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Gaf. show off your pets.

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Hah, crazy. This is the thread from the day I got my dog.



New NOMNOM gif ? :p


i keep seeing "pets" as "penis"

I used to have two pets but they both had to go. one melted the hockey table and the other was nearly a wild animal.

Joe T.

Low quality pics (not sure why I had them saved as JPG), but my ex's cat Maya, now in my care:


Chilling while I play Final Fantasy XIV:

Playing innocent:


My then girlfriend pleaded with me to let her adopt it about two and a half years ago when it was just a few months old, brought it home and shortly after letting it loose we lost sight of it, wondering where it had run off to. We must have spent a couple of hours running around our two story home looking for it, wondering where on earth it could have gone. A third look under the bed with a flashlight had revealed that it found a tiny space in the corner that it had jumped up into, cowering. She was, and still is, a paranoid little thing, very apprehensive of anyone that isn't my ex or I. Never really got along with our two other cats either.

My ex couldn't take care of her anymore and I knew I'd hate myself if I didn't take her in. Always greets my mom with a hiss which always makes me laugh.
We've got two rescue kitties, Minnie and Elwood. (Named after a song from Blues Brothers, and Dan Aykroyd's character from Blues Brothers, respectively) Apparently they were found as feral kittens at a very young age and we rescued 'em from Cats Protection. The funny thing is that compared to the previous two kitties we had (who both have now sadly passed away), they cannot be bothered with going outside. Since we had this awful weather in the UK, they don't want to go out in it. So lazy!

So here's Minnie smiling for the camera... lol (I think she had just yawned)




Nice !

Are you letting it run free across the house ?

We used to have a rabbit and let it run free in the house up until she decided to take a dump in the sofa .

For my mother that was one bridge too far and we kept it in the enclosure since then .

After i started working , there was nobody home to take care of him so we gave him away to my Aunt where the old girl still lives today .
Our dog was real sick over the winter. Had several lipomas which we have had checkups on, but both the vets we asked said it was not worth doing anything about. But yeah, one morning our dog must have either scratched it open or something cause it had clearly been bleeding on the neck.

Went to vet

Said he would schedule a time for operation next week. Was a pretty terrible week as she was sick and weak, could barely eat (which when being a beagle is usually no problem)

Well the day for surgery came... and of course on that day, as we just started driving to the vet (who is about 30 min away) the thing burst. It was streaming out of her neck with thick thick mixture of blood and pus. Luckily we had a few towels in the car but there was a hell lot of it. Was real fucking scared at this point as she acted like a dying dog, just sitting still looking sad and confused.

He then delayed the surgery once more cause she had a fever, but did squeeze most of it out. When we got home she threw up a couple of times but overall seemed a lot better already, after having barely been able to move for a week.

Well in the end she got her surgery and everything went well, she was drugged up as fuck when we went to pick her up and didn't seem to mind the stitches or anything at any point.

So yeah, was some terrible weeks right there but everything is back to normal now. :D
Bigboy, who is around 16 or, 17.

What a cute boy. But what is it with cats and boxes? It's like an inbuilt thing with them. Every cat we've owned (during my lifetime, my family's owned 5 cats, including the current 2) has liked boxes. Ranging from scratching the shit out of the box, to sitting in the box, to sleeping in it, to hiding under an upturned one. They're bananas.

Our current cats have a fascination for crinkled up paper. They love the noise of it crinkling and then you just chuck it like a ball or cat toy and they (especially Minnie) usually catch it or run the fuck after it and carry it back. They are a weird pair.

Here's my lionhead bunny, Nibbler.

Really wish we got him fixed when he was a baby, but we were cheap and figured it couldn't be that bad. He's mostly well behaved, but he's got burning hot lust for pajama pants.


This is my friend's totally awesome cat, Rufus. I've asked him if he fancying moving out and being my wingman but so far no joy.



Well, just gave away my two cats due to my unexpected allergies. It has hit me harder than I expected, I miss them already. :(
I don't have any pets but my parents have this little guy named Gizmo, though we call him Gizzy sometimes. He hasn't gotten any bigger than when this pic was taken. I had to go out and get him a collar with a small bell on it so we wouldn't step on him when he walks all around the house.



Not my pet but someone from my husky group posted this picture of a dog he rescued last year.

Its a malamute

well done human. :)
Hello GAF! Allow me to introduce to my dog, Dug. He is a 1 1/2 year old white Labrador. I rescued him when he was 6 months old. The name Dug, came from the movie "UP". It's one of my favorite movies ever, and well my Dug has the same personality as movie Dug.

Breaking Bad Halloween Costume.


He tucked himself into bed one night.


Celebrating his first Christmas last year.


He loves the Carolina Panthers....and drinking. :p


And one of my favorite pictures ever, Him cuddling/sleeping next to his Dug Doll.


He is a fantastic dog and he is loyal, loves people and other dogs. Very active and tons of energy. I love to wrestle and play Tug of War with him. He's the best.


Here's my Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix. His name is Ike and is da bomb! Such a fantastic little buddy!



He cut himself on some glass, which is why there's a bandage around his foot.



Gold Member
Here is my cat. His name is Monty. :p I adopted him and he's been a great cat.
He demands attention. Here is a pic where he always cuddles up next to me.



Dylan chillin' with his favourite tennis ball earlier today. If you think he's got no shame now you should have seen him before the vet whipped his plums off. Man, was he ever proud of those knackers...



Nice !

Are you letting it run free across the house ?

We used to have a rabbit and let it run free in the house up until she decided to take a dump in the sofa .

For my mother that was one bridge too far and we kept it in the enclosure since then .

After i started working , there was nobody home to take care of him so we gave him away to my Aunt where the old girl still lives today .

Sorry, missed this before. Yes, Heikki runs loose in my apartment.

Rabbits do two kinds of pooh for a few reasons.

The hard, dry pooh is generally done in their toilet corner, or in the case of house-trained rabbits in their litter box. If you put a litter box with recycled paper pellets in the corner they use until they have been once or twice you can then move that and consider them house-trained. Occasionally rabbits will leave these dry, odourless, and utterly unoffensive poohs lying around in a few places to show it is their territory. If it was this kind of pooh your mother overreacted in a major way.

The soft, shiny pooh is half-digested food, rather than pooh. The rabbit should eat those. If they don't their diet may be too rich. Rabbits should be eating mainly hay, with a kibble and select, fresh foods being in the minority. Note that many plants are either toxic to rabbits, or very bad for them, so don't just assumed any plant is okay for your pet.

Here's another picture to make up for all the pooh talk.


That is Heikki with Lily, my siamese, who I had to have euthanased last year.
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