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Horror-GAF |OT|

So anyone got some recent vod or general blu-ray/digital release picks to recommend? Starved for some decent newish horror. Really looking forward to seeing Lights Out at the end of the month. Prob already mentioned earlier but based on this short (same director):


And here's the movie trailer:


It's gotten a lot of good press from the fest circuit. Also, The Woods is the other one I can't wait to check out with a Sept release:


Again, great early impressions from critics.

Finally got around to seeing Green Room and loved it but felt like the tension kind of fell apart in the third act once
only Anton and the punk girl were the only remaining survivors.
Stewart was good but his performance was lot more understated than I was expecting based on the trailer. Like, almost all of his menace was shown in the preview lol. Guy sounded like a manager at a car wash for most of the film with how casual he handed out orders, "go kill these guys why don't ya, oh yeah release the dogs too". That said was a bit surprised
the guy that stabbed the girl didn't make a return in some way considering he was by far the largest source of intimidation early on in the film.
Overall enjoyed it but def left me wanting more due to the kinda by the numbers third act.

Anyone got recommendations specifically for hostage type scenarios in the vein of Green Room?


Just watched this.

Not bad at all. Had some great tension moments.

Love me some australian horror.



So I watched Insidious again. I remember the first time watching it and thinking it wasn't that good but i honestly enjoyed it pretty well this time. Gonna give the second one a shot since last time I turned it off half way through thinking it was stupid.

Also gonna give Sinister another try. I didn't care much for it either.


Green Room was cool. Def had a ridiculous amount of tension.

Also I could've swore one of the nazis was the same guy from Epic Meal Time


So I watched Insidious again. I remember the first time watching it and thinking it wasn't that good but i honestly enjoyed it pretty well this time. Gonna give the second one a shot since last time I turned it off half way through thinking it was stupid.

Also gonna give Sinister another try. I didn't care much for it either.

Sinister is really eerie. Pretend the second one doesn't exist.
Do we have Giallo Fans here?

I love the works of Dario Argento.

I'm a huge giallo fan. I started out with Argento's Tenebre and it's still my personal favourite, but I haven't watched it since my initial viewing and should probably give it another viewing now that I'm more versed in the genre.

I'm currently waiting to see if Amazon gets the Killer Dames: Two Gothic Chillers by Emilio P. Miraglia set I ordered, which is The Red Queen Kills Seven Times and The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave. I'm not sure if they'll actually deliver though, I think it's limited to 3,000 copies.

Green Room was cool. Def had a ridiculous amount of tension.

Also I could've swore one of the nazis was the same guy from Epic Meal Time

I loved Green Room. All the performances were fantastic (R.I.P. Anton Yelchin). My only real complaint is I found the characters were mumbling too much and I couldn't make out some of the dialogue. Maybe that's just years of hearing damage catching up to me though.

The violence/gore in that was some of the most disturbing and effective I've seen in a long time. Really good flick.


Suspiria was my first movie from him. Was really amazed by the trailer:

Couldnt appreciated that much on my initial viewing because I didnt knew how Argento movies worked and it was to a time werd I didnt cared that much about the amazing colors and music. But I liked enought to give him another try with Inferno and Phenomena and that made me a fan. Still, given the difficult situation with horror movies and cencorship in germany, I have a couple of movies left. My top 3 should be Phenomena, Inferno and Suspiria in that amazing Blu-Ray 4K Remaster vom 84 Entertainment I own. I was blown away as When Ive seen it lately. It still saddens me what happened to his art after the 80s and espescially how Mother of Tears turned out. This movie has nothing what made Suspiria and Inferno work.
I am currently on a rewatch, I try to see one movie a week and buy one in the mediabook edition.

Bava is the second Master of Giallo next to Argento, right?
I think I will ask after the must-seen movies from him when I have finished my Argento marathon.


Hannibal third season is great. It starts off somewhat slowly but it turns on fire from the middle to the end,

Anyway, thoughts on a few films:

The Conjuring:
I sorta of... Kind of... Think I liked it. No question that it's vastly superior to the Insidious garbage, but with stuff like Paranormal Activity and Insidious it does feel very repetitive. Too much of the slow spooky build up with the noises. I liked the story regarding
the witch and the tree
, and I liked how it tried to be more serious than comedic, but it felt flat in the make-up department. And, the final scene
with the possession was pretty lame. I'd have rather see a dark ending with everyone dying.

