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Nick Robinson (Polygon) answers to sexual harassment allegations, leaves Polygon


Neo Member
To be fair, there are appropriate times and situations when you can ask for nudes -- but the scenarios we're talking about are definitely not the appropriate times or situations.

Yeah there's a fair few people who think people are mad just because they're anti man or against sex. Basically it shouldn't be to much to ask to not use professional channels to ask women to send you naked pics of themselves without establishing a *very* high level of comfort first (and even then, is it good for your job?) and good grief don't ask teen fans. C'mon. I mean this guy dated Victoria from crunchyroll. He isn't some /r/incels shut in. He could go out and get very attractive women to touch him without resorting to this behavior.
Anyone that believes that we should only suffer repercussions or self-reflect on our behaviour in the event the state deems our actions criminal is deeply confused
err if you follow some of those reddits links they make some pretty horrible claims about him like trying to rape a drunk girl at a convention and stuff. Obviously could just be people piling on but still

This is some pretty disgusting stuff. Did polygon ever put out a statement besides the tweet from Chris Grant? He also tweeted out nicks apology, so im guessing thats where they stand.
Even with the vague stuff I've heard beyond the chat logs that were posted, I would say he was at the very least purposefully being manipulative. I'm sure there were some instances of this that were just inconsiderate, instances that were sudden opportunities from him to do this, but even then, that's going to be malevolent as soon as he realizes that and acts on it. I'd entertain the idea that the "didn't realize I had power" thing might have been true at first, but 1. the result of his realization was to abuse it, not to account for it and 2. it sounds like some of these incidents happened pre-Polygon so it's kinda moot anyway.

Most importantly, once there's a pattern with lots of people involved it would be very naive to think that he was bumbling into this.

Yeah, I guess if you take a couple of cases on their own it just looks sad and inappropriate. But everything he was doing added together looks pretty bad.
naw you don't only have to be a rapist. Nick was using his accounts to solicit nudes from his teen fans and would ask them to be quiet about it. We for sure know that.

Now I'm linking this. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoolGamesInc/comments/6swuw7/statement_from_nick/dlgb3wz/ The twitter links from game biz people are definitely alluded to some worse behavior. Named people with reputations and futures are not letting this go.

Holy shit. This is such a damn mess.


Neo Member
err if you follow some of those reddits links they make some pretty horrible claims about him like trying to rape a drunk girl at a convention and stuff. Obviously could just be people piling on but still

I didn't bring up the redditor's post because who knows, y'know. But yeah, those accusations are flying around. I think the twitter links are enough for people to at least view NR with serious suspicion.


This is the first apology on the internet I have read and believed was genuine.
Hope he learns from this and comes back better.

EDIT: There's more to this than what appeared on the first page of the thread... Never mind what I said.
I didn't bring up the redditor's post because who knows, y'know. But yeah, those accusations are flying around. I think the twitter links are enough for people to at least view NR with serious suspicion.

Given what we already know about the situation and how there were supposedly multiple witnesses to the con incident referred to in the reddit thread, I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least some truth to it.

Which, you know, fucking sucks.
Is there like a form letter people are cribbing from for all these 'his apology was genuine' posts popping in here in the middle the thread outta the blue?
This is the first apology on the internet I have read and believed was genuine.
Hope he learns from this and comes back better.

Basically, Nick hears a woman say "nice shirt" and goes "okay now how do I get nudes out of this".

As opposed to hearing a woman say "nice shirt" and thinking "oh cool someone likes my shirt"

Basically. This is what happen when you look at women as objects or a vessel for pleasure rather than...y'know, humans.

The apology doesn't really seem sincere to me. It doesn't tell the full story.

L Thammy

Is there like a form letter people are cribbing from for all these 'his apology was genuine' posts popping in here in the middle the thread outta the blue?

I did that too a several pages ago; I genuinely thought it was at first. Maybe it's undue optimism, I don't know. I'd assume most of the people posting it have read the apology itself and are just posting their first impression.
Is there like a form letter people are cribbing from for all these 'his apology was genuine' posts popping in here in the middle the thread outta the blue?

They are just reading the OP and the first page and posting. The first page is all "good on him" stuff. Little do they know the thread quickly changes tune over the next 15 pages.
I did that too a several pages ago; I genuinely thought it was at first. Maybe it's undue optimism, I don't know.

Sure, I don't have a problem with people seeing that in a first read... But the phrasing of so many feels he same, with the idea it's the first believable apology online ever...


Is there like a form letter people are cribbing from for all these 'his apology was genuine' posts popping in here in the middle the thread outta the blue?

