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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
You guys really love to paint everyone with a wide brush don't you?

"Look at what happened to 'a', therefore 'b' = 'c'."
When another studio does a new entry in an established franchise, they will never make a game just like the original studio. You can basically extrapolate this to almost every instance of it happening. The Uncharted Vita is just a knock off (imo) of a ND production for example.

People who want more of the best of Gears of War are not going to get it. They will get something different. Even if it's amazing it will never be "just like Gears of War x". Everyone who is expecting something is going to be dissatisfied in some way shape or form.

Those preconceptions don't exist with new IP.
I suppose we didn't get a full quote but it certainly sounded untruthful to me, cboat's post suggest to me that it was to be a game and calling it an asset instead must seem insulting to those who put work into it

"The thing we showed at E3 last year, it was something that was done in Unreal and more of a concept piece," Spencer said, calling it "an asset" created by the team to get their creative juices flowing, not necessarily an in-development game.

This quote can easily be taken out of context. I'd like to see the full quote without Polygon's take on it.

That is your reasoning for why Epic was not going to make another Gears of War game!?

Pretty sound reasoning to me! lol
For those who were discussing it earlier, Phil said they announced it today as license and URL transfers would have made it obvious.

It would have been 100% leaked if they had held up the announcement just to try and look good at e3 or whatever.

Microsoft certainly seem to think they have a good portfolio and Phil has said numerous times today they have new and old ip in development so perhaps they also didn't feel like they needed to hold onto the announcement
I think UE4 was priority for them, so if some games took were put on back burner does not mean that they are making any more games.

Even if Epic would eventually have released a Gears of War title, how soon would it be? 4 years? 5 years? That they even sold it to MS means it wasn't THAT important to them. Timing is a big part of all of MS's decisions I assume.

How likely will we see something from black tusk studio this E3?

I'd be shocked to see anything more than a teaser. Hopefully it explains at least something about the direction of the game.


That is your reasoning for why Epic was not going to make another Gears of War game!?

I could imagine a case where their remaining game dev talent didn't want to do another Gears. So maybe they decided against continuing the franchise simply for the sake of keeping what's left of their talent from leaving.


Even if Epic would eventually have released a Gears of War title, how soon would it be? 4 years? 5 years? That they even sold it to MS means it wasn't THAT important to them. Timing is a big part of all of MS's decisions I assume.

Feel free for disagree with this, but I don't think MS needs Gears right now. Not with the games that are coming. TitanFall excites more people at this point than Gears of War. If that and Destiny and Quantum Break are the new thing, than why bother with Gears? If the answer is that they need a third person shooter in their rooster, than I think Black Tusk's original game could have filled in that gap nicely (just turn it into a shooter, instead of stealth game, which ironically is what they are making now).


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
"The thing we showed at E3 last year, it was something that was done in Unreal and more of a concept piece," Spencer said, calling it "an asset" created by the team to get their creative juices flowing, not necessarily an in-development game.
This quote can easily be taken out of context. I'd like to see the full quote without Polygon's take on it.
Pretty sound reasoning to me! lol
What the hell are you on about? Here read this thread. Hell, YOU POSTED IN THIS THREAD. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=758864&page=1

Phil. Spencer. Is. Lying. Whether it was at E3, or now, he is lying. Stop pretending otherwise when there are quotes right in front of you.
If MS doesn't buy it, it either gets released on another platform or possibly not at all. Why would Microsoft let a billion dollar franchise linked to its console brand go?
Because they have a brand new series lined up to take its place! So what if it goes multiplat form?! A ton of people have said Gears has run its course. It would always sell the most on Xbox any way, and just... It really shows a lack of faith. It's ridiculous. A smart business decision for the long term would have been to have Black Tusks new IP be exceptional, and it trade off years with Halo. Billion dollar franchises are not always billion dollar franchises. The consumer will tire of them.


Feel free for disagree with this, but I don't think MS needs Gears right now. Not with the games that are coming. TitanFall excites more people at this point than Gears of War. If that and Destiny and Quantum Break are the new thing, than why bother with Gears? If the answer is that they need a third person shooter in their rooster, than I think Black Tusk's original game could have filled in that gap nicely (just turn it into a shooter, instead of stealth game, which ironically is what they are making now).

I would love to see launch NPD numbers of gears vs Titan fall . People forget what a generation defining impact gears did to xbox.

Asking Titanfall to repeat that is a lot of wishful thinking. Especially it will be in 3 platform at launch compare to 1 by gears.
Feel free for disagree with this, but I don't think MS needs Gears right now. Not with the games that are coming. TitanFall excites more people at this point than Gears of War. If that and Destiny and Quantum Break are the new thing, than why bother with Gears? If the answer is that they need a third person shooter in their rooster, than I think Black Tusk's original game could have filled in that gap nicely (just turn it into a shooter, instead of stealth game, which ironically is what they are making now).