Sinister: Awesome opening. And I was pretty engrossed with the movie until
1. I got a look at Bagul who looks fucking lame as hell. Some kind of lame CROW emo Mick Thomson bullshit. 2. It was revealed that the children were killing their families for Bagul, rather than Bagul himself. CHILDREN ARE NEVER SCARY. They're fucking lame. And, honestly the tree murder scene was the best of all the snuff films. Fucking incredible image. And it was so strong that I did feel spooked for a while. Especially with that idiot moving into the goddamn house were it happened, but once the phantom children started appearing the film started to lose it's power.
And the ending was really bad. Shame.

It follows: Fucking brilliant. Yeah, some of the forms "It" took during the movie were scarier/creepier than the others. The first shot of It in the abandoned building was so fucking weird that it was terrifying, whereas the
child-like form it took at the beach shed was kind of stupid looking.
Overall though I was more creeped out by the way it looked than not. What made me realized how effective the film was is that I was constantly looking all over the place for "It" more so than the main character who would often sleep and lounge around rather than remain attentive 24/7. And I love that we
never found out what "It" was or if it was truly dead.
Kind of hard to buy the
absence of parents throughout the film, or that one of the children getting shot wouldn't cause massive paranoia in the suburbs... Not to mention how many times did they end up in a hospital?
Anyway, the movie was so good that I could overlook that stuff. Honestly, I think this is good enough to be considered a classic.
Suspiria was my first movie from him. Was really amazed by the trailer:

Couldnt appreciated that much on my initial viewing because I didnt knew how Argento movies worked and it was to a time werd I didnt cared that much about the amazing colors and music. But I liked enought to give him another try with Inferno and Phenomena and that made me a fan. Still, given the difficult situation with horror movies and cencorship in germany, I have a couple of movies left. My top 3 should be Phenomena, Inferno and Suspiria in that amazing Blu-Ray 4K Remaster vom 84 Entertainment I own. I was blown away as When Ive seen it lately. It still saddens me what happened to his art after the 80s and espescially how Mother of Tears turned out. This movie has nothing what made Suspiria and Inferno work.
I am currently on a rewatch, I try to see one movie a week and buy one in the mediabook edition.

Bava is the second Master of Giallo next to Argento, right?
I think I will ask after the must-seen movies from him when I have finished my Argento marathon.

I never really got into Suspiria when I saw it. Loved the visuals and the music, but the whole witch thing didn't do it for me and I don't really consider it a giallo. That's just my personal opinion though, most people do consider it one. I prefer the less supernatural films in the genre.

I do need to rewatch it. I should probably do a little The Three Mothers trilogy marathon because I haven't seen the other two yet.

As for Bava being second to Argento as Master of Giallo, I'd say it's the other way around. Bava's 1963 The Girl Who Knew Too Much is considered the first "true" giallo. He then followed that with Black Sabbath in the same year which was an anthology film where one of the segments was him refining his giallo formula.

Finally in 1964 he basically created the template that the majority of gialli would follow, (including Argento's) with the release of Blood and Black Lace, which is a masterpiece and perhaps the most influential film of the genre.

I'm still digging into his filmography, but so far he has not disappointed. He was a true visionary and I'm so glad I discovered his work.


Just saw that there is a Bava collection starting in august, first movie is Black Sunday.
Preordered, seems like a good opporturnity to start with his stuff.
RE: Argento

I've come to consider him as my favorite director. I just love his combination of pretty/artsy visuals, killer soundtracks, and downright stupid Troma-level gore. Total package. I also really dig the awkward English dubbing, adds a weird "dreamlike" quality to it I guess

The films I've seen in order of first viewings are: Suspiria, Deep Red, Opera, Tenebre, Phenomena, Inferno, and Mother Of Tears. Suspiria is the all around best, Deep Red has the best mystery, Phenomena has the best soundtrack, Tenebre and Opera are tied for best kills
axe through the window and bullet through the keyhole, respectively

Honestly I don't see the appeal of Inferno at all. Aside from the underwater shots I thought it was a snoozefest. Mother Of Tears is cheesy and not on the same level as his best, but I enjoy it as a tribute to his classic works. Plus the kills are so, so stupid (in the best way)

Caught Demons at a horror marathon once, absolutely loved it. Perfect in every way haha.

