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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, White, Black, Mexican, Indian, Asian, those Missing in Action and any group I have missed:



And you will always, ALWAYS, be welcome. See a thread you don’t like, challenge it! Want to restore the internet to the shining beacon it was meant to be? You have the freedom to speak here! Don’t live in fear of websites that ban for the smallest things, that keep your comments in the gray pending approval. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Learn to be not as sensitive. Try, try not to hate. It’s ok to question. It’s ok to disagree. Break free of the bonds that say one is better than another. And if you are my brother: I. Love. You!

Fight for your freedom and you shall find it. Tear down those walls! This is NeoGAF:

New Great as Fuck!
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As a 70-year-old object in freefall, I do not feel included.

Also please don't challenge me. I ain't here for no challenge.

I'm here for the Butt Thread. No challenge required.


Peace. Love. Tolerance. Acceptance. Friendliness. Warmness. Fairness.
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I will also agree here! Maybe not everyone will agree with me, maybe not everyone is the same as me but here has definitely more freedom on discussions.

I have my preferences about games. I don't like shooters games too much, but I do care about them, and might even play them if it's mixed in with RPG elements. A bit like SAO; Fatal Bullet, or Astral Chains.

If peoples want to call out to me for not liking shooter games, I can just ignore them. I honestly like traditional RPG games more.
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Well... yeah. Of course anyone is welcome here. So long as you follow the rules of course. Moderation removes those who break the rules, but that can only happen once they break the rules.

There is no unwritten rules here. None of the "no hate speech" Unless its approved hate speech

If you think its unfair that you can't punch without being punch back here on GAF, you are a baby. Grow up.

Also you are not oppressed here, nor in real life. You are on a video game forum. If you play video games then congratulations! You are already in the top % of privileged people.

GAF is a safe space for all. Its a website... virtual space. No one can physically hurt you through the internet. Can't get anymore safe than that.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
GAF is a safe space for all. Its a website... virtual space. No one can physically hurt you through the internet. Can't get anymore safe than that.
Safe spaces are not primarly about physical safety though. People can be hurt via the internet, badly. But I feel the message of the thread is good and important, especially since political discussions of such issues can get a bit antagonistic. Some of our very best members are in the LGBT community and it would be a damn shame if they felt unwelcome.


Im just here for a gold gift :messenger_beaming:

No but seriously, GAF does make immature jokes etc, but as people; user to user, I think we are very welcoming. Some of the most beloved users on this form are LGBT+ and have done a service by not shutting down or hiding, but explaining to people why they are the way they are or how an opinion can effect peoples lives. Im grateful for the dialogue. And know others are too.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I like the freedom to be whoever we are on sites like this
like the good ol' days of the wild west internet
and with a good mix of civility too
also wow who's this King Midas turning everyone he touches into gold wow

Boss Mog

OT now for serious: I'm Brazilian and I love this place so goddamn much. I've learned a lot, I've made friends, I've seen leaks, all here on GAF. I wouldn't change it for anything. Keep this place going forward just as it is, EviLore EviLore . :)
I have a lot of respect for Brazilian gamers, consoles and games are ridiculously overpriced there. Good luck vs Paraguay in Copa America tomorrow my friend.
Safe spaces are not primarly about physical safety though. People can be hurt via the internet, badly. But I feel the message of the thread is good and important, especially since political discussions of such issues can get a bit antagonistic. Some of our very best members are in the LGBT community and it would be a damn shame if they felt unwelcome.
Well I’m glad you said it like that Yoshi.

If you (on a video game forum) can be so hurt because feelings and can publicly express it, you are also in the top % of privileged people on the planet.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
Im just here for a gold gift :messenger_beaming:

No but seriously, GAF does make immature jokes etc, but as people; user to user, I think we are very welcoming. Some of the most beloved users on this form are LGBT+ and have done a service by not shutting down or hiding, but explaining to people why they are the way they are or how an opinion can effect peoples lives. Im grateful for the dialogue. And know others are too.
Yes, I agree with this. Modern GAF is a place where you're free to have fun as well as to challenge others ideas or be challenged back.

I can understand how some, more sensible LGBT folk may misrepresent places like this, as it is that some have had a lot of difficulty coping with their lives and are more inclined to search for a comfortable echo chamber on the internet over anything else. But sometimes those echo chambers only make matters worse, as it isolates their community from everyone else and therefore cultivate unhealthy "us vs them" behavior. That leads to more generalization and discrimination, not less. Anyone can fall to this, but minorities who feel oppressed are more likely to fall in those pits as they're more vulnerable, I think.

Mustering some courage to go out and interact with forums where free speech is allowed puts you in a position where you can discuss other perspectives, gain a more nuanced view of the world and become more understandable of everyone around you, as well as of yourself. In other words, it makes you more open-minded to new ideas, and it is exactly the willingness of western societies to be more open-minded that has lead to a world where LGBT+ folks can have a voice without being persecuted. So, if any LGBT person reading this still feels they want to desperately run back to an echo chamber, think of the irony.

Besides, lending yourself to a place with sense of humor is only going to help you relief some of your real-life stress and help you relax a bit more at the end of the day. Better than ending up depressed after surrounding yourself within communities that are perpetually offended by anything and only filter the most negative news on the internet, don't you think?

So, to make some 'completely unappropriate' jokes (and no, that does not means they're meant to be offensive, that's how humor works), I could say that:
Echo chambers are a trap.
You need to grow some balls (to be a happier person).
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