I'm sure this thread is being linked from other places, particularly places that are either 1) Anti-GAF, hence plenty of juniors with less than 100 posts doing drive-bys in this thread and others like it that amount to "Ugh fucking GAF" or 2) places that consist of fans of Nick who are sympathetic and want to believe him, and aren't happy with the negative responses in this thread (particularly since GAF threads usually show up high on google searches for controversial topics like this).
I'm sure this thread is being linked from other places, particularly places that are either 1) Anti-GAF, hence plenty of juniors with less than 100 posts doing drive-bys in this thread and others like it that amount to "Ugh fucking GAF" or 2) places that consist of fans of Nick who are sympathetic and want to believe him, and aren't happy with the negative responses in this thread (particularly since GAF threads usually show up high on google searches for controversial topics like this).

It’s been linked to on VOAT.

L Thammy

Sure, I don't have a problem with people seeing that in a first read... But the phrasing of so many feels he same, with the idea it's the first believable apology online ever...

Hell, it could be, we've seen a lot of people in the gaming place that have had things to apologize for recently, and a lot of them weren't smart enough to even pretend to recognize that they did something wrong.

Moreover, we saw that Nick had enough straight-up defenders in the last thread that I feel like our aggression is better saved for them than people who might simply be confused and aren't really supporting him any more than "we'll see if this apology sticks". I imagine that we'll get at least one more "why is this wrong"-er in here. But that's not up to me, so I'll not derail this further.


I've seen people strongly defending nick and his apology in other places too (like the thread about it on r/giantbomb), not just here.

As for just thinking it's a good apology, I know people who thought the same too, but upon a closer look started thinking "wait, this ain't good at all", so that may just be the lowest of expectations wrt public apologies.
Without the context of the past thread that apology sounds fine. If people are expected to understand it's obviously snake then a link to the original allegations should be in the opening post.

I didn't know anything about the situation but that apology reads far more genuine than the average shit you get from these types of "I fucked up" internet accusations. Reading up on it makes it obvious the dude is trying to save ass but I don't blame people for reading it as such.

My personal take is dude is just a big asshole. The total evidence out there is obvious he is a shitty person. But on the flip, anything that is a screenshot of a text message or in regards to him just being shitty isn't evidence of actual wrong doing. Once conversation hops from social media to private messaging as long as it's not illegal I personally don't give a fuck if dude is a douche. That really is his own private stiff. But in terms of work environment and trying to solicit from his fans on social media applications, it makes him a dumpster fire individual.


Maturity, bitches.
"Hello, I'm your new neighbour. Just thought I'd pop over to say hello. How are you?"
"I'm perfectly fine, thank you."
"Woah, you're a woman? Gimmie some nudes pls"
"Don't worry babes, just a spot of harmless flirting."
Without the context of the past thread that apology sounds fine. If people are expected to understand it's obviously snake then a link to the original allegations should be in the opening post.

I didn't know anything about the situation but that apology reads far more genuine than the average shit you get from these types of "I fucked up" internet accusations. Reading up on it makes it obvious the dude is trying to save ass but I don't blame people for reading it as such.

My personal take is dude is just a big asshole. The total evidence out there is obvious he is a shitty person. But on the flip, anything that is a screenshot of a text message or in regards to him just being shitty isn't evidence of actual wrong doing. Once conversation hops from social media to private messaging as long as it's not illegal I personally don't give a fuck if dude is a douche. That really is his own private stiff. But in terms of work environment and trying to solicit from his fans on social media applications, it makes him a dumpster fire individual.

His 'apology' never apologizes for harassment. 'Flirting' is not 'harassment'.

Additionally, his 'private stuff' ceases to be private when he involves other people -- especially when he non-consensually harasses other people. The victims can share their stories publicly.


Neo Member
Has Patrick said whether that article is going to come out now? I believe he would be able to post at least something now that Nick has made a statement.

At least we got a mostly positive shoutout on Waypoint!

it's always funny when people in games media pretend they don't spend at least an hour every week here shitposting.

Its how I heard about Gaf in the first place.


Has Patrick said whether that article is going to come out now? I believe he would be able to post at least something now that Nick has made a statement.

At least we got a mostly positive shoutout on Waypoint!

I'm guessing we hear that on Waypoint Radio today? I'm hoping it's still coming.

Austin said the thread was "kinda okay", I felt good with that :3

I'm so glad the majority of people there were good people.

I kinda regret the amount of time I spent in it because it was really frustrating and distracting for that day or so, but seeing other people speak up and be good about it was worth it.
Whoah, I replied only after reading the first first page. This clearly looks like the case of a predator trying to make himself not look so bad.

Bill Cosby was only helping women with their modeling/acting careers too. I know the analogy is extreme, but I think it fits with a person trying to come off as genuine, when they aren't.



Sorry, not sure if I was clear. On Monday's episode (which you linked), Patrick said he was writing something (with accounts from people who came to them privately about this) but had to hold off on publishing it during Vox's investigation. The page you linked also says that.

