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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4


Well no... they would just optimize each platform to they're respective strengths. 720p frees up resources for other stuff. I'm not saying xbone will get a better version. But maybe, just maybe certain advantages?

You're grasping at straws here. There will be no advantages compared to the PS4 version. What you're describing would only happen on a game being built on isolation on a single system. Where the dev could make a choice to drop resolution to free up processing power for effects.

In this particular case, the effects are either the same, or less than the PS4 version (see BF4 missing AO) AND the resolution is lowered to make up for a lack of processing power on the Xbox One.


I bought a PS3 at launch as I had just bought a new TV at launch and it was a cheap Blu-ray player. I also had a 360 but it kept breaking so in a fit of frustration I got it fixed and traded it in.

I spent the next 8 years reading reports of how the games I was paying the same money for as my 360 bretheren was complete shit as it has a few less lines of resolution, worse framerates, vaseline filters, no AA, no shadows, less grass, etc etc.

I won't put myself through that again.

Been gaming for 30 years by the way.....

And those differences was NEVER as big as 720p vs 1080p.
Maybe in the case of Bayonetta due to the framerate being so low on PS3.
But this is a lunch title and its so big of a gap.


Agreed. Really obvious that social media has played a huge role in this upcoming console launch period.

Makes me wonder how things would have been if we had all of this back in 2005/2006.

We did. Are we suddenly forgetting how badly the PS3 got thrashed upon release?
The constant barrage of comparison pictures, and videos noting every single pixel where the PS3 version came up short against the 360 version?
The photos of unsold $600 PS3 systems on store shelves?
It's a miracle the console rallied back the way it did. I'm not sure anyone else could've done the same.

But now that the shoe is on the other foot, and for the first time, Xbox is the weaker console, it's not about counting pixels? Funny cause at the start of the current gen the magnifying glasses were out in full force.


Then why do you write a wall of text comparing both consoles from different sides where you just need to say:

"I will buy xbox because of fun exclusives. "

Everyone would get it instead of reading wall of text
Because this is a discussion forum, and he wants to discuss his reasoning. If you don't want that, there's PornHub a few keystrokes away.
Microsoft is really making it hard for me to put my money on the xbox one. First they degrade my country to tier 2 and now it seems that multiplatform games will be significantly better on the ps4. Seeing as 90% of the games this gen have been multplatform and two consoles isn't an option anymore, it seems that ps4 really is the console of choice here.
I didn't realise gaming had become a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why are people so concerned about other peoples purchases?

There is no exclusive that will be currently available for PS4 that makes me want one at launch, the XB1 has Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5.

That's enough for me.

If I want to count pixels and gloat about how great my system is I will buy a top of the line PC.

I don't know if it's a younger generation coming into their first proper next gen launch or what, but the attitude of some people (not just here by the way) with this whole new generation just stinks.

I'm a gamer foremost (I have no allegiance to either brand) and I will go where the games are, I don't need to validate myself/my purchases against other peoples.

And I didn't realise that gaming had become consumers actively going out of their way to buy into inferior products.

Ignore games for a second (I'll come back to them I assure you). Microsoft are asking you to spend $100 more for a console that is give or take, 33-50% weaker (depending on your math). They are also removing the option that we once took for granted in regards to Kinect - you will have it, pay for it - or you won't have an XB1 at all. As a consumer this makes no sense, simple as that. One console has a clear value advantage to all but the most staunch Kinect fans.

So back to games. I'm not sure where everyone else was for the last 10 years with regards to Xbox. Before I rant, my primary consoles (as in, well over 90% of all my gaming) was done in this order:
Dreamcast --> Xbox Original --> Xbox 360
I owned some other consoles here and there (including a PS2 and PS3) and I can honestly say that I owned a handful of games between them, and enjoyed even fewer. So I would say that I'm fairly invested into the Xbox brand and all of it's franchises etc.

Fact is, Microsoft do not compete well in this department. I love Halo, I love PGR, I love Crackdown (including 2), love Forza - and I even loved Gears (prior to Judgement). They're all strong franchises. However Microsoft have shown consistently - for years now, that their focus is elsewhere. If you sit down and look objectively at what:
A) Microsoft have done for a long time now
B) Sony have done for a long time now
C) The studio's and capability behind each company

There is a clear winner here in terms of first party studio's and exclusives. I'm not saying you'll love Uncharted (I think the franchise is very average) etc. But one company has a much larger, stable and more consistent group of studio's that you can guarantee will deliver in addition to significantly superior multiplats.

