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Joystiq will not be reviewing Nier


Freyjadour said:
I have played the game, and it is the most enjoyable experience I've had in JRPGs in years. Considerably more than the subject of your avatar. Seriously, it's a god damn FACT.

I do not need to even play the game to know that it is probably more fun.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I cannot express my current opinion due to language restrictions, Ive rewritten this post like 5 times already :(

Long story short: people should play more, relax a little and bitch less.

I fully intend on checking Nier out though, at the very least it sounds interesting :)
Cep said:
I do not need to even play the game to know that it is probably more fun.

Not even a shot at you, just a statement that this is exactly the sort of game I've been missing. I don't care if the graphics are subpar or some moron at Joystiq can't follow the X on his map, it's absolutely stellar in the music, atmosphere, story, and writing departments and the game itself is rather enjoyable as well.

I came into the game expecting a massive letdown, but the more I play it the more I'm pulled in by every aspect of the game. I seriously fucking love Nier.
Good job OP, way to give Joystiq more hits. Should have been posted in the official thread.

So reviewer can't follow fat red cross on map. What a bitch:lol

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
schennmu said:
Good job OP, way to give Joystiq more hits. Should have been posted in the official thread.

So reviewer can't follow fat red cross on map. What a bitch:lol

Its a smart move, he acts outraged for the whole internet. Im sure he didnt like the game, but he milked the situation for all its worth so that he could become (somewhat) internet famous.

Its like the angry nintendo nerd. Its all a show to see what crazy facial expressions he comes up with when he pretends to be outraged by bad games.
Korey said:
Is it possible to avoid fishing for the whole game? Or will you be severely disadvantaged?

You get a quest, follow an arrow, and can be more or less done with fishing 20 seconds later. That being said, using the right lures and doing the quests is really not that difficult.


Freyjadour said:
Not even a shot at you, just a statement that this is exactly the sort of game I've been missing. I don't care if the graphics are subpar or some moron at Joystiq can't follow the X on his map, it's absolutely stellar in the music, atmosphere, story, and writing departments and the game itself is rather enjoyable as well.

I came into the game expecting a massive letdown, but the more I play it the more I'm pulled in by every aspect of the game. I seriously fucking love Nier.

Still baffles me that people like him exist.

I mean really.

I personally was/am not expecting a disappointment, just annoyed by Gaf's (over)reactions.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
schennmu said:
Good job OP, way to give Joystiq more hits. Should have been posted in the official thread.

So reviewer can't follow fat red cross on map. What a bitch:lol

I liked the video.

I think it's pretty clear that the only people in this topic upset are the people that like nier and are butthurt it didn't get a fair shake from Joystiq.


I remember a time when it was considered "dumbing down" to actually put X's on the map for quests. Apparently, these days it's too much to expect people to use them.


Durante said:
I remember a time when it was considered "dumbing down" to actually put X's on the map for quests. Apparently, these days it's too much to expect people to use them.

The next innovation in game design will be tubes lead that take away all that pesky exploration and the need for basic reasoning skills.

FF13: Ahead of its time.


HappyBivouac said:
The gaming world as a whole these days is just as interested in finding "flaws" in the latest game and running off to tell the internet/gaming press about them as they are interested in playing games and enjoying them. His reactions in this video are a beautifully irritating example of what annoys me in gaming today.

Look at the Angry Nintendo Nerd's NES TMNT video from a few years ago. The game is blisteringly difficult, and the video is the current gamer's reaction to a game made back then. I'm not going to say the game is "good" when compared to the greats of its time, but back in the day if you beat some of the truly challenging games of the time, you were fucking God. Nowadays, sure, we still have some pretty challenging games, but you can see where people are so quick to turn "wow this is difficult" into "OMG this game SUCKS fuck this."

Not everything is a flaw just because it makes you personally unhappy, or it's something that the gaming media/internet told you is an automatic qualifier for bad game design. We're just so eager to point out flaws in games instead of just shutting up and playing or not playing them.

I haven't been looking forward to Nier at all, though. Looks like crap to my personal taste. Not my thing. I'm just sayin' here.

I feel the same way. The internet seems to be dominated by people who can judge games and movies only in two ways: either it sucks completely or it's just perfect. There's only black and white, but no grey anymore. Since perfection is so rare, you find that these morons hate almost everything, they damn games for small faults and they're also quick to laugh at games they haven't even played yet because their friends (who haven't played those games as well) also laugh at those titles.

