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Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

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Ah, ok. Didn't realize Capcom kinda embraced it and made more costumes. I thought it was just the one.
I also forgot to mention his relationship with Piers in RE6, which was extremely laden with homoerotic subtext. The fact that he acts completely differently around his first ever male partner, when he has previously only ever worked with female teammates before, and never once displayed any sign of romantic affection toward them. (Even when shamelessly flirted with, ala Jessica.)


One of the tamer examples, really. You could have easily linked one of the countless SFM vore scenes.
Okay this I gotta see
Wow, yeah that's... there's quite a lot out there.

I'm guessing that giant RE snake is rather popular too then, huh :V


I also forgot to mention his relationship with Piers in RE6, which was extremely laden with homoerotic subtext. The fact that he acts completely differently around his first ever male partner, when he has previously only ever worked with female teammates before, and never once displayed any sign of romantic affection toward them. (Even when shamelessly flirted with, ala Jessica.)

You make a compelling point actually...
Okay this I gotta see
Wow, yeah that's... there's quite a lot out there.

I'm guessing that giant RE snake is rather popular too then, huh :V
Chris does get put through the wringer a lot, I guess that comes with the territory of being a popular fantasy subject, you'll get put in a variety of situations, some not so pleasant.

Thankfully he's got a quite a lot of less emotionally scaring art composed of him too.

You make a compelling point actually...
I've discussed this at length before.

Capcom still doesn't directly address this, but the amount of evidence present in his appearance and demeanor is very telling.

I'm hoping they'll just have the guts to actually outright confirm that Chris is gay in a future RE title. The basis is there, and it would make a huge positive splash. (Anyone upset over it is obviously not paying attention, or is the kind to take their ball home and pout anyway.)


Yeah, it's not like these are serious psychological theories that have a lot of popularity among academic circles

more like borderline pop psychology. sweeping generalizations based on the rather weak discipline of evolutionary psychology always sound nice tho!


I also forgot to mention his relationship with Piers in RE6, which was extremely laden with homoerotic subtext. The fact that he acts completely differently around his first ever male partner, when he has previously only ever worked with female teammates before, and never once displayed any sign of romantic affection toward them. (Even when shamelessly flirted with, ala Jessica.)




Chris does get put through the wringer a lot, I guess that comes with the territory of being a popular fantasy subject, you'll get put in a variety of situations, some not so pleasant.

Thankfully he's got a quite a lot of less emotionally scaring art composed of him too.

I've discussed this at length before.

Capcom still doesn't directly address this, but the amount of evidence present in his appearance and demeanor is very telling.

I'm hoping they'll just have the guts to actually outright confirm that Chris is gay in a future RE title. The basis is there, and it would make a huge positive splash. (Anyone upset over it is obviously not paying attention, or is the kind to take their ball home and pout anyway.)

Having both of his most popular love interests explode into masses of tentacles surely didn't hurt, either...

Regarding having them officially confirm Chris to be gay; while it doesn't seem extraordinarily likely, they have been very accommodating of the idea. It'd have been trivial to shoehorn some romantic text between him and Jill in 5 or have him comment favourably on the appearance of any female character in any game, but they seem to be consciously avoiding it. Hopefully they can take the risk and do it, though it is a reasonably large step even from cultivated ambiguity; and I could see them wanting to continue the current situation for a while longer...


I'm wondering if it's a reference to the Fist of the North Star film's bearded Kenshiro? Looks an awful lot like it.

There seems to be a weird controversy about muscular people. Whenever someone posts pictures on Facebook, and they have muscles, either gender, people call it "gross" and "disgusting", yet pictures of grossly overweight people are "hot" and "sexy". Yet, at the same time, films like Magic Mike are doing well in the cinemas. Do people only like muscles in media or something?
There seems to be a weird controversy about muscular people. Whenever someone posts pictures on Facebook, and they have muscles, either gender, people call it "gross" and "disgusting", yet pictures of grossly overweight people are "hot" and "sexy". Yet, at the same time, films like Magic Mike are doing well in the cinemas. Do people only like muscles in media or something?

