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No Man's Sky Has Some Kind of Cryptic ARG Happening Right Now

"Input from the Mercury Subroutine will pave the way toward new experiences in version 1.3 of a familiar universe. We look forward to the successful conclusion of this ground-breaking experiment."

"The Mercury subroutine has concluded successfully, and a new memo from SM about this process is coming in the next 24 hours. We hope it will answer a few key questions you have about our program, and about what comes next."

That's unequivocally to me. Mercury has concluded successfully. As stated in the last SM memo. There's only one thing missing from the two comparisons...1.3.


"Input from the Mercury Subroutine will pave the way toward new experiences in version 1.3 of a familiar universe. We look forward to the successful conclusion of this ground-breaking experiment."

"The Mercury subroutine has concluded successfully, and a new memo from SM about this process is coming in the next 24 hours. We hope it will answer a few key questions you have about our program, and about what comes next."

That's unequivocally to me. Mercury has concluded successfully. As stated in the last SM memo. There's only one thing missing from the two comparisons...1.3.

oh yeah i forgot about that little 1.3 mention


A reminder the last big update was announced at 11.30pm UK time in what I guess was a timed post on their website. They use Wordpress. That's just over an hour from now.

It was released later the same week on both platforms.
Is there a reason why some people are talking like the arg was ended abruptly, maybe even because of negativity from the public?

I haven't seen any reason to think this but have seen a few people suggest this.


I would prefer a honest book detailing what really happened rather than any more additions to the game because I just can't see it being the game I thought it would be.

You'd rather have the game remain a cautionary tale, rather than improve into a good game, just so you can buy a book about how badly the devs messed up in the first place? Brilliant.

For all the things NMS failed to deliver on, Hello have been trying to pull their names out of the mud for one whole year now. They've been legitimately doing it, step by step - and this next update looks to be the biggest leap yet. Good on them.
Is there a reason why some people are talking like the arg was ended abruptly, maybe even because of negativity from the public?

I haven't seen any reason to think this but have seen a few people suggest this.

They sent out an email last night with the subject heading:

"Waking Titan has Ended"

-the presumption is that HG is ready to release their update ASAP and the ARG was taking too long to finish.

HG hired the ARG company to do all this weird cryptic stuff ahead of the next No Man's Sky update. They are two different companies, so HG's schedule may not have been in perfect sync with the ARG schedule.

So far as I can tell, there was very little negativity. Most people who took part liked it and found it fascinating.

Not to mention it was totally free, optional and did not require anyone to even own the game.


Aftershock LA
No matter what happened a year ago (to quote a popular song from a popular animated film, some people need to "Let it go."), I can't help but be impressed by Hello Game's determination to produce the game they wanted to produce.

They ran out of money last year, and to keep the door open, they had to release a game in the most playable state, even if that meant key features and functions that were promised or hinted at wouldn't be there at launch. In all my 30+ years of gaming, I can't think of a game that had as much hype and hyperbole surrounding it than No Man's Sky. There was literally no way the game was going to meet the expectations being thrust upon it, and a 14 man indie development team.

A lot of the backlash was understandable. Some of it reached comical, mostly embarrassing levels of outrage and vitriol. But instead of taking the money and running, Hello Games has been releasing regular updates designed to improve the game. Implementing features that were promised, and some new stuff that wasn't. I think that's commendable. No small indie developer wants to ruin their company's reputation by being skeevy and underhanded. I think there was a lot of transparency from Hello Games after the shit hit the fan, and these latest updates have done nothing but improve the game.

Opining over the past seems pointless to me, and this applies to a lot of things, not just specifically No Man's Sky. Especially when it looks like Hello Games is determined to make the game they dreamed of making, but didn't have the money to do so. It's not like Sony was there with a checkbook telling them to take as much time as they needed. Sean Murray remortgaged his house for this game, and when the sales made him more than likely rich considering that he's one of the four founders of the company. He could have peaced the fuck out and not make another game, or leave No Man's Sky in it's release day state. The fact that he didn't, amidst all the hate and vitriol, and buckled down and worked to improve his passion project says a lot about Sean Murray and the rest of Hello Games.

