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Microsoft responds - "Why the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One".

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Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.



Guess most of the people in the 13 countries and in those other markets opening in September will keep inclined to stay with their Xbox 360.

And I guess those 'few' going from X360 to PS4 are not worthy anyway.
I remember hating Sony's execs and PR people for all the bullcrap that came out of their mouths during the early PS3 days.

MS is almost as bad now, I can't believe it. They learned nothing from Sony's mistakes, nothing!

Fire this guy, MS.


It's like the scene in Spinal Tap with their manager talking about how their appeal is becoming more selective, except somehow even more satirical sounding.



I literally spat out my coffee when I read that. what a bold thing to say. As for the other comment, like others have mentioned, X1 is pretty much available at gaming outlets in tier 2-3 regions already. Anybody who wants an X1 already has one.

*wipes desk...*


"Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade."

Didn't PS3 recently reign supreme over 360? More units sold to me inherently means the console is more popular.
That's only a few markets.

I don't see how his explanation is inaccurate.

It's inaccurate as a reason why the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One. It's a reason why the Xbox One is being outsold by as much as it is, but even if Sony were only in those 13 markets, the PS4 would still be outselling the Xbox One.

Because in every market that both consoles are in, MS are being outsold.

I can't believe they still think that Xbox 360 owners are automatically going to switch to Xbox One. The only advantage you have is that you don't have to repopulate your friends list if you stay loyal. That is literally it. There is no other incentive to upgrade from 360 to Xbox One over PS4.


Gold Member
Nintendo responds - "Why the PS4 and Xbone are outselling the Wii U"

1. Gamers are so blown away by the game pad that they fear it will ruin all other games for them, or that they're not worthy of experiencing its awesome power.

2. Nintendo's core audience are people who have families or are socially active with their friends, so they don't have time to sit around playing video games, unlike the shut-ins who play Sony and Microsoft consoles.

Am I doing this right?

You have a hiring call from MS PR


The PS4 won't have a such a dramatic regional availability advantage for much longer, as the Xbox One will be released in Japan and 25 other regions in September.
Japan will save the XB1?
Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.

Holy shit.

They need to get a muzzle on these Xbox executives already! Every time they open their mouth it just gets worse!

With PlayStation plus and dark souls 2 I play my ps3 more than ever, really. Plus with the free multiplayer I have shifted a lot of my favorite last gen multiplayer games like black ops 1 to the ps3 version because fucj paying for Xbox live.

My Xbox 360 has been sitting in the closet for the last year or so..


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm sure there are more active PS3 owners now then 360, could be wrong


That thread is about Kinect, I missed these quotes

It was highlighted in that thread:
Both the PS4 and Xbox One have sold very well, but there’s been a bit of a sales gap. Do you view that it’s mostly due to the cost, and now that the price is lower on the unbundled Xbox One, you’ll gain a bit of ground on Sony?

It’s hard to really assess the gap in sales. They’re in many more markets right now than we are. They’re in 40+ markets, we’re in 13. People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360. We could point to any number of things. That said, we’ve heard from a lot of our Xbox fans who say, “Hey look, I want an Xbox One, but at $499, I probably have to wait a little while before I can afford to get one.” I do think we’re going to get people now who move over, and then buy the Kinect later. So I do think the [price point] broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner.
The gamespot article source is the interview.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death


  • Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.

This can't actually be true, there's no way anybody at MS is stupid enough to say this.


"Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade."

Or the 360 owners are not as happy as you think due to a lack of exclusives in the last couple of years, so those ready to upgrade to current-gen are going with a PS4 because Sony didn't abandon the PS3.


For me he is actually right.. somewhat. I am currently not interested in the Xbox One, because I still enjoy my 360 and I have the patience to wait untill the official launch this September + if I was fed up with my 360, since I didn't like playing on it anymore (which I don't) I would probably buy the next gen (for me still) version sooner.

I do agree that he shouldn't have said that, since everything MS says is put under a ginormous microscope + it's just not a smart thing to say by itself. But this is GAF so we blow stuff up and like to talk about mostly negative stuff.

Wait, he's serious when he say there will be 1 billions units of next-gen consoles sold?

Yes in total for all next gen consoles, which is still amazingly ridiculous. No idea why he would say such a crazy thing.

This guy... he is just the worst. He was also the one who said Microsoft aims to sell between 400m and 1 billion Xbox Ones.

Untrue as far as I know from the interview I saw. There he was talking about those numbers for all next gen consoles.


Yusuf genuinely thinks we consumers are stupid. That's the only explanation for these continued, downright arrogant acts of mendacity.

These are the same shills who tried pushing the DRM stuff. Of course they have to come from a position that their consumers don't have a modicum of intelligence.
That's only a few markets.

I don't see how his explanation is inaccurate.

Pretty major European gaming markets though. But going by what EuroGAF'ers are saying around this forum, it sounds like the Xbone is pretty much available all over Europe now, not just in Scandinavia.


C'mon guys, we had a whole conversation about this dumbfounding interview yesterday. I really enjoy my Xbone, but Yusef's gotta go.
I've seen some stupid PR quotes in my life but this takes the cake.

They are 40+ markets that Sony is in where we are in 13.

PS4 is outselling the X1 even in the individual markets where both are available.

Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.

Holy shit there's so much wrong with this sentence I don't even know where to start.
Considering how they dropped the 360 and looking at the amazing year the PS3 had in 2013 and the amount of quality games it's still getting specially from Japan, it really takes some balls to make such a ridiculous (and ironic as hell) statement.


This guy... he is just the worst. He was also the one who said Microsoft aims to sell between 400m and 1 billion Xbox Ones.


Pretty major European gaming markets though. But going by what EuroGAF'ers are saying around this forum, it sounds like the Xbone is pretty much available all over Europe now, not just in Scandinavia.

What about Asia? I honestly don't see how that is not a valid reason.


This shit is so hilarious I have to post 2 reaction GIFs:



C'mon Microsoft, that wasn't classy. Statements like these make you look pathetic.


My god. What an awful comment.

Is this a plan to make people value Phil Spencer more than they already do?

They're talking as if the delay in those 30 markets Sony has already launched wasn't their own mistake.


Junior Member
PS3 is still coming up with exclusives like Persona 5. This guy's reason for bone not selling well is that ppl are enjoying their 360 which has had nothing worthwhile for quite a few years now in the exclusive department? What a delusional man.


Membero Americo
Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.

That's more spinning than an entire episode of Beyblade, goddamn.


What are they going to say when they launch in those markets and no one cares?

The second statement is really embarrassing.

Spencer's trying to steer the ship and Mehdi's just spraying gun fire at the sails for fun.

OK, I have to quote you again buddy, that's a wicked funny example and I'm now laughing my ass off. I'm picturing Rambo spraying an LMG back and forth right now.
I wonder if Yusef has a Twitter account, I would love to send him a picture showing how much I "don't" like my large PS3 collection.

Maybe I will let Phil know too, I don't know. i don't really care what he thinks but that is fine that he says that he is just another corporate mouth-piece trying to make his backtracking sound like it was part of the plan from the get-go.

He reasons are bunk because:

1) Yes more markets is helpful but no guarantee.
2) Complete bullshit that he can't prove. I know a lot of 360 guys who bought a PS4. Plus I love and still play my PS3.
Yeah, this is why people really dislike Yusuf Mehdi.

Phil Spencer needs to slap him upside the head and tell him to keep his mouth shut because it always seems like Yusuf has something queued up to make himself and the Xbox division look like complete jackasses.
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