Do you think it could be confirmation bias? I haven't noticed a trend of obese people being called hot and sexy on social networks. Seems like the opposite, really.

There's a point where bigger muscles stop being appealing and starts to head into the grotesque area. People have different preferences, but I don't think that the guys in Magic Mike are near that point at all.
Having both of his most popular love interests explode into masses of tentacles surely didn't hurt, either...

Regarding having them officially confirm Chris to be gay; while it doesn't seem extraordinarily likely, they have been very accommodating of the idea. It'd have been trivial to shoehorn some romantic text between him and Jill in 5 or have him comment favourably on the appearance of any female character in any game, but they seem to be consciously avoiding it. Hopefully they can take the risk and do it, though it is a reasonably large step even from cultivated ambiguity; and I could see them wanting to continue the current situation for a while longer...
I guess we'll see. There's sure to be some bewildered and upset players if they go that route, but as I mentioned previously, it's practically spelled out in rainbow coloured letters, but just trapped in the medium's obsession was subtext and gay baiting.

We need to collectively step past that, and the sooner the better.


I've discussed this at length before.

Capcom still doesn't directly address this, but the amount of evidence present in his appearance and demeanor is very telling.

I'm hoping they'll just have the guts to actually outright confirm that Chris is gay in a future RE title. The basis is there, and it would make a huge positive splash. (Anyone upset over it is obviously not paying attention, or is the kind to take their ball home and pout anyway.)

I could see that happening, but probably not in an ideal way. Something like Chris is already retired and only an NPC now, you play as a new character and at some point you either see Chris and his husband during an early game cutscene or Chris mentions his husband and that's it.

Unfortunately, I can't see it becoming anything more than that.


I could see that happening, but probably not in an ideal way. Something like Chris is already retired and only an NPC now, you play as a new character and at some point you either see Chris and his husband during an early game cutscene or Chris mentions his husband and that's it.

Unfortunately, I can't see it becoming anything more than that.

That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing - once it's established, it holds true for the entire series. And given how much Resident Evil loves prequels and midquels, a game or eight with him as the main character would still be inevitable even after depicting him as retired and happily married with Piers' rotting corpse.


1rst time I see this alt costume.
What does it remind me off.....
Oh I know!

I'm ok with dad ryu but I can't say it's sexy at all, I guess if you're onto that kinda of things...
Seems like the usual male power fantasy to me, like Dudebro dude with his lush beard and being shirtless.


So at a glance, such a large design indicates either a complete redesign of character, or one could assume it is the same character but time and whatever living habits he has had, did not agree with him.

EDIT: Let us not forget Ken and his amazing change visually and in terms of fighting style.
It's definitely intended to show the ravages of time. He's a combination of aging rockstar and aging linebacker and it totally works.


That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing - once it's established, it holds true for the entire series. And given how much Resident Evil loves prequels and midquels, a game or eight with him as the main character would still be inevitable even after depicting him as retired and happily married with Piers' rotting corpse.

Hmm, you're definitely right about that. And Capcom seems pretty interested in respecting RE's storyline, even if it's trash, since they still didn't give up on direct sequels and didn't go for a reboot.

EDIT: And actually, for the kind of game RE is, there really isn't space for that much more too, right? When I wrote unfortunately, I guess I was just thinking about the industry as a whole, but for RE, just some guy happily married to another guy is about as much of a romance we'd get even for a straight couple.

1rst time I see this alt costume.
What does it remind me off.....
Oh I know!

I'm ok with dad ryu but I can't say it's sexy at all, I guess if you're onto that kinda of things...
Seems like the usual male power fantasy to me, like Dudebro dude with his lush beard and being shirtless.