So please - can we drop the "I go where the games are" bullshit arguments. I won't argue with your preferences between launch titles - neither console are particularly strong in this department. However if you're looking at where you'll get the largest number of quality games that you can't play elsewhere (even moreso if you consider PC ports) - I simply can't fathom how you're behind the XB1. You'd have to be absolutely blinded by Halo/Forza hype to not see that it is at least, very, very competitive exclusives-wise between the two.


I played a lot of ps3 and 1080p pc games on my hdtv. 1080p is awesome, but i didnt have an issues switching back to 720p or sub 720p ps3 games.

Hardcore pc gamers hate lower resolutions, but normal non graphic whore gamers wont have a problem imo

plus with Xbox one, even if a game is 720p, it'll be a lot richer with more detail, better IQ and higher textures and assets.

I think they'll look fine, and if I was buying only an Xbox one I'd be a bit disappointed but ultimately fine. As it is, I'll have both consoles (PS4 first, Xbox after a price drop), and I can't see myself buying any multiplatform titles for Xbox. Basically a reversal of last gen.


And I didn't realise that gaming had become consumers actively going out of their way to buy into inferior products.

Ignore games for a second (I'll come back to I assure you). Microsoft are asking you to spend $100 more for a console that is give or take, 33-50% weaker (depending on your math). They are also removing the option that we once took for granted in regards to Kinect - you will have it, pay for it - or you won't have an XB1 at all. As a consumer this makes no sense, simple as that. One console has a clear value advantage to all but the most staunch Kinect fans.

So back to games. I'm not sure where everyone else was for the last 10 years with regards to Xbox. Before I rant, my primary consoles (as in, well over 90% of all my gaming) was done in this order:
Dreamcast --> Xbox Original --> Xbox 360
I owned some other consoles here and there (including a PS2 and PS3) and I can honestly say that I owned a handful of games between them, and enjoyed even fewer. So I would say that I'm fairly invested into the Xbox brand and all of it's franchises etc.

Fact is, Microsoft do not compete well in this department. I love Halo, I love PGR, I love Crackdown (including 2), love Forza - and I even loved Gears (prior to Judgement). They're all strong franchises. However Microsoft have shown consistently - for years now, that their focus is elsewhere. If you sit down and look objectively at what:
A) Microsoft have done for a long time now
B) Sony have done for a long time now
C) The studio's and capability behind each company

There is a clear winner here in terms of first party studio's and exclusives. I'm not saying you'll love Uncharted (I think the franchise is very average) etc. But one company has a much larger, stable and more consistent group of studio's that you can guarantee will deliver in addition to significantly superior multiplats.

So please - can we drop the "I go where the games are" bullshit arguments. I won't argue with your preferences between launch titles - neither console are particularly strong in this department. However if you're looking at where you'll get the largest number of quality games that you can't play elsewhere (even moreso if you consider PC ports) - I simply can't fathom how you're behind the XB1. You'd have to be absolutely blinded by Halo/Forza hype to not see that it is at least, very, very competitive exclusives-wise between the two.

Right now it's more of a "I go where the games are in November" argument anyway. ;)


Can't believe I clicked on this garbage.

My eyes began to twitch with each additional word/post I read.
However, it really does put his XBOXONE "will fail" post in perspective... the guy must really be disappointed.


I didn't realise gaming had become a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why are people so concerned about other peoples purchases?

There is no exclusive that will be currently available for PS4 that makes me want one at launch, the XB1 has Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5.

That's enough for me.

If I want to count pixels and gloat about how great my system is I will buy a top of the line PC.

I don't know if it's a younger generation coming into their first proper next gen launch or what, but the attitude of some people (not just here by the way) with this whole new generation just stinks.

I'm a gamer foremost (I have no allegiance to either brand) and I will go where the games are, I don't need to validate myself/my purchases against other peoples.

I don't see a lot of people shitting on others' choices. But then I don't see a lot of people saying 'I don't really mind it being bit lower quality, I'm buying for X,Y games anyway'. I do see a lot of people downplaying the differences and I think that is where a lot of the push back is coming from.


