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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work


Okay, now I'm confused. Are they planning to work on 2 IPs?

We are looking for a seasoned storyteller who can help us bring Microsoft’s next big IP to life. This individual will help us develop the characters, story arc, emotional tone, pacing, dialogue, and flavor of a story that will shape the spirit of this new franchise.


Dualshocker's is reporting it as Gears of War, but how is that their "next big IP"? Because they bought the rights and it's technically their next big IP now?

Also, this clearly indicates that we aren't going to see it in 2015.
Okay, now I'm confused. Are they planning to work on 2 IPs?


Dualshocker's is reporting it as Gears of War, but how is that their "next big IP"? Because they bought the rights and it's technically their next big IP now?

Also, this clearly indicates that we aren't going to see it in 2015.

That job posting has been there for two weeks and the wording "Next big IP" has been consistently used for Black Tusk job postings, so either what happened at the studio is a very new development or perhaps theres still plans for what Black Tusk were developing (unlikely).

I think somewhere said they needed to staff up for the project anyway so we'll likely get a better picture of what Black Tusk are up to in the coming weeks when they advertise for more positions


That job posting has been there for two weeks and the wording "Next big IP" has been consistently used for Black Tusk job postings, so either what happened at the studio is a very new development or perhaps theres still plans for what Black Tusk were developing (unlikely).

I think somewhere said they needed to staff up for the project anyway so we'll likely get a better picture of what Black Tusk are up to in the coming weeks when they advertise for more positions

Hmmm… I wonder what the person applying for that post is thinking right now. lol


I'd be curious how much this cost MS to do. Got a feeling that it won't be worth the purchase price at the end of it all.

The Gears series has grossed over $1 billion as of a couple of years ago. It will do well and move systems. It is a good move.


The Gears series has grossed over $1 billion as of a couple of years ago. It will do well and move systems. It is a good move.

Only if the next entry is a sequel and as good/better than 3 in my mind, after Halo 4 i'm not entirely sold on this working, but we'll see.
I was really hoping Black Tusk was going to be working on new IPs and not just another 343 situation where they are just grinding out Gears games....:/

I take back what I said about liking Phil Spencer.'s direction.


I won't lie, I was kind of hoping to see Gears come to the PS4. Of course, this now makes the X1 a slightly better value proposition simply because I missed out on the whole series last gen. I wonder if an upgrade of the past series is in the cards. I'm also eager to see what this new fresh studio is able to do with an established franchise.

I am a bit disappointed, though. Given the breadth of first party studios in Sony's arsenal that have and do crank out new IP, I had hoped the establishment of all these new Microsoft studios would have resulted in a similar venture. I skipped an entire generation of a box who's major games were limited to Forza, Halo, and Gears and I dare say I could do it again. I won't be happy about it, though. I'm nearing that point in my life where I'm financially stable enough that I don't really have to game on only one system. I'd like to think that doing so won't be a massive waste.
I was really hoping Black Tusk was going to be working on new IPs and not just another 343 situation where they are just grinding out Gears games....:/

I take back what I said about liking Phil Spencer.'s direction.

Has it been confirmed they dropped the new ip and will now focus on Gears instead? If so I agree. Microsoft needs to build some more of its own ip's.
I was really hoping Black Tusk was going to be working on new IPs and not just another 343 situation where they are just grinding out Gears games....:/

I take back what I said about liking Phil Spencer.'s direction.

Let's say your in Phil Spencer's situation. Gears might go multiplat, but it's generally thought of as an MS franchise. You're pretty much backed into a corner to buy the franchise now. You buy the franchise. Who should develop it? Rare is busy with Kinect Sports Rivals, Lionhead is busy with Fable Legends and 343 is of course busy with Halo. That leaves Black Tusk (with Unreal Engine experience and a lot of talent to boot), because building a new team would not be a quick enough turn around at this point. Remember you have just spent $100,000,000.00 (guess based on fail-ass Pachter numbers of course) on the Gears franchise and investors want to see a return on all that money. What would you do?
Has it been confirmed they dropped the new ip and will now focus on Gears instead? If so I agree. Microsoft needs to build some more of its own ip's.



