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Not confirmed: Dark Souls 3 PC framerate to be locked at 30 fps?

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The PC Gamer Weekender build was a super early build-like it included the stress test character creation screen and different names for bosses (both changed since then)

When asked if it was representative of final product Bamco Rep said "We are aiming for 60fps for launch"


Can I see the source for this?
Any confirmation on that? Not that I doubt it (I don't want to doubt it :p) but I can't find anything concrete on PCGamer's site other than they had the Weekender event.

I posted 2 of my sources who were there in the press release thread

also they posted on reddit in the 'its happening' thread on dark souls 3 reddit (mobile atm sorry for no link)

edit:lies-here are the links cause this shit is important :p

I am at the event right now and they are running a PC demo version. It is quite smooth but I'm not sure if it is at 60fps, however the Bandai Namco representatives said it should be 60fps at launch but they are not sure about this demo as it is 6 months old.
From this thread
Looks like that old build that lets you choose between 4 playable characters instead of the new one (with character creation, tutorial area and all).
From this thread


They should just offer a statement like they did for Zestiria. The game releases in a month. If it's 30 and none of my rl friends want it I'll be giving away my prestige edition key and an extra one.


I'm calling bullshit on half of these "i'll refund it" posts. You weren't really interested then.

Should it be 60 fps? Yes, but come fucking on man.

Hey, if someone refuses to pay full price for a game that doesn't even reach 60 frames per second, that's their prerogative.


I'm calling bullshit on half of these "i'll refund it" posts. You weren't really interested then.

Should it be 60 fps? Yes, but come fucking on man.

I won't refund it because I wouldn't buy it in the first place, if it's locked at 30.

What it has come down to, for me, is that games more than likely find ways for me not to want to play them. I already have too many games to play as it is, so if an action game releases on PC at 30 fps, it saves me the time and money that I can use on better products.


I'm calling bullshit on half of these "i'll refund it" posts. You weren't really interested then.

Should it be 60 fps? Yes, but come fucking on man.

I'll refund it, wait a week or so after release to see if anyone can fix it, and if they don't/can't I'll use that money to buy it used on PS4. It's one of my most anticipated games this year but I'm willing to wait a week or so.


Makes no difference to me, as long as I can run it on higher resolution.
Can't really understand people that will refund if it's locked to 30fps, willingly skipping the game of the year, but yeah their loss.
I do hope it's 60, and if it's not confirmed yet I wouldn't lose my sleep over it yet. Maybe play some Demon's or GoaT Bloodborne to get used to it.


Well, it is coming from the same publisher that released Tales of Zestiria and Symphonia...

Zestiria was great, the only bad thing about it was the 30 FPS lock.

Symphonia, on the other hand, sucked.

The PC Gamer Weekender build was a super early build-like it included the stress test character creation screen and different names for bosses (both changed since then)

When asked if it was representative of final product Bamco Rep said "We are aiming for 60fps for launch"


Welp, that wraps it up.


Makes no difference to me, as long as I can run it on higher resolution.
Can't really understand people that will refund if it's locked to 30fps, willingly skipping the game of the year, but yeah their loss.
I do hope it's 60, and if it's not confirmed yet I wouldn't lose my sleep over it yet. Maybe play some Demon's or GoaT Bloodborne to get used to it.

Because not playing a game, even if it's Dark Souls 3, is not the end of the world?
Makes no difference to me, as long as I can run it on higher resolution.
Can't really understand people that will refund if it's locked to 30fps, willingly skipping the game of the year, but yeah their loss.
I do hope it's 60, and if it's not confirmed yet I wouldn't lose my sleep over it yet. Maybe play some Demon's or GoaT Bloodborne to get used to it.

Yeah I mean, I'm a pretty big advocate of 60+ FPS... it makes any and all games better. But I'm not going to miss out on an amazing game just because it isn't. Seems pretty silly to me. Besides, while it is disappointing I have no doubt that someone will fix it eventually.
Because not playing a game, even if it's Dark Souls 3, is not the end of the world?

I feel like some people genuinely cant fathom someone voting with their wallet on principle. I'm kinda on the fence personally, it's incredibly incompetent if it is 30 and they've released 60fps trailers. Not to mention I excused the massive downgrade with Souls 2, at some point though I feel like I gotta say enough is enough you know?
This shouldn't even have to be a discussion on a PC title released in 2016, but since it's Miyazaki and not Tanimura and all of his prior Souls games are 30 FPS, it's very possible. I hope it's BS though.


I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.
Dark Souls 2 PC was 60 fps. Why would they go backwards and lock this one?

cause the games are designed at 30 fps and unlocking them causes hell with the engine. every version of dark souls 2 at 60 fps has weird issues, including the console versions. At least that's my guess. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to justify locked 30 fps in a pc game, it's not acceptable to me either. I'm just saying, that's probably the reason.


Makes no difference to me, as long as I can run it on higher resolution.
Can't really understand people that will refund if it's locked to 30fps, willingly skipping the game of the year, but yeah their loss.
I do hope it's 60, and if it's not confirmed yet I wouldn't lose my sleep over it yet. Maybe play some Demon's or GoaT Bloodborne to get used to it.

I played bloodborne for 2.5h. That's as much as I could stand the frame pacing issues and it being 30fps. If this was a time before we had DS1 and 2 at 60fps I'd just bite the bullet and play it. But it's not and if it doesn't live up to my standards I just won't play it. I don't think it's that foreign of a concept, it should't be.

I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.