We did. Are we suddenly forgetting how badly the PS3 got thrashed upon release?
The constant barrage of comparison pictures, and videos noting every single pixel where the PS3 version came up short against the 360 version?
The photos of unsold $600 PS3 systems on store shelves?
It's a miracle the console rallied back the way it did. I'm not sure anyone else could've done the same.

But now that the shoe is on the other foot, and for the first time, Xbox is the weaker console, it's not about counting pixels? Funny cause at the start of the current gen the magnifying glasses were out in full force.

Social media back in 2005/2006 is obviously no where near where it is now. "Tweets" have played a large role in this console pre-launch period and that wasn't even around back then.


It just depresses me to see people rewarding a company for delivering an inferior product at a higher price.

It sends all the wrong messages and we'll just continue to see more of it, it's bad enough seeing the path Nintendo went down with shitty, underpowered, overpriced hardware, now we have MS doing the same.

MS should be given a kicking for the Xbox One, for a console that's supposed to stay relevant for the next 5yrs or more, it's a truly dreadful console, developed for the wrong reasons, with the wrong hardware.

If it's a relative flop, as I hope it will be, that will be the only thing that will get MS back on the correct path and they should comeback with a truly next gen console, either that or they will pull out of the console market, and quite frankly that would be the best thing if they are only going to deliver consoles of Xbox One quality and capability.

And to those who say it will be bad for competition, bullshit, this is capitalism, someone will step in to fill the gap, there will be a 40-50% market share of a multi billion dollar industry up for grabs, that's too big to ignore.

Or MS might actually put some effort into PC gaming, instead of what they do now.


Gold Member
Tell that to DF. A large part of last gen the comparatively small differences where big. Now, when the differences are big, it is claimed that it isn't so big.

this. i've never kept up with df, or been much of a graphics whore. but to see what used to be considered as 'important' being redefined overnight as 'unimportant' is to witness hypocrisy on a truly stunning level. df is officially dead...


Then why do you write a wall of text comparing both consoles from different sides where you just need to say:

"I will buy xbox because of fun exclusives. "

Everyone would get it instead of reading wall of text

Very few people read that guy's posts, but yeah.


plus with Xbox one, even if a game is 720p, it'll be a lot richer with more detail, better IQ and higher textures and assets.


Yes, thats why BF4 on the Xbox has no AA and jaggies everywhere, along side its 720p resolution and variable framerate.

The drop to 720p wont be so games will run with better IQ, textures and detail. Downgrades across the board will be needed so it can have games with the same engine and features as the PS4 and PC versions. There will NEVER be an Xbox One version of a multi plat with better IQ.






with this level of graphics the resolution of the x1 version should be 900p at least

looks like Infinity Ward cant handle the technical difficulties of x1 and choose the easy


Daffy Duck

There is a clear winner here in terms of first party studio's and exclusives. I'm not saying you'll love Uncharted (I think the franchise is very average) etc. But one company has a much larger, stable and more consistent group of studio's that you can guarantee will deliver in addition to significantly superior multiplats.

So please - can we drop the "I go where the games are" bullshit arguments. I won't argue with your preferences between launch titles - neither console are particularly strong in this department. However if you're looking at where you'll get the largest number of quality games that you can't play elsewhere (even moreso if you consider PC ports) - I simply can't fathom how you're behind the XB1. You'd have to be absolutely blinded by Halo/Forza hype to not see that it is at least, very, very competitive exclusives-wise between the two.

I agree with you, Sony's first party games are fantastic, I loved Uncharted 1/2 (only played half way through 3), I also loved TLoU, they are light years ahead of MS in that regard.

As I have said (which you may have seen) I will get both, because I don't want to miss out games on either platform.
with this level of graphics the resolution of the x1 version should be 900p at least

looks like Infinity Ward cant handle the technical difficulties of x1 and chose the easy


Do you have any proof that they chose the easy way? Or are you simply speculating because you want to believe the XB1 is stronger than that?


with this level of graphics the resolution of the x1 version should be 900p at least

looks like Infinity Ward cant handle the technical difficulties of x1 and chose the easy


I wouldn't say that. IW more than likely had to rush the game out to meet the launch of the console. Even so though, if the Xbox One had better specs then the game would be in a better resolution even if they had to rush to meet launch (more than likely).