New IP shelved until further notice so Black Tusk can make Gears

Let's say your in Phil Spencer's situation. Gears might go multiplat, but it's generally thought of as an MS franchise. You're pretty much backed into a corner to buy the franchise now. You buy the franchise. Who should develop it? Rare is busy with Kinect Sports Rivals, Lionhead is busy with Fable Legends and 343 is of course busy with Halo. That leaves Black Tusk (with Unreal Engine experience and a lot of talent to boot), because building a new team would not be a quick enough turn around at this point. Remember you have just spent $100,000,000.00 on the Gears franchise and investors want to see a return on all that money. What would you do?

Spin up another studio but I'm also insane so yeah not the best at making decisions
Spin up another studio but I'm also insane so yeah not the best at making decisions

Creating a new studio would mean the game wouldn't come out until 2017 more than likely. The game would be too late by then. I imagine it's hard to trust an independent developer with such an important franchise, so that's not really an option either.
Let's say your in Phil Spencer's situation. Gears might go multiplat, but it's generally thought of as an MS franchise. You're pretty much backed into a corner to buy the franchise now. You buy the franchise. Who should develop it? Rare is busy with Kinect Sports Rivals, Lionhead is busy with Fable Legends and 343 is of course busy with Halo. That leaves Black Tusk (with Unreal Engine experience and a lot of talent to boot), because building a new team would not be a quick enough turn around at this point. Remember you have just spent $100,000,000.00 (guess based on fail-ass Pachter numbers of course) on the Gears franchise and investors want to see a return on all that money. What would you do?

There's no reason why they had to buy the franchise. I think $100 million or whatever they actually spent is just a waste of money, to be honest. That could have completely funded a few new IPs.

I think Gears is a bit redundant anyway; they have Halo, they've secured Titanfall, they have a huge CoD fanbase.

I don't see what purpose Gears really serves in their library. It was a great new IP and showcase for the Xbox 360, but I feel Microsoft would be better served trying to experiment with new IPs.

Microsoft turning Black Tusk into a Gears factory gives the appearance to me that Microsoft doesn't trust them to explore a new IP with different mechanics, and just wants to set up a 343 situation where they have a highly talented studio that's just going to put their spin on a series that is well established.
Microsoft turning Black Tusk into a Gears factory gives the appearance to me that Microsoft doesn't trust them to explore a new IP with different mechanics, and just wants to set up a 343 situation where they have a highly talented studio that's just going to put their spin on a series that is well established.

Or maybe they're showing faith that they can develop the next big game in the Gears of War franchise?

I hope the new IP is just put on hold until Black Tusk can staff up and split out into multiple projects but I think I'm being overly hopeful :(
Creating a new studio would mean the game wouldn't come out until 2017 more than likely. The game would be too late by then. I imagine it's hard to trust an independent developer with such an important franchise, so that's not really an option either.

Eh I kind of meant spend 6 months making a new studio like they did with black tusk so that you had both games in the mix instead of just one. It makes sense to me from a purely business standpoint but as a gamer and a consumer I'm a little disappointed. Wish MS had more internal studios so there were more options for something like this


Let's say your in Phil Spencer's situation. Gears might go multiplat, but it's generally thought of as an MS franchise. You're pretty much backed into a corner to buy the franchise now. You buy the franchise. Who should develop it? Rare is busy with Kinect Sports Rivals, Lionhead is busy with Fable Legends and 343 is of course busy with Halo. That leaves Black Tusk (with Unreal Engine experience and a lot of talent to boot), because building a new team would not be a quick enough turn around at this point. Remember you have just spent $100,000,000.00 (guess based on fail-ass Pachter numbers of course) on the Gears franchise and investors want to see a return on all that money. What would you do?

Offload it to another studio. There appears to be a whole new 'class' of developer that grew from the last gen HD remakes that are now talented and established enough to work on big, new things. Some have been given the reigns to ports, while others are seeing that talent being put to use on their very own IP. Its not like console holders are afraid of signing up third parties to work on first party properties. Buy it, of course, but there's no need to keep it in house. Granted, I don't know the internal atmosphere at Black Tusk. Perhaps working on an established franchise is the best way to keep them from getting too ambitious? Great move bringing in a veteran like Rod, too.

