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Let's Fool Around!

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Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Also she literally said "aww" as in "aww man" and had a sad look on her face.

No projecting.

Ah, you didn't say you talked with her before parting ways. I thought you were just looking across the quad and thought she looked sad and thought it was about you.

Got ya.


OP wtf??? You asked her to fool around out of nowhere, she said no and then you said come on for three minutes?

The fuck?????

I woulda cringed myself the fuck outta there.


If she doesn't get off in three minutes do you have to call in Rosey and Jamal?

Did I just hear someone say three minutes?



You can do a lot of stupid shit in college. More tbh.

Yeah, a lot more leeway to just fade into the crowd if things go pear-shaped, or enough alcohol was involved that everyone else got compromised by doing something stupid. In high school everything's more tight-knight, along with the fact that being underage makes things a lot sketchier (like how a dick pic goes from perfectly legal straight to kiddie porn across that line).
If you've never fooled around/had sex with a woman and can get her off in three minutes, you're some kind of savant.

EDIT: But yeah, for real, dude. Just ask her out for a drink or something to eat or something. Even if she does find you attractive, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who is totally cool with fooling around for *just* three minutes in the back of a car, unless they're crazy about you.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Doesn't really matter. If she's into him he can still ask her out and now he doesn't look as desperate asking her out again immediately.

Exactly. Asking her out after going 0-60 the previous day is a fools move.
Okay see, what my thought process was here was pretty simple.

I thought:

After the final, I won't see her on a regular basis.

Instead of going through the hoops of asking her out, deciding on a place, and whatever, which I didn't feel like doing, I figured, "If I ask this and she doesn't reciprocate, there is only one more class before I never have to see her again"

I wouldn't be heartbroken by this, I just have a thing for her and that's it.
I was thinking that if I did this, I wouldn't be putting anything on the line unlike a date where I would drive there and pay for a meal and what not for a higher possible chance at fingerbanging but more resources spent, compared to no resources spent with a higher percentage of failing

It's like XCOM.
You've gotta invest a bit more than $20 to get into a girl's nether regions. Get onto Tinder if you're looking for hook ups.

At least you're not at the level of the GAFer who kept on reiterating he'd spend 100s to 1000s of dollars on a girl and was angry he wasn't owed a relationship.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
OP, even with this blunder, your dating life still sounds more successful than mine.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Is it really? I think you're playing this like advanced chess when it's actually just two people who has a semi awkward encounter.

Him: "Nice car, wanna fuck?"
Her: "Um... no."
Her: "Still no. Get away from me, creep."
Him: *Posts GAF thread*

(24 hours pass)

Her: "Okay, maybe you're not such a cr--"

...Do you see the problem there? It may be "awkward" but she shot him down, he persisted. She shot him down again. Pushing it a third time within nearly the same day would be "what the fuck, no. Get away from me." Giving her time to think it was just a misplay by him is a smarter move. This means when he asks next week, the "I wanna fuck you in your car" encounter will be (hopefully) forgotten and he'll have a better move/lines to give her.


OP is pretty clueless, but definitely not a lost cause.... He seems willing to learn.

Just be direct with women. But don't say "want to fool around?". Instead, ask them to hang with you somewhere in private (yes a date) then just make a move when you both are alone after hanging for a bit.

If she's willing to be alone with you on a date, talk to you about her life, and she shows interest in your life as well, then you should absolutely make a move (without even asking). Of course, be respectful if you're turned away.

But don't just bluntly ask "want to fool around?" with someone you've never fooled around with before. It's creepy/awkward to escalate it like that in that situation near her car when you aren't even on a date or in a sexual situation.

By busting out that question out of the blue, you're trying to run before you've learned to walk bro. Women like it when men are direct, yes, but not when they assume they could get sex without even taking the time to get to know each other at all.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Him: "Wanna fool around? ;)"
Her: "Haha, no, i gtg"
Him: "How about for three minutes??"
Her: "Lol no! I'm going to class."
Him: *Posts GAF thread*

(24 hours pass)

Her: "Hey, no, you're cool, I wasn't weirded out at all."
Him: "Wanna go out sometime?"

...Do you see the problem there?



Also she literally said "aww" as in "aww man" and had a sad look on her face.

No projecting.

Then she might like you, just got caught off guard with your approach.

Let it flow naturally from there, but seriously don't expect anything to happen just for spending $20


Yeah, a lot more leeway to just fade into the crowd if things go pear-shaped, or enough alcohol was involved that everyone else got compromised by doing something stupid. In high school everything's more tight-knight, along with the fact that being underage makes things a lot sketchier (like how a dick pic goes from perfectly legal straight to kiddie porn across that line).

For real. A lot of dumb shit gets forgotten or attributed to alcohol. Just depends.

You've gotta invest a bit more than $20 to get into a girl's nether regions.

Not necessarily.


Okay see, what my thought process was here was pretty simple.

I thought:

After the final, I won't see her on a regular basis.

