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Fighting Games Weekly | June 3-9 | Getting Put On Blast


SFxT was more Sorny's blunder than Capcom's.
There were a lot of unfortunate design decisions. Some obvious (DLC, Gems) but some not so much (the juggle combo system isn't very friendly to casual players, game rewarded runaway play too much.) Game is good, but there are a lot of things that are only have Capcom to blame.


Marvel's fine IMO. It's a better spectator sport than most fighting games. It's just now well-known enough unfortunately. I think that has to do with marketing.
Come on now son... Sony didn't force Capcom to fill the game up with Gems, on disc DLC, shitty mechanics and bad garish art.

Gems weren't a bad decision. I'll stand by them until the end of time. And on-disc DLC wasn't as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.

Sorny WAS responsible for locking down those characters for several months just to please the 10 people who owned the Vita version. Nobody would've been complaining nearly as loudly if everyone had the opportunity to buy those characters Day 1.


Gems weren't a bad decision. I'll stand by them until the end of time. And on-disc DLC wasn't as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.

Sorny WAS responsible for locking down those characters for several months just to please the 10 people who owned the Vita version. Nobody would've been complaining nearly as loudly if everyone had the opportunity to buy those characters Day 1.
Stat micromanagement is not something the majority of gamers want to be doing, regardless of genre.

Nyoro SF

Gems weren't a bad decision. I'll stand by them until the end of time. And on-disc DLC wasn't as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.

Sorny WAS responsible for locking down those characters for several months just to please the 10 people who owned the Vita version. Nobody would've been complaining nearly as loudly if everyone had the opportunity to buy those characters Day 1.

100% complete on-disc characters are a travesty regardless of when the date of release is.

It's much more difficult to get a new person into fighters when they're told they have to spend a 33% premium to unlock the whole roster, along with the bunches of money to unlock the necessary gems to compete properly.

SFxT was like a concentrated hellhole of Capcom's bad and greedy decisions. If that game is indicative of their future fighting games then I won't have a problem avoiding them next time.


Gems weren't a bad decision. I'll stand by them until the end of time. And on-disc DLC wasn't as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.
Then you stand alone until the end of time.

It's just now well-known enough unfortunately. I think that has to do with marketing.
All my non-FG gamer friends know about Marvel in that they know its a fighting game played competitively and is popular. The 2 main fighters that people know of in terms of competitive games are AE and Marvel. None of my gamer friends now about Persona, BB and they have lost count on which SC/Tekken game is the most recent.

A lot of DOTA/LoL players know about Marvel too and there is some overlap in their appeal. This is also why I stand firm (until the end of time like Professor Beef) that Marvel's game play mechanic has a lot of room for massive appeal but Capcom doesn't put in the effort and they lack the bigger picture. I will gladly move away from Marvel if someone copy/pastes the formula on an excellent engine and a dev willing to support the game like Valve/Riot does.
SFxT was definitely Capcom's screw up. And the fully completed DLC being hidden behind a paywall was just shitty.

They even had the nerve to release an artbook with only the first 25 (?) characters. What happens to the missing characters and their artwork?

Something like SFxT should never happen. It should've been big. If only Capcom wasn't damn greedy, and if only they didn't shove a million confusing subsystems into the game. Oh, and looking like SFIV was a horrible idea too.


Then you stand alone until the end of time.
All my non-FG gamer friends know about Marvel in that they know its a fighting game played competitively and is popular. The 2 main fighters that people know of in terms of competitive games are AE and Marvel. None of my gamer friends now about Persona, BB and they have lost count on which SC/Tekken game is the most recent.

A lot of DOTA/LoL players know about Marvel too and there is some overlap in their appeal. This is also why I stand firm (until the end of time like Professor Beef) that Marvel's game play mechanic has a lot of room for massive appeal but Capcom doesn't put in the effort and they lack the bigger picture. I will gladly move away from Marvel if someone copy/pastes the formula on an excellent engine and a dev willing to support the game like Valve/Riot does.
Dahbomb, have you tried Skullgirls? (Not trying to be facetious). It does have a lot of the mechanics and team building aspects that make Marvel so much fun IMO.
I don't know if I'd necessarily count them as being able to provide the same staggering amount of support that Valve has with some of their games. But there are DLC characters coming for Skullgirls in the near future.
Plus it has custom assists! As a man of the minions, you have to appreciate that.