I'm still not sold on it needing to be at Black Tusk. I'd say (from a Sony fan perspective) that Black Tusk was the best looking upcoming Microsoft first party studio that might actually bring me back to that envious stage (like Bungie did). However, I skipped a whole generation of the Halo/Gears/Forza-box, and I dare say I could do it again without compelling reasons not to. New reasons. At the very least I had hoped spending the ridiculous $1 billion on new studios would result in more than just prettier versions of the same old stuff. Project Spark, I think, is the only real upcoming first party new IP, right? I feel like I'm likely missing something obvious, though, so don't kill me. The rest seems to be purchased exclusives, which given what happened last gen doesn't exactly burden me with an overabundance of confidence.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I just really wanted to break the cycle.

Halo, Forza.
Gears, Forza.

Even if it was just,

Stealth, Forza.
Halo, Forza.

It was supposed to be big, but now, they'll just make Gears. At least until they can expand to to two teams which I still doubt will happen. This is all very ironic in the face of Spencer saying they wanted to promote studio cultures and when he was talking about Rare that, you can't force games on people because they'll talk with their feet and get walking. I mean, unless you're under contract. Then there was Nelson saying all the online hate needed to stop.

I suppose the thing I'm most annoyed about is Spencer straight up lying to our faces about the now cancelled new IP. It seems everytime Microsoft says something that gets brownie points, they ruin it by doing or saying something stupid if not at the very least borderline insulting. It's been this way since freaking May. The Black Tusk IP was supposed to be that thing I could use to validate everything and say, what are you talking about? Of course MS has internal studios making new IP. It really seems like they're dedicated this time. But no, same old same old. Out with the new, in with the old.
There's no reason why they had to buy the franchise. I think $100 million or whatever they actually spent is just a waste of money, to be honest. That could have completely funded a few new IPs.

I think Gears is a bit redundant anyway; they have Halo, they've secured Titanfall, they have a huge CoD fanbase.

I have to disagree here. Losing Gears of War as an exclusive would be embarrassing for MS. Maybe you see it as redundant, but there are many people that don't like the first person perspective and want to shoot stuff. Gears is perfect for these people and the sales were solid for the series.

Microsoft turning Black Tusk into a Gears factory gives the appearance to me that Microsoft doesn't trust them to explore a new IP with different mechanics, and just wants to set up a 343 situation where they have a highly talented studio that's just going to put their spin on a series that is well established.

Maybe it means they trust them with a franchise they consider very important to the Xbox brand. I understand being upset that we lose out on a new franchise. That sucks, but I completely understand the decision from a business perspective.
I have to disagree here. Losing Gears of War as an exclusive would be embarrassing for MS. Maybe you see it as redundant, but there are many people that don't like the first person perspective and want to shoot stuff. Gears is perfect for these people and the sales were solid for the series.

Maybe it means they trust them with a franchise they consider very important to the Xbox brand. I understand being upset that we lose out on a new franchise. That sucks, but I completely understand the decision from a business perspective.

Oh, I understand it from a business perspective.

But from a gamer's perspective, I'm really not happy about this move.
Eh I kind of meant spend 6 months making a new studio like they did with black tusk so that you had both games in the mix instead of just one. It makes sense to me from a purely business standpoint but as a gamer and a consumer I'm a little disappointed. Wish MS had more internal studios so there were more options for something like this

I think it would take to long. A year ago I'd agree with you. This game needs to come out by 2016, though.


I'm surprised people want to see more Gears of War. Also it was already basically tied to Microsoft anyway. Good news, though, I guess? I can't say it's ground-breaking, though. I mean if this is what it would take for Microsoft to get your attention, it seems like you've set the bar pretty low there.


I have to disagree here. Losing Gears of War as an exclusive would be embarrassing for MS. Maybe you see it as redundant, but there are many people that don't like the first person perspective and want to shoot stuff. Gears is perfect for these people and the sales were solid for the series.

Why are you assuming Gears of War would be released as multiplatform game if MS didn't buy it?
Why are you assuming Gears of War would be released as multiplatform game if MS didn't buy it?

I don't see it as an unreasonable assumption that Epic might have taken it multi platform next-gen but I think the bigger concern from Microsoft was that the IP was not going to be used at all as seemingly Epic didn't have any sort of idea what to do with it
Why are you assuming Gears of War would be released as multiplatform game if MS didn't buy it?

MS could just as well pay for exclusivity, but the price for that (or commissioning Epic) would probably be not that much less than just owning the franchise altogether.

I don't see it as an unreasonable assumption that Epic might have taken it multi platform next-gen but I think the bigger concern from Microsoft was that the IP was not going to be used at all as seemingly Epic didn't have any sort of idea what to do with it

This too.