Instead of going through the hoops of asking her out, deciding on a place, and whatever, which I didn't feel like doing, I figured, "If I ask this and she doesn't reciprocate, there is only one more class before I never have to see her again"

I wouldn't be heartbroken by this, I just have a thing for her and that's it.
I was thinking that if I did this, I wouldn't be putting anything on the line unlike a date where I would drive there and pay for a meal and what not for a higher possible chance at fingerbanging but more resources spent, compared to no resources spent with a higher percentage of failing

It's like XCOM.

And just like X-COM, OP thought he had a 95% chance but still missed her.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I groaned so hard at the "three minutes" line. Dude, duuuuude.


You handled that poorly.

You escalated things way too fast and she wasn't comfortable with it because she didn't have any rapport with you (or maybe she wasn't interested at all).

Flirting is the foundation. You have to build on top of it in order for both of you to feel comfortable. Ask her out to get coffee. Walk with her. Watch a movie either out or at your place (or her place). Go get lunch or a drink with her.

You want to flirt to establish chemistry and maintain momentum but you don't want to come across as too strong nor do you want to come across as inert.
I have an update. I texted her this morning an apology saying I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I feel like a creep for what I did. She replied "lol not at all"

She sat next to me at the extra credit thing and we are talking like it didn't even happen.

Soooooo yeah

UPDATE 2: Extra credit thing ended. We parted ways afterwards. I did notice when I said I wasn't taking her path to the library she got sad. Also looked at me every time something funny happened/ I laughed during the movie we had to watch. That's it. In my science class. That's prolly the last update until Monday.

What's fucked up about this is that you think you're fine because you played it off as a joke... but you weren't joking.

Imagine if instead of saying you we're just kidding you told her the truth which you've laid out here on GAF:

"Hey so here's the deal. I'm looking to have sexual relations for the first time and I was so forward with you when I asked you to fool around in your car for 3 minutes, and by fool I meant fingerbang you, because you're attractive and all but I don't want to like date you or anything. I mean seriously we have zero chemistry and nothing in common and so, since I look at things as transactional and through a lens of resource management, I figured why waste my time and 20$ on you when I could get either the fingering or the rejection for free. I mean honestly, in the end my fingers in your body is the only thing I really wanted out of our semester sitting next to each other."
Jesus this thread is rightfully brutal.

Go to the Dating OT thread op, read, learn, act (not creepy).

Good luck on your school work or w/e

I hope your just tag fishing cause godamn

Edit LMAO 3 mins, he didn't want to be late for class hahahahah


Junior Member
What's fucked up about this is that you think you're fine because you played it off as a joke... but you weren't joking.

Imagine if instead of saying you we're just kidding you told her the truth which you've laid out here:

"Hey so here's the deal. I'm looking to have sexual relations for the first time and I was so forward when I asked you to fool around in your car for 3 minutes, and by fool I meant fingerbang you, because you're attractive and all but I don't want to like date you or anything. I mean seriously we have zero chemistry and nothing in common and so, since I look at things as transactional and through a lens of resource management, I figured why waste my time and 20$ on you when I could get either the fingering or the rejection for free. I mean honestly, in the end my fingers in your body is the only thing I really wanted out of our semester sitting next to each other."

If I told you I'd learned something from this thread, would you believe me?


So this girl you've been sitting next to in class, that has basically shown you 0 affection so far, you just asked her to let her get fingerfucked by you in her car?

The fuck is wrong with you. You probably haven't even kissed this girl, probably never even held her hand, yet you think she'll just go from 0 to a 100 and let you fondle her genitals out of the blue? I reiterate: what the fuck is wrong with you.

I swear, i'm getting too old for this stuff. You need some social rehabilitation if you really think this was a sensible decision.
I have to agree with this. I'll give the OP credit, though, he's got balls to say shit like to her face. That or he's seriously out to lunch.

But, dude, that was bad. Slow down. It won't be as awkward next time, either. Three minutes? Really?


Junior Member
I guess that depends on what you've learned.

I learned that if I want to have a lasting relationship with a girl or even a short one, I need to think things out from their point of view, don't think of girls you don't think you're compatible with as just objects of sexuality and don't compare fingerbanging to XCOM.


I learned that if I want to have a lasting relationship with a girl or even a short one, I need to think things out from their point of view, don't think of girls you don't think you're compatible with as just objects of sexuality and don't compare fingerbanging to XCOM.
This is going in the completely opposite direction than most GAF threads
I learned that if I want to have a lasting relationship with a girl or even a short one, I need to think things out from their point of view, don't think of girls you don't think you're compatible with as just objects of sexuality and don't compare fingerbanging to XCOM.

Good. That's perfect. :)


I learned that if I want to have a lasting relationship with a girl or even a short one, I need to think things out from their point of view, don't think of girls you don't think you're compatible with as just objects of sexuality and don't compare fingerbanging to XCOM.

Real tip: get on tinder.
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