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I told my girlfriend she had an imaginary friend..

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And she wants to dump me now.

Gaf, we were having a discussion and she told me how I, as a non believer, would teach "our future sons "freewill"" (because I told her I didn't want her to put her beliefs in kids that don't know anything about life, yet). She is a Catholic. When this argument was happening, I told her: "Yeah, we should totally teach them that there is an imaginary man in the sky that loves you, but, if you commit sins, he doesn't love you anymore, and he will send to hell. But, it's not that he doesn't love you, he loves you more than anything and he will be sad that you're in hell. The place he sent you in the first place. You can avoid it, if you repent, though"
Can't remember exactly, but that's an aproximation of what I said.

Gaf, the question is: Am I screwed? Can I save this? She doesn't want to talk to e just because of that. She wants to stay away from me.

Advices, please.

Edit: Thing is, she posted something on my wall on Facebook. Since I was at Uni, I couldn't answer or anything. When I got back home, we started to talk and, suddenly, she started to insult me. She then proceeded to delete every post she had made on my wall, and told me I was not a good boyfriend because I don't do shit (the thing is, I do. And I do a lot of shit for her). She likes these "movie romances", she wants me to do those kind of things, flowers and alll, the thing is, I do it, just not as frecuently as I she wants me to.
Then, she told me about "the future" that we are no match because she wants to teach her sons about God and religion, and that I, as a guy with no "moral", wouldn't be able to do that, just because. Finally, I was kind of mad, and answered that way.
Edit 2: The thing is, she doesn't. She wants me to believe by any means necessary. I always go to the church with her on sundays, just to make her happy. But, she doesn't respect anything when it comes to religion freedom.

THIS IS WHAT I TOLD HER THE FIRST TIME: I would love for our children to choose their own religion, if they choose any. But don't try to force it on them. They are just kids, they need to grow and learn before choosing things like religion.
Then she told me they were going to be Catholics at all cost.

I'll have to copy and paste every single comment I've made in this thread

Maybe I want to believe? I tried, and I'll keep trying. To be honest, I'm kind of religious, and just because I was in rage, a totally stupid moment of rage, I told her that.

Anyway, I deserve all the shame.

I am open to that, I've told her a million times. The thing is, I was an utter C and I deserve the Fedora shit that some are posting

She shot first. But in no way I should have responded that way.


I'm an atheist too, but you fucked up by not being respectful of your girlfriend's beliefs. This is the kind of shit that gives us a bad name. Yeah, those beliefs seem crazy, but many people hold them deeply and sincerely.

If you feel that strongly about this issue, find an atheist to date, I think. Give up on this one.


It was gonna happen at some point.


If she's already an adult and still religious, she's probably pretty trenched in, and it was going to become a factor with your children some day.

Cut your losses, and find someone else. There's other religious girls out there that are more open-minded in regards to letting your children decide for themselves.


To be honest - long term relationships that include the prospect of having children are likely a really bad idea unless the parents share the same religious beliefs (or lack thereof) or at least have come to an understanding as to how the child was going to be raised.

Plus the general condescension you have towards her religious beliefs (from your post), kind of tells me you don't respect her too much for having them. That's also a huge flashing warning light.


I'd be the bad guest who laughs even though I know you shouldn't have said it. Better now I suppose.
What are you doing?

If you're dating a spiritual person, why would you make it a point to say that you think their God(s) ain't shit? Do you enjoy your penis at all?

Trust me, I know from experience; if she's the kind of person who's already decided on a Catholic wedding, picked out her local priest, and knows what private school they're going to grow up in, unless you're on the same page, it's not going to work.


The problem is that you were completely condescending and dismissive of her beliefs. There were better ways to handle that situation.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
This is known as an impasse. Unstoppable force versus and immovable object. Either one of you surrenders or it was never meant to be.

Probably should have been more careful with your words, though. She's your girl, not some anonymous avatar on a message board. Be careful with them emotions, OP. They're fragile, sometimes.


She probably honestly believes in the bible's God, so yeah, she's probably shocked and hurt about what you said. It's difficult sometimes to think that there are people who actually believe this stuff, but it's true. Either give her some time and then apologize, or find another girl.
So you were kind of a dick it sounds like about her beliefs

That being said, this highlights a clear and notable difference in core beliefs between you two that would likely cause difficulties if you ever tried to start a family. I mean I'm sure there are people who make it work but if you are already disagreeing on like the core beliefs you want to teach your hypothetical children to believe in, that's not a good sign.

JC Lately

"Hey honey! You know those deep personal convictions you hold dear that i obviously knew about before we got together? Well not only do I belive that they're complete fairy tale bullshit, but I'm going to explain to you how they're bullshit using only the most condescending words I can think of. But that's okay, becuase since your obviously stupid enough to fall for these convictions in the first place, I just know that after I'm done demeaning everything you hold dear, you're sure to stay with me!"

Yeah, I'd dump you too, OP.
Well no shit, you mocked her religion. Even if you think it's dumb you don't go around making fun of her for it. That's just rude.


If you don't respect her beliefs why should she respect yours?

And yeah religious people tend to stick to theirs.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
OP, there's no way you two can be together if you feel that strongly about her religious beliefs. It's pointless to try and salvage your relationship.


Cringed really hard @ OP.

OP 3 things.

1.Don't be a dick
2.Don't be a dick to your girlfriend
3. If you hate the concept of being somebody who is religious, why would you get this deep in, even talking about hypothetical children.

You could've worded that whole conversation differently and had the girl and the outcome you wanted.

You done fucked up.

Another tip : Don't ask an Off-Topic branch of an online videogame forum if you are in the clear after you went H.A.M. on your girlfriend with cringe-worthy Reddit-tier ways of communication.
"Hey honey! You know those deep personal convictions you hold dear that i obviously knew about before we got together? Well not only to I belive that they're complete fairy tale bullshit, but I'm going to explain to you how they're bullshit using only the most condecdeing words I can think of. But that okay, becuase since your obviously stupid enough to fall for these convictions in the first place, I just know that after I'm done demeaning everything you hold dear, you're sure to stay with me!"
This is op after that


Maybe add a fedora
Were you being a dick about it OP

Give more details about what you said

Thing is, she posted something on my wall on Facebook. Since I was at Uni, I couldn't answer or anything. When I got back home, we started to talk and, suddenly, she started to insult me. She then proceeded to delete every post she had made on my wall, and told me I was not a good boyfriend because I don't do shit (the thing is, I do. And I do a lot of shit for her). She likes these "movie romances", she wants me to do those kind of things, flowers and alll, the thing is, I do it, just not as frecuently as I she wants me to.
Then, she told me about "the future" that we are no match because she wants to teach her sons about God and religion, and that I, as a guy with no "moral", wouldn't be able to do that, just because. Finally, I was kind of mad, and answered that way.


Ask her if she also beliefs if the Grimm tales are real. Or any Disney movie. That's as likely to be real as the bible.


If you're an ardent atheist, you should have seen this coming from a mile away. And you really didn't do anything to help yourself in this case either. But it's okay OP, she sound nuts.
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