There used to be a time when thoughtful reviews were an antidote to stupidity but unfortunately bloggers have discovered that black and white LOL blog postings generate more hits than intelligent discussion.
GDJustin said:
I liked the video.

I think it's pretty clear that the only people in this topic upset are the people that like nier and are butthurt it didn't get a fair shake from Joystiq.



Durante said:
I remember a time when it was considered "dumbing down" to actually put X's on the map for quests. Apparently, these days it's too much to expect people to use them.

You have to warp to your location. Maps are for geography class.


Worships the porcelain goddess
GDJustin said:
I liked the video.

I think it's pretty clear that the only people in this topic upset are the people that like nier and are butthurt it didn't get a fair shake from Joystiq.

I've never played Nier. I forget Joystiq exists. I'm really rather surprised that a reviews editor can't read a damned map in a video game. Then I'm surprised that more people aren't calling him on it. I mean, I've never seen the minimap in the game before this video, but that red X on the minimap as shown in the video is probably the place to go. I can't help but think that its right there.

If you don't like the game, whatever. Fine. But this was the last straw? You going to the wrong place because you can't read a map and you spend a hour there without some sort of gamer critical thinking setting in? That's some bush league shit. :lol


Kintaro said:
I've never played Nier. I forget Joystiq exists. I'm really rather surprised that a reviews editor can't read a damned map in a video game. Then I'm surprised that more people aren't calling him on it. I mean, I've never seen the minimap in the game before this video, but that red X on the minimap as shown in the video is probably the place to go. I can't help but think that its right there.

If you don't like the game, whatever. Fine. But this was the last straw? You going to the wrong place because you can't read a map and you spend a hour there without some sort of gamer critical thinking setting in? That's some bush league shit. :lol

Let us all be honest here, he was looking for an out.

I cannot be the only one that plays a game, barely likes(or even dislikes) it and throws in the towel the second it throws any resistance.

Sounds like exactly what happened. Had it been a game he liked, he would have gone back to it despite this.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Cep said:
Let us all be honest here, he was looking for an out.

I cannot be the only one that plays a game, barely likes(or even dislikes) it and throws in the towel the second it throws any resistance.

Sounds like exactly what happened. Had it been a game he liked, he would have gone back to it despite this.

Well, that's fine. One doesn't need an out. Just say "fuck it" and write a piece on what you played and why you quit playing. Doing this, while gaining hits, just makes you look like a tool.

People already have a low opinion of games writers. Why help them justify it?


Kyoufu said:
So Joystig aren't reviewing Monster Hunter Tri because the dude can't beat a Great Jaggi.
They did review Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, the hardest of them all so I guess they will handle Tri.
i don't get how the guy could play up till that part of the game and still not know that you follow the red X to complete the current objective.

at least he got out before getting to the barren temple. since such an easy quest stumped him i have a feeling he'd have really flipped his shit in that area.


Kintaro said:
Well, that's fine. One doesn't need an out. Just say "fuck it" and write a piece on what you played and why you quit playing. Doing this, while gaining hits, just makes you look like a tool.

People already have a low opinion of games writers. Why help them justify it?

Or say 'Fuck It' make a joke about it on your blog, and then move on.

But yeah, he definately looks like a tool.


It seems a little funny that a pseudo-review which may very well carry some factual inaccuracies regarding the quality of a single mechanic has led to responses which may lead others to expect a decent game.

Retail reviewers of the HD titles have such a small pond from which to "fish" that I can scarcely imagine it making a difference whether the game is somewhat crappy or really crappy.

Maybe I'll try Nier when the price of finding out isn't $60.


Speevy said:
It seems a little funny that a pseudo-review which may very well carry some factual inaccuracies regarding the quality of a single mechanic has led to responses which may lead others to expect a decent game.

Retail reviewers of the HD titles have such a small pond from which to "fish" that I can scarcely imagine it making a difference whether the game is somewhat crappy or really crappy.

Maybe I'll try Nier when the price of finding out isn't $60.

Here, here.
GDJustin said:
One thing this topic has taught me is who, specifically, LOVES NIER on this forum. They're pretty easy to spot... getting all riled up by this video. :lol

Pancakes, red X aside, unless all those other elements are specifically explained, then it sounds to me like the game is needlessly obtuse. An observation that many of us have towards jRPGs in general.

They are explained both in game (via in character npc dialog, yes the game expects you to pay attention to what the characters say, weird I know, and a popup controls screen you can reference later) and in the manual.

Generally speaking, slow or no progress is an indicator that you are doing something wrong. I don't think that needs to be explained in every game you play. This guy sure was determined to put that square peg in the round hole though.

