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Evil Within 2: Pictures/GIFs posted on Social Media

The Evil Within 2 |OT| WTF
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Have STEM, will travel
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Un-ordinary world
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Run,fight, hide, survive

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Two more new screens:



Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Time to reply to a lot.

Thanks for the recap !

It's funny because I wasn't even a huge fan of the The Evil Within, but The Evil Within 2 is one of the few 60$ games I'm sure to get day one this year. It's just the type of game I will want to play at the moment. Happy to see Mikami back also.

Evil Within the first was a huge love it/hate it game, but I think even many who didn't like it could see the potential it could be and those that loved it could see areas it could improve in. So having a second swing at it could have fantastic results, and some things shown off already show the game is tackling a few flaws of the original already, so far what is most visibly telling is the animation work has been greatly improved, the camera looks better especially when aiming (and they're not utilizing black bars this time around), and if you pay attention to all of the footage so far you can see a few notable improvements to both gunplay and stealth, among some other things. Plus with them having some more open design for areas they can emphasize the player choice option the original game had in a very limited degree more to the forefront of choosing how to tackle each situation.

Yeah finally gave it another shot and aaaagh it isn't good.

The game has basically screwed me on chapter 6. You have to do a long arena fight, where I ended up using pretty much all my ammo. Then as you go to leave the arena it spawns the chainsaw dude.
I have nothing to fight him with and there is no way of getting more ammo.

So fuck you evil within.

That locked chainsaw fight is actually a hardship for most if been a bit more gun-trotting, the one suggestion I might give is do you have spare parts to construct stuff for the Agony Crossbow?

I hope they nail the atmosphere of the city this time,something like RE3 or the first areas of RE2.

I think it'll help the city this time around, Union, is based off of an American small town and is more a hub world in the style of Silent Hill's overworld or the like to openly explore, go to places, stumble on things, etc.


Dude looks like he's decked out for Operation Intrude N313.

Sebastian does come a bit more prepared this time, but if I'm reading footage right it doesn't seem like he gets a gun until a bit in (though he has a knife from the start it seems).

This is a huge leap from the original visually. Nice job.

There's been some big improvements visually for certain, some I'm replying to below are missing the grittiness of the original game but I have a few counterpoints to make.

I still don't see that dynamic lighting that made TEW stand out visually and was the thing that gave it an amazing atmosphere (among other things).



Sure, textures look improved, but somehow it seems "flat".

Or maybe I just have to wait to see more gameplay footage.

The lighting I think overall is an improvement but there is some areas it looks a bit flat, but other areas it really shines it. To reply to the next plethora of points, I'm going to post some lower-quality trailer screens of some other areas but I think part of it is the locations shown on Twitter in question as you'll see shortly below:

I would say the game looks too 'clean' imo.

The atmosphere in the original is more dense, and it has richer art direction.

But we have't seen much so far, so

the only single player game i'm looking forward to this year

but it's kinda colorful, the first game was dark and the atmosphere was perfect even though the graphic was bad

still, gonna be amazing for sure

Gonna be GOTY.

But yeah, the atmosphere/art direction does appear to have shifted away from the extremely gritty/grungy atmosphere of the first game to something more cleaner emphasizing the contrast between the surreal and the every day. We'll see how it works out for the full game (and the gameplay trailer seemed to show some areas that are closer to the first game, sometimes quite literally) but I think I prefer the extremely gothic and moody look of the first game.

It does look a little soft. Is it chromatic aberration? I usually don't recognize it by myself but I feel like that's what I'm seeing here.

It looks like there might be some CA only on the camera enemy in the second pic, which would be kinda neat given CA is a camera lens thing.

But other than that, I don't see it

So going to reply to all of the above at once, so get ready.

Firstly I think most of these screens are coming from two main bits that look cleanrer, the Mobius facility and an artist gallery. Now these aren't 'official' screens, they're screengrabs off YouTube from the official trailers gameplay snippets, but the clean look doesn't go into all of the game as we've seen. Here's some examples:

It does overall look smoother, but there's some areas briefly seen it doesn't look cleaner in my opinion and offers messier stuff and fiercer lighting. We need to see more to make the full comparision but I thought I might mention this.

Some stand-alone replies though:

The game is overall more colorful but a lot of the areas we've seen so far are around the domain of Stefano, one of two psychos we know are in the game, who is a twisted artist obsessed with death. However he seems like a neat and tidy person which I think reflects some in how he does things.