SFxT was definitely Capcom's screw up. And the fully completed DLC being hidden behind a paywall was just shitty.
Agreed. If Capcom had done the following:
-1. Hadn't been so greedy with the on disc DLC
-2. Differentiated the art style more from SF4
-3. Balanced the game like SFxT2013 from the beginning
I honestly think the game could've been something truly great.


Dahbomb, have you tried Skullgirls? (Not trying to be facetious). It does have a lot of the mechanics and team building aspects that make Marvel so much fun IMO.
Yea I know about Skullgirls but the assists aren't their own button. And the main problem with that game is that the character roster isn't high enough to support unique 3v3 teams. Like if every person picked a different character on their team... that's like a majority of the cast being used in a single match! The whole point of Marvel style games is a shit load of characters combined to make a shit load of team combinations and synergies.

I do however love the idea of custom assists.


Yea I know about Skullgirls but the assists aren't their own button. And the main problem with that game is that the character roster isn't high enough to support unique 3v3 teams. Like if every person picked a different character on their team... that's like a majority of the cast being used in a single match! The whole point of Marvel style games is a shit load of characters combined to make a shit load of team combinations and synergies.

I do however love the idea of custom assists.
I didn't think about the assists not being their own button. I play on pad so I've got the combinations mapped to a single button. It would probably be different on a stick.

I agree with you on the roster size, I won't deny its small. I think if the game is given enough time and support to grow I think the roster could reach a pretty respectable size.


Wait there are assist in skullgirls?

And saying SFxTK has a million confusing subsystems is hilarious.

Chain combos/Launchers
Alpha counter
supers/tag supers



BTW, here's the confirmed information about Xbox One, online, and used games.

- 24 hour DRM
- 1 hour DRM if not using home console
- No games rentals
- Used games determined by publisher, participating retailers only
- Can lend a game to a friend whom has been on your friends list for at least 30 days, and only once

(Keeping my tinfoil hat freakout about MS, Kinect, and data privacy confined to twitter)


I didn't think about the assists not being their own button. I play on pad so I've got the combinations mapped to a single button. It would probably be different on a stick.

I agree with you on the roster size, I won't deny its small. I think if the game is given enough time and support to grow I think the roster could reach a pretty respectable size.
I really hope Skullgirls 2 (should it happen) is a 4-button game when playing with assists. The amount of assigned 2-button combos is problematic.

Wait there are assist in skullgirls?
Nice troll. :)

And saying SFxTK has a million confusing subsystems is hilarious.

Chain combos/Launchers
Alpha counter
supers/tag supers

Its not so much them being confusing (they're not) as it is the implentation being either annoying in general or overwhelming to players who aren't training lab monsters.


BTW, here's the confirmed information about Xbox One, online, and used games.

Okay Microsoft
Yea I know about Skullgirls but the assists aren't their own button. And the main problem with that game is that the character roster isn't high enough to support unique 3v3 teams. Like if every person picked a different character on their team... that's like a majority of the cast being used in a single match! The whole point of Marvel style games is a shit load of characters combined to make a shit load of team combinations and synergies.

I do however love the idea of custom assists.

Custom assists negate the small roster if you're only talking about combinations and synergy.

Variable team sizes do as well, to a smaller extent.


Gems weren't a bad decision. I'll stand by them until the end of time. And on-disc DLC wasn't as big of a deal as people were making it out to be.

Sorny WAS responsible for locking down those characters for several months just to please the 10 people who owned the Vita version. Nobody would've been complaining nearly as loudly if everyone had the opportunity to buy those characters Day 1.

If those characters were available on day than everyone would be complaining about how half (which would a large exaggeration) the cast was locked away. Sony's biggest blunder was being dumb enough to work with Capcom.

