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Microsoft: Our (1st party) games will render at native 4K at Scorpio launch


Unconfirmed Member
Not a let down exactly, but if I had to guess:

- not ALL games will render 4k natively (I look at you, Frostbite games)
- people realizing they have to choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p
- people pissed because that the cannot choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p in certain games, because only the 4k option is offered.

At the end, the Scorpio suffers the exact same problems as the PS4 Pro; w/o a decent 4k TV you cannot exploit this console's possibilities.
Exactly what I'm expecting.


The 400 series is actually quite weird in that the 380, which can achieve 5.9 Tflops on the boost clock, performs on par or slightly worse than the R9 390 which is a 5.1 Tflop card, and significantly worse than the 390X which is also a 5.9 Tflop card. Obviously it's way cheaper but it seems that perf per FLOP actually went down into the transition to polaris architecture, so a 6 Tflop polaris chip might end up being very disappointing.
There's a lot more at play than just teraflop counts. In any case the RX480 is 6 TF when running in a fully powered mode. You could ways compare that to a 380x.
Pcars has both a framerate advantage and res advantages so that's a valid comparison. But I'm not sure about the "wealth" of other examples you're talking about, it seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

You can understand that I can't juggle through two years of memory of technical comparisons at the drop of a hat. A recent one is Mirror's Edge, with enough stark image quality differences. Another one is the FFXV demos. The website is there for you to discover.

Maybe Microsoft is expecting people to do just that, I don't know. I personally wouldn't base my entire strategy on that though and would look for something more tangible to get the attention of possible buyers.

Pretty sure there's going to be a media blitz incoming. Sammy and LG aren't building 4K TVs so they can just sit in warehouses, and I can't imagine they want to keep the market at the high end indefinetly. There's a lot more vested companies as well.


There are plenty of big road blocks though. Is the promise of 6TF and native 4k enough to answer these scenarios:

1. Can Microsoft convince Playstation gamers to abandon the largest multiplatform player base and their purchases for an entirely new ecosystem?
2. Can Microsoft manage to actually demonstrate a visual leap over PS4 Pro that would justify its higher price tag and existence?
3. Can Scorpio successfully establish substantial marketplace in the face of ab early Playstation 5 announcement and launch day PS4 Pro price drop?

Sony desperately needs Playstation to be successful because the entire corporation is sailing by on its success and are in my opinion more prone to throw the kitchen sink out the window if need be. Microsoft has much less reason to throw caution in the wind.

This is a tough place to be for Scorpio. It's exciting for us as consumers but Microsoft will have to plan these console iterations successfully because a 7nm shrink in 2019 sounds right on time for a Playstation 5 and this same cycle to repeat.

If they spunk their TF on native 4K versions of games running at XB1 levels of detail, then no.

If they use the power smartly, then probably still no, but maybe a little


It'll render at 4K. Great. I just want to know at what cost to performance/overall visual effects.

Yeah, exactly. And like Digital Foundry and NX Gamer have both mentioned recently, the resources could be spent better elsewhere in a lot of cases.
Not a let down exactly, but if I had to guess:

- not ALL games will render 4k natively (I look at you, Frostbite games)
- people realizing they have to choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p
- people pissed because that the cannot choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p in certain games, because only the 4k option is offered.

At the end, the Scorpio suffers the exact same problems as the PS4 Pro; w/o a decent 4k TV you cannot exploit this console's possibilities.

The only letdown would be your third point, which would really suck. Regarding the first two points Microsoft has been pretty open about these things in the interviews regarding the Scorpio. What you can expect is the same quality of Xbox One games running at 4k resolutions. Where the variables come in, is the comment where developers can choose to use the power however they feel benefits their game best. Which pretty much means choosing a lower resolution to free resources for other effects.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Not a let down exactly, but if I had to guess:

- not ALL games will render 4k natively (I look at you, Frostbite games)
- people realizing they have to choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p
- people pissed because that the cannot choose between XBOX One (medium) settings @ native 4k or (Ultra-)High PC settings at 1080p in certain games, because only the 4k option is offered.

At the end, the Scorpio suffers the exact same problems as the PS4 Pro; w/o a decent 4k TV you cannot exploit this console's possibilities.

I'm going to guess this is what happens as well. However, downsampling from 4k or 1440p on a 1080p TV will still be a big IQ improvement for many games, especially any 900p or 720p games.