And as mentioned, the game doesn't use chromatic aberration EXCEPT for the camera enemies. There's these 'cubes' the camera makes that freezes time it seems both Stefano and Obscura (the camera enemy) can do, and in those cubes there's heavy chromatic aberration, you can see an example of what I mean in this screen:


There's a lot in the cube, but none outside of it.

I think the lighting is part of it, but in return there's also dropped shadows that work much better than the original game. It'll be interesting to see how this goes as we see more than quick snippets of the same few areas but different parts, though.

Waiting for confirmation that the movement, aiming and camerawork feel better than the first game. Until then, no interest.

For what it's worth you can clearly see the camera improvements when aiming in the game in the footage released so far.

I am getting the feeling that this could be the Silent Hill 2 of this franchise.

Couldn't be more pleased about that.

I have a feeling it has the potential to come out fantastic, the bigger story focus I think will benefit the sequel but also working off the original game basis and making improvements with a team that's a little more experienced.

The Evil Within 2 |OT| Look at this photograph, every time i do it makes me spook
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Shootin' some pictures
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Unreal Horror
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Paparazzi Break
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Photo Mode from Hell
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Psycho Break SNAP

There will be a lot of potential titles, though the camera theme only is for one of the villains of the game but if it stands out then these could be good.

Agreed, so far the atmosphere is really not as good as the first game. The art direction doesn't seem as inspired as well.

Having a western guy as director for a Japanese horror game sequel is definitely not very good in my opinion. I really want to know why Mikami isn't directing.

The guy who's directing in my opinion made some of the scariest stuff in the original Evil Within, for the record he was lead designer on Chapter 9 in the original game and did a number of other interesting bits in the budgeted but still intriguing DLC stuff. With the full team, budget, and focus I think it could churn out something great. I also think it's hard to judge the atmosphere right now because we haven't seen any straight uncut gameplay, only snippets.

this is one of my most anticipated games coming out. so stoked. give me that agony bow

That Agony Bolt is in the game, excited to see how they may improve it as well.


One of my favourite things about this and Wolfenstein: the new colossus is that the textures are finally at competent levels.

I think a big part of this is both of those were on idTech 5, while New Colossus is on idTech 6 and I'm pretty sure Evil Within 2 is as well.

Western horror was never as terrifying as Japanese horror in my opinion.
I am Asian so I could be biased.

There's however one Japanese style monster I really liked in The Evil Within 2 gameplay trailer.
The new director seems to be a Japan horror lover, so that's a bit reassuring.

There's actually an interesting response to this question the game's director gave in an E3 interview about West and East horror, he mentions how the Japanese horror will shine through because the majority of the team are Japanese obviously, but the original game had a big European influence while this sequel has an American Small Town as one of its central settings. However, he teased on West vs East Horror there might be some drastically different regions we see in TEW2 outside of an American Small Town, but they have chosen not to show anything related to what he's teasing yet.

Mikami is busy with president stuff and he always had a stance on letting people with potential grow,just like he did with Kamiya.
He is not going to give the responsibility of Tango's only known franchise to incapable hands if that was the case and yet,Mikami is not completely out of the picture.
I think John Johanas proved himself with the first game that he is capable of taking the lead and Mikami knows that too.

Apparently Mikami is actually still pretty involved with the sequel, especially in its design. We won't know until we know, but when asked it was mentioned he's working on this project mostly on the design, gunplay, and pacing aspects. Mikami still likes to be hands-on with the projects even if letting other talent shint.

Those last two gifs are very Twin Peaks design wise.

It crossed my mind too, there's a sort of theater motif to the area but the floor and red curtain I feel have to be intentional.
The guy who's directing in my opinion made some of the scariest stuff in the original Evil Within, for the record he was lead designer on Chapter 9 in the original game and did a number of other interesting bits in the budgeted but still intriguing DLC stuff. With the full team, budget, and focus I think it could churn out something great. I also think it's hard to judge the atmosphere right now because we haven't seen any straight uncut gameplay, only snippets.

There's actually an interesting response to this question the game's director gave in an E3 interview about West and East horror, he mentions how the Japanese horror will shine through because the majority of the team are Japanese obviously, but the original game had a big European influence while this sequel has an American Small Town as one of its central settings. However, he teased on West vs East Horror there might be some drastically different regions we see in TEW2 outside of an American Small Town, but they have chosen not to show anything related to what he's teasing yet.

