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Gaf. show off your pets.

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
(Moved from previous page)

Don't think I posted in here. Roxyd43 and I got a kitten a few weeks ago. Got him at the animal rescue league here, they apparently found him wandering the streets. He was 3 months old when we got him, now around 4 months.

Named him Orion:


He loves the Doctor Who TARDIS blanket...

And here is Orion under my glass coffee table trying to get my turkey sandwich...



(Moved from previous page)

Don't think I posted in here. Roxyd43 and I got a kitten a few weeks ago. Got him at the animal rescue league here, they apparently found him wandering the streets. He was 3 months old when we got him, now around 4 months.

Named him Orion:

He loves the Doctor Who TARDIS blanket...

And here is Orion under my glass coffee table trying to get my turkey sandwich...

Dude I think it's a leopard.
This is my full blood Dachshund Clyde, he is about 7 now and when he was given to us by my Dad's old boss because he had him locked up in a cage for 18 hours a day and couldn't really take care of him. He's pretty much the greatest dog in the history of dogs and has saved my mother's life on three separate occasions, he is a service dog now and is the closest thing I have to a best friend and or brother. He also loves weed.

I love him dearly, and the thought of a world without him is one that terrifies me.
I love you Clyde, you are the greatest friend a man could ask for.


This is my full blood Dachshund Clyde, he is about 7 now and when he was given to us by my Dad's old boss because he had him locked up in a cage for 18 hours a day and couldn't really take care of him. He's pretty much the greatest dog in the history of dogs and has saved my mother's life on three separate occasions, he is a service dog now and is the closest thing I have to a best friend and or brother. He also loves weed.

I love him dearly, and the thought of a world without him is one that terrifies me.

I love you Clyde, you are the greatest friend a man could ask for.

Dachshund love! Clyde looks like a lover. Love the chocolate coat!


I posted these in a thread I posted when we first got her a few months ago, but here's Momo. I guess she's getting up around 6 months old now, but she was somewhere b/n 6 and 8 weeks when these were taken. Adopted from the shelter.




We almost lost her just a few days after these pics were taken. Somehow she decided a small sliver of steel (looks like a bristle from a paint/rust stripping brush) that she found somewhere in our house would make a nice snack. Perforated her stomach in two places, nearly died, required surgery, etc. Her new nickname is Sixteen-hundred. Great cat though, my favorite of our three.
Dachshund love! Clyde looks like a lover. Love the chocolate coat!

Yeah haha, he is a lover but he can fight with the best of them! He actually scared off burglars once and he also loves to hunt more than any hunting dog I've ever met.

Which is apt, for he is technically a breed meant for hunting it's just that these days most Dachshunds are so timid and when you find a snarky, wild, vivacious, and incredibly protective one like Clyde it's a rare treat.

I am partial to German breeds for some reason, I love Dachshunds and German Shepherds, I also speak a bit of German and Clyde seems to appreciate that when I talk to him in German or give him orders.

That said my top Dog breeds:

1. Labs and Dachshunds
2. German Shepherds and Australian Cattle Dogs
3. Shiba Inus and of course, Huskies. :3 Huskies are amazing.
4. Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Pitbulls


Yeah haha, he is a lover but he can fight with the best of them! He actually scared off burglars once and he also loves to hunt more than any hunting dog I've ever met.

Which is apt, for he is technically a breed meant for hunting it's just that these days most Dachshunds are so timid and when you find a snarky, wild, vivacious, and incredibly protective one like Clyde it's a rare treat.

I am partial to German breeds for some reason, I love Dachshunds and German Shepherds, I also speak a bit of German and Clyde seems to appreciate that when I talk to him in German or give him orders.

That said my top Dog breeds:

1. Labs and Dachshunds
2. German Shepherds and Australian Cattle Dogs
3. Shiba Inus and of course, Huskies. :3 Huskies are amazing.
4. Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Pitbulls

Male Dachshunds are extremely stubborn. I had to put mine through extensive training and he is still keen on biting strangers. It's an everyday struggle but I wouldn't trade him for the world. Dachshund owner for life.


Neo Member
I posted these in a thread I posted when we first got her a few months ago, but here's Momo. I guess she's getting up around 6 months old now, but she was somewhere b/n 6 and 8 weeks when these were taken. Adopted from the shelter.

We almost lost her just a few days after these pics were taken. Somehow she decided a small sliver of steel (looks like a bristle from a paint/rust stripping brush) that she found somewhere in our house would make a nice snack. Perforated her stomach in two places, nearly died, required surgery, etc. Her new nickname is Sixteen-hundred. Great cat though, my favorite of our three.