There's a lot more at play than just teraflop counts. In any case the RX480 is 6 TF when running in a fully powered mode. You could ways compare that to a 380x.

Well the in game benchmarks would ofc be running at boost clock, and the benchmarks show it's slightly weaker than the 380 and much weaker than a 380x.

You can understand that I can't juggle through two years of memory of technical comparisons at the drop of a hat. A recent one is Mirror's Edge, with enough stark image quality differences. Another one is the FFXV demos. The website is there for you to discover.

Of course fair enough. Mirror's Edge has equivalent graphics settings between the versions, aside from resolution being PS4 at 900p and XB1 rat 720p (900p/720p = 1.56) which is a bit above the expected difference, but that's sort of bought back by a slightly better framerate on XB1. I also sort of want to refrain from using demos as an example as both version are clearly suffering performance problems judging by the DF article.


Sony is going to win because PS4 Pro is a more powerful PS4 for about the same price the PS4.

Even though I probably waver a little MS lately, this is pretty much how I feel about it. At worst, the pro will carry on the status quo by being the real de facto PS4, which means it will be successful. At best, it'll capture double dippers (hell I am guilty of buying aesthetic/slimmer refreshes even in previous gens) and keep some people buying within their ecosystem longer instead of moving to the PC, which means it'll be really successful. Can't really lose there to be honest.

It's going to be a long year for MS I think, and for those of us waiting for this thing. While I think announcing like they did was a brilliant move (their only move really), how long until we're tired of hearing about it? I'm anxious to see how they trickle out PR once November hits.
Pretty sure there's going to be a media blitz incoming. Sammy and LG aren't building 4K TVs so they can just sit in warehouses, and I can't imagine they want to keep the market at the high end indefinetly. There's a lot more vested companies as well.

You maybe thinking that the success of Scorpio is directly linked to the success of the 4k standard? In which case I don't know what to tell you except that it might turn out to be like that but it could be completely independent from another as well. That goes for both scenarios, Scorpio could become very successful while 4k is sluggishly crawling along or 4k is taking off in a big way while nobody cares for Scorpio.

Who is and who is not invested in pushing 4k is not a barometer for Microsofts success with scorpio.
It'll render at 4K. Great. I just want to know at what cost to performance/overall visual effects.

They should be able to render an average Xbox One title at 4k 30 fps. Which means low/medium settings or so, if we are going to compare to PC titles.

At the end, the Scorpio suffers the exact same problems as the PS4 Pro; w/o a decent 4k TV you cannot exploit this console's possibilities.

People need to stop saying this. IMO, people who DON'T have a 4k TV will be the real winners here. Downsampling will look great on a 1080p TV, while games that don't render at 4k will look kind of meh on an actual 4k TV. When consoles come with 12+ TFLOPS GPUs, that's when 4k TVs will be worth it for console owners.
If it rendered all/most games at NATIVE 4k.

The console would have to at least be 500$? And even that would have to be selling at a loss?

Maybe 400$ and a bigger loss, but 400$ for native 4k is pretty insane.


Please don't. Not that I'm surprised they'll go for a bullet point in marketing hype. Disappointing though.
But why commit to something like that? Wonder what their devs are thinking?

While I'm sure there will be a 4K setting for every first party game I bet there will be lower resolution options that use the juice of the console in a more balanced way that will look awesome.
Will be interesting to see how this plays out. They seem very cocky about this, making sure they get a dig at Sony, yet they are still a year away from Scorpio.

4k is extremely resources heavy, even pushing something like a i7 6700k and GTX 1080 or Titan X to its limits (no 4k/60fps Ultra yet) If they are forcing devs to do native 4k then they might get games that don't look any better than the PS4 Pro (Graphically) and depending on Scorpio's price, will give Sony the advantage again, as Pro will probably be cheaper too.


I don't believe anything Xbox PR spews at this point. The constant back paddling is pissing me off; not only Spencer himself but the lower level PR crowd also spreads misinformation and then back paddles constantly. Blergh

So yeah, I wouldn't read too much into this statement either.
Of course fair enough. Mirror's Edge has equivalent graphics settings between the versions, aside from resolution being PS4 at 900p and XB1 rat 720p (900p/720p = 1.56) which is a bit above the expected difference, but that's sort of bought back by a slightly better framerate on XB1. I also sort of want to refrain from using demos as an example as both version are clearly suffering performance problems judging by the DF article.

