amplifier and 1x68W Sub Output by Lepai

12v 6a Adapter Power Supply for LCD Monitor with Power Cord by LCD AC Power Adapter

I saw some people vouching for this kit, and sent some PMs and got positive feedback, so I went ahead and ordered these parts. After shipping, the thing came out to less than $90. These parts should arrive on the 14th (!) so I'll post a quick guide on how I affix it to my chair and my impressions then.


After the super long absence of games in this genre, to be getting both No Man's Sky and Elite:Dangerous so close to each other, I really can't wait.
I think both games are going to offer things the other doesn't and I look forward to both of them.

Seconded. As someone whose favorite games back in the day were the Wing Commander, X-Wing, and Freespace (and to a slightly lesser degree, the 'Lancer) series, being essentially genre starved for a decade has me more than ready to take on this, NMS, and Star Citizen all at once. In a way I view them less as competitors and more as comrades in reviving the space flight sim/exploration genre: Games more focused on the mechanics of space travel/combat and putting you viscerally into the experience rather than being more of an economy simulator with either MMO style or tacked-on piloting (ie EVE and the X series).
With Dangerous it's just words right now. And yes, Frontier (the game) did it, but the expectations on how that stuff should look are obviously on a whole different level now. Hello Games seem to have pulled off very detailed, beautiful procedural planets, with varied plant and animal life. Perhaps Frontier (the dev) will as well, but that remains to be seen. Not that I'm doubting their skills, but right now it doesn't exist. Therefore it's not unreasonable to currently be more excited about NMS. That was my point.
So Frontier who created this whole genre, and released games over the last three decades are less trusted by you to make an 'Elite' game than an tiny indie whose previous game is a side scrolling motorcycle stunt game?


Sounds like you're caught up in the No Man's Sky hype machine. That game could be something, but to doubt the creators of the genre over Hello Games? Nah.

Just words you say, people are playing Elite now, and even more soon. Where's my No Man's Sky beta?


I have bought the Standard Beta, can't wait for the free roam mode!
Three weeks to learn how to fly. The feeling is fucking amazing on the ship. o.o


I saw some people vouching for this kit, and sent some PMs and got positive feedback, so I went ahead and ordered these parts. After shipping, the thing came out to less than $90. These parts should arrive on the 14th (!) so I'll post a quick guide on how I affix it to my chair and my impressions then.
Interesting! If you end up making a new thread about it do at least drop a link here. :)


Interesting! If you end up making a new thread about it do at least drop a link here. :)

I'm not able to make threads yet, but if someone would like to make one for me I'll post impressions in the thread when it arrives.

I plan on ultimately building a chair myself, too. right now I'm just gonna attach it to my swivel chair, but I am seriously considering ordering a mustang GT car seat right now.


Does one need to pick up a joystick for Elite or are the keyboard and mouse controls enough?

I have no problem picking up a Logitech one for $30. I could end up using it for Star Citizen but have been holding off by using keyboard and mouse and messing around with the xbox 360 controller.

Also what is the process one goes through if their ship is destroyed in Elite early on?


How are the controls in this game ?
Do I really need to get a stick to play ?

KB + mouse is okay ?

Need to know this before I make the jump :p


Does one need to pick up a joystick for Elite or are the keyboard and mouse controls enough?

I have no problem picking up a Logitech one for $30. I could end up using it for Star Citizen but have been holding off by using keyboard and mouse and messing around with the xbox 360 controller.

Also what is the process one goes through if their ship is destroyed in Elite early on?

you can play with KB&M and an Xbox controller, and the first time I launched elite I didn't have my flight stick plugged in so I just used the xbox controller. There are a few controller options. One maps your yaw to the right stick's X axis, where pitch and roll are on your left stick. It feels.. kinda odd, tbh. I'm pretty sure that's a standard setup for many games. Throttle was mapped to the two shoulder buttons, guns to triggers. Don't remember the face buttons.

Once you get used to using a real throttle and stick and rudders, it's hard to go back, however. I feel I'm much more maneuverable with a flightstick personally. But then again, I'm also the sort of person who would never play a racing game without a wheel, so YMMV.


Does one need to pick up a joystick for Elite or are the keyboard and mouse controls enough?

I have no problem picking up a Logitech one for $30. I could end up using it for Star Citizen but have been holding off by using keyboard and mouse and messing around with the xbox 360 controller.

Also what is the process one goes through if their ship is destroyed in Elite early on?
I'm pretty sure you get an option on death to can get a free Sidewinder, or pay insurance for whatever you're flying atm. As for KB/M, I've not tried it at all.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
KB&M is a painful experience, definitely not recommended.

A gamepad at minimum, Joystick (even cheap) better, HOTAS = Ideal.

This isn't a case of KB&M being sub-optimal, it's borderline unusable.

Enough to check out the graphics/sound and get past maybe the first scenario, but beyond that, dogfighting? hell no.


