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Kojima's new game will be published by Sony, is also coming to PC, not Silent Hill


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
That was the most PC-friendly conference I have ever seen, without mentioning the platform by name obviously. PC is like that embarrassing family member everyone dances around mentioning at Thanksgiving.

So you're saying PC is like the gay uncle of the family?

"Oh that's just Uncle Steam and his... uh... 'friend' the Steam Controller."


good move to put it on PC too. his games sell on the platform well, and there's enough name recognition that he could get a lot of exposure even without the metal gear solid branding.

who wants to take bets they'll be using UE4?

numbers from my arse

1: ue4 60%

2 cryengine etc 10%

2: some random sony engine 5%

3: new engine 25%


I know this retort has been made in other threads, and I know it's a new IP, but with all of these horror/stealth requests, I almost wish Kojima was working on a new Siren game.


Toyama is busy with Gravity Daze 2. maybe he can come back to it in the future. that's his baby.
The only one which annoys me a bit is "Console Debut", since it doesn't give me any idea about whether a given game will end up on PC. (While a full exclusive obviously won't and a "Console Exclusive" will)

I think it's possible the developers/publishers aren't even sure if they are doing a PC version on these cases. It's just a blanket statement that it could happen.

Like I can honestly believe Level 5 has no clue if they are going to release NNK2 on PC or not.

Or maybe Sony made a contract where they have the rights to the game but it want's to see how the first one performs before committing to pay for a series.

I think that the order might be a similar case to this. Where if the game exploded RAD would be making at lest 2 more sequels.

What tells me that the ip not belongs to Sony is that a pc version will be released and Sony doesn't have a precedent of publishing their ips outside of Playstation platforms (and mobile).

I think a "console debut" is for the cases where the game could appear on other consoles and Pc.

I don't think any of this terminologies are a given for other versions, it's just that the possibility of other ports are in the developers hands, as the contract doesn't block it.

I imagine "console debut" is about games that are still in negotiation and all they can confirm is timed exclusivity.

Can't it also be a case where the game is already out on PC, but when it comes to consoles it will debut on PS4? There was a Sony conference (maybe last year's E3 or GC), which had lot of indies which were already out on PC or announced for it at that time and iirc they used this terminology?


Punished Kojima

And of course it's disappointing that the game cannot be a Metal Gear or Silent Hills, but I will stay looking forward to the announcement as if it were those games because Kojima is one of the greatest game developers of all time.

I don't understand why people want more of these games. Enough has been made from these series. Let the man cook something new.


Can't it also be a case where the game is already out on PC, but when it comes to consoles it will debut on PS4? There was a Sony conference (maybe last year's E3 or GC), which had lot of indies which were already out on PC at that time and iirc they used this terminology?

Good point.

Console debut - likely already out on PC, but will make it's console debut on PS4.
Console exclusive - PC/PS4.
First on PS4 - premieres first on PS4, then other platforms.
Sony console exclusive - PS4/PS3/PSV/PC

Mind your word choice people.
Now PC gamers can stop being besides themselves in foolish anger and be happy a new Kojima game will eventually be available to them.

Being a PC gamer is sometimes embarrassing due to the community that surrounds it.


Sony is doing God's work this gen. Nintendo did it once with Bayonetta, but Sony has consistently hitting the right buttons.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Can't it also be a case where the game is already out on PC, but when it comes to consoles it will debut on PS4? There was a Sony conference (maybe last year's E3 or GC), which had lot of indies which were already out on PC at that time and iirc they used this terminology?

Yes, that's another case.

I think console debut just says that ps4 (or any Ps console) will be the first console where the game will be available. But it didn't rule out the game appearing in other platforms later be it PC, Xbox or Nintendo console/handheld.


Can't it also be a case where the game is already out on PC, but when it comes to consoles it will debut on PS4? There was a Sony conference (maybe last year's E3 or GC), which had lot of indies which were already out on PC or announced for it at that time and iirc they used this terminology?
Yes, it was also used for that. But it could just as well mean a day-and-date PC release, or a late PC release, or none at all (though that latter is increasingly uncommon).

That's why I consider it the most nebulous.


Just because it's not related to silent hills, doesn't mean del toro, reedus, ito, and yamaoka can't be involved, right? RIGHT???


Now PC gamers can stop being besides themselves in foolish anger and be happy a new Kojima game will eventually be available to them.

Being a PC gamer is sometimes embarrassing due to the community that surrounds it.

What? The majority of PC gamers on GAF were knowledgeable of the word choice situation as we've been seeing that for years.

I didn't see any salt in the announcement thread either, thought there may be some cases they will be in the minority.