You have a solid point there, but I feel MS needs anything they can get at this point. The E3 disaster, price and lesser console specs put them way behind in mindshare. Also, maybe the price for Gears was something they couldn't refuse. I guess we'll never know the full details.


Gold Member
I would love to see launch NPD numbers of gears vs Titan fall . People forget what a generation defining impact gears did to xbox.

Asking Titanfall to repeat that is a lot of wishful thinking. Especially it will be in 3 platform at launch compare to 1 by gears.

I honestly think that Titanfall is going kill it regardless of platform.

Mikey Jr.

That has to be super disheartening for a brand new studio.

Rather than create your own new IP from the ground up, you are given somebody elses sloppy seconds.
Phil. Spencer. Is. Lying. Whether it was at E3, or now, he is lying. Stop pretending otherwise when there are quotes right in front of you.

It's just a weird quote now that I look at it. Portions of the quotes are filled in with Polygon's take on it. It could be perfectly true to what he was saying, and if that is the case, he's lying of course. It just looks funny is all.
I would love to see launch NPD numbers of gears vs Titan fall . People forget what a generation defining impact gears did to xbox.

Asking Titanfall to repeat that is a lot of wishful thinking. Especially it will be in 3 platform at launch compare to 1 by gears.

I'm curious too. Gears was hyped on graphics but ended up having awesome gameplay too in the end. Titanfall is hyped on gameplay instead, and won't have those new shiny HD graphics like Gears did at the time.

Mikey Jr.

What the hell are you on about? Here read this thread. Hell, YOU POSTED IN THIS THREAD. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=758864&page=1

Phil. Spencer. Is. Lying. Whether it was at E3, or now, he is lying. Stop pretending otherwise when there are quotes right in front of you.

Of course he's lying. The quote from BT manager.

“We have been officially green-lit by Microsoft executives to go ahead with the project that we’re on,” he said.
“That’s the way game development works — it’s just like making a movie, you go through pitching and concepting and then at some point you have a very large meeting with the executive team and present your full pitch with the business plan and you get the green light, so that’s happened for us.”

I'm gonna go ahead and guess he's not talking about Gears 4.


Gold Member
It's big news, but what if you end up with Judgment 2?

Epic: "we outsourced gears, expect the unexpected" is what they should say.

What pisses me off is that they didn't have anything to show off for xbox1 when gears headlined for 360.


I'm curious too. Gears was hyped on graphics but ended up having awesome gameplay too in the end. Titanfall is hyped on gameplay instead, and won't have those new shiny HD graphics like Gears did at the time.

I might get heat on this, but TF graphics looks great to me personally. If DR3 can be best seller xb1 exclusive with that FPS and resolution, then TF would be just fine.


Titanfall's graphics don't represent the same jump in graphics like Gears did, though.

True. But I believe the impact will be much less and for couple month on hardware anyway. You don't need xb1 to play TF , you have cheaper options, especially since it's not a graphical show piece anyway. People will play where there friends play.


Titian fall is on old hardware as well. it's being held back.

I'll buy this new gears day 1. Gears is so awesome. I skipped judgement tho, it looked like a cash in
Gears has no chance of getting me on board with an Xbone. I just don't care about the franchise anymore. Kind of funny because the original Gears was the game that pushed me to get a 360.

I need a new IP to blow my socks off. Quantum Break could do it, but I was hoping for something new from these guys.
I need a new IP to blow my socks off. Quantum Break could do it, but I was hoping for something new from these guys.

People keep shrugging it off because of the developer's track record lately but I think Sunset Overdrive is going to surprise a lot of people. If it ends up being what Insomniac has planned then I think it'll be a really impressive game.


EPIC, like many posters here, probably thinks Gears has gotten stale and run its course.

MS is desperate for exclusives. and if they just acquired the franchise right now and Blacktusk is working on the game it's probably a good 2-3 years away from being done.

I would've liked to have seen Blacktusk work on a new IP.


You have a solid point there, but I feel MS needs anything they can get at this point. The E3 disaster, price and lesser console specs put them way behind in mindshare. Also, maybe the price for Gears was something they couldn't refuse. I guess we'll never know the full details.

Agreed. Don't see the point in speculating why the IP was purchased in the first place. We have no idea what happened behind the scenes. May be Epic felt they were done with the IP and proposed to offer it to MS for a good price. Who knows!


with this purchase, do ms get the code (or whatever) from the previous 4 games, as in the "template" or do they have to start from scratch?


First of all, it is excited to see Microsoft secured the exclusivity of GeOW on Xbox platform and wish Black Tusk can do a fantastic job to make a new episode in the future.

However, behind the scene, some questions need to be considered:

1. Why Epic sold the IP to MS? Is it because difficult to resist those money or Epic also thought GeOW goes to its end as a franchise?

