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NPD December 2012 Sales Results [Up2: Xbox 360, All Nintendo Hardware, NSMB Wii U]


Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
There was no way that the Wii U would've outsold the 360 regardless.

i didnt say it would but i fully expect ms and Nintendo both thought December would be different to this



True, still though.


The joy some people get from something underperforming always puzzles me.

I don't get "joy", but I am also not sad it happened. Wii U has a tremendous amount of problems, and I've felt like the DS and the Wii were awful directions for Nintendo and the company really changed what I loved about them during this time.

I feel sort of like if Nintendo keeps underperforming, that maybe they'll start getting on their toes again and developing games like they did in the Gamecube gen or the SNES gen, with refinements of ideas that made the entire gaming environment better but with significantly fewer gimmicks and a focus more on the very people that brought them where they are instead of casuals.

In the end, I sort of feel like a readjustment to reality for Nintendo will help them be great again, and this does make me happy.
In Europe it's doing very poorly, but I've read a few times on GAF posts along the lines of "it's doing badly in Europe but it seems to be selling well in Japan and the US".
Blind belief that the US numbers would be decent (getting outsold by the vanilla Wii is pretty damn bad). In reality it's only selling well in Japan.


460k holy shit, this is pretty fucking bad, but at the end of the day I'm kinda glad they're failing this bad, everyone saw this mess coming, everyone except Nintyendo it seems.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I do suspect the next gen consoles might have a rough launch as well (of course, the supply might be so low that it isn't an issue)
If Wii was a 'dead console' and its outselling Wii U, then I shudder to think of how difficult it will be for Sony and MS to make their next consoles avoid competing with PS3 and 360.

Next gen should not start until 2014 earliest.
460k is a pretty bad start. Especially since it was not supply constrained at all.

If they lower the price, get some good games and market it well, then it can make a comeback. Just look at the 3DS. Still, Nintendo blew another console launch.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Oh fuck Wii U. PS3 sold 490k in it's first Christmas.
Oh fuck Wii U.


So ps3 under 700K... not really good. Well except looking to wii/wiiU counterparts, but compared 360 still sucks. I continue to think release ps3 slimmer at this price is not that good idea especially in US & Jap.

The Lamp

Man that top selling games list is terrible (though not a surprise)

The public has Shitty tastes in video games confirmed.


460k is pretty bad, unless WiiU hits an upswing from positive word of mouth through casuals, it is going to have a longggggg six months ahead of it with the current software schedule.

There is no Wii Sports type game to spread that kind of word of mouth.

And the upcoming schedule for the next 3 months is appalling

Makes me wonder if they should have held Mario Bros U back a bit. And used it as a potential booster


Neo Member
Well, I don't find the 460K THAT bad, but it is cause for alarm. What with only having New Super Mario Bros U to back that console, maybe the consumers are finally being wise in not becoming an Early Adopter.

I don't have a doubt Nintendo will turn things around. They'll have to hurt in order to do it, though, like what was done with the 3DS price drop.

The WII outsold the Wii U? That ain't good.

Not entirely true. Historically, aged hardware has often out preformed new hardware. very rarely is it the opposite.


Death Prophet
I'm impressed with the 3DS.

Now, Nintendo, just imagine how high they could have been if you released Animal Crossing this year! /bitter
I feel like mediocre console launches are now the rule rather than the exception ever since the 3DS launch.

Yeah I think the biggest problem is that people just aren't buying new consoles right now. I wouldn't doubt if Microsoft doesn't release their next system until 2014. There's not much point in doing it, honestly.


That's some serious spin in that Nintendo hahahaha. The fact that it still didn't break 1 million is bleak...

They can thank those impressive 3DS sales. Looks like the system finally fully picked up worldwide.
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