I think I was remembering the beta test for Mirror's Edge, where there was a large difference between versions. Like I said, I can't be expected to account for every title difference at the drop of a hat. Another notable one is Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. One that clearly demonstrates difference above simple raw performance. There's more if you want to look for it.

You maybe thinking that the success of Scorpio is directly linked to the success of the 4k standard? In which case I don't know what to tell you except that it might turn out to be like that but it could be completely independent from another as well. That goes for both scenarios, Scorpio could become very successful while 4k is sluggishly crawling along or 4k is taking off in a big way while nobody cares for Scorpio.

Who is and who is not invested in pushing 4k is not a barometer for Microsofts success with scorpio.

Neither the PS4P nor Scorpio succeed if 4K goes nowhere. If you've been witness to it in person, a native 4K screen beats the daylights out of any approximation method. Scorpio has the lead to take the win.


if they price it at $399 then it will sell like hotcakes

Analysts were surprised that the PS4 Pro is launching at $399. For what MS is promising on power, I don't see any scenario where Scorpio launches at the same price. Even a year out, they would almost assuredly be selling this console at a loss out of the gates if they list at $399.

Keep in mind that MS also need to put a 4K bluray player into Scorpio...they can't talk shit on Sony for missing this in the PS4 Pro and not include it in Scorpio. So that's additional $ on top of what I mentioned above.

I am thinking $449 or $499; any higher than that and it becomes a meme.
Pretty easy given the hardware. Just don't expect big framerate upgrades or major graphical differences between itself and the OG. Although there should be a little bit of room left in the tank for those too.

But still I think this will be more of an early thing to showcase they can actually hit 4K. I think most games in the future will drop to dynamic resolutions or similar, so they have the headroom to keep pushing graphics a bit.


I feel 'gamers' brought this resolution thing on ourselves, especially this gen, with all the 1080p garbage. I use the term 'gamers' very loosely and not in reference to all people who play games.

I hope this is not where Microsoft got this idea, which I feel is less than ideal.


This constant pursuit of pixels over performance is a bummer.
Developers are deliberately choosing 30 FPS because the visual fidelity disparity is enough to justify its existence.

Gamers have lived through a previous generation where plenty of games targeted 30 FPS on console. Those same games struggle to hit 60 FPS on current gen hardware at 1080p. If you need 60 FPS - please consider a gaming PC, and don't act surprised when your shiny 800 dollar rig struggles to maintain 60 FPS on some new title because at this point time (unfortunately) - a specific group of developers and hardware manufacturers find the visual fidelity at 30 FPS far more important.

As they say it's the way the cookie crumbles.


Are you guys seriously that act like the price 100% confirmed will be 499 or 399 or 999 or whatever when there still 1+ year to go.

If you do some reading on component costs, look at what price consoles historically launch at, and see how much similar products are selling for right now....it's not difficult to estimate a price range. No one knows but I will tell you now it's going to be higher than $399 based on how powerful they're saying it's going to be.


Analysts were surprised that the PS4 Pro is launching at $399. For what MS is promising on power, I don't see any scenario where Scorpio launches at the same price. Even a year out, they would almost assuredly be selling this console at a loss out of the gates if they list at $399.

Keep in mind that MS also need to put a 4K bluray player into Scorpio...they can't talk shit on Sony for missing this in the PS4 Pro and not include it in Scorpio. So that's additional $ on top of what I mentioned above.

I am thinking $449 or $499; any higher than that and it becomes a meme.

I'm wondering if there's something they could cut down on to make a lower entry point option. Like a 500gb hard drive.


I must admit, I'm a little concerned at the native 4k standpoint. So many people have said they want 1080p at 60fps, but companies like Sony and Microsoft seem to be adament to ramp up the pixel count but feedback suggests otherwise.

It seems like Scorpio is just a 4k machine as apposed to pushing the graphics. I guess that helps them stay in the same power/resolution ratio and just carry one making XB1 games but having scorpio push them to 4k.

I can't help think that Scorpoio will price themselves out of the market.

Colin at KindaFunny says games are about gameplay and absolutely that is true. However, for me a fluid framerate can increase the fun factor from an already well designed game.
I think we could be looking at an £800/$1000 machine. If people will pay that for an iphone why not a games console.

