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G/A/F? 6 Black Students Ejected of Apple Store Because They “Might Steal Something"

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Fucking disgusting and fuck an apology. Dude should be fired. Please someone tell me that's happened.

I mean if that's how you choose to describe yourself be my guest.

for the record nobody called your a racist. Your initial post was ignorant as hell though, but instead of acknowledging that or even simply leaving the thread you chose to double down, and that's on you.

It's always the double down.....
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.

because as it's been stated, apple doesn't have a policy like that


Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.

Did they also say they were afraid you would steal something?
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.

Sorry? But you're white and just don't get it.

As someone who is half Hispanic, I've been followed through stores and watched from my teenage years to even now. This has nothing to do with fucking crying about it. It feels shitty when employees do that to you, no matter the age. It happens outside of teenage years to people of color.

Can I prove that an employee was following me or didn't allow me to enter a store because of racism? Probably not, but it can be a factor and something I should never have to put up with.
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.

Your anecdotal evidence is nothing compared to the hundreds of times black people are stalked in stores while shopping, watched, and sometimes openly told that they might be shoplifting even when they aren't.

PC World isn't Apple. That's like saying I had a bad experience at Circuit City so that totally relates to this person's bad experience at Best Buy.

You probably didn't "cry" about it because you are white and therefore don't have to deal with this shit on the regular beyond possibly a class system. And that's stretching.

Being treated like a bunch of rowdy kids is different than being treated like an animal.

And there is no actual policy stating a group of kids can't come into Apple.

That's not even getting into the fact that they were told straight up to their faces that the employees believed they would steal something, where you were simply told to leave.

Some of you should really think hard before you post.


Of course I don't think it is inherent to America I was just writing quickly and didn't word myself correctly.

I do think, however, think that American media, which has completely dominated Australian culture for the last 60+ years, has played a major role in propagating racism and stereotypes against black people.

I also think Institutionalised white colonialist ideas have played a part but I'm not sure if it is as large. Especially given Australia's history where colonialism is more immediately associated with the treatment of aboriginals.
You are correct. I live in Winnipeg, Canada where Aboriginal people are the group that suffers the most. However, as an African, I am constantly mistaken for an African American. When a stranger approaches me, they open with "Yo!", "Hey man!" or "Wassup man!". And when a stranger thanks me, they do some fancy mix of a sideways high five that becomes some kind of handshake that I've seen on TV before (still can't do it right). I live in a city with basically zero African Americans so where did these expectations and stereotypes come from? American media. The worst part isn't those harmless errors that I just mentioned but the negative stereotypes that these Aussies had to deal with. It makes shopping stressful.
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.
You're white. You don't have to worry about PC World's motivation for turning you away, non-white people do.
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.


So what if PC world rejected you guys? Apple has no policy whatsoever on limiting who can come into their stores. That and it's almost impossible to steal anything from an apple store.
Don't see how this has been portrayed as racist. Me and a few friends (all white) once got refused entry into PC world in our teenage years. We didn't cry about it we just went to currys instead. The policy is probably to be wary of groups of teenagers.

That's because when it happens to you you KNOW it wasn't race. Now that I'm getting older me being followed around doesn't happen as much but when I was younger it'd happen all the fucking time. It's a combination of youth and ethnicity.

So on one hand yea age is a factor as it was for your experience but ethnicity can also be a fucking factor. Why can't we just concede this and not do it and move on.

Apple is a multibillion dollar company. That Apple Store could lose all its display items and they're insured and its a drop in the bucket.

I did loss prevention for a chain store for a while and you can NOT profile people like that. You keep an eye on them if you feel they might be trouble. But you have cameras for that.

Can't just bar someone from coming in based off their skin color. The fact that people want to go above and beyond to give the benefit of the doubt to clear examples of racism shows that there's a bias there regarding the subject.
Neither does/did PC World. It's private property the store managers have the right to refuse entry to anyone.

Then they should put a "No Blacks Allowed" sign up and be consistent.

Do you not see the implications of telling Black customers they can't enter the store because of an assumption of theft?

You were profiled most likely because of your age. They were profiled most likely because of their ethnicity and their age.

Neither are appropriate.
Then they should put a "No Blacks Allowed" sign up and be consistent.

Do you not see the implications of telling Black customers they can't enter the store because of an assumption of theft?

You were profiled most likely because of your age. They were profiled most likely because of their ethnicity and their age.

Neither are appropriate.

Yeah but dude, he didn't cry about it so there's really no issue. Why can't the black kids just get over it?


and as others have stated for black people this is a recurring problem how often does this happen to you?

Now that you pointed this out, probably all the time just to prove his point right.


I go to this shopping centre all the time and the area is pretty multicultural. Makes me wonder, if this Apple store manager is suspicious of and racist towards black people, why hasn't an incident happened much sooner? Many black people would make up the traffic of that store per day.

*I sadly agree that this would be racial profiling, so don't misinterpret this post as Apple store defence.