The problem with the whole power fantasy thing, if I'm getting it right, is that its definition is a lot more connected to "the man other men would want to be" than the "power" part, so it becomes too malleable. You show me a hot character and ask "would you want to be like this?", and I'll answer you yes, but not for the same reason people (in my opinion rightly so) say Kratos doesn't count because he's just a power fantasy. I don't want to be Kratos, I don't want to be Marcus Fenix. If a power fantasy is what men want to be, then there's no way that what straight women find attractive wouldn't overlap with what a power fantasy is. I want to be what women find attractive. I don't want to be a huge brainless person who beats everyone to death for no reason, but I do wish I was as pretty/hot as, say, Ian Somerhalder.

Even if most of the times people use the term "power fantasy" they're right, I still don't really like the term. Because it can pretty much be shaped to mean "I disagree with you, therefore it doesn't count". You have many gay men and some straight women saying they find this Ryu hot, but because you don't, then he's just a power fantasy.


Do you think it could be confirmation bias? I haven't noticed a trend of obese people being called hot and sexy on social networks. Seems like the opposite, really.

There's a point where bigger muscles stop being appealing and starts to head into the grotesque area. People have different preferences, but I don't think that the guys in Magic Mike are near that point at all.

That's the thing though; they're not overly muscled, just more like they do a lot of running and light strength training. No where near what people would normally consider gross I'd think, definitely not steroid level. I just find it strange that people would put someone down for improving themselves while encouraging people to overeat and damage their health. Whatever, too off topic anyway.

You know what would be a cool costume for this? Something from Mad Max, like the bandits or marauders or war boys.
So the people who weren't even thinking about picking up the game, are ya'll more likely to pickup now cuz of Hot Ryu?
Cause more players is always a good thing especially for online sessions!
Really want it now honestly is this really going to stay pre-order exclusive? how do these Street Fighter/Capcom situations go as far as that kind of thing is concerned. Will it be able to be purchased later? Played and own a few of the older titles even own the several variants of IV and I just don't care too much for it as far as fighting games go but I want to play as Daddy Ryu so bad can't wait for him and hope alot of uhm "artwork" comes out of it. :)


The problem with the whole power fantasy thing, if I'm getting it right, is that its definition is a lot more connected to "the man other men would want to be" than the "power" part, so it becomes too malleable. You show me a hot character and ask "would you want to be like this?", and I'll answer you yes, but not for the same reason people (in my opinion rightly so) say Kratos doesn't count because he's just a power fantasy. I don't want to be Kratos, I don't want to be Marcus Fenix. If a power fantasy is what men want to be, then there's no way that what straight women find attractive wouldn't overlap with what a power fantasy is. I want to be what women find attractive. I don't want to be a huge brainless person who beats everyone to death for no reason, but I do wish I was as pretty/hot as, say, Ian Somerhalder.

Even if most of the times people use the term "power fantasy" they're right, I still don't really like the term. Because it can pretty much be shaped to mean "I disagree with you, therefore it doesn't count". You have many gay men and some straight women saying they find this Ryu hot, but because you don't, then he's just a power fantasy.

Well if someone find him hot I won't tell them that they're wrong in liking what they like.
I honestly doesn't see much difference between this and your average hermit martial artist that is the epitome of badass.
As far as I'm concerned this is just what I see.
I guess the difference between this eyecandy and the ones I'm more used to see for female character, this one doesn't treat its subject matter like some kind of meat slab straight out of a porno.
Blame the rest of the industry for making me expect some kind of degrading shitty stuff.
Again I have nothing against this design I don't get why he's so much more sexy with this kind of clothes.

e: Actually a hot character can be more than a power fantasy.
I mean Bond is pretty much that, you take a good looking actor that women would find attractive and the rest is pretty much power fantasy 101.
I guess while I don't understand why dad ryu would be more than a power fantasy, I'm pretty sure that's what he's 1rst and foremost.
The problem with the whole power fantasy thing, if I'm getting it right, is that its definition is a lot more connected to "the man other men would want to be" than the "power" part, so it becomes too malleable. You show me a hot character and ask "would you want to be like this?", and I'll answer you yes, but not for the same reason people (in my opinion rightly so) say Kratos doesn't count because he's just a power fantasy. I don't want to be Kratos, I don't want to be Marcus Fenix. If a power fantasy is what men want to be, then there's no way that what straight women find attractive wouldn't overlap with what a power fantasy is. I want to be what women find attractive. I don't want to be a huge brainless person who beats everyone to death for no reason, but I do wish I was as pretty/hot as, say, Ian Somerhalder.