Great post, that's extremely reassuring, Chapter 9 was my absolute favorite chapter in the first game.

Overall I am still excited about The Evil Within 2, I am just afraid that the atmosphere might not be as great as the first game.
The new director might have the talent to make better gameplay or better level design but I seriously doubt he can top Mikami's visual and atmosphere.
That's really my biggest concern for TEW2, that it might look generic and ''western''. Most of the environment we've seen so far are just too ''clean'' imo. Of course, the game is still in the making.

I feel like I am one of the few people who actually loved The Evil Within, I think it's a legit good game. It literally feels like a Silent Hill game made by Mikami, except the game is more linear and pretty unforgiving.

From what I've seen, most people who hate on the game are really just pissed off by the difficulty.
To be fair the game IS pretty mean at times, but I think that's part of the fun. It makes everything a lot more scary and intense knowing you can easily get killed.

Anyway, The Evil Within is undoubtedly my Game of the year 2014. I really REALLY don't want the sequel to be anything less than the first game.

I would hate to see another Dark Souls 2 (extremely disappointing sequel made by a different director while the original director is working on something new.)


The Evil Within 2 |OT| Is it Safe?
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Deliver Us From Evil
The Evil Within 2 |OT| STEM Education
The Evil Within 2 |OT| Shutter Shock
What does everyone expect game length wise? I really enjoyed the overall time it took to finish the first game, which was about 15 hours for me.

I'd be pefectly pleased with that time again, especially considering the new director discussed a varied pace. Again, another thing I enjoyed about the original.

In my opinion, to many horror games now are just relentless with intensity. The recent Outlast 2, while enjoyable, suffered from this issue. Excited to see some slower moments.

Lastly, does anyone want some bonus modes? Like a score based mode ala Resident Evil Mercenaries? I'd love to have a sort of sandbox like that with Evil Withins gameplay. Have they mentioned anything like this?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Do we have a engine confirmation yet?

id Tech (presumably 6) as per the legal info section of the PSN US store page:

The Evil Within® 2 © 2017 ZeniMax Media Inc. Developed in association with Tango Gameworks. The Evil Within, Tango, Tango Gameworks, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. id Tech and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of id Software LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
A new load was dumped. This one is of art by Stefano which you can find in the game's gallery location.

It also teases that all the art here will be 'explorable' in the game, we've seen a few of these in-game as model stuff, but it sounds like there may be some entering art stuff in the game involving this character.



Oh wow... Gruesome.

I love those painting style gifs.
Can't wait for october this is going to be glorious!
This and White day:LCS should sate my thirst for horror games.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So is Stefano the new villain

is Ruvik going to return, possibly?

No word on if Ruvik is returning, but we know three villains in The Evil Within 2 right now.

Stafano the Artist, who is currently most being featured (but I think he's kind of the 'lower' villain if you will, like the first big baddie but not THE main baddie).

Theodore the Priest, you see him briefly in the CG reveal trailer of the game. We don't know much about him right now but he seems to be a priest from the cult from the first game and seems to have some control over fire going by the CG trailer.

And Laura from the original game (Ruvik's sister), she seems prominent in the game and we have seen her in three different forms in gameplay so far, her spider-lady form from the original game, a cloaked form where she seems to have some poltergeist-esque powers and can go from slow to super fast speed in an instant, and Bladesaw Laura which is a giant Nemesis-like version of Laura. She may even have more forms.
No word on if Ruvik is returning, but we know three villains in The Evil Within 2 right now.

Stafano the Artist, who is currently most being featured (but I think he's kind of the 'lower' villain if you will, like the first big baddie but not THE main baddie).

Theodore the Priest, you see him briefly in the CG reveal trailer of the game. We don't know much about him right now but he seems to be a priest from the cult from the first game and seems to have some control over fire going by the CG trailer.

And Laura from the original game (Ruvik's sister), she seems prominent in the game and we have seen her in three different forms in gameplay so far, her spider-lady form from the original game, a cloaked form where she seems to have some poltergeist-esque powers and can go from slow to super fast speed in an instant, and Bladesaw Laura which is a giant Nemesis-like version of Laura. She may even have more forms.

well I actually thought that
Ruvik was inside Laura's body?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
well I actually thought that
Ruvik was inside Laura's body?