I'm wondering if today's episode will clarify if they're still posting it now that he was fired.


I would imagine the apology was written with the help of HR. Leaving out the word harassment specifically strikes me as a way to avoid any terms that could open them up to legal action.

Whether it's sincere or not, who knows. You can't really say it is without seeing his actions going forward, but judging from the bits and pieces I've seen come out about this(and I'm a little behind on the info here), it seems like this will be sticking with him for a long time, and deservedly so.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It's an apology crafted for the public and not the victims.

An apology all the same, which is to be commended for taking ownership of a mistake, but in the absence of facts and the details of the accusations, it does court the appearance of being hollow and self-serving damage control.
His 'apology' never apologizes for harassment. 'Flirting' is not 'harassment'.

Obviously. He's trying to save face. And without the context of the other stuff it's well crafted bullshit. Props to his writing team. He's still an asshole.

Additionally, his 'private stuff' ceases to be private when he involves other people

Nothing in life is private if this is the standard you're using. I don't like the guy but you'd never apply this standard in this fashion if he wasn't an asshole. Let's be serious here.

-- especially when he non-consensually harasses other people. The victims can share their stories publicly.

Never said they couldn't. I said once it leaves the sphere of social media, him being an asshole isn't really something I care about unless he's doing illegal shit. Him being a shitty person in his private life is not really something that I put much stock in.

Obviously given the body of info out there however there is more than enough shows of him doing awful stuff that I still have lots of reasons to think he's shitty. The volume of info proves a pattern but not all of it is stuff I personally would condemn on it. But shit, that's still a lot of damning info.


I hope the genuine/sincere crowd are never in a position of needing to hold people accountable for their actions.

I think, at this point, people are just angry and calling for blood. He lost his job, that was what needed to happen. However, I don't think his apology is unquestionably insincere. At this point you, and the other people saying similar things, are essentially bullying people into interpreting the apology the same way you did.


I'm sure this thread is being linked from other places, particularly places that are either 1) Anti-GAF, hence plenty of juniors with less than 100 posts doing drive-bys in this thread and others like it that amount to "Ugh fucking GAF" or 2) places that consist of fans of Nick who are sympathetic and want to believe him, and aren't happy with the negative responses in this thread (particularly since GAF threads usually show up high on google searches for controversial topics like this).

Off topic, but what places are anti-GAF and why?


I think it would be a good apology if he apologized for what he's actually accused of. But also, the public doesn't really have a clear idea of what he actually did do (I may be wrong, I didn't do any deep digging into it, but at first glance, it's hard to see what he did with any kind of precision- understandably so). However, since signs and, frankly, evidence points to him doing worse than just using his position of power to "flirt", the apology comes off as... not great! Especially since the public doesn't know exactly what he did, I feel like the proper apologies should go directly to the victims, with the public statement being a more vague "I'm sorry about my terrible behavior, please know that I recognize my wrongdoings and am now taking the steps to better myself." Apologizing in such a long-winded way while subtly downplaying his ACTUAL, behind-the-scenes wrongdoings seems disingenuous, assuming he DID do worse than what he implies he did.


Off topic, but what places are anti-GAF and why?

Reddit literally had a subreddit called *********s for people that got banned here to go complain.

A lot of people think NeoGAF is a bunch of "SJWs" trying to take away their videogames.

EDIT: oh snap it's a banned term, I never knew that.

L Thammy

Off topic, but what places are anti-GAF and why?

Lots of places, lots of reasons. Believing that GAF has a (insert hardware manufacturer) bias - usually from fanboys who don't understand when their favourite system isn't the most popular one. Places with a bunch of people who have been banned from GAF. Alt-right cesspools who are angry that they can't act like GAF is 4chan or Stormfront or whatever. Places with a lot of people who have only heard of GAF from these other sources.


Off topic, but what places are anti-GAF and why?

There is a lot of anti-GAF sentiment basically everywhere that has people talking about games. A lot of it comes from the type of gamers that would naturally dislike GAF, the kind of people that would celebrate what Nick Robinson did. Other people feel like GAF is elitist because it is one of the more "exclusive" forums for talking about games (and is heavily one of the most heavily moderated). Lastly, some people criticize GAF for being, at times a little over-zealous. Which... yeah... Obviously it is at times.

Oh, and yeah, there are a lot of butthurt ex-GAFers.


Off topic, but what places are anti-GAF and why?

Places that harbor gamergaters, alt-righters, and/or people who think they were unfairly banned (usually because they were posting gamergate/alt-right opinions).

I think voat is the most well known, which is a site that literally consists of former subreddits that got banned from Reddit for being too sexist or racist. A lot of times when a youtube video or something is posted on GAF you'll see voat posters swarm the comments of the video to try to convert people.
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