KB&M is a painful experience, definitely not recommended.

A gamepad at minimum, Joystick (even cheap) better, HOTAS = Ideal.

This isn't a case of KB&M being sub-optimal, it's borderline unusable.

Enough to check out the graphics/sound and get past maybe the first scenario, but beyond that, dogfighting? hell no.

HOTAS = better, HOTAS + Rudders = Ideal


Several HOTAS will allow their flight sticks to pivot to control yaw. I have no idea if real HOTAS work like that, but it makes my hands cramp. I need rudders to control my yaw.

Buggy Loop

KB&M is a painful experience, definitely not recommended.

A gamepad at minimum, Joystick (even cheap) better, HOTAS = Ideal.

This isn't a case of KB&M being sub-optimal, it's borderline unusable.

Enough to check out the graphics/sound and get past maybe the first scenario, but beyond that, dogfighting? hell no.

I've heard it requires a bit of time to setup but that KB&M was very usable? Dunno, i went HOTAS on this one. 360 pad for alpha 1.1 (single player scenarios) as it didnt support multiple devices in that version.



There is enough buttons on a 360 controller to control your ship ?
Or do you guys use both KB and controller ?


There is enough buttons on a 360 controller to control your ship ?
Or do you guys use both KB and controller ?

Most controls, although you might want to remap yaw/pitch/boost stuff. Also supercruise is difficult without keyboard access... easy to start via menu, but gotta stop via C on the keyboard.


There is enough buttons on a 360 controller to control your ship ?
Or do you guys use both KB and controller ?

I only played for a few seconds with the xbox pad before I switched over to my HOTAS. I'm going with my gut and saying no, however, that you won't have enough buttons to do everything you can do with HOTAS + Rudders + VR. My throttle alone has like 8 buttons, 3 axises, and a mouse nub + left click.

Buggy Loop

There is enough buttons on a 360 controller to control your ship ?
Or do you guys use both KB and controller ?

Has to be both. The list of commands for controls in the setup is quite amazing, even for someone used to flight sims.

Gamepad should mainly be for dogfight utilities. Landing gear, cargo scoop bay, lights, supercruise/hyperspace etc can still remain on keyboard.


Yeah if anyone is planning on playing with the DK2 you pretty much have to use a HOTAS unless you want to keep taking off the headset to look at the keyboard.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
If somebody in 1987 had shown this images to me being 12 years old and playing Elite on C64 all night through...

I get shivers seeing this..

Yep, me too. I still have my C64 game box even, LOL. Man I spent so many hours on my C64 playing this game. Probably the only game I played more on my C64 was Gunship by Microprose.


Also, for the people who keep on bringing up NMS, I suggest for those people to not even bring it up when in comparison to Elite because it will be at a major disadvantage.

Last I remember NMS does not have or have not shown:

Customization Of Ships
Newtonian Physics (Biggie)
Non-Static Orbiting Planetary Bodies and Moons thereby affecting seasons
Detailed Ship Management & Avionics ie Silent Running, power systems, etc

I suggest for people to not doubt David who practically created and popularized the whole genre and the concept of procedural generation.

Buggy Loop

Food for thoughts : If you have the premium beta right now, you can see they've updated the galaxy map compared to alpha 4, when you go to the center of the galaxy, its so dense with stars that the ambient environment is nearly pure white, even hard to see that there's a star since its almost the same color. The first pioneers to conquer the middle of the galaxy will barely see anything i believe. I wonder if they'll integrate a form of filter the cockpit window to actually see the celestial bodies.


When closer to launch we should organize a GAF expedition as soon as possible to try to get to the center. One person can't do it alone clearly, but it'd be cool to have numerous gaffers taking part in this since it'll be a huge undertaking.


When closer to launch we should organize a GAF expedition as soon as possible to try to get to the center. One person can't do it alone clearly, but it'd be cool to have numerous gaffers taking part in this since it'll be a huge undertaking.

A modern, VR louis & clark expedition. That would be amazing.


To the people playing the beta: you guys have no patience. If you see a Lakon entering a station, don't fucking try to squeeze through at the same time, wait 10 seconds. It kinda looks cool when you do it right but more often than not you're just crashing into me and that's not fun. /rant

When closer to launch we should organize a GAF expedition as soon as possible to try to get to the center. One person can't do it alone clearly, but it'd be cool to have numerous gaffers taking part in this since it'll be a huge undertaking.

I was thinking of maybe joining these guys but a GAF expedition would be cool, too!


Well, I just bought in, downloading now.
My concerns for the flight model are still valid yes? That Yaw is not as effective as roll?
It's going to be hard to get my mind and hands to roll onto target then minor correct with yaw, but considering the rather poor state Star Citizen is in currently regards to smooth controls, I think I will have more fun here than there.
So, hey chaps, lookin forward to getting behind the controls of my first sidewinder.


I was thinking of maybe joining these guys but a GAF expedition would be cool, too!