Agreed, this is my problem with the use of this term. It can be used to shut down pretty much anything.
I'm getting the game. Decided that since they revealed that Ken redesign that's incredibly amazing. This just adds to that.

Sou Da

Clearly this is the canon Ryu, right before he shaves his beard and leaves a little stubble on. As seen in SF3.


yes. problem?

Through history there were several events and moments that fundamentally changed the way people play, design, perceive, buy, watch and enjoy games. Just looking at the recent year we could cite the casual appeal of Wii, the streaming fever on Twitch, the rise of Steam, Smartphones, as events that strongly influenced the trajectory of the videogame industry.

I don´t think the sexualization of Ryu will have the same impact in the industry as the other events mentioned above. Even if SF5 result in a more positive open-minded attitude towards gender issues in games from both designers and players and, later on, lead to a more healthy industry, why is that more impactful than the other events?


Your move, Namco. I want all that grizzled man bearded-Ryu's got when Yunseong and the other returning men come back for Soul Calibur 6!


Peléo;177256436 said:
Through history there were several events and moments that fundamentally changed the way people play, design, perceive, buy, watch and enjoy games. Just looking at the recent year we could cite the casual appeal of Wii, the streaming fever on Twitch, the rise of Steam, Smartphones, as events that strongly influenced the trajectory of the videogame industry.

I don´t think the sexualization of Ryu will have the same impact in the industry as the other events mentioned above. Even if SF5 result in a more positive open-minded attitude towards gender issues in games from both designers and players and, later on, lead to a more healthy industry, why is that more impactful than the other events?

? because its iconic. problem?


I mean, it could be, but a lot of these things could be accidents or coincidences. I can see the flexing just being part of the normal animations considering the context of the series, and it could easily be that they just took a few screenshots of the costume and just chose one on a more arbitrary manner.

The thing is, Japan is a very conservative culture. The vast majority of game developers there are men. And while some may be gay, being gay is still a lot less common than being straight. And even if someone is gay, there's a good chance they'll hide it for social reasons, especially in a culture as conservative as Japan. If this is intentional, I think it's far more likely a gay individual on the team pushed for this because of their own tastes without letting the reason be known, rather than some united front from the team with the intention of reaching out

If this is true then the man is hero. It's unlikely that Capcom designed and released this without some kind of impression in mind. This type of thing is rarely accidental. You can draw clues from the way he is posing:

His body is contorted in a way to draw attention to his chest and abs. In fact it's a very familiar pose that's used frequently:

Do you see the similarity?


If this is true then the man is hero. It's unlikely that Capcom designed and released this without some kind of impression in mind. This type of thing is rarely accidental. You can draw clues from the way he is posing:

His body is contorted in a way to draw attention to his chest and abs. In fact it's a very familiar pose that's used frequently:

Do you see the similarity?

That poor woman (whom is making me very uncomfortable and I will not sanction or purchase any product she is affiliated with) should find a proper fitting bikini.


? because its iconic. problem?

It is iconic and maybe it becomes the symbol of a new era in the industry in which male and female characters are designed in more equal lens.

But why is this possible shift the biggest event in the videogame history?


Peléo;177259937 said:
It is iconic and maybe it becomes the symbol of a new era in the industry in which male and female characters are designed in more equal lens.

But why is this possible shift the biggest event in the videogame history?

because he's really hot


Peléo;177259937 said:
It is iconic and maybe it becomes the symbol of a new era in the industry in which male and female characters are designed in more equal lens.

But why is this possible shift the biggest event in the videogame history?

omg you are clueless this is so second-hand-embarrassing SMH...
its all tongue in cheek and youre making these posts and i just dont know how to respond anymore, im sorry!!!
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