He wasn't in her body in the original game, the Laura from the original game was a manifestation of Laura from Ruvik's mind though, as Laura wasn't connected to STEM and for a long while Ruvik was told and thought she was dead (though we find out she was in a vegetative state coma). I think the reason she appears in her original form at first is because of Sebastian going through a memory of the original game when he enters STEM (the area you meet the original Laura in looks exactly like areas from the original Evil Within, I believe Sebastian re-experiences a memory from his first time in STEM and Laura is in the memory). However, what the rest of her is doing in the game is up for guesswork right now. It could be Ruvik, maybe Laura is connected to Lily's STEM, or maybe it's something else. There's a lot of Laura in TEW2 it seems though.
He wasn't in her body in the original game, the Laura from the original game was a manifestation of Laura from Ruvik's mind though, as Laura wasn't connected to STEM and for a long while Ruvik was told and thought she was dead (though we find out she was in a vegetative state coma). I think the reason she appears in her original form at first is because of Sebastian going through a memory of the original game when he enters STEM (the area you meet the original Laura in looks exactly like areas from the original Evil Within, I believe Sebastian re-experiences a memory from his first time in STEM and Laura is in the memory). However, what the rest of her is doing in the game is up for guesswork right now. It could be Ruvik, maybe Laura is connected to Lily's STEM, or maybe it's something else. There's a lot of Laura in TEW2 it seems though.

interesting..... to see if Ruvik will return, it's anyone's guess

I also assume the priest and Stefano are at war with each other for control of union as well

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
interesting..... to see if Ruvik will return, it's anyone's guess

I also assume the priest and Stefano are at war with each other for control of union as well

Yes, that's basically all we know. Lily, Sebastian's daughter, is the 'source' of this STEM, and she was in control but suddenly went missing and apparently her mind is breaking down, but not much more is known that that at the moment. With her disappearance and lack of absolute influence/control over the STEM, a few psychopaths in the STEM begin to have something of a turf war for Union and control of the STEM. We know Stefano and Theodore are in this conflict, no word if it's only those two or if more, but we know Stefano and Theodore at least play bigger villain roles in the game. I doubt either of them is the main villain though, and Laura is unclear if it's actually her or some manifestation of her (and if it is, why is she manifested in Lily's STEM, is it Ruvik, is Laura connected, did Lily know Laura, is Sebastian conjuring Laura, etc.).

Apparently going by some vague things they've said, The Evil Within 2 is actually a pretty huge game. To a comment of someone asking during E3 to Pete Hines if The Evil Within 2 would have the same multiple/varied locations of the original game, Pete Hines begins to respond, "Oh yeah, there's even more-", and then I think realizes he shouldn't reveal that and zips his lips just saying there's a "healthy variety" in the game. The game's director also at E3 was asked about Evil Within on Western vs Eastern Horror, he comments how the original Evil Within had a very European-styled setting, for TEW2 the setting we're seeing right now is an American small town called Union, but he hints that there may be other locations in TEW2 set in very different parts of the world than America, but they don't want to show any of that right now. There's been some other vague hints here and there, but it's sounding like there may be enough turf for there to be more than Stefano and Theodore fighting over, but we shall see really. I kind of think it might do the RE4 thing where there's 4-5 'main' villains, though only one 'main' villain.
Yes, that's basically all we know. Lily, Sebastian's daughter, is the 'source' of this STEM, and she was in control but suddenly went missing and apparently her mind is breaking down, but not much more is known that that at the moment. With her disappearance and lack of absolute influence/control over the STEM, a few psychopaths in the STEM begin to have something of a turf war for Union and control of the STEM. We know Stefano and Theodore are in this conflict, no word if it's only those two or if more, but we know Stefano and Theodore at least play bigger villain roles in the game. I doubt either of them is the main villain though, and Laura is unclear if it's actually her or some manifestation of her (and if it is, why is she manifested in Lily's STEM, is it Ruvik, is Laura connected, did Lily know Laura, is Sebastian conjuring Laura, etc.).

Apparently going by some vague things they've said, The Evil Within 2 is actually a pretty huge game. To a comment of someone asking during E3 to Pete Hines if The Evil Within 2 would have the same multiple/varied locations of the original game, Pete Hines begins to respond, "Oh yeah, there's even more-", and then I think realizes he shouldn't reveal that and zips his lips just saying there's a "healthy variety" in the game. The game's director also at E3 was asked about Evil Within on Western vs Eastern Horror, he comments how the original Evil Within had a very European-styled setting, for TEW2 the setting we're seeing right now is an American small town called Union, but he hints that there may be other locations in TEW2 set in very different parts of the world than America, but they don't want to show any of that right now. There's been some other vague hints here and there, but it's sounding like there may be enough turf for there to be more than Stefano and Theodore fighting over, but we shall see really. I kind of think it might do the RE4 thing where there's 4-5 'main' villains, though only one 'main' villain.

