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Final Fantasy Brand Was Considered “In Danger” Pre-FFXV, Had <5M Initial Sales Target

While it has its fair share of issues, FFXV is a pretty good game and if they build on the foundation of this game I think FFXVI could be truly something special.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Man, imagine the pressure of having told "lol if you dont sell 5 million you killed this legendary series lol".
I would have panicked out right there.
Don't really care about PR for Tabata being the 'savior' as if he was Sakauchi incarnate. They would not have canceled their biggest IP in favor of nothing just because it under performed especially with FF14 raking in the money and cash flow and FF7R already being well into production.

Most likely they would have just scaled down production costs for their next single player venture and it still would have cost more to make than any game in Japan by any other studio.

Yeah, this is my thinking too. The likelihood of them actually ending the series if XV failed seems extremely low. It just would have resulted in a different direction moving forward and undoubtedly lower budgets for mainline instalments.
I've completed two playthroughs of FFXV and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of each. Haven't been that into a Final Fantasy since X dropped during winter break in high school. Always great to hear about its success; it's definitely a big step back in the right direction for the single-player games. For the first time in a while, I'm pretty excited to see where the series is headed!

I like the "bonus story" about Tabata and his daughter from Kotaku:

Based Tabata.


eh, after Tabata and Toriyama i actually i don't want any new mainline FF games, bring on the remakes.

More remakes, yes! But I'd prefer them to stay faithful to the originals, and not re-imagined too much like FF7R. Turn based combat can very much still be in modern games
Excellent news

Reviewed well, sold well, exceeded expectations, all great things that a great game deserves.

SE still needs to get the FF Brand in order, but XV and XIV: ARR and hopefully FFVII remake are all good starts this generation.


I guess many here on gaf wanted FF XV to fail to show Square Enix that Final Fantasy is only turn based. It seems they were not far off, considering this:

Shortly after Tabata-san was named Director of the game, he talked with the head of sales at Square Enix, and learned that sales forecasts for the game were quite low, under five millions worldwide. Moving away from turn-based combat had been deemed unwise, and that the Final Fantasy brand had was considered “diminished” and “in danger.”

It's now Tabata's fault if Final Fantasy won't return to its glorious turn based gameplay roots. He is not a savior, at all.

I find the hate-on that GAF has for FF XV to be hilarious. It's a situation where people are legitimately mad that the game isn't as bad as they hoped it would be to justify years of shitposting about the project.

The game is objectively bad. The game runs crappy, the overworld is empty and you cannot freely explore it (weird barriers exist that doesnt let you to go to places that seem so near but are just out of reach), you cant swim, your car only works in certain situations, the battle system is simplistic but yet the camera is terribad and after chapter 8 the openworld just vanishes and the game is just a crappy corridor game.


eh, after Tabata and Toriyama i actually i don't want any new mainline FF games, bring on the remakes.

They can start with a 3D VI and an offline XI - in the meantime I'd enjoy me some Dissidia if SE released the new ones outside Japan...
Flawed as it is, I'm happy that a game as unique as FFXV was released by a major publisher and found success. With this and XIV, I'm pretty happy with the current state of FF. Now, just give me Dissidia and Theatrythm on Switch, dammit.
Lmao as if. FF7 prints money. If FFXV failed, they would have just gone full steam ahead with remaking FF6 as well.

They probably could have saved a lot of money if they didn't make Kingsglaive, but what do I know?
Turn-based combat will live on in the series in the spin-offs like World of FF while I doubt the next game will be full-on action, it might have another new type of battle system with a more active involvement of the player.
The Final Fantasy brand is still in danger. One decent mainline game isn't going to counteract years and years of damage inflicted by Square's horrendous brand management.

Right. It's important to note here that 6m worldwide is above their expectations, but still the continuation of a major brand decline worldwide (and especially in Japan.) As with XIV:ARR, the fact that they managed to ship a functional and respectable game out of the mess they were given is impressive and speaks well to Tabata's team's ability to triage a disaster scenario, but it doesn't address the underlying organization-wide problems that led to XII, XIII, XIV, and XV all going deep into the weeds and burning enormous quantities of wasted cash during extended development, then shipping essentially unfinished. A turnaround for the brand would be launching an XVI in a reasonable timeframe with a significant sales increase over XV; their efforts on XV have put them in the position where they have the opportunity for that success but they're still a long ways from proving that they can take advantage of it.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
lol at thinking that FF as an IP would be in any danger when they announce mobile spin offs like every two weeks. Same for remakes and console spin-offs.

