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Final Fantasy Brand Was Considered “In Danger” Pre-FFXV, Had <5M Initial Sales Target


Posts like this make me really glad that XV is successful.

Haters will hate regardless of what they do with the series.

Or I'll just hate when they make a terrible game. It's OK to like bad games. I'm sure there are a lot of people that enjoy barren open worlds, incoherent plot, terrible combat and control, broken camera, 95% fetch quests, unlikable characters and a superboss health sponge that literally does nothing whatsoever as you wack at it for 15 minutes holding the attack button.
Not buying the narrative and I say this as someone who appreciates what Tabata could with the game. FF as a brand while wounded is still huge and no matter what it would keep going in some form or another.

With that said I am glad the game was a success.
People buy shit games, news at 11.


this is so not true.

the worst that could have happened was for them to change direction again and re-think their past bad decisions during this decade.

"Final Fantasy" as a brand name is too big and is worth too much for them to just kill it off.

So yea, not true.

Ray Down

Then again Jun randomly did the cut scene's for World of FF after not doing anything else since FF12 Zodiac, lol.

So Ito will just randomly be the co director of something.


Or I'll just hate when they make a terrible game. It's OK to like bad games. I'm sure there are a lot of people that enjoy barren open worlds, incoherent plot, terrible combat and control, broken camera, 95% fetch quests, unlikable characters and a superboss health sponge that literally does nothing whatsoever as you wack at it for 15 minutes holding the attack button.

LOL, you just describe exactly how I felt about the game, glad I am not the only one. The series is dead to me unless they really go back to its root.
this is so not true.

the worst that could have happened was for them to change direction again and re-think their past bad decisions during this decade.

"Final Fantasy" as a brand name is too big and is worth too much for them to just kill it off.

So yea, not true.
I mean we can all speculate about it but we are in no position to know what the inner working of SE was at that time.

They have made a lot of dumb decisions like bringing back Deus Ex only to kill it again after the next game. Killing Tomb Raider by making it exclusive after multi million selling reboot and then risking the comeback of Hitman by making it episodic.

I don't find it hard to believe they could have attempted something with FF as a brand. Maybe made it online MMO and mobile focused only, where it still had some degree of success. But it is clear that the future of an offline SP game in the traditional sense was at risk here.


I am happy for FF Franchise, and i love the Lore from FFXV, after reading all the infos on the net, gameguide etc., but Tabata and his team did a terrible job with this game. I really don't know if i want to see him on another main FF-Game... but maybe if it was his project from beginning it would be different? But all of his games are so mediocre... but those endings are so awesome... ahhh, i can't decide xD.


Does anybody really think that would have happen .
FFVIIR was already on it's way .

Thought it was obvious they were talking about the mega budget mainline games, not the entire IP.

Even if they stopped making games today they could still sell the existing FF games for years to come.


I'm glad it did well and this wasn't the end of offline FF. Though I never thought it was. Whether they go full action or turn-based from now on, I'm looking forward to the future of FF.
I wonder, if they do decide to go full action, would a Platinum x Square collaboration like NieR Automata be out of the question? I think that would be fantastic, and surely Square can see how much people love the combat in that game. It would also allow the Square side to focus on the world design, story and cutscenes more, which seem to be their main strengths.

Also, since this confirms yet another point from that major FFXV leak, I wouldn't be surprised if the rest (planned monster form of the final boss, constant rewrites, no clothes that weren't black, deliberate padding with fetch quests) was true also at one point, though I suppose it doesn't really matter anymore.


Damn. SE was thinking turn-based was the way to return to, but I guess they aren't anymore :(.

Lower budget, turned-based FF with lower production values opening up the range of content...that's what I want...Shouldn't have given them that sale I guess lol.

But really, sort of sounds like BS. Since when did SE want to push turn-based on a game looking for western sales?