I mush rather have a New ip.

I was done with gears after one. Gears 1 was one of the best of all time. Was a huge system seller for the x360. RIP epic!


I don't see it as an unreasonable assumption that Epic might have taken it multi platform next-gen

If Epic wanted to go multiplatform, they would laugh at that (max) $100 million price. One gear game is worth hunderds of millions.

but I think the bigger concern from Microsoft was that the IP was not going to be used at all as seemingly Epic didn't have any sort of idea what to do with it

Yep, this is exactly what I think. MS wanted Gears, Epic had other plans, so MS bought the IP.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Let's say your in Phil Spencer's situation. Gears might go multiplat, but it's generally thought of as an MS franchise. You're pretty much backed into a corner to buy the franchise now. You buy the franchise. Who should develop it? Rare is busy with Kinect Sports Rivals, Lionhead is busy with Fable Legends and 343 is of course busy with Halo. That leaves Black Tusk (with Unreal Engine experience and a lot of talent to boot), because building a new team would not be a quick enough turn around at this point. Remember you have just spent $100,000,000.00 (guess based on fail-ass Pachter numbers of course) on the Gears franchise and investors want to see a return on all that money. What would you do?
Don't buy the IP in the first place. So what? Final Fantasy and Metal Gear were "thought of as PlayStation franchises" just let it go, create new IP and games to replace it. Make a new big thing, like Black Tusk was already. They are cited and quoted saying they were gonna make the next Halo, the thing that propped up MS's franchises. But no, they have such little faith and want to take such few risk, that instead of building a new thing from the bottom up, just take the safe bet. Which very well might bite them in the ass. How about making a new team for Gears and getting the game out in 3 years? Stupid decisions spin off from stupid decisions.

My 360 already gave me Gears, Halo, Forza, I'm not doing it again.

Edit : And it's infuriating seeing people try to downplay a game they knew nothing about. Tired Splinter Cell clone? Generic trailer? What? Anything can be a big hit new IP or not. Naughty Dog proved that. Given they are Naughty Dog, but still. The point stands.
We lose a game. I get that, but I still don't count it as a cross against Phil Spencer. He has to ride the line between gamer and businessman for sure.

Eh I think I disliked the way Phil Spencer did it that annoyed me the most. If you killed black tusks original IP just say that in the most PR friendly way possible, don't bs us by saying it was a tech demo when it clearly wasn't
Don't buy the IP in the first place. So what? Final Fantasy and Metal Gear were "thought of as PlayStation franchises" just let it go, create new IP and games to replace it. Make a new big thing, like Black Tusk was already. They are cited and quoted saying they were gonna make the next Halo, the thing that propped up MS's franchises. But no, they have such little faith and want to take such few risk, that instead of building a new thing from the bottom up, just take the safe bet. Which very well might bite them in the ass. How about making a new team for Gears and getting the game out in 3 years? Stupid decisions spin off from stupid decisions.

My 360 already gave me Gears, Halo, Forza, I'm not doing it again.

Edit : And it's infuriating seeing people try to downplay a game they knew nothing about. Tired Splinter Cell clone? Generic trailer? What? Anything can be a big hit new IP or not. Naughty Dog proved that. Given they are Naughty Dog, but still. The point stands.

If MS doesn't buy it, it either gets released on another platform or possibly not at all. Why would Microsoft let a billion dollar franchise linked to its console brand go?
Eh I think I disliked the way Phil Spencer did it that annoyed me the most. If you killed black tusks original IP just say that in the most PR friendly way possible, don't bs us by saying it was a tech demo when it clearly wasn't

I guess it depends on how far along the game actually was. We'll never know for sure how far along it was other than cboat saying it looked good. Also that quote wasn't a full quote. If he really was lying to us, that's shitty of course.


If MS doesn't buy it, it either gets released on another platform or possibly not at all. Why would Microsoft let a billion dollar franchise linked to its console brand go?

Same reason Sony let go of Final Fantasy and Metal Gear...most people still buy those games on PlayStation.
I guess it depends on how far along the game actually was. We'll never know for sure how far along it was other than cboat saying it looked good. Also that quote wasn't a full quote. If he really was lying to us, that's shitty of course.

I suppose we didn't get a full quote but it certainly sounded untruthful to me, cboat's post suggest to me that it was to be a game and calling it an asset instead must seem insulting to those who put work into it
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