I get why they are going with this narrative but come on.


I'm disappointed in myself for buying this game and supporting it. I'd rather the series die than continue as this mediocrity. The mobile games are better.
I suppose this means going forward they won't be doing anymore turn base systems? if that's the case the series may as well be dead for all I care


The game is objectively bad. The game runs crappy, the overworld is empty and you cannot freely explore it (weird barriers exist that doesnt let you to go to places that seem so near but are just out of reach), you cant swim, your car only works in certain situations, the battle system is simplistic but yet the camera is terribad and after chapter 8 the openworld just vanishes and the game is just a crappy corridor game.
People here are blind apparently.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Does anyone know if Kingsglaive costed a lot, like Spirits Within?


Not where it should be the most. Plot and narrative.

Even FFXIV had a better narrative in Heavensward. XV story is still a mess but the sales are good news :) In my opinion they could reach the same target with half the job they've done on this game. Hope they won't focus on the open world mechanics again in the next game.
I'm disappointed in myself for buying this game and supporting it. I'd rather the series die than continue as this mediocrity. The mobile games are better.
Ehhh..... you can have your mobile games and leave us with our offline SP FF games. No one is forcing you to get them and SE will keep releasing new mobile FF games making you happy.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
There's no way it costed over 100 million, lol.

It's much below that, but none of us really know.
Spirits Within costed Square 100 million...?

B... but why
The initial sales for FFXV were under 5 million as Square Enix wasn't confident in the new direction for the series. The series would have ended if the target was not meet.

4chan leaker redeemed?
[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1233181"]"Is FFXVI being worked on right now? and by who?"
FFXVI is only going to happen if XV does well[/URL]
Does anyone know if Kingsglaive costed a lot, like Spirits Within?
Spirit Within was developed on a tech that was revolutionary at that time + it also covered the cost of a new studio in America, headed by Sakaguchi. This was the reason the budget was huge.

Kingsglaive is a mix of outsourced assets (cheap) + the likely CGI budget allocated for FFXV into a movie. It is mostly in-house and done at studio in Japan so the cost is likely lower compared to something like Spirits Within.

Do we have an official budget for Advent Children?

4chan leaker redeemed?
[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1233181"]"Is FFXVI being worked on right now? and by who?"
FFXVI is only going to happen if XV does well[/URL]
He leaked the story, so I guess he was already redeemed :p


I'm disappointed in myself for buying this game and supporting it. I'd rather the series die than continue as this mediocrity. The mobile games are better.

I suppose this means going forward they won't be doing anymore turn base systems? if that's the case the series may as well be dead for all I care

Posts like this make me really glad that XV is successful.

Haters will hate regardless of what they do with the series.
While I'm as happy as everyone else that FFXV sold & the FF brand will keep going on strong for at least another cycle, I hope they don't learn all the wrong lessons from XV.
It would be sad if the franchise that saved Squaresoft was killed by Square-Enix's mismanagement, but it isn't surprising to hear it'd gotten that bad. At least any FFXVI will have a chance at being its own thing.
While it has its fair share of issues, FFXV is a pretty good game and if they build on the foundation of this game I think FFXVI could be truly something special.

That's the right way of looking at it. It was a salvage job that somehow ended up to be a beautiful mess and my GOTY. There is really a lot of elements of the game that XV does well, and I can't accept the notion that the game is a critical or series failure.

With that weight lifted off their shoulders, I would expect a much more focused and polished XVI just like I expect Ueda's follow up to be completed in a more timely manner.


So many great series would kill to be in FF's situation right now. Well, if that is really true then PS saved FF from dying. :D


People buy shit games, news at 11.

While I'm as happy as everyone else that FFXV sold & the FF brand will keep going on strong for at least another cycle, I hope they don't learn all the wrong lessons from XV.

If Tabata is anywhere near XVI, they will have.


Final Fantasy XV is really fun and awesome in its first few hours. I was crazy addicted in the beginning. G Quay is so memorable to me.

But the second half... :(

Ray Down

Wait Tabata basically confirmed that FFXVI wasn't anywhere in development

Ito where are you

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