All of this is seriously too cool for video games. I've never really been into any MMO or persistent game like this. I'm really excited to do this stuff and I'd be way down for an expedition to the center.

Well, I just bought in, downloading now.
My concerns for the flight model are still valid yes? That Yaw is not as effective as roll?
It's going to be hard to get my mind and hands to roll onto target then minor correct with yaw, but considering the rather poor state Star Citizen is in currently regards to smooth controls, I think I will have more fun here than there.
So, hey chaps, lookin forward to getting behind the controls of my first sidewinder.

You could also use the hat on your throttle (in default setup) to align yourself using thrusters rather than adjusting your yaw. I find myself doing that quite a bit.

but yeah, roll onto target, correct with yaw or thrusters. It's the way to go in this game.

Buggy Loop

Might as well join the first great expedition if you want to get to the center of the galaxy asap. Could then make a sub-neogaf group chat as we go into the wild crazy shit we'll see towards the center. Super massive black hole anyone? Just GULP you're gone :p Or spun to incredible speeds by the gravity and ejected to god knows where. Or maybe there's a cake inside the black hole.


Might as well join the first great expedition if you want to get to the center of the galaxy asap.

But it would be cool to have a competing expedition, because then it becomes a race. Could be exciting. :p

"Goddammit they already crossed the sagittarius arm!"


Might as well join the first great expedition if you want to get to the center of the galaxy asap. Could then make a sub-neogaf group chat as we go into the wild crazy shit we'll see towards the center. Super massive black hole anyone? Just GULP you're gone :p Or spun to incredible speeds by the gravity and ejected to god knows where. Or maybe there's a cake inside the black hole.

I'm actually fine with this. We can just form a sub-Neogaf group within the First Expedition group. I imagine there being thousands of players participating in this.

Edit: I thought its pretty well known and accepted in astronomy that in the center of the Milky Way is a Super Massive Black Hole. In a way, we'd be marching towards our death. Lol


You could also use the hat on your throttle (in default setup) to align yourself using thrusters rather than adjusting your yaw. I find myself doing that quite a bit.

but yeah, roll onto target, correct with yaw or thrusters. It's the way to go in this game.

Hmm, manoeuvring thrusters to supplement aiming...this game is going to be great for those that really learn to game the systems.
Thanks for the replies, I really hope I learn to fly well enough to be able to master fixed weapons, so I can avoid the pitfalls of gimbals, low profile flying here we come.


Ive been waiting to buy this but the 150 price was to much..think I will bite when it hits 75 though.

Uh, it already is? (Standard Beta is $75)

Frontier already has shown early footage of procedural cloud systems for gas giants when you'll enter its atmosphere. Maybe its just "words", but its 100% guaranteed we'll have atmospheric re-entry, walking around, hunting/whatever.

Here's the vid.


Well, I just bought in, downloading now.
My concerns for the flight model are still valid yes? That Yaw is not as effective as roll?
They are not as effective, but they are still present. You can still do some lateral adjustments enough to make landing easier, but for dogfights, expect to be pitching up and down constantly.


Neo Member
bought the standard beta and i find the download in the launcher is so slow. i have 80 down fiber but its downloading at 0.15Mbps any suggestions?

Buggy Loop

bought the standard beta and i find the download in the launcher is so slow. i have 80 down fiber but its downloading at 0.15Mbps any suggestions?

I think their indicator for download speed is bugged, mine too was showing pathetic numbers but it actually downloaded pretty fast?


I've been playing this since the start of Premium Beta, but only in the last couple of days have I given the combat a proper go. Have been spending most of my time in the "Low Conflict" zones improving my piloting and dogfighting skills and god damn... now that I have improved a bit, it's a hell of a lot of fun. Very satisfying once you have added an additional Class 2 pulse laser to your crappy Sidewinder ship, and actually quite easy to make decent credits in these areas to start out with.

I'm currently playing using a Rift DK1, a copy of Voice Attack ("target nearest hostile", "engage cruise" etc!), and currently a 360 wireless pad. Soon should be taking delivery of an X52-Pro, which should make it even more fun.

Having a lot of fun, basically.


Anyone here been stuck in warp a few times? Happened to me twice yesterday. Had to force-shutdown the game.

I just revert back to wherever I was prior when starting the game back up again.


Played for a bit, just unlocked the wolf pack mission, haven't died to anything yet except an asteroid I was testing out strafing around.
This is a LOT of fun.
Having the thrusters always at my command is great, but I don't like how the throttle doesn't always seem to remember its last position...or is that just me?


Played for a bit, just unlocked the wolf pack mission, haven't died to anything yet except an asteroid I was testing out strafing around.
This is a LOT of fun.
Having the thrusters always at my command is great, but I don't like how the throttle doesn't always seem to remember its last position...or is that just me?
What input are you using?

It could be input conflicts. e.g., using Thrust Forward & Backward Axis will conflict with the Throttle Axis and reset it.
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