Making video games is hard. Soul crushingly hard sometimes. Sticking with it, in the face of so much negativity is commendable.
I would prefer a honest book detailing what really happened rather than any more additions to the game because I just can't see it being the game I thought it would be.

Got you covered:

Once upon a time a heap of gamers got hyped about an upcoming videogame. Rather than waiting to see how the game ended up, they preordered something unfinished they had never seen and most got disappointed. Some learned a harsh lesson that day, others got angry instead and lashed out at the world for many moons over their mistake.

Meanwhile some brave gamers waited until release and saw the signs of an evil launch cycle. These gamers did not spend their money and instead waited until several patches had passed, gathered feedback and finally invested wisely when they believed the game was something they would enjoy.

The two groups never did come together, the minds of the preorderers now so twisted that they could do little but lay in wait for a nms thread to appear to vent their anger. The only thing preserving their sanity being the thought of preordering the next Assassins Creed game, because it'll "probably be good this time."

But the strong people who waited? They gained wisdom and got to explore a wonderfully ambitious world that was just starting to realise its potential. Sure it was still kind of dead boring but they knew that going in so that was fine.

Those people? They lived happily ever after.

The end.
-the presumption is that HG is ready to release their update ASAP and the ARG was taking too long to finish.

HG hired the ARG company to do all this weird cryptic stuff ahead of the next No Man's Sky update. They are two different companies, so HG's schedule may not have been in perfect sync with the ARG schedule.

A "puppet master" of A&S for the ARG said that they worked closely with Hello Games on the content of the ARG, so I don't buy that theory. I think how they ended it is more or less what they planned, though apparently there was another ending we could've had. The ARG will continue in some form, just not as "Waking Titan". The PM said the "cassettes are still in play" and straight up said the ARG is not finished.

I think there's a strong likelihood that the ARG will continue at least partly in-game.
Email just went out.

Hello Citizen Scientists,

It’s been a year since No Man’s Sky first released, and it’s been an exciting, intense and emotional year for us at Hello Games. We have been quiet, but we have been listening intently.

We've spent that year working hard on free updates for this game our team cares about so much.

Update 1.3 will release this week and will be available for free to all No Man’s Sky players. We're calling it Atlas Rises. It focuses on improving the central story of No Man’s Sky and adds the ability to quick travel between locations using portals. Patch notes will be made available shortly before the update goes live.

What we do is much more important than what we say, but since launch we have sometimes focused too much on that.

We wanted to reach out and celebrate the devoted community that means so much to us. We launched Waking Titan to try to do that.

When we posted those cassettes we didn't know what to expect. In the last eight weeks a quarter of a million players from across the globe (174 countries, to be precise!) have come together - united by a shared love of mystery and science fiction - to form the Citizen Science Division. You’ve travelled great distances both real and virtual, undertaken complex tasks, and explored the depths of simulation theory. New friendships have been forged, and a tight-knit community has been created. Most importantly a cute hamster has a new home.

You've become part of the No Man's Sky origin story.

It's been an honour to watch, but this is just the beginning. Whether you’ve followed Waking Titan or not, we welcome anyone to sign up to the Citizen Science Division, and to join us on the official CSD forums.

Our journey continues.

Thank you for this year. We hope you enjoy what comes next.

Hello Citizen Scientists,

It’s been a year since No Man’s Sky first released, and it’s been an exciting, intense and emotional year for us at Hello Games. We have been quiet, but we have been listening intently.

We've spent that year working hard on free updates for this game our team cares about so much.

Update 1.3 will release this week and will be available for free to all No Man’s Sky players. We're calling it Atlas Rises. It focuses on improving the central story of No Man’s Sky and adds the ability to quick travel between locations using portals. Patch notes will be made available shortly before the update goes live.

What we do is much more important than what we say, but since launch we have sometimes focused too much on that.

We wanted to reach out and celebrate the devoted community that means so much to us. We launched Waking Titan to try to do that.