Was lucky enough to see Claudio Simonetti's Goblin back in May and it was absolutely fantastic, Suspiria/Tenebre/Phenomena/Deep Red themes back to back was a religious experience


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'd seen thousands of horror movies but nothing Italian except Dracula 3D, which was laughably bad.
I knew about a lot of them, even a lot of production details, and I'd seen clips of the more well-known parts, but that was it.
I was going to have a marathon late last year but my sources dried up. I watched the first ten or fifteen minutes of A Bay Of Blood (which were promising) on Netflix and then paused it. When I came back all of Netflix's Italian horror had been removed.
Fast-forward to last month and I'd bought a Fulci three-pack, an Argento three-pack and Zombie on Blu-ray.
I started with the Fulci stuff. It was pure shit. He's like the Italian Ed Wood. I respected his hustle in the last third of Zombie. He really went for it, but yeah, what I've seen from him was just incompetent on every level. New York Ripper was somewhat entertaining purely based on the level of sleaze, though.
On to the Argento stuff. Holy shit, this guy was a fucking genius when he was younger. The last of the three was Inferno. Apparently this is considered weak compared to Suspiria. Well, I'm hyped as fuck for Suspiria if that's true. Anyway, after that I had to try Tenebre and ordered one of the last copies of the Synapse release.
I got a good laugh out of the first kill, knowing about the (temporarily) abandoned trilogy and that the actress had played the third witch in Inferno. (Does she ever stop vamping?) Also, there's the whole thing about the openings of Tenebre and Inferno being nearly identical and a prop from the opening being part of that kill scene.
The Bird With The Crystal Plumage is on the way right now.
Got a bunch of movies in my Netflix list that I'll be watching over the next few nights:

We Are Still Here
Let Us Prey
Starry Eyes
We Need To Talk About Kevin
The Invitation
Only one I've seen from there is We Are Still Here, and it's honestly one of the best horror films this decade. I'm confident you'll love it.


Got a bunch of movies in my Netflix list that I'll be watching over the next few nights:

We Are Still Here
Let Us Prey
Starry Eyes
We Need To Talk About Kevin
The Invitation

Starry Eyes is pretty good. It gets absolutely fucked up as it gets towards its ending (the ending itself is satisfying for a horror movie, IMO).

Housebound is more horror-comedy but it's quite entertaining.


Got a bunch of movies in my Netflix list that I'll be watching over the next few nights:

We Are Still Here
Let Us Prey
Starry Eyes
We Need To Talk About Kevin
The Invitation

Housebound is great. I liked both Let Us Prey and Starry Eyes because their a bit different. Creep was ok, kind of boring until the end. We Are Still Here had promise but in the end it did dumb things that turned me off. Think I will check Invitation out.
We Are Still Here - Besides the creepy design of the spirits and some good gore effects, the movie mostly felt like boilerplate haunted house horror. Really didnt do anything for me until the climax, where it got entertaining in an unexpectedly over-the-top fashion


Are there any movies that's based on or inspired by all the "satanic government evil sect coverup" conspiracies out there? Like the first season of True Detective, and alike.
Are there any movies that's based on or inspired by all the "satanic government evil sect coverup" conspiracies out there? Like the first season of True Detective, and alike.

Kill List was what initially came to mind, but it is not government related. Still creepy cult pulling the strings of the main character somewhat unknowingly though.

I finished watching The Strangers last night for the second time (first time was at release), I feel it is underrated. Violence is pretty minimal, suspenseful throughout, and there is just a sense of brutality that isn't torture porn but works so well. I wish the sequel wasn't stuck in development hell.

Also watched Drag Me to Hell for the first time in its entirety over the weekend, amazing film. Hopefully Raimi directs more frequently in the upcoming Ash vs Evil Dead season.


Kill List was what initially came to mind, but it is not government related. Still creepy cult pulling the strings of the main character somewhat unknowingly though.

I finished watching The Strangers last night for the second time (first time was at release), I feel it is underrated. Violence is pretty minimal, suspenseful throughout, and there is just a sense of brutality that isn't torture porn but works so well. I wish the sequel wasn't stuck in development hell.

Also watched Drag Me to Hell for the first time in its entirety over the weekend, amazing film. Hopefully Raimi directs more frequently in the upcoming Ash vs Evil Dead season.
This Strangers?
I wanted to like that movie, it did a lot of things right, but there were so many WTF moments that dulled my like of it. I need to watch it again, but the moment that I remember the most was when the guy's in the car, he gets touched on the shoulder, he spins around, and the stalker's at the end of the driveway. In seconds
This Strangers?

I wanted to like that movie, it did a lot of things right, but there were so many WTF moments that dulled my like of it. I need to watch it again, but the moment that I remember the most was when the guy's in the car, he gets touched on the shoulder, he spins around, and the stalker's at the end of the driveway. In seconds

I always assumed that was a different girl from the one at the end of the road, since there were two. I dunno, it isn't top tier horror but it's a step above a lot of the more modern home invasion films.


Also watched Drag Me to Hell for the first time in its entirety over the weekend, amazing film. Hopefully Raimi directs more frequently in the upcoming Ash vs Evil Dead season.

First time I watched that I didn't care much for it. Then I bought it on blu ray (strange to buy something you didn't like I guess), and loved it.


