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Metal Gear Solid V Res Confirmed: Sub-720p (PS3/360), 720p (XB1), 1080p (PS4)


what? esram is expensive, and that is why they can only get 32 mb.

going double would instantly mean the xbone would be more expensive and it would produce more heat. just wasn't happening.

So would it have been cheaper for them to skip the esram and just get a better GPU?


just do yourself a favor and go buy a PS4 ,that's if you like playing on consoles and 90% of your games are third party.


I'm curious, honest question, why are you guys really surprised given the magnitude of irrefutable evidence proving the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One, in which if any respectable developer does not gimp on the PS4, it will always 100% of the time have the best version.

I guess it comes down to a few points.

- MS fans keep downplaying the difference
- MS execs keep downplaying the difference
- MS fans keep saying the gap will get smaller in time
- Before launch, PS4 fans were told dev's would always optimise games to the lower performing hardware, which of course is totally false


im asking myself right now, how many games will be 1080p on the xbone at the end of the gen. this seriously doenst look good. like not good at all.

is the fox engine confirmed for more konami-titles other than MGS and PES?


TBH, I expected the old gen versions to look worse. I'll probably get this on PS3 and the full game on PS4, given that by the time it releases, I'll probably consider the next gen proposal more attractive.

Same here. Though it would also be nice to see how TPP runs on old consoles like the PS3.


CoD Ghosts


Tomb Raider DE


Fox News of gaming journalism

What was the reason Ghost get 0.5 more on Xbox One? Wasn't it inferior to the PS4 version?
I am quite familiar with the hardware specs of the consoles.

The PS4 is ~1.88 times faster in fillrate, which is the one metric where the difference is largest. In all other metrics the difference is smaller than that. On the other hand, the number of pixels for 1080p compared to 720p is 2.25 times as many. I just don't see that happening at a better framerate.

If that is actually the case, it most likely means that they invested more effort into the PS4 version.

Could be the virtualization layer on Xbone affecting performance.


im asking myself right now, how many games will be 1080p on the xbone at the end of the gen. this seriously doenst look good. like not good at all.

is the fox engine confirmed for more konami-titles other than MGS and PES?

Most first party games should be I'd imagine. Then there would be the sports games and probably Call of Duty eventually.
I guess it comes down to a few points.

- MS fans keep downplaying the difference
- MS execs keep downplaying the difference
- MS fans keep saying the gap will get smaller in time
- Before launch, PS4 fans were told dev's would always optimise games to the lower performing hardware, which of course is totally false

Your last point actually had me worried too before. But clearly now developers are letting their versions shine the best regardless of the politics of keeping "parity" for MS. THANK GOD.


my initial observations...

- night and day difference in the PS3 vs PS4 shots
- fairly shocked at how little the difference is in the 360 vs Xbone shots


In the link you gave it's kind of hard to tell for 360 and XB1 too, but that's partially because there isn't something as readily obvious as a sign in English to use as a reference point like PS3/PS4. If you pay attention to the sand/dirt though you can tell it's way sharper on XB1, so I expect similar for stuff like signs just because there's more ram for sharper textures, even if the framerate is barely better than last gen.

Zooming in on the pictures the XB1 pics ARE subtly sharper, which makes them examples for 720p native actually making a difference. But like I said more RAM means more memory for textures so I think even at the same exact resolution XB1 was going to look much nicer anyway.

Is it a bit sad that this description is kind of what people were expecting from WiiU? Similar resolution to PS360 but better framerate and higher res textures due to more memory? Putting aside whether that happens or not, that seemed a fairly conservative expectation for a relatively low powered console, and here we are using it for Xbox one.


Xbone 720p screens upscaled to 1080p


PS4 with native 1080p


Night and day difference.

This is really eye-opening. The bone just looks muddy and unclear, while on the PS4 you can even make out the subtlest of textile textures on the tarps.

There is probably more going on than just resolution.


Could be the virtualization layer on Xbone affecting performance.
Yeah, I can see some software/dev kit issues slowing the XB1 further given earlier rumors, but being Kojima Productions I can easily see a development bias for PS4, especially since the XB1 version will be effectively nonexistent in Japan itself. Wouldn't surprise me if 900p or 792p was perfectly doable, they just didn't seriously optimize there or even ensure the best FPS.


doubt it. ps4 is just more powerful. even so, kojima opened for the xbone e3.
Which is why they can stay at 60fps.