On Demand

What do you think about these statements then?
It's pretty normal in PS4 vs XB1 resolution announcement threads.

I'm not really trying to bring this topic further, but I'm genuinely curious on why people still see things differently.

You reached that far to prove a terrible point.

There's nothing wrong in stating those things in comparison threads and especially for games that exist. This is just an announcement and we know nothing about Kojima's game, or even know the time frame it's coming to PC. Yet you have these superiority post claiming PC will be best and posting.......MGS5 PC/PS4 pics as proof. How does that make any type of sense?

To be fair, I've seen the game. And it looks like this right now.


Oh ok. I stand corrected.



Makes sense. I said last night that it sounded similar to another No Man's Sky/Street Figter/Shenmue situation. Sony funds less of the project upfront but assists with development, marketing, and doesn't prohibit a PC/Steam release of the game they helped make. Sony gets its console exclusive, which is all they really care about, and their partner gets to tap into a massive revenue stream that Sony doesn't consider direct competition. Everybody wins.


Stop with the stupid fighting. Both PC and PS4 owners are getting the game. It does not make the game worth less and if its not exclusive to ps4. And the game would not even exist without the ps4 either.
What? The majority of PC gamers on GAF were knowledgeable of the word choice situation as we've been seeing that for years.

I didn't see any salt in the announcement thread either, thought there may be some cases they will be in the minority.


GAF was not the problem, the wonderful folks on the rest of the internet wasteland weren't exactly thrilled.

I never even said GAF either.
What? The majority of PC gamers on GAF were knowledgeable of the word choice situation as we've been seeing that for years.

I didn't see any salt in the announcement thread either, thought there may be some cases they will be in the minority.

check the last couple pages of the original thread. definitely some weird PC vs. Console stuff going on. It was salt, on both sides surprisingly.


The issue is posts like that set a narrative. It's bad form and does nothing productive for the conversation. Jokes can be jokes at the right time. There was nothing really compelling or funny about staying what is known.

What about posts like this from the other thread?

It's not so
irrational to keep your XB and just get the bevy of amazing console exclusives and Japanese games the PS4 is securing. 2016 will be a seminal year for PS4 as well.

The superior multiplatform games are just icing.

Are those ok?


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Yes, it was also used for that. But it could just as well mean a day-and-date PC release, or a late PC release, or none at all (though that latter is increasingly uncommon).

That's why I consider it the most nebulous.

I consider it the same as a console exclusive in regards to PC. To me both options leave the pc version up in the air. The difference is that with the "exclusive" there's no possibility of the game ever appearing in other console.
You reached that far to prove a terrible point.

There's nothing wrong in stating those things in comparison threads and especially for games that exist. This is just an announcement and we know nothing about Kojima's game, or even know the time frame it's coming to PC. Yet you have these superiority post claiming PC will be best and posting.......MGS5 PC/PS4 pics as proof. How does that make any type of sense?

Well, of course that doesn't make any sense. I'm not defending that particular poster(s) at all. However, it would be unwise for the developers to release a game on PC without resolution support that goes beyond 1080p. I was just stating that point. And by that, it's perfectly reasonable for people to assume that PC version will have better resolution. If that somehow makes some people on their edge, I don't know what to say anymore. Anyway, I do agree that we shouldn't discuss this topic in the first place.
I kinda knew Sony was gonna work very closely with kojima after his tenure with konami.
I'm very excited to see what it is. Hopefully del toro will join the project.


If Kojima had to pick one, and the money is good, Sony would be the safer bet. Relationships with Sony also seem to be generally good, which is a major plus.

Taking everything into account, it's difficult to think what other publisher would be better for Beardjima.


hide your water-based mammals
What about posts like this from the other thread?

Are those ok?
What part of me telling him to keep his XB did you miss?

Superior or better multiplatform. It's just a word. Don't put words in my mouth. I was telling him not to abandon his XB and if you read his post about multiplatform games then he would be enjoying better multiplatform games on PS4. It's up to the individual to determine where he/she wants to buy their games.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

Realizing his skills were too valuable to be tethered to his old obligations, Ronin Kojima decides to serve no master


To expand on this, of the thousands of multiplatform games released over the past decade I can't think of more than a handful (or even that) which weren't (sometimes eventually, after HW improvements and community fixes) definitive on PC.

Can you?

Great. I guess we get to turn this thread into a PC pissing contest.


I know this retort has been made in other threads, and I know it's a new IP, but with all of these horror/stealth requests, I almost wish Kojima was working on a new Siren game.


Toyama is still alive and well, dude.
And surely more proven than Kojima when it comes to Horror.
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