I'd like to think he isn't gonna insult the consumers with a dumb excuse like that after it backfired for The Order guy.
I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.

worst gaf shitpost of the day.If you think Miyazaki is a 'dumbfuck' and his vision is 'stupid' then why do you care about the souls games at all? lol.


Makes no difference to me, as long as I can run it on higher resolution.
Can't really understand people that will refund if it's locked to 30fps, willingly skipping the game of the year, but yeah their loss.
I do hope it's 60, and if it's not confirmed yet I wouldn't lose my sleep over it yet. Maybe play some Demon's or GoaT Bloodborne to get used to it.
Not buying it for $60 on day one doesn't mean never playing it. The game will probably be $30 on GMG within three months. I don't know how I'll sleep.


I played bloodborne for 2.5h. That's as much as I could stand the frame pacing issues and it being 30fps. If this was a time before we had DS1 and 2 at 60fps I'd just bite the bullet and play it. But it's not and if it doesn't live up to my standards I just won't play it. I don't think it's that foreign of a concept, it should't be.

Sure, everyone is entitled to their own standards and it's not weird at all if you want to hold on to them.
But Souls-games are that much different to me personally it just feels weird that anyone who was even mildly interested and liked the earlier games would skip this, even at 30fps.
Pretty much how I feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEPvbGmMLQo&t=105


I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.

I understand that you are angry, but you should be civil and have more respect for the people who make these games.
I might be a bit sad if it's true, but I played DaS1 on PC without the DSFix. I was fine with that, I'll be fine with this. Also, Bloodborne 30fps did not really bother me.

I'm sure the fps will be at least 60 though.


I'm thinking it will be 60. I don't know if I'd bet on it, but I'll be getting the game regardless as supporting the holistically excellent game design shown by this franchise is more important to me than more effectively demonstrating my desire for variable-framerate PC releases.

If it's locked at 30, I'll be happy to see and participate in vocal criticism.


Eh, most of my countless hours in Souls games were locked at 30fps. If they lock it to 30 SPL (seconds per loadscreen) on PC then we need to talk.


I hope this Miyazaki dumbfuck will not impose a 30fps lock for the PC version with his stupid "vision" as justification.

If you really feel this way about the creator of the series, I have an extremely hard time believing you were actually planning on getting the game in the first place....
I understand that you are angry, but you should be civil and have more respect for the people who make these games.

Even though I disagree with his statement he is allowed to make it. After all, the army of DS2 haters with their massive hyperbole and shitposting is allowed.


There should be a ring that turns on 60fps, you can only get it by cutting off the tail of a boss that has 60 tails. His tails are invisible.
Even though I disagree with his statement he is allowed to make it. After all, the army of DS2 haters with their massive hyperbole and shitposting is allowed.

well.....I love dark souls 2 but I don't agree that disliking it is shit posting. this dudes post however, was the dumbest, most flamebait post I've seen on gaf all week.


If you really feel this way about the creator of the series, I have an extremely hard time believing you were actually planning on getting the game in the first place....

I am actually, assuming I can find a cheap (30) key.

Yeah sorry for being rude to this guy, but he's no sacred cow to me. He's just a game creator.


There should be a ring that turns on 60fps, you can only get it by cutting off the tail of a boss that has 60 tails. His tails are invisible.

Also, the boss is a ghost so you must be cursed before you can do damage. Also, there is no remedy for curse.
well.....I love dark souls 2 but I don't agree that disliking it is shit posting. this dudes post however, was the dumbest, most flamebait post I've seen on gaf all week.

Disliking DS2 by itself isn't shitposting. Some of the comments I've seen on GAF about it that have gone by unscathed definitely are though.

And again, I disagree with what he said personally.
1) Your weapon durability degrade twice as fast whenever you hit corpses or the ground in 60FPS.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Deactivator2:
the game is using as "time" is directly tied to the framerate. Say your weapon is stuck in a corpse for 1 real-time second. At 30 FPS, the weapon takes 30 (whatever) points of durability damage. But at 60 FPS, the weapon takes 60 points. This is shoddy coding, and as numerous people have mentioned upstream, the "time" factor should be a time delta (i.e. real time since last tick) instead of frames-based.

This explains why certain weapon degrades faster than others. Great clubs, clubs, pickaxe, Halberds, etc. Their 2HR1 always stick the ground for a second or two... Thus taking additional weapon durability damage for each second it is stuck to the corpse or ground. With 60FPS, that is TWICE the durability damage.

2) Difficulty executing jumping attack and guardbreak with certain controllers

3) Invincibility frames is halved during dodge roll.

*4) Certain attack animations of monsters are sped up with 60FPS. (Alonne Knights, Stone Soldiers, etc.)

these are all the issues that dark souls 2 had when it was unlocked to 60 fps. Are people really being that dismissive that they want to blame it on 'laziness' or 'miyazaki's dumb vision? like....can't you even entertain the possibility that there might be other reasons the game is locked at 30 fps?


Even though I disagree with his statement he is allowed to make it. After all, the army of DS2 haters with their massive hyperbole and shitposting is allowed.

Kind of debatable.... Obviously things aren't 100% civil all the time here, but name-calling developers is a little over the line. If everyone just did that whenever they were upset about something it would be a horrible cesspool of a forum.



I summon Durante Dsfix, +30fps boost!

If confirmed.


To play the devils advocate here: while Dark Souls 2 could be played in 60 fps, there were some quite substantial (as far as I know unintended) changes to gameplay in 60 fps mode, such as faster equipment decay. It is possible that they found those gameplay changes unacceptable, but lacked the motivation to fix the core issues in the engine that prevented variable refresh, right?
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