Watched the Invitation last night and loved it. Went in kind of cold other than seeing a bit of hype on GAF otherwise no trailers or anything that could ruin things.
Watched They Look Like People. That was very well done. It's not the kind of movie I can recommend to anyone because I can see how people will think it's boring, but I loved it. Felt creeped out at times, laughed at times, and the end wrapped it up for me. I loved the little touches like
the note on the computer screen; very minimalist way of showing that in his attempt to overcome his low self esteem he had ostracized everyone.

Got a bunch of movies in my Netflix list that I'll be watching over the next few nights:
I loved Creep. Really didn't know what to expect.


As recommended to watch Hush in another thread and I liked it. I love home invasion films like The Strangers and You're Next. More recommendations would be appreciated. Escape rooms too like Green Room.
As recommended to watch Hush in another thread and I liked it. I love home invasion films like The Strangers and You're Next. More recommendations would be appreciated. Escape rooms too like Green Room.
Have you seen the trailer for Don't Breathe? It's the next movie from the director of the Evil Dead remake. Should be up your alley if you like escape movies. Stars Stephen Lang as the antagonist


Have you seen the trailer for Don't Breathe? It's the next movie from the director of the Evil Dead remake. Should be up your alley if you like escape movies. Stars Stephen Lang as the antagonist

Yes I've seen the trailer and I'm pretty excited for the film. After how Hush handled deaf characters I'm curious how a blind character will be portrayed in these types of films lol
I'm not big on escape room movies but I watched The Green Room for Maeby and the punk rock. I really liked it. Seemed surprisingly authentic, good acting, and the premise made sense more or less, which is amazing for that kind of movie.
The Invitation - A tense slow-burn that payoffs in the climax. Maybe too much of a slow-burn. There were stretches that felt the movie dragged, although there were enough unsettling moments to make those stretched worth sitting through. The last shot is great
That other horror thread suddenly got me interested in black-and-white horror movies. Currently got Haxan, Repulsion, Nosferatu, and Night of the Hunter on my watch list.
I'm not big on escape room movies but I watched The Green Room for Maeby and the punk rock. I really liked it. Seemed surprisingly authentic, good acting, and the premise made sense more or less, which is amazing for that kind of movie.

Green Room is still my third favorite movie of the year, the dread and tension that movie builds scene to scene is incredible. Really excited to grab the Bluray today and give it another watch.

That other horror thread suddenly got me interested in black-and-white horror movies. Currently got Haxan, Repulsion, Nosferatu, and Night of the Hunter on my watch list.

Have you not seen Nosferatu? You're in for a treat.


If I am not mistaken, isn't that
The movie that was remade as The Others

I don't think so,
outside of having a woman and two children there aren't anything similar in the two stories. They could have based The Others on this ones initial premise though, and just added the later things.
I'm the movie buff in my circle of friends and it's getting harder and harder to find good movies to watch. It's usually comedies, action movies and of course horror because they usually don't require your full attention. Horror is great especially because the main characters are always doing something wrong you can complain about. My mates love doing that.

Lately they let me know that they're starting to get tired of the tonnes and tonnes of horror movies where the main adversary are human. From the lone crazy serial killer to a clan of cannibals, it doesn't matter. They're done with that. They want more supernatural horror: ghosts, curses, monsters, etcetera. So yeah, I need some help with that. We've already seen a whole bunch of horror movies but just let me know your favourites or perhaps some more obscure ones that you liked. Cheers.


I'm the movie buff in my circle of friends and it's getting harder and harder to find good movies to watch. It's usually comedies, action movies and of course horror because they usually don't require your full attention. Horror is great especially because the main characters are always doing something wrong you can complain about. My mates love doing that.

Lately they let me know that they're starting to get tired of the tonnes and tonnes of horror movies where the main adversary are human. From the lone crazy serial killer to a clan of cannibals, it doesn't matter. They're done with that. They want more supernatural horror: ghosts, curses, monsters, etcetera. So yeah, I need some help with that. We've already seen a whole bunch of horror movies but just let me know your favourites or perhaps some more obscure ones that you liked. Cheers.

Conjuring 1 and 2.

It's the biggest horror franchise right now and it's all supernatural.


Conjuring 2 is actually good? I wasn't expecting that. I remember Annabelle getting a lukewarm reaction. I saw the Conjuring at the cinema. Was quite good indeed.


Conjuring 2 is actually good? I wasn't expecting that. I remember Annabelle getting a lukewarm reaction. I saw the Conjuring at the cinema. Was quite good indeed.

I haven't seen it, but it seems it got a great reception. Annabelle is not a Wan directed film so, yeah.
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