2. Based on current interviews, I worried that even MS doesn't know how to continue with this franchise. Everything is not started yet and perhaps the story is not even made. In this case, is it wise for MS to acquire GeOW?

3. Few days ago, Phil Spencer praised Sony about their innovation about new IPs. Internet used to think MS will start to learn from Sony and invest more money to brand new IPs. But suddenly, it is another 180. The new IP which was promised as AAA level worked by Black Tusk is scrapped with no reason. It shows MS continues their strategy of Xbox 360 on Xbox One again. So how MS is capable of convincing gamers that they are intending to create new IP and reboot some classic IP. What will be the impact in the long run?

4. Is Phil Spencer a good leader of Microsoft Studio? Personally, I used to like this guy and thought the lack of new IP is mainly due to Don Mattrick. Now Mattrick had left MS, but seemed there is no change at MS. So is everything just because of Phil Spencer? I start to think Phil Spencer is quite worse Shane Kim being the lead of Microsoft Studio. With Phil Spencer, is there any chance for Microsoft Studio to have a new strategy on gaming development?

Overall, I am excited to see GeOW 100% belongs to MS, but worry about the future of 1st party line-up on Xbox One.
Why Epic sold the IP to MS? Is it because difficult to resist those money or Epic also thought GeOW goes to its end as a franchise?

The franchise just seems so fatigued. Gears 3 (unlike, say, Halo 3) pretty handily closed the book on the familiar part of the universe. Judgment was thrown under the proverbial bus, came out with little fanfare, and wasn't received well by the fans (within a few weeks, 3 was higher on the XBL activity chart).

I imagine Epic just didn't have any ideas what to do with it, nor any real interest in making another game anytime soon. And then Microsoft showed up with what was probably a fairly tidy sum of money.


I am actually surprised by this. With MS reluctance to lock down third party exclusives and ips beyond timed exclusives, to see them actually buy out an ip is interesting. Really, they should have been doing it last gen with shit like Bioshock and Mass Effect.
I suppose it might be worth it for Microsoft just to bank an extra high-profile exclusive, but I don't really see this game hitting the sort of sales numbers the series used to. I'm honestly feeling that, more than franchise fatigue, there's a certain level of "cultural" fatigue with Gears of War, God of War, etc. all that's manifested. The way people might point at games and say they're just too "90's", I'm honestly thinking that's where this series is now: it's just too "00's" to play to the same sold-out crowds.


Good for fans I guess - and should stop some port-begging - but personally not really bothered and this feels like a tired strategy from MS vs going after new IP.


That has to be super disheartening for a brand new studio.

Rather than create your own new IP from the ground up, you are given somebody elses sloppy seconds.

That adds a significant amount of pressure too. They have to deliver and make something that is at the very least, as good as Gears 3. Another Gears 2 or Judgement would be unacceptable. Pulling a Halo 4 on Gears would be catastrophic.


4. Is Phil Spencer a good leader of Microsoft Studio? Personally, I used to like this guy and thought the lack of new IP is mainly due to Don Mattrick. Now Mattrick had left MS, but seemed there is no change at MS. So is everything just because of Phil Spencer? I start to think Phil Spencer is quite worse Shane Kim being the lead of Microsoft Studio. With Phil Spencer, is there any chance for Microsoft Studio to have a new strategy on gaming development?

Shall we give him at least some time to redeem Microsoft Studio? I mean it's only been a couple of months and games take time to develop, but I'm sure that they will have some cool stuff to announce around E3 and maybe even before.


Make an spin off like how MGR is to MGS; make something crazy. Keep it as a third person shooter, but give it Vanquish style speed and mobility.


Okay, if you really insist
Shall we give him at least some time to redeem Microsoft Studio? I mean it's only been a couple of months and games take time to develop, but I'm sure that they will have some cool stuff to announce around E3 and maybe even before.

Do you really want to take the chance that he'll buy the Guitar Hero IP, shut down development on Quantum Break and force Remedy to make Guitar Hero 7?
Incoming "Gears of War was trash" statements from salty people who love sodium.

Edit: Beaten.

Not everyone who things GoW is trash is salty. Some just don't like it. I played Gears 1 and 2 on my old gamertag, and did the full 2000 on Gears 3 on my current gamertag. I skipped Judgment, because Gears 3 taught me one thing: the series has run its course. It's getting worse with every installment and doesn't show signs of letting up. It's garbage now. Gears 1 was the best of the 4 games.

This latest news only confirms that I'm glad I left the series behind, because now that it is fully owned by MS it will be milked into oblivion.

This is coming from someone who owned a total of 8 xbox 360 consoles (still own 3 of them) and who has an XB1. The Gears franchise is just worthless now, that's all.
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