I mean, that is where Hitler came from

Coincidentally, Austria is what the 'A' in this meme is supposed to stand for back when we had a period of horrible German, Austrian, and Floridian news. But any story using this meme that isn't Florida these days is a nice surprise.
I go to this shopping centre all the time and the area is pretty multicultural. Makes me wonder, if this Apple store manager is suspicious of and racist towards black people, why hasn't an incident happened much sooner? Many black people would make up the traffic of that store per day.

*I sadly agree that this would be racial profiling, so don't misinterpret this post as Apple store defence.

It probably has happened before, just didn't get reported. Nice thing about the huge rise of social media, stuff that has happened for decades is getting its few minutes in the spotlight, problem gets solved in a small local sense, and the next small racist/sexist/etc issue pops up somewhere else and gets the spotlight.

Racist/sexist/immigrant/etc issues like this aren't going to be solved by some global declaration that X is bad and everyone should stop, but by millions of these kinds of little incidents over long spans of time getting attention and fixed. Tools like social media are just accelerating the progress wildly beyond what was possible a decade or two ago.

Of course we also take a few steps back every now and then, since its just as easy for morons to post their pet peeves on social media and draw attention. But on the whole the balance is good.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
But I was told that Australia doesn't have a race problem! By T.I., various GAF members, and ASAP Ferg!

It's true though. These are all isolated cases you've been hearing about. No reason to be alarmed. Like most problems, if you ignore it then it'll go away.


contribute something
There nees to be more movies and series that have he low-key racism as topic. Racism is a topic that is used often, but more often than not it escalates within seconds.

Definitely. It's super easy to picture racists as dirt-poor Southerners with Aryan Nation tattoos, but the reality is a lot more subtle. I'm sure that the vast majority of people who oppose anti-racist activism like the Missouri incident consider themselves to be tolerant people.


This is the Highpoint store right?

Yeah, I've been to this one a few times, as well as the George St store in Sydney, and they're usually packed with school kids. The idea they were turned away because they were teenagers is some face saving shit.

Would have thought people in Melbourne would have been a bit more wary of this since the Border Farce but I guess not.
Pretty sure that's not Apple's policy though, but go ahead keep making excuses for them.

Absolutely not making excuses for them I just wanted to know more behind the why before being reactionary.

I've seen too many stories where the full story is completely different to that given in the media so I'm always a little patient before jumping the gun.

Going off other posters (*edit and publics) saying its quite common to see kids en-masse in that particular store obviously doesn't give credence to it just being a cautious manager anymore.
Absolutely not making excuses for them I just wanted to know more behind the why before being reactionary.

I've seen too many stories where the full story is completely different to that given in the media so I'm always a little patient before jumping the gun.

Going off other posters (*edit and publics) saying its quite common to see kids en-masse in that particular store obviously doesn't give credence to it just being a cautious manager anymore.

There's a video, a story, and an apology. It's common knowledge, both from experience and outright how Apple deals with customers, that they don't turn kids of "large" numbers away.

I get being cautious, but man, there's a lot of evidence already set in stone.


You're right, you got me. I'm a total racist asshole. Maybe even a Nazi!

That's sarcasm by the way, don't try read into it too much.

But I will walk away, I don't have the energy or patience to try and defend myself. You guys sure beat me good and proper in this fight.

jfc again with anime avatar.

No one accused you of being a racist. Just plain ignorant and tone deaf.
There's a video, a story, and an apology. It's common knowledge, both from experience and outright how Apple deals with customers, that they don't turn kids of "large" numbers away.

I get being cautious, but man, there's a lot of evidence already set in stone.

Nearest apple store to me is several hundred miles from me by boat or plane. Can't recall the last time I ever saw or set foot in one. So for me it isn't common knowledge.

I've also stated in my last post that I am off the fence now having read anecdotes. Although maybe not overly obvious reading it back.


All of the shops near my school had signs in the windows saying "one child at a time" and they'd kick you out if you tried to go in as a group.

GAF is too quick to jump on the racially upset train because it's not good enough to be not racist, you need to be TURBO not racist by being offended at anything that has black skin in the news/social media.

Even though black people, black americans that is, get super star kayne west status in Australia but that's for another discussion.


I'm half white and asian and was kicked out of a store as a teenager. I was in there for like 1 minute. Another time I found a stray dog with a tag and brought him back to the owner, the old woman screamed like I was going to rob her and called me a n-word. Growing up in in southern US. One gets used to it.


You guys aren't really suggesting that 6 white kids getting denied entry to an Apple store would have created a news article, or a thread discussing the issue on GAF are you? Come the fuck on.

Lucky you.

On the vast breadth of the Internet in the Western hemisphere, your opinions are likely with the majority.
GAF is too quick to jump on the racially upset train because it's not good enough to be not racist, you need to be TURBO not racist by being offended at anything that has black skin in the news/social media.

Even though black people, black americans that is, get super star kayne west status in Australia but that's for another discussion.

What does that last paragraph even mean?

Also dude the store basically admitted it was racism
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