It is the scene rendering that is killing the X1. AMD puts 32 ROPS into any card designed to run at 1080p. I just wonder why MS did not push for 32. It is not new information or anything, AMD had been doing the 16 ROPS on the lower end cards vs 32 on the higher end for quite some time now.
Both of you don't really get my point. Yes, the PS4 is more powerful, significantly so. In fact I was arguing about its significant HW advantage all the way up to the console releases, back when it wasn't so blindingly obvious to everyone.

However, its GPU is not 2.25 times more powerful, not in any individual metric and certainly not overall.


This is really eye-opening. The bone just looks muddy and unclear, while on the PS4 you can even make out the subtlest of textile textures on the tarps.

There is probably more going on than just resolution.

I'm thinking that the Xbox One pics were taking before the February update.


In all honesty, was anyone in their right minds thinking "Dude, gonna get me dat X1 to play me some Metal Gear"? Sure, it's available for the system but it was pretty obvious that PS was the leading brand. I wouldn't be surprised if PS3 vs 360 also gave the lead to PS3.

Was it obvious? When Kojima walked out on the Microsoft stage at e3 I was beginning to wonder if (for once) Xbox was going to be lead.
I am quite familiar with the hardware specs of the consoles.

The PS4 is ~1.88 times faster in fillrate, which is the one metric where the difference is largest. In all other metrics the difference is smaller than that. On the other hand, the number of pixels for 1080p compared to 720p is 2.25 times as many. I just don't see that happening at a better framerate.

If that is actually the case, it most likely means that they invested more effort into the PS4 version.

While it's certainly possible that they spent more time on the PS4 version, I think it's far more likely an SDK issue on the XB1 side of things that would cause that magnitude of discrepancy.

BF4 was 900p on PS4 and 720p on XB1 but the framerate was more stable on the PS4 as well.

With ghosts, the PS4 version suffered from stutter due to the framerate hitting higher than 60fps and that's also 1080p vs 720p

It seems there are still driver/SDK issues on the XB1 side of things would be my guess


anyone else notice the dithering on the grass/weeds on the ps4/one versions. wtf? I thought that shit would stop when we got to this gen.


Both of you don't really get my point. Yes, the PS4 is more powerful, significantly so. In fact I was arguing about its significant HW advantage all the way up to the console releases, back when it wasn't so blindingly obvious to everyone.

However, its GPU is not 2.25 times more powerful, not in any individual metric and certainly not overall.

Maybe it's the ease of the architecture? Time to triangle and all that.

So in a similar timeframe, you can potentially do a lot more working on the PS4.
I'm just guessing here.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Not a all surprising. Framerate Vs. Resolution; that's the battle Xbox One has when trying to hit polarity with PlayStation 4. Tomb Raider chose resolution, Metal Gear is going framerate.

Xbox One version looks fine for what it is. This gif shows off the more advanced lightning/shadow rendering. I don't think Ground Zeroes looks all that outrageously amazing anyway, so it looks fine/clean on both.


Why is it still blowing peoples minds that the system with at minimum 50% more power under the hood out preforms the competition in every single case ?

Is it the role reversal over 7 years of PS3 coming out on the bottom or at best, barely tied with 360 games ? Is it that People with Xbox Ones or those that plan to buy one don't understand how math works ? or did they buy into MS PR speak about how there's just as much power if used properly ?

This will continue to happen until developers hit some other kind of compromise - keep both versions at 1080p but tweaking the xbox one release in various ways to either run at a lower framerate or with less detail. Simply dropping out half the pixels is an easy fix and well, honestly most people will notice a choppy framerate far quicker than they will notice missing pixels when they're actually playing the games.


lol We seriously have one of these threads every week. Wonder what game is next...

I think PS4 is going to have a pretty positive phase coming up - at least when it comes to technical comparisons. Other than multi platforms, you have infamous, MLB and drive club probably all coming along before MS have any big proper first party exclusives. Titan fall is their big game for that period and it clearly isn't a technical marvel


I think PS4 is going to have a pretty positive phase coming up - at least when it comes to technical comparisons. Other than multi platforms, you have infamous, MLB and drive club probably all coming along before MS have any big proper first party exclusives. Titan fall is their big game for that period and it clearly isn't a technical marvel

Has a date been put on Driveclub yet?

Xbone looks like an absolute waste of time if you will be buying multiplatform games anytime soon.

Getting Rayman on Tuesday which is 1080p/60 FPS on both. :)

Sports should remain 1080p/60 FPS on both systems.


The surprise of this kind of news is already gone. I'm more surprised when there is parity between PS4/XBO games
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