Ray Down

I'm glad it did well and this wasn't the end of offline FF. Though I never thought it was. Whether they go full action or turn-based from now on, I'm looking forward to the future of FF.
I wonder, if they do decide to go full action, would a Platinum x Square collaboration like NieR Automata be out of the question? I think that would be fantastic, and surely Square can see how much people love the combat in that game. It would also allow the Square side to focus on the world design, story and cutscenes more, which seem to be their main strengths.

Platinum isn't going to suddenly do a main-title FF game, maybe a mid tier spin-off. Like how they basically out-sourced FF13-2 and Lightning Returns to Tri-Ace.
I'm still really confused about where FF is right now.

Cause Gaf loves it so much and wants every FF to be like that, reviews are good, sales are good.

Yet every, every casual ff fan i know in real life, here in France, tells me they, and there friends, didn't buy it or bought it and sold it after 1 week.

Since the beginning i talked about that, and a certain "core" ff audience being absolutely abandoned by that game. At that point i don't know anymore how true is this or how new is FFXV audience.

We'll see.

But i fear (or do i hope ?) the game was big cause of the insane wait and hype, but it hides a bad bad situation for the brand.

Haha it is the exact same thing for me and I am French. Must be a French thing. ;-) all my friends who fell in love with the series during the SNES days don't care about XV or don't like it or just at like it but with little enthusiasm. It is just as if the series was already dead for them. even my 18 years old step brother who is younger and became a fan during the PS2 days seem to have more interest in X remaster or even XIII. I basically know nobody around me who play or enjoy the game...



The irony of course is you yourself and many other posters that like the game have admitted many times over that it does have problems and the game itself is a salvage job.

Like the above poster said, liking games with issues is more than fine. SE being rewarded for it though is concerning at the very best.

That you can do the bare minimum and still be successful isn't a good message to send any creator in any medium, period. The difference between XV and most other games in the series is it sold well despite its flaws and not because of its achievements. I just don't think that's worth celebrating or applauding and certainly not worth being smug about.
I'm relieved and delighted FFXV has done so well. I also have to hope that Square would surely consider/would have considered being less ambitious with their production scale and scope for the franchise over taking Old Yeller Fantasy out back for good.

Tabata, his daughter, and the Family Day antecdote is so touching, I hope it's something that is continued. (I did have to laugh, re: his daughter's drawing - 'It wasn't a good drawing, actually.' The harsh truth comes out, I'm sure my parents thought the same thing.)


This seems kind of ridiculous. There were so many factors that went into the expanded costs and time of this game. Surely there would have been a "what went wrong, what can we make sure we don't do again" before cutting off the series altogether.
it is a failure, not a commercial one but a failure of a game.

The game is objectively bad. The game runs crappy, the overworld is empty and you cannot freely explore it (weird barriers exist that doesnt let you to go to places that seem so near but are just out of reach), you cant swim, your car only works in certain situations, the battle system is simplistic but yet the camera is terribad and after chapter 8 the openworld just vanishes and the game is just a crappy corridor game.

I'm disappointed in myself for buying this game and supporting it. I'd rather the series die than continue as this mediocrity. The mobile games are better.

I suppose this means going forward they won't be doing anymore turn base systems? if that's the case the series may as well be dead for all I care

People buy shit games, news at 11.

If Tabata is anywhere near XVI, they will have.

I can't think of anything positive to say about XV, I just hope future FF games are nothing like XV.



I mean we can all speculate about it but we are in no position to know what the inner working of SE was at that time.

They have made a lot of dumb decisions like bringing back Deus Ex only to kill it again after the next game. Killing Tomb Raider by making it exclusive after multi million selling reboot and then risking the comeback of Hitman by making it episodic.

I don't find it hard to believe they could have attempted something with FF as a brand. Maybe made it online MMO and mobile focused only, where it still had some degree of success. But it is clear that the future of an offline SP game in the traditional sense was at risk here.

It's not speculation. It's business. Final Fantasy is successful because is one of the few if not the only behemoth-big budget JRPG in the industry. There will always be a worldwide market for that because competition in that subgenre is not as bad as in others.

There is no reason for S-E to change from sub-market if this one has no strong competition. The only result if sales would have disappointed would have been a change of direction in gaming design but again, the future of Final Fantasy XVI as a big budget single JRPG has always been extremely secure.