Overall, I'm expecting the next Call of Duty on the XB1 to run in at least 900p but we'll see.


Right now it's more of a "I go where the games are in November" argument anyway. ;)

That's the X1 but still not enough for me to buy at launch. I'll wait for these new consoles to be more fleshed out before I take the plunge. Halo 5 and Rime is going to decide which console I buy or which other game that comes out I haven't heard of that I need.


with this level of graphics the resolution of the x1 version should be 900p at least

looks like Infinity Ward cant handle the technical difficulties of x1 and chose the easy

Oh, it should? Activision, fire your coders and hire this guy. He CLEARLY knows his shit.
I didn't realise gaming had become a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why are people so concerned about other peoples purchases?

There is no exclusive that will be currently available for PS4 that makes me want one at launch, the XB1 has Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5.

That's enough for me.

If I want to count pixels and gloat about how great my system is I will buy a top of the line PC.

I don't know if it's a younger generation coming into their first proper next gen launch or what, but the attitude of some people (not just here by the way) with this whole new generation just stinks.

I'm a gamer foremost (I have no allegiance to either brand) and I will go where the games are, I don't need to validate myself/my purchases against other peoples.

"Younger Generation"? Was this generation your first? This shit has been going on for decades, first argued generally amongst kids in school cafeterias and evolved (and certainly escalated) when it moved to the internet. It's just been magnified this generation for obvious reasons.

Besides that, there's absolutely nothing with people who prefer console gaming wanting to buy the best product for their money, that goes on everywhere.


And I didn't realise that gaming had become consumers actively going out of their way to buy into inferior products.

Ignore games for a second (I'll come back to them I assure you). Microsoft are asking you to spend $100 more for a console that is give or take, 33-50% weaker (depending on your math). They are also removing the option that we once took for granted in regards to Kinect - you will have it, pay for it - or you won't have an XB1 at all. As a consumer this makes no sense, simple as that. One console has a clear value advantage to all but the most staunch Kinect fans.

So back to games. I'm not sure where everyone else was for the last 10 years with regards to Xbox. Before I rant, my primary consoles (as in, well over 90% of all my gaming) was done in this order:
Dreamcast --> Xbox Original --> Xbox 360
I owned some other consoles here and there (including a PS2 and PS3) and I can honestly say that I owned a handful of games between them, and enjoyed even fewer. So I would say that I'm fairly invested into the Xbox brand and all of it's franchises etc.

Fact is, Microsoft do not compete well in this department. I love Halo, I love PGR, I love Crackdown (including 2), love Forza - and I even loved Gears (prior to Judgement). They're all strong franchises. However Microsoft have shown consistently - for years now, that their focus is elsewhere. If you sit down and look objectively at what:
A) Microsoft have done for a long time now
B) Sony have done for a long time now
C) The studio's and capability behind each company

There is a clear winner here in terms of first party studio's and exclusives. I'm not saying you'll love Uncharted (I think the franchise is very average) etc. But one company has a much larger, stable and more consistent group of studio's that you can guarantee will deliver in addition to significantly superior multiplats.

So please - can we drop the "I go where the games are" bullshit arguments. I won't argue with your preferences between launch titles - neither console are particularly strong in this department. However if you're looking at where you'll get the largest number of quality games that you can't play elsewhere (even moreso if you consider PC ports) - I simply can't fathom how you're behind the XB1. You'd have to be absolutely blinded by Halo/Forza hype to not see that it is at least, very, very competitive exclusives-wise between the two.

Well freaking said!!! This is my EXACT reason for backing the PS4 this round of consoles.

P.S he only thing I don't agree with you on is Crack Down 2, was god awful compared to Crack Down 1


One would have thought that a console in 2014 wouldn't have a problem outputting 1080p as a standard, The PC has being doing it ever since people used rock for money instead of paper
Let alone the 500$ price.

I mean releasing a console 8 years later and price it at 500$ with the same resolution as the previous one is just preposterous.

The cell phones and tablets will outperform it in 3 years. That goes for PS4 as well.

Great hardware, but not near high end PC's. Medium all the way.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
What are the odds MS figures out an authentic killer app for Kinect and makes the Bone seem like it is at a good price? Not high, but it is nonzero.


