• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.


You've got to learn how to love, and forget how to hate. Get off that crazy train, y'all.


Hipster Princess
Im just here for the gold.

Then I can continue my nazi plans for world domination!

On a serious note, anyone who thinks NuGaf is some homo/transphonic and/or racist cesspool is a willfully ignorant bigot.

Respect begets respect and Gaf is full of respect ❤


While we're at it, I'd like to say many thanks to Shaqazooloo Shaqazooloo for giving the 1000th like to my posts ! I'm sorry I don't have anything to offer you in reward for your support, but you already have my deepest congratulations for having helped me reach a major milestone for my profile ! Once again, thank you so much for your support man !


Also, I'd like to give a huge shoutout and many special thanks to all the people who liked my posts and threads up until now. I have a particular spot for CyberPanda CyberPanda , MiyazakiHatesKojima MiyazakiHatesKojima , Danjin44 Danjin44 and Tesseract Tesseract , for being major supporters of my content ! You guys are ALL breathtaking, including those whom I haven't mentioned don't worry ! I wouldn't be here right where I am today without all of you guys. I wouldn't have continued posting without your ever-lasting heartwarming support, hoping to make even higher quality shitposting in the future ! :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

And most important of all, thank you so much EviLore EviLore for having made GAF such a heartwarming, sane, well-reasoned place to discuss videogames ( and everything else ). You did so much to keep the boat afloat even after the debacle from last 2017, I can't help to express my deepest gratitude to him for having pulled this off and managed to make GAF one of the, if not, the best ( gaming ) forums in the internet. You're simply the best :messenger_clapping::messenger_beermugs:

Love y'all :messenger_heart:
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As someone who used to ghost the old Neo Gaf, I watched the board slowly fall into disarray eventually self destructing around the Trump Election...

I've ghosted the Resetera forums as well and while there are some great users there, there is no freedom of thought and Expression and that's a real shame as individuality is attacked if it goes against the moderates norm.

I can't begin to express how happy I am to continue to see new Gaf not only support differing ideals and beliefs, but welcome controversial opinions and encourage debate.

As pimentel1 pimentel1 has said, Everyone is welcome Here, and while we may not always see eye to eye in every subject, we are all part of a great community lumps and all lol

As someone who has posted in all sections including politics (where I would argue people definitely get the most heated) it's still so refreshing to see other opinions recognized even if you don't agree with them.

At the end of the day as long as you're civil and treat other users with respect you can thrive here, EviLore EviLore and all of the mods should be proud not only at the changes they've made, but for sticking it out after the whole fiasco and not letting this forum die...

Let the haters talk, but I'm happy to be a Gaffer!:messenger_beaming::messenger_beaming::messenger_beaming:


This place is BOPPIN' and I'm so fucking grateful I decided to, albeit impulsively, give the site a try. You guys are like my family (though brap brap is more like that really weird cousin that low-key freaks people out but they love him anyway) at this point. Listen I know I get sappy all the damn time, but LET ME DO IT AGAIN. 👺👺👺👺
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, White, Black, Mexican, Indian, Asian, those Missing in Action and any group I have missed:



And you will always, ALWAYS, be welcome. See a thread you don’t like, challenge it! Want to restore the internet to the shining beacon it was meant to be? You have the freedom to speak here! Don’t live in fear of websites that ban for the smallest things, that keep your comments in the gray pending approval. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Learn to be not as sensitive. Try, try not to hate. It’s ok to question. It’s ok to disagree. Break free of the bonds that say one is better than another. And if you are my brother: I. Love. You!

Fight for your freedom and you shall find it. Tear down those walls! This is NeoGAF:

New Great as Fuck!

Thank you! / ¡Muchas gracias!


I lurked here for years, and always scratched my bald head when people brought politics into everything back then, or got banned for next to nothing, bullied etc. But when those bad ones left, this site climbed back and everyday I see new people, and no more bullies, or witchhunting.

So I hope those lunatics stay where they are, and we can enjoy ourselves here. Different opinions, countries, or whatever.
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Prison Mike

Gaf is such a more welcoming space recently and it's good to know we are all a part of it looking out for each other the world's a fucked up place ..... so is some of the threads on here though tbf hahaha but it's a good place


I find myself trying to be more talkative here than before. I find that even though I may not agree with some people opinions on certain subjects or no matter how weird some of you fckers are lol. I feel that it has never escalated to anything more than a disagreement in opinions. GAF is a really good place to converse and see another point of view where not everyone is as hive minded as before, even though the former GAF was more leaned towards me politically and opinion wise I enjoy the fact that I can hear more from every side without them being drowned out by any majority.


When I see threads like this, it makes me happy that I never stopped coming to GAF, and happier still that I decided to finally jump into discussions. The fact that people keep joining and that discussions are continuously growing proves that there is something worth being a part of right here.

Huge props to EviLore EviLore and all those who stuck around for moving forward with GAF in the face of such adversity. I hope that threads like this help validate all the effort you put into this community. For the LGBTQ who think this is an alt-right hate-filled place, know that I and many others here accept you as we do any other gamer.

That is all I think any of us want, to discuss the games we love and why we love them at length with our peers, free from (most) judgement. Lord knows "gamers" have dealt with plenty of judgement as is.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member



i dunno what his deal is, i remember blame as a pretty cool guy with a great sense of humor

the schwartz will be with him
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
fuck now i'm just sad, i hope he's not gone full retard over there

Sad state of affairs when easygoing, fun blame space turns into a bitter self-righteous moral authority.

I unbanned you the last time you dropped by, B blame space , because I understand how toxic reeeee can make people who stay immersed in there, and I appreciate ya from the good ol' days. Stick around and have a conversation, maybe?
sure let's have a conversation. that post is gross and if you're going to claim everyone is welcome here and have a big love-in while still hosting that kind of content (despite the thread's title), I'm not quite convinced!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
sure let's have a conversation. that post is gross and if you're going to claim everyone is welcome here and have a big love-in while still hosting that kind of content (despite the thread's title), I'm not quite convinced!

It's against the thread rules in the OP and not in great taste, yeah. I'll remove the photos for breaking the thread's rules. It's not against anyone here, though.


post was in poor taste but i don't see anything heinous there, maybe i'm looking at the wrong content

*edit* oh the photos, must admit i laughed pretty hard at brap's dr. gero photoshop
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sure let's have a conversation. that post is gross and if you're going to claim everyone is welcome here and have a big love-in while still hosting that kind of content (despite the thread's title), I'm not quite convinced!

You reckon all these incel lookin mother fuckers are legit T or they’re just glomming onto the T to compensate for their lack of T?


I recently won a $1000 scholarship for summer term from a foundation that supports survivors of domestic violence/abuse going back to school. I'm pretty excited because it's a huge boost for me since I've been struggling to meet my financial obligations!


Gold Member
sure let's have a conversation. that post is gross and if you're going to claim everyone is welcome here and have a big love-in while still hosting that kind of content (despite the thread's title), I'm not quite convinced!
Not the same without the Leonardo Ninja Turtle avatar :(
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