It is very scary for Square to operate on their biggest franchise and have the margin of success be "5 mil? Failure. 6m+? TASUKATTA!!!!"


FFXV Defense Force is unable to comprehend that having an absolutely fucking ridiculous marketing campaign including a full length theatrical CGI movie is a large part of what led to hitting sales goals. FFXV had crazy preorders, it was going to sell well before anyone even knew if it was a turd or not.

The fact that the game is still being heavily developed post-release is all you need to know about whether it's a good game or not.


Right. It's important to note here that 6m worldwide is above their expectations, but still the continuation of a major brand decline worldwide (and especially in Japan.) As with XIV:ARR, the fact that they managed to ship a functional and respectable game out of the mess they were given is impressive and speaks well to Tabata's team's ability to triage a disaster scenario, but it doesn't address the underlying organization-wide problems that led to XII, XIII, XIV, and XV all going deep into the weeds and burning enormous quantities of wasted cash during extended development, then shipping essentially unfinished. A turnaround for the brand would be launching an XVI in a reasonable timeframe with a significant sales increase over XV; their efforts on XV have put them in the position where they have the opportunity for that success but they're still a long ways from proving that they can take advantage of it.

I blame the transition to HD-era graphics and the lack of a good game engine for them to use (so they made their own that was powerful but unwieldy).

I think UE4 having great Japanese documentation is a godsend for SE right now.


This seems kind of ridiculous. There were so many factors that went into the expanded costs and time of this game. Surely there would have been a "what went wrong, what can we make sure we don't do again" before cutting off the series altogether.

It's bullshit to try to play into a "comeback kid" narrative. That's how they've been painting Tabata for years and now they have the numbers to put behind it, so why stop? The franchise wouldn't have died with this though, no. They already have huge productions going and it doesn't take any deep analysis to figure out what's wrong with XV.

Drama is compelling. Nothing else to it.


The irony of course is you yourself and many other posters that like the game have admitted many times over that it does have problems and the game itself is a salvage job.

Like the above poster said, liking games with issues is more than fine. SE being rewarded for it though is concerning at the very best.

That you can do the bare minimum and still be successful isn't a good message to send any creator in any medium, period. The difference between XV and most other games in the series is it sold well despite its flaws and not because of its achievements. I just don't think that's worth celebrating or applauding and certainly not worth being smug about.

Dumb driveby shitposts from people clearly mad that a game they didn't like is doing well are worth being smug about


FFXV Defense Force is unable to comprehend that having an absolutely fucking ridiculous marketing campaign including a full length theatrical CGI movie is a large part of what led to hitting sales goals. FFXV had crazy preorders, it was going to sell well before anyone even knew if it was a turd or not.

The fact that the game is still being heavily developed post-release is all you need to know about whether it's a good game or not.

It's better than FFXIII. That's good enough for me.
But GAF told FF XV was a giant failure!?

Good that FF survived the XIII era, that one could sink any franchise


Lol @ people saying "Tabata is the savior of offline FF games". They were never in danger. It's just that the XIII series, even though it sold well, was unpopular among players (and that's due to a lot of complaining on the internet, even from people who probably never played the game).

XIV was the main problem and Yoshida solved it.

It's better than FFXIII. That's good enough for me.

I waited years for XV and I prefer FFXIII. Maybe I'm just butthurt over Versus but clearly, XIII felt complete and had an artistic vision and direction.
You can literally taste the salt from some people in here.

I'm glad FFXV was a big success as it was a fantastic game. Tabata got the job done.


I am glad it sold well, but I really hope the next Final Fantasy game is a little more polished (and feels a little more complete). I can accept the condition FFXV was in this time around due to its very troubled development, but it will be more of a problem if FFXVI has similar issues.

The game is great, glad it sold well for them. I hope this means from now on the mainline games aren't turn based, that's a thing of the past.
No one wants to play a AAA turn based rpg on their TV.

Pretty dubious statement.
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