Also isn't Sebastian teaming up with MOBIUS

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The game is almost out.
I'm thinking of just going in blind, from here on out.

I honestly think this was part of their marketing strategy, because there was only four months between announcement and release they don't need to show too much before release to raise awareness of the title and can keep most of it a surprise. Ala what Resident Evil 7 did recently in marketing in thinking less is more for the marketing to keep most of it a surprise. The game is only about two months away from release now though.

Also isn't Sebastian teaming up with MOBIUS

Yes he is, which was thankfully clarified. Mobius disappeared and Sebastian has desperately been seeking them out for years, but three years after the events of the original TEW, Kidman shows up out of the blue and tells Sebastian he has a chance to save his daughter. Mobius are apprehensive to have Sebastian help, just as Sebastian is apprehensive to work for Mobius (the people who ruined his life basically), but they both need the other for something they want, Sebastian ants to save his daughter, and Mobius wants to get their STEM system back which Lily is not responding to them and Sebastian may be the only person she may respond to anymore. A lot of the details are murky but that's how it's been painted so far, though I feel there's something more there. We do know we have a communicator to stay connected to Kidman and have a link to the events happening in the real world.

Mobius may end up being a villain as well, but there's a lot to see. Honestly a lot of possibilities.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
i hope this supports hdr

You're in luck: http://gameranx.com/updates/id/112634/article/the-evil-within-2-to-support-4k-ultra-hd-and-hdr/

Bethesda's Sequel to 2014's The Evil Within has been confirmed to run at 4K Ultra HD with HDR technology on both the Xbox One X and PC.

No word yet on PS4, but it's a hasn't been confirmed or denied thing yet. The reason we know it has 4k ultra HD and HDR on Xbox One X and PC is due to Microsoft's own listing of the game.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Hopefully they can make a good reoccurring villain in the evil within like Wesker is to RE.

This might be just my personal opinion, but I actually really liked The Administrator in the Evil Within DLC. Ruvik and The Administrator are both still alive, so to be seen what goes down with them. No word if either of them are in this game, but as Mobius plays a big role in the sequel I'd be surprised if The Administrator of Mobius had zero role in it. And as Kidman's in the game, as she's working directly under (and somewhat fears) The Administrator.
Thanks for the recap !

It's funny because I wasn't even a huge fan of the The Evil Within, but The Evil Within 2 is one of the few 60$ games I'm sure to get day one this year. It's just the type of game I will want to play at the moment. Happy to see Mikami back also.

I'm in the same boat. I didn't like the original game but I can't wait until this one comes out. I'm uncharacteristically optimistic.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I don't know if I expect this series to make it beyond three or four total games. I suppose we'll see.

I think Bethesda and Tango is in it for the long run, but we shall see. Tango said before The Evil Within 1 released that they were never making TEW as a single entry, they wanted it to be a series. And with The Evil Within 2's announcement, Bethesda went to make it one of their 'attractions' at Bethesdaland, and have been including TEW with all of their big franchises, such as Elder Scrolls, Doom, Fallout, Dishonered, etc, in their company image and promo material. It obviously will depend on sales, scores, etc., but I think both parties are at least interested in it going on as a franchise. But a lot of that will be staked here on TEW2, they're obviously working on a lot of improvements and to see how it fairs for them, so I guess we'll see how it plays out.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Hey everyone, this is Dusk Golem aka AestheticGamer. I have posted on NeoGAF since 2011, and have decided to resign. I have enjoyed posting about horror games here for years, but I no longer wish to support the site and will be leaving for good. I will still be around the internet, I go by AestheticGamer on YouTube, I make games on Steam as Yai Gameworks, and I plan to go by Dusk Golem on other forums. I'll be joining an off-set of the GAF community leaving to try other ventures like ResetEra (Official Twitter for that here: https://twitter.com/reseteraforum ). I hope some of you who read this may consider it, and I plan to try to expose more people to horror games in the years to come. Just not here.

I hope you all are having a good day, and know I always loved the community, and in the end it's the community I'm going to stick with, not the site itself. If you want to follow me, my official Twitter is here: https://twitter.com/AestheticGamer1
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