Squeeee! Her little paws and her black paw pads!!
I can't remember if I've posted in this thread or not, but my roommate just sent me a picture of my dog Pepper that he found when going through his memory cards.


She's a rescue so nobody really knows, but she's probably a lab/pit mix.
She has a long scar on her left rear leg (not pictured) and black spots on her tongue.
She's sweet, clumsy, silent, skittish, patient, and willful.
She is my first dog.
She is getting a nice long walk when I get home in a couple hours :3
Sorry for this long, somewhat OT post. I can't create new threads.

Our youngest cat, who's very tiny and only weighs about 6.7 pounds, has injured herself. To be exact, she did so about a week and a half ago.

One day, we noticed that she was hopping, in order to avoid putting any weight on her back right paw. And when she sat, she puts the entire foot down on the back right side.

We don't know what happened, but when it didn't get better in a week, I took her to the vets. All that time, she let me touch it and would still jump up on me/act normal, so I didn't think it was broken. It seemed like it was getting better.

The vet took a look, and laid her down to test her feet. The back left one would get tight when she pushed it in because of the Achilles tendon, while the right one wouldn't. It'd go in further.

They did an x-ray, but didn't see anything obvious, so it was forwarded to a surgeon. They called and said we could go see one, but that surgery may or may not fix it. It also may just never heal.

My Nana's offered to pay to see the surgeon, after paying to see the vet, but I don't know if she'll pay the $2K or whatever for surgery. We'll have to see. I don't want her to have to hobble for the rest of her life.

She's been an expensive cat, though, because I previously paid $1500 (several years ago) when she ended up with a parasite in her brain from going outside. They said she may have rabies, and wanted to test her, but didn't say it'd involve putting her down until after. We said no, and were later told rabies hasn't been in this area in YEARS. Thankfully, she got better.

She wasn't outside when this injury occurred.
I currently rent a room out of an individuals house and 3 months ago he got two kittens!! (I've always wanted a cat ^_^) Their names are Jasper and Decker; Decker got his name because the landlord saw him jump off the deck on his first day home <_<

Here is them sleeping at what we (think?) is two months old. He found them at a garage sale so we don't know much.


And here they are currently! First picture is Jasper and the second is Decker :)




Here is a shot of Betty, our 8-month old Boston Terrier pup, that the daycare we take her too a time or two a week took of her earlier today while she was there and then posted on their Facebook page. They also picked Betty to be featured on their big main advertisement billboard here in town, so that's pretty cool too!



Here's Jacob. He does not like it when I vacuum the apartment.

For comparison, this was Little Jacob back in January.



always a pleasant surprise when i see this thread bumped up again and always when i convinced myself it has finally died .

Great Pets , guys/gals !


These threads just make me want to get a pet even more than I already want! Gonna browse all the pages in this and see if I spot any corgis. If I do, I'm gonna die.


Took my dog out for a walk this weekend while it was mild. She was pretty excited to get outside for an extended duration since it's been so cold here lately. She was incredibly tried by the end of our walk around the park, though.

Distracted by a squirrel

Starting to get very tired
Mine eats plastic bags and certain fabrics. If I leave certain bags/clothes out, he will inevitably consume bits and pieces. He's coughed up bits and pieces of the blanket I bought him.

Well, that sounds dangerous. Our cat only licks it, we even made a small plastic bag bed for him. It crackles and he loves it.


Mine eats plastic bags and certain fabrics. If I leave certain bags/clothes out, he will inevitably consume bits and pieces. He's coughed up bits and pieces of the blanket I bought him.

Story time! My dog had the bad habit of biting blankets. This leaves small holes where he has chewed. One day I came home to my dog asphyxiated on the floor. He had put his head through one of the chew holes and spun the blanket taught around his neck. He was laying motionless on the floor when I found him. The scariest aspect of all this was it had bound his neck below the saliva glands. Because of the way a dog's mouth works the saliva from the glands backed up and couldn't exit into the stomach and there was a ball of saliva the size of a grapefruit lodged in his throat just below the jawline. I freaked out and ripped the blanket away from his throat and he immediately jumped up and looked like he had done something bad. It took a week for the saliva to go away and there are scars from the incident. Thankfully he is 100% again and learned his lesson and no longer chews blankets!


My folks had to put down the family Labrador this weekend. Guy was my bro, we got him as a puppy when I was nine. He lived a good and happy fifteen years and his passing was quick. Just so sad it couldn't have waited two weeks to strike, would've loved to see him one more time at Thanksgiving. RIP dude. One of my fave pics of his unstoppable sense of style:

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