Sony's entire logic when dealing with Capcom should boil down to:
-Microsoft or Nintendo will outbid Sony on anything worthwhile
-Therefore anytime Capcom seems interested, Sony should walk away

Capcom could have just ate the bandwidth fees or negotiated them away as part of the deal. Instead they put it on the disk and gave consumers too much credit/too little credit depending on how you look at it.

MVC3 is still at least the 2nd most played/watched game in the competitive scene and sold well enough to get an expansion. Most companies WISHED their fighting games moved 2 million+ copies. I mean if Namco was willing to do SFxT after MVC3 and TVC then you know they did right with those games for the most part.

The caveat is plenty of publishers don't want 2M anymore. EA and Activision want 5M. Ditto for Ubisoft. Presumably the reason why they don't make fighting games.


Custom assists negate the small roster if you're only talking about combinations and synergy.

Variable team sizes do as well, to a smaller extent.
Synergies go behind just assist selection though. There is the whole anchor vs point, meter builder vs meter user, zoner vs rushdown, DHC synergies, THC synergies element to the team game that does not take assists into account. I mean if I am playing MorriDoom I still have the same synergies in terms of DHCs/combos despite selecting different assists for the characters.

In any case Skullgirl is now irrelevant because Microsoft is a bag of dumb bricks. Holy shit at that giant confirmation of DRMs and always online. What a colossal fuck up!


I'm curious how a big fighting game would work out as a launch or early release title for the new consoles. By the time SFIV hit, which got me into fighting games ('09er yolo), I already had a console. I'm a pretty hardcore fighting game player, and I hardly touch any non-competitive games, so at least for me, something like SFV or MvC4 really would drive a system purchase if they were to be console exclusive.


I wasn't aware that Skullgirls was an xbox exclusive.
I mean irrelevant as in the issue about Xbox One is more relevant than how Skullgirls has assists and team play.

I'm curious how a big fighting game would work out as a launch or early release title for the new consoles. By the time SFIV hit, which got me into fighting games ('09er yolo), I already had a console. I'm a pretty hardcore fighting game player, and I hardly touch any non-competitive games, so at least for, something like SFV or MvC4 really would drive a system purchase if they were to be console exclusive.
SFV exclusive would be a pretty big deal, MVC4 exclusive would be substantial as well. Although IMO it's not really worth it for Capcom to invest in exclusives unless the console maker is providing them with enough money hats to recuperate the cost of sales lost from not releasing on another console.


Sorry, I mean exclusive to consoles as in not on PC. It would be pretty crazy if a Capcom/Namco fighter were to release exclusively on one console.
Sony is (at best) leaving it up to publishers. Capcom took advantage of the online only option for Final Fight and a couple of other games. Seems like a 70-30 in favor of getting the shaft from Capcom.

I don't see them doing it for their flagship fighting games unless Capcom has completely lost any interest in the tourney scene. The used game thing MS is doing is exceptionally dumb for offline tournaments since you would need a different person sign into every console and that person's account also needs to have whatever "licenses" for games being played on that console. Also, the PS4 is more powerful so who knows if xbone will be able to run games at a steady 60fps if they're not being developed for complete parity.


I don't see them doing it for their flagship fighting games unless Capcom has completely lost any interest in the tourney scene. The used game thing MS is doing is exceptionally dumb for offline tournaments since you would need a different person sign into every console and that person's account also needs to have whatever "licenses" for games being played on that console.
It's already an annoying issue on XBOX as is. The reasons XBOX is preferred is due to it running the games more smoothly, and that argument's likely not going to hold water with the next gen.

Sony's moneyhatting of EVO paying off (for the FGC) after all these years of suffering.
That could potentially be amazing. I want another great 2d side scrolling beat em up.
All I've been playing (at least before Sonic 3 Complete was released) is Streets of Rage Remake. I still love the game, and I want Bombergames to try their hand at making a crossover. Fuckin' Sega man. Can't believe they put the kibosh on it. At least the game was already done.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yeah I don't see how MS would be at all comfortable doing shit like this unless they knew that Sony was doing something similar. I expect Sony will have similar restrictions, only they aren't stupid enough to tip their hand first so there might be 1 or 2 big differences to make people go "Man that sucks but at least it's not as bad as the Xbone shit."
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