It truly saddens me that people need games to tell tell them in tutorial text to use some common sense.


This is the segment he was stuck on, notice the changing position of the giant red X. The same red X he probably used to find the fisherman in the first place.


Speevy said:
It seems a little funny that a pseudo-review which may very well carry some factual inaccuracies regarding the quality of a single mechanic has led to responses which may lead others to expect a decent game.

Retail reviewers of the HD titles have such a small pond from which to "fish" that I can scarcely imagine it making a difference whether the game is somewhat crappy or really crappy.

Maybe I'll try Nier when the price of finding out isn't $60.

Oh good, I look forward to your impressions.


Kintaro said:
Well, that's fine. One doesn't need an out. Just say "fuck it" and write a piece on what you played and why you quit playing. Doing this, while gaining hits, just makes you look like a tool.
Yet somehow when another site does this as part of a regular feature (a feature name that rhymes with "thick books"), GAF says it's the best thing ever. Go figure.


He was fishing in the wrong place. The shaman fish takes 10 seconds to catch. He used the fact that he had a family as an excuse not to do his job. He's an idiot.


thetrin said:
I didn't realize the publisher can change whether or not the characters in a game are memorable. Please school me more on the ins and outs of game development, Amir0x.

I'm sure you know that, in this case, Cavia, SquareEnix... most Japanese (and Western) developers... are interchangeable. There won't be interesting characters in this game by my standards. I'm sure you realize that. The standards that claim characters in games which have demon hermaphrodite girls and wacky talking book guides are "interesting" are proabably significantly... different... than mine.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
that guy sounded kind of funny to me, might listen to their podcast if he's on it.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Amir0x said:
I'm sure you know that, in this case, Cavia, SquareEnix... most Japanese (and Western) developers... are interchangeable. There won't be interesting characters in this game by my standards. I'm sure you realize that. The standards that claim characters in games which have demon hermaphrodite girls and wacky talking book guides are "interesting" are proabably significantly... different... than mine.
I wasn't interested in this game until I saw demon hermaphrodite girls.


Jealous Bastard
looking forward to the sequel



Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
GDJustin said:
Pancakes, red X aside, unless all those other elements are specifically explained, then it sounds to me like the game is needlessly obtuse. An observation that many of us have towards jRPGs in general.

Except those elements are completely unnecessary for the mandatory portion of the game. As previously mentioned, after three failed attempts the game catches the fish for you.

To reiterate: the game assigns you a task. It places a gigantic, incredibly obvious marker on a detailed map showing exactly where to go to accomplish it. Upon reaching the marked location, if you have any difficulties whatsoever the game completes the quest for you anyway. Literally all you have to do to complete the quest is go to the massive red X on your map.

If this situation warrants being called "needlessly obtuse" then the problem is not the game. The problem is not the game at all.
WickedLaharl said:
i don't get how the guy could play up till that part of the game and still not know that you follow the red X to complete the current objective.

at least he got out before getting to the barren temple. since such an easy quest stumped him i have a feeling he'd have really flipped his shit in that area.

I guess video games don't really make you smarter.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
IPoopStandingUp said:
I wasn't interested in this game until I saw demon hermaphrodite girls.

The Japanese PS3 version also contains some sort of incestuous theme. Incest, demon hermaphrodite girl and a character that looks like an escapee from an old Tim Burton movie. Could it be better?


Sonic handles my blue balls
Combichristoffersen said:
The Japanese PS3 version also contains some sort of incestuous theme. Incest, demon hermaphrodite girl and a character that looks like an escapee from an old Tim Burton movie. Could it be better?
Excuse me as I run off to learn Japanese so that I could play that magnificent game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
IPoopStandingUp is an amazing internet handle.


ixix said:
Except those elements are completely unnecessary for the mandatory portion of the game. As previously mentioned, after three failed attempts the game catches the fish for you.

To reiterate: the game assigns you a task. It places a gigantic, incredibly obvious marker on a detailed map showing exactly where to go to accomplish it. Upon reaching the marked location, if you have any difficulties whatsoever the game completes the quest for you anyway. Literally all you have to do to complete the quest is go to the massive red X on your map.

If this situation warrants being called "needlessly obtuse" then the problem is not the game. The problem is not the game at all.



I have no sound ATM, but am I understanding correctly that Joystiq won't review Nier because of a fishing-minigame?


neorej said:
I have no sound ATM, but am I understanding correctly that Joystiq won't review Nier because of a fishing-minigame?

A fishing-minigame that he isn't in the right spot to play. lol
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