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Emily Rogers: Ubisoft won't comment on Wii U version of Watch Dogs

Card Boy

I'm no fan of the Wii U but if it actually turns out to be canceled then that's some real deal bullshit on Ubisofts part.

Why? If we where to use Injustice as an example the Wii U was only 1% of total sales across all platforms. I can image other 3rd party devs like EA are in a similar boat with their multiplatform games. I think Splinter Cell: Blacklist had a similar percentage on the Wii U.

Why should Ubisoft support a system where its fanbase doesn't buy games?


Not trying to be off-topic here, but how well do so-called "cross-gen" titles do on the last-gen platform compared to the current-gen one? Could something form 6-7th gen be making Ubisoft consider things more carefully or something?


I thought Ubisoft made a comment that it wasn't cancelled a few weeks back when there was rumors it was cancelled?

Isn't the current rumour that Watch Dogs is out in March?

"No comment".

The only thing we had going was the error within Gamestops system in Italy/USA that canceled the game for WiiU user.

Well, I doubt that they would cancel it, unless they had to invest more money into the game with the delay.

Mikey Jr.

Can they comment on OTHER systems though? Like, if you asked them "Is Watchdogs coming to the PS4?", what would they say?


If Ubisoft jumps ship then it will just be Activision supporting the WiiU. Never thought they would end up as the WiiU's biggest supporters.


I'm no fan of the Wii U but if it actually turns out to be canceled then that's some real deal bullshit on Ubisofts part.

I want the Wii U version. The PC version is my second choice but rather have the Wii U version. However if it's canceled it's not on Ubisoft. I blame them for the crap they pulled with Rayman Legends but not potentially this.

This is on Nintendo for not doing what they had to do in order to get the Wii U to sell. They are the ones that refused to market the Wii U for a full year. The ones that refused to do the most basic things when explaining the system during it's limited launch marketing. That ones that didn't do wide spread mainstream marketing of the system and brand during the past holiday season. That didn't put out games that would be attractive to an early adopter market or even market/champion the third party games they did get to bring more attention to their system. Now even Wii U owners are wary about getting third party offerings and either won't bother or will pick them up on other systems because they have no faith in the Wii U's longevity. The blame has always been on Nintendo and I say that as a Nintendo fan and Wii U owner.

Err, does anyone believe that the next COD is going to make it to Wii U based on COD:Ghosts abysmal sales on that platform?

Unless Nintendo makes them a good deal I certainly don't expect the next Call of Duty to be released on the system. I really don't. I sooner expect to see a 3DS version before a Wii U version.


If Ubisoft jumps ship then it will just be Activision supporting the WiiU. Never thought they would end up as the WiiU's biggest supporters.

Err, does anyone believe that the next COD is going to make it to Wii U based on COD:Ghosts abysmal sales on that platform?


It's either cancelled or delayed until fall of 2014. My bet is that it's cancelled.

On a side note, I'm glad Emily Rogers didn't stop writing/tweeting. She has been doing great lately.


Emily Rogers ‏@Emi1yRogers 2m

@jmizzal I asked if the Wii U version still exists. Instead of a simple yes or no, they said they have no comment.
IIRC AssCreed4 sold 6,000 copies in it's first month on Wii U. SIX-THOUSAND. And that's an established IP. At this point it would probably be financially irresponsible for Ubi to continue development and release of the Wii U version. It would sell like dog shit.
Ubisoft needs to just clear the air on this already. It's like the last two COD's on Wii U. Nobody knows what's going on.
Err, does anyone believe that the next COD is going to make it to Wii U based on COD:Ghosts abysmal sales on that platform?

Treyarch ported Ghosts even after the abysmal sales of Black Ops 2, so yes I would say it's still possible the next Cod comes to Wii U.

Card Boy

IIRC AssCreed4 sold 6,000 copies in it's first month on Wii U. SIX-THOUSAND. And that's an established IP. At this point it would probably be financially irresponsible for Ubi to continue development and release of the Wii U version. It would sell like dog shit.

wow lol. I can't believe people are angry at Ubisoft when its userbase talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.


When Just Dance, Skylanders and Disney Infinity stop heading to Nintendo platforms, I think we can finally call it curtains on Nintendo's third-party support.

I would actually LOVE to see those franchises just ship on Wii this year and exclude the Wii U. I would laugh heartily.


Industry Verified
Emily Rogers ‏@Emi1yRogers 2m

@jmizzal I asked if the Wii U version still exists. Instead of a simple yes or no, they said they have no comment.



You can't ask Nintendo either because they will just direct you to Ubisoft. Saying they have no say in what Ubisoft does. Which is BS. They could work with them, pay them, etc to make sure the game is still released and that their system has a certain level of variety and a quality library. They're not willing to do that. Not with western studios and now seemingly not with Japanese studios either given that they couldn't even secure a version of Kingdom Hearts 3 or the remake of 1 and 2. A series that is just as just as much history on Nintendo hardware that it does Sony hardware by having games that appeared on the GBA, DS, and 3DS!


I wouldn't be surprised if they continued to publish Skylanders on Wii U. I just don't expect to see anymore COD's on the platform.

Kinda sad tho.
Black Ops 2 and Ghosts were solid games. I really liked them but this is not charity so if they don't see any business on Nintendo consoles then I can't blame them.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
IIRC AssCreed4 sold 6,000 copies in it's first month on Wii U. SIX-THOUSAND. And that's an established IP. At this point it would probably be financially irresponsible for Ubi to continue development and release of the Wii U version. It would sell like dog shit.

On the other hand, I'm one of those 6,000 buyers and I got a sub-par port. I'll be way more wary of buying future WiiU ports from Ubisoft (if they do exist...). It's a vicious circle.
I wouldn't be surprised if they cancelled the 360/PS3 version as well.

Yeah. No personal slight on the Wii U, but I could imagine Ubisoft abandoning less powerful consoles in order to push the test reviews up. There is no point holding back Watch Dogs given that the larger install base means squat when software sales are moving heavily towards the PS4 and Xbone.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?

She said they said "no comment" which goes with what was said during the last rumor, they dont comment on rumors and speculation.

Which is what she is asking is it canceled based on rumors

It could be, it could not be, but we wont know til the 10th anyways
If it wasn't cancelled, they would say that the game is still coming to WiiU. There's no reason to hide a positive answer.


Why? If we where to use Injustice as an example the Wii U was only 1% of total sales across all platforms. I can image other 3rd party devs like EA are in a similar boat with their multiplatform games. I think Splinter Cell: Blacklist had a similar percentage on the Wii U.

Why should Ubisoft support a system where its fanbase doesn't buy games?

If you announce a game and put it up for preorder and people preorder it and you keep it up there for months and months and then cancel it at the last min even after it was delayed that is BS. Now if they dont want to put anything else like that on WiiU then ok but it is wrong to just drop a game after jerking fans around


lol i didn't buy a wii u to play games lol c ya ubisoft don't let the door hit you on the way out nintendo should sue you for using u in the name ubisoft since u're not making games for the u that's false advertising, i took a class in law

She said they said "no comment" which goes with what was said during the last rumor, they dont comment on rumors and speculation.

Which is what she is asking is it canceled based on rumors

It could be, it could not be, but we wont know til the 10th anyways

The cancellation is a rumor, but it being on the Wii U isn't. That's something that they have stated directly... Asking "Is the Wii U version of Watch Dogs still in development?" NOT asking based on a rumor, it's asking based on established information.


If it's true then fuck I was looking forward to that game but can't fault ubisoft for cancelling it WiiU third party games are selling like shit
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