When we posted those cassettes we didn't know what to expect. In the last eight weeks a quarter of a million players from across the globe (174 countries, to be precise!) have come together - united by a shared love of mystery and science fiction - to form the Citizen Science Division. You’ve travelled great distances both real and virtual, undertaken complex tasks, and explored the depths of simulation theory. New friendships have been forged, and a tight-knit community has been created. Most importantly a cute hamster has a new home.

You've become part of the No Man's Sky origin story.

It's been an honour to watch, but this is just the beginning. Whether you’ve followed Waking Titan or not, we welcome anyone to sign up to the Citizen Science Division, and to join us on the official CSD forums.

Our journey continues.

Thank you for this year. We hope you enjoy what comes next.



And now begins the wave of people who expected multiplayer to shit up threads again and ruin discussion among fans. :(


So the big takeaway is working portals?

I'm hoping that's not all the patch will include. :/

I'd still love to see some tweaks/additions to planets as others have mentioned: rivers, lakes, waterfalls, volcanic activity, etc.


I could be very wrong but I think devs can push an update on Steam whenever they want.

I'm not expecting a patch tonight, though that would be very cool if so. I'm hoping for patch notes at least.

This is correct, devs can push updates on steam at any time of day. (Source: I have a game on Steam, have pushed builds at crazy hours)


I've restarted this game every time a major update has been released, I guess I'll be doing that again this week.


Well, we got portals. Haha. Wonder how much they've done to the story. If it gives me something more intriguing than race to the center and find nothing then it's sorely needed.


So the big takeaway is working portals?

I'm hoping that's not all the patch will include. :/

That's unlikely to be it when he mentions expanding the story with this update, and we also got that screenshot of the ship from the concept art found on the Waking Titan website (but I guess that could be in future updates rather than this one?)


not licensed in your state
Quite ready. I know they mentioned story and portals, but I'm expecting a lot of QoL improvements too


Wait for the patch notes guys. There will be a bunch of things. I mean we know there is new ship content but wasnt mentioned in the email.

It's my own fault. I expected my mind to be blown, but at the end of the day it's just a patch. I agree there will probably be more stuff included in the patch though.

Truth be told, deep down I really was hoping for a PSVR announcement even though that's unrealistic.
I know Sean Murray only talked about an improved story and portals but each of the major updates have added a lot of new content and changes. My guess is that there will be quite a bit more stuff added as a part of this update.

And remember that this isn't the last ever update either...

Say what you will about NMS and Hello Games but they have added quite a bit to the game from when it was released.


Niiice, can't wait!

IIRC he said "this week" for the other two updates as well, both released the following day, so hopefully the update will go live tomorrow.
Although two things don't look like much, improving on story can have many things branching off from that. Factions, for one. With that might come improved combat and trading. So much can be attached to a story.

Fast travelling to another planet...how does that work? Like does someone else give you the coordinates? And would you be able to see that person?

Also, it isn't like this is the one and only last update to ever be release.
The "status" terminal command on the wakingtitan site has changed, showing some stats from the ARG:

Connections received: 2,197,841
Data streamed: 10.4 terabytes
Terminal Commands Input: 1,081,936
-- Total unique command: 49 797
-- Top command: 207 904 WhoIs

10.4 terabytes seems like a lot of bandwidth. I guess they're counting streaming from the Twitch stream.


I know Sean Murray only talked about an improved story and portals but each of the major updates have added a lot of new content and changes. My guess is that there will be quite a bit more stuff added as a part of this update.

And remember that this isn't the last ever update either...

Say what you will about NMS and Hello Games but they have added quite a bit to the game from when it was released.

Yes, each update has added a bunch of stuff. This one has taken twice as long so it's reasonable to assume it's gonna have twice as much stuff.

It's usually a couple of headline improvements, like vehicles or base building, and then lots of smaller changes.


Hmm. I haven't played this since a couple of weeks after release (I got sidetracked by another game). I kind of feel I should start a new game and do it all again from the beginning. But I did grind out a reasonable mid-size ship (24 slots IIRC).

I can't decide what to do.
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