As I have said (which you may have seen) I will get both, because I don't want to miss out games on either platform.

Fine, get both, enjoy them, but you're in a tiny minority of minorities who will have both, and therefore basically irrelevant to the battle for market share and the success or failure of either console.


with this level of graphics the resolution of the x1 version should be 900p at least

looks like Infinity Ward cant handle the technical difficulties of x1 and chose the easy


Cool, so how do you think they should deal with the tiling of the framebuffer into the esram, whilst maintaining data allocation that allows for all four "lanes" of the esram to be read at the same time?

Do you have a good data allocation algorithm for this that allows for knowing when data is done in esram and can be moved back out,whilst knowing which data needs to go back into that particular block by checking upcoming GPU tasks to maintain high bandwidth?


What are the odds MS figures out an authentic killer app for Kinect and makes the Bone seem like it is at a good price? Not high, but it is nonzero.

I really hope it is true because I love gadgets. I bet anything interesting with Kinect2 will be on PC, and be done by people whose #1 goal isn't moetization.


Talking of exclusives, we know titanfall is coming to PC, but do we know if that is the same as coming to steam OS?
Are developers going to spend even less time on multi-plats, so they can accommodate steam OS?
plus with Xbox one, even if a game is 720p, it'll be a lot richer with more detail, better IQ and higher textures and assets.

I think they'll look fine, and if I was buying only an Xbox one I'd be a bit disappointed but ultimately fine. As it is, I'll have both consoles (PS4 first, Xbox after a price drop), and I can't see myself buying any multiplatform titles for Xbox. Basically a reversal of last gen.

Yeah this is true. They can push more graphics at 720p


I bought a PS3 at launch as I had just bought a new TV at launch and it was a cheap Blu-ray player. I also had a 360 but it kept breaking so in a fit of frustration I got it fixed and traded it in.

I spent the next 8 years reading reports of how the games I was paying the same money for as my 360 bretheren was complete shit as it has a few less lines of resolution, worse framerates, vaseline filters, no AA, no shadows, less grass, etc etc.

I won't put myself through that again.

Been gaming for 30 years by the way.....

In the same boat -with every point you made.
However, I will add that my PS3 purchase would justify itself multiple times per year through exclusives. Graphical fatality was also redeemed through various titles developed by 1st and 2nd party developers.
I also read the multiplatform reports but also saw the 1st and 2nd tier results and I was confident that I did not have an inferior product.

It would have been different if the PS3 was a muiltplatform only console. (That CELL is a MOTHERF...).


So please - can we drop the "I go where the games are" bullshit arguments. I won't argue with your preferences between launch titles - neither console are particularly strong in this department. However if you're looking at where you'll get the largest number of quality games that you can't play elsewhere (even moreso if you consider PC ports) - I simply can't fathom how you're behind the XB1. You'd have to be absolutely blinded by Halo/Forza hype to not see that it is at least, very, very competitive exclusives-wise between the two.

But quality is based on someone's opinion. If they aren't interested in exclusives that are critically acclaimed on one console and are more interested in the critically acclaimed games for another, then that will play a role in what they buy -- regardless of quantity.

There are exclusives games of similar genres on both PS and Xbox but just because that's true that doesn't mean that it's wrong for someone to still have a preference.

The Xbox 360 was cheaper than the PS3 and had Forza but I completely understood if someone was getting a PS3 for Gran Turismo. People simply have different preferences.

I'm all for having discussions about gaming since I love it but completely criticizing a person based on their video game purchase decision is very high on the snobbery chart.


I agree with you, Sony's first party games are fantastic, I loved Uncharted 1/2 (only played half way through 3), I also loved TLoU, they are light years ahead of MS in that regard.

As I have said (which you may have seen) I will get both, because I don't want to miss out games on either platform.

Fair enough if your buying both systems. Me personally I can afford both systems, but the libraries are so similar I won't lose sleep over missing out Xbox One exclusives. I have trouble juggling games between 3DS, Vita, PS3 as it is. Only a super hardcore gamer who has plenty of free time can afford to buy both systems.


Talking of exclusives, we know titanfall is coming to PC, but do we know if that is the same as coming to steam OS?
Are developers going to spend even less time on multi-plats, so they can accommodate steam OS?

EA is the publisher, so expect Origin-exclusive for PC.
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