They could even use a contract system like with phone plans for people who don't want to pay the full stand-alone price. didn't they do something similar with the xbox360 once?


I just realized it's quoting that lady who made pretty incorrect statements during E3.

I bet she'll be corrected at some point.


Are you guys seriously that act like the price 100% confirmed will be 499 or 399 or 999 or whatever when there still 1+ year to go.
Consider the lithography / architecture, look at component costs in the GPU space, rationalize power/heat draw and size.

From there you can guess what needs to happen in a ball park. This thing won't be 399. At the minimum, in my opinion, the box will be 50 percent bigger/heavier than PS4 Pro with a symmetrical increase in power draw and thermals.


I'm wondering if there's something they could cut down on to make a lower entry point option. Like a 500gb hard drive.

I'm sure they're going to try and cut costs wherever they can, but with the GPU, CPU, and RAM increases that will be required probably won't offset that.
I think we could be looking at an £800/$1000 machine. If people will pay that for an iphone why not a games console.

They could even use a contract system like with phone plans for people who don't want to pay the full stand-alone price. didn't they do something similar with the xbox360 once?

It doesn't have an i7 and a GTX 1070.

It will be $499 tops. Any higher and it wouldn't sell in any meaningful numbers. The AMD hardware they have proposed is easily doable in that price bracket.

Maybe they can even throw an Elite controller in too, modernized with blueteeth!

R aka Bon

I'm kind of confused by the title. I just get the message, that they will make sure that the developer can go the 4k route if they want, that the hardware will support it, but not that they they have to... My own comment confused me even more, but i just don't know if "will" is the right word to use, "can" sounds better here :)

Edit: Loftis used can herself. Just a small gripe i have.
I don't believe anything Xbox PR spews at this point. The constant back paddling is pissing me off; not only Spencer himself but the lower level PR crowd also spreads misinformation and then back paddles constantly. Blergh

So yeah, I wouldn't read too much into this statement either.


Actually they put a lot of emphasis on the 4k tech since the beginning.


Remember people waited for PS2 and PS3 because of the promise of a new gneration. People expect new things from new generation. Sony also showed demos/pre-renders that looks better than previous gen.

Scorpio rendering native 4k for first party titles, is just a drop in the bucket. Unless MS is promoting Scorpio as a new gen, or crazy enough to undercut PS4p at 349, nothing will change. MS is just beating their chest and acting half-humble, '4thegamers'.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think they should focus more on better IQ and effects than just chasing 4k native. Have those 1st party games as visually as good as can be.


Well they better deliver this now. They really do keep bumping up expectations. Good short term strategy to counter the ps4 pro, but longer term, could bite them in the ass.
This whole thing is lost on me, I won't have a 4k TV so my consoles and PC are all still living in 1080p land. My eyesight is not great so like someone else in the thread when I play any games in my living room on the TV telling the difference between resolutions is nearly impossible for me. I'd imagine it's similar for anyone that doesn't sit close to the screen too.

The one good thing that comes out of all of this is that we no longer have two companies trying to release a product at the same time, they are now off cycle with eachother so they can see what eachother do and adjust accordingly. This is probably the best outcome for us as consumers as we are going to have something better/more powerful out every 2-3 years at this current rate.

I guess the big thing now is that when one company releases the other has to get their messaging on point to entice current users to jump platform when they eventually release. Sony has a huge upper hand here with the success of the PS4, they have all those people in their ecosystem already. I can see MS winning back the US but other territories seem too far gone, the scorpio has to be a total reset for them marketing and engagement wise with EU and Asia.


God damn I can't wait for this beast. Like a gift to power hungry console gamers.

They got plenty of time to make all this work, fully expecting a $500 min console, and that's fine.


Yea most games rendering at native 4k on Scorpio will be technically ass.

Guys both Halo 5 and Forza 6 run at 1080p 60 on a 1.3TF machine. I have no doubt they could run at native 4K on a 6+TF Scorpio.
Halo 5 rarely ever hits 1080P, most of the time it is 900P and lower. It won't be able to hit 4K and 60FPS even on a Scorpio. You require a powerful CPU and a 980Ti to run Halo 5 at 4K/60....Scorpio is not as powerful as a 980Ti and the CPU is bad as well all know.
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