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Microsoft responds - "Why the PS4 is outselling the Xbox One".

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  • They are 40+ markets that Sony is in where we are in 13.
  • Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.
With more than 7 million units sold to date, Sony's PlayStation 4 is the top-selling new console, ahead of Microsoft's Xbox One, which has shipped (not sold) 5 million units to date. In an interview with Forbes, Microsoft chief marketing and strategy officer Yusuf Mehdi laid out some reasons why his console is lagging behind, at least right now.

The PS4 won't have a such a dramatic regional availability advantage for much longer, as the Xbox One will be released in Japan and 25 other regions in September. Addressing the impact the Xbox One's new $399 price point could have on the platform's viability going forward, Mehdi said the new price "broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner." He acknowledged that the original $499 price point was too steep an asking price for some gamers.

Credit to Why is the PS4 outselling the Xbox One? Microsoft weighs in

Just shut up already, let's list what you've done so far this gen.

Annoy early adopters.
180 so many times its become a joke.
Lost your consoles identity..
Look desperate as heck.
PR/Management constantly giving out false or then later corrected info
Split the user base again...

This release will go down as one of the worst console releases ever IMO.

Bring games, an apology. not arrogance,

The other countries you speak of, guess what? They either imported or went playstation.


Arrogant Microsoft is back!




... Wow.

No joke, I literally thought to myself as I opened the thread: "oh wow, really? That's really nice of them to acknowledge. Seriously, good on them for being open and candid."

Nothing could have prepared me for what I just read.
Oh and there first reason is a complete fallacy too.

So what if Sony is in more markets? There supply is heavily constrained by being in all those markets and in the markets that XB1 is in, PS4 still sells more.

They need to acknowledge their legitimate issues and talk about how they are going to rectify them, not provide inane excuses for their lacking sales.

The real reason is that the demand for a 399 dollar console far exceeds that of a 499 console. If the XONE was 399 at launch and the PS4 was 499 the outcome would be entirely different.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I guess the people who told him X360 had a more satisfying late cycle then PS3 are the same 'industry experts' telling him X1 has a better games lineup than PS4.


  • Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.
Such creativity and spin. Microsoft sure is spinning nonstop this gen.


Neo Member
Gotta love spin, too bad most of my 360 friends own a PS4 now.

And too bad in those 13 markets alone they are losing
Such bullshit, especially considering that the PS3's library is much better than the 360's currently...more games, more exclusives, more indies, and many more games headed to the PS3 for at least the next couple of years (including Persona 5!).

MS gave up on 360 shortly before the One came out. Other than Fable Anniversary, it's just the same multiplatform titles you can get on PS4.

This Yusuf Mehdi guy is proving to be super shady and untrustworthy.

I haven't touched my 360 since February but I play my PS3 three or four times a week.


I can't believe someone from MS actually said that. If a random forum poster would've he'd be laughed out of town and then banned.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Microsoft gonna Microsoft

That is a large pile of shit that doesn't explain why they are losing in all of the individual countries they are in.



  • They are 40+ markets that Sony is in where we are in 13.
  • Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.
With more than 7 million units sold to date, Sony's PlayStation 4 is the top-selling new console, ahead of Microsoft's Xbox One, which has shipped (not sold) 5 million units to date. In an interview with Forbes, Microsoft chief marketing and strategy officer Yusuf Mehdi laid out some reasons why his console is lagging behind, at least right now.

The PS4 won't have a such a dramatic regional availability advantage for much longer, as the Xbox One will be released in Japan and 25 other regions in September. Addressing the impact the Xbox One's new $399 price point could have on the platform's viability going forward, Mehdi said the new price "broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner." He acknowledged that the original $499 price point was too steep an asking price for some gamers.

Credit to Why is the PS4 outselling the Xbox One? Microsoft weighs in
The real reason is that the demand for a 399 dollar console far exceeds that of a 499 console. If the XONE was 399 at launch and the PS4 was 499 the outcome would be entirely different.

I wouldn't be too sure about that dude.

PS4's advantages and Sony's marketing/promotion of the system have played a big role in the console's success too.

Not saying a Kinect-less SKU wouldn't have helped, but saying it was all about price is too narrow a view.



point one means nothing in the long term scheme of things

point two is rarely even arguable and is likely the other way around
It would if the XB1 was sold out everywhere. It isn't. And honestly, had this big surplus been shipped to "Tier 2" countries, I doubt it'd be sold out still.
Oh I agree it is a spin. Just the logic of "being in more markets means chance of higher sales" is something I cannot argue with. The second reason was really, really stupid spin.


Can we make this thread a sticky forever?

It will be good to look back on when you're having a bad day or if you need a pick me up.
Well MS Didn't completely clean house did they? Yusef is a trainwreck in PR

I like how they seem to think being in less regions is some unfair advantage when it was their own call to ensure abetted sales early. I'm also pretty sure they are losing in the 13 regions (aka their base) to PS4 as well

The other comment is so absurd I can't believe it was uttered
Even the first excuse is lame. With all the excess stock MS have and the fact that production actually had to be slowed due to it. Couldn't they have launched in more countries by now? Probably but I seriously doubt that sales would be anywhere close to the PS4 even with the extra sales anyway.

This guy needs to be moved on, he is doing nothing for the brand and actually undoing some of MS's good work as of late.


Xbox 360 owners enjoy their systems more than PlayStation 3 owners do, so they are less inclined to upgrade.
Yeah, no. I've got jack shit to play on my 360 and the foreseeable future is a fucking desert, so I upgraded. To a PS4. And because it's the better offer right now, not because of some availability bullshit. If anything, the PS4 is less available, not more. What kind of arrogant fuck spins this crap two days after a massive admission of failure.


Markets makes sense, but the second reason is an self-burn on the One. Medhi is saying the Xbox One does not change up enough things for people to want to upgrade compared to PS4. Unless you show why One is so much better than the 360, this is going to be the case for a long time.
No, unfortunately for MS not even the market stuff makes sense since the PS4 is outselling the Xbone in every single one of the 13 markets where the Xbone is released. If anything adjusting for this would only slidely reduce the ratio but it is in no way a reason why PS4 is outselling the Xbone ww.

Additionally, people give these markets way too much importance. Without having any numbers I would expect that the 13 countries will make up ~95% of Xbone sales anyways when this gen is done.
Wow. This ignores the many who switched from the 360 to PS4. Predictable, of course though.

Yeah this has to be the main reason US and UK sales of the Xbox One are behind the PS4.

Saying people enjoy their 360 more than their PS3 is laughable, MS gave up on 360 game development sometime ago, PS4 have continued support for a lot longer. My 360 has been collecting dust since I finished GTA 5.


Gold Member
Just shut up already, let's list what you've done so far this gen.

Annoy early adopters.
180 so many times its become a joke.
Lost your consoles identity..
Look desperate as heck.
PR/Management constantly giving out false or then later corrected info
Split the user base again...

This release will go down as one of the worst console releases ever IMO.

Bring games, an apology. not arrogance,

The other countries you speak of, guess what? They either imported or went playstation.
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