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NX will launch in March 2017 globally, won't be at E3 (focusing on Zelda instead)

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Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Something has gone desperately, drastically wrong with this console.

The absence from E3 less than a year before launch, missing the holiday season while clinging desperately to the financial year, the howling wasteland that is this year's software lineup... Something's fucked up. EVERYTHING'S fucked up.

Would you say they're on the brink of disasrer?


I wasn't expecting much from an investors meetingBUT I also was definitely not expecting the kinda news we all got today..... gutted beyond words and utterly confused.... they need to reach out to fans now IMHO
Nintendo will probably announce more games for 3DS and Wii U with fall/Holidays release dates.

It's always the same thing.

Minor titles, yes, but we shouldn't set ourselves up for disappointment by crossing our fingers for a Retro Metroid that's been in the works all these years to swoop in and save us. If the NX were indeed a third pillar in the style of the DS in 2004, we might expect a nice late-life send-off for the Wii U and a longer life of simultaneous support than anyone expected, but in practical terms it's positioned as a successor system, regardless of how Kimishima describes it. If Zelda is getting bumped, any heavy hitters we don't already know about are also likely bumped.

If anything, the March release and coyness about the NX through E3 and beyond indicates that Nintendo wants to avoid the Pikmin 3 problem, where launch-year bumps from the previous generation miss their window by over half a year and create a drought right out of the gate. That, more than anything, is what strangled the Wii U in its cradle.


No really what at only Zelda? What about Pokemon? It launches later this year?! Unless it just wont be playable and just in video form which is fine but..if the direct will be Zelda themed then..what.


Junior Member

If you have product thats not finished, do you:

A. Release an unfinished product and hope for the best


B. Delay it to make sure it's the best possible version of the product you want to real ease?

Now I'm pretty fucking pissed off that they're not talking about this at E3, so pissed off in fact that I'm probably not getting any sleep tonight. But I see the reason why they're not releasing this thing in 2016. If it's not ready it's not ready.

They can easily set up a huge press event to show off everything they need to show for the NX. This isn't fucking 1990s anymore. We're in the age of information, which means information is easily accessed around the world almost by billions in seconds. They can easily get the word out.


Either something's seriously gone wrong under Kimishima, or he's having to do a lot more than we thought.

He's probably trying to do it right (Get Polaris maybe) and make sure the NX is actually working well and as good as they can make it. It's just that combining this with no E3 NX, Zelda 2017 etc etc it's just a kick in the nuts.

Don't worry though, Nintendo fans will still buy it all.


This has to be a misunderstanding, right? Even with all the other awful choices, this would be the dumbest thing.

I think so too, Nintendo never done that. They always had a lot of games to be playable in general.

Edit :
Personaly, I'm doubting Gematsu, they don't have a real japanese transaltor from the translated news they made on Etrian odyssey 5.



Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
RIP E3 1995-2015

If this is true, given two Wii U games are releasing two weeks after E3...Nintendo is basically done with the event.

Absolutely crazy times we live in.


Not sure why people are taking single tweets as gospel now, especially for things that make no sense. I can't see Paper Mario not being at E3 as well, particularly considering that's still listed as a 2016 Wii U game, for example.

Mr. Mochizuki from the WSJ has also messed up things in the past, so he could mean "no NX playable at E3" this year, not "no NX news at E3". Need to wait for a second source. He didn't put that bit in his article in the WSJ, nor has anyone else directly reported that.


Watch the brand new concept be a console that doesn't have a disc drive but is instead 100% digital..new things with Amiibo...selling games themselves on toy sets.
Nintendo doesn't even try anymore to save this fiscal year for them selves.
What a BIG disappointment!!!!
No NX on E3, what the flying fuck.
Instead focus on one game only ?!?!??!?
Yeah, I never said it before, and I'm a BIG N-Fanoy, but Nintendo is DOOOOOOOOMED!!!!
Why should they, you can't save the Wii U anyway and 3DS won't increase it's numbers magically.
I remember a time where we'd know about a console before we knew its launch date. But not with NX! A codename is all we have but we already know when it's coming out. I don't get Nintendo.
As a dedicated developer of AAA products? Damn right I believe it.

Sure the brand will live on, but Nintendo will be a shell of what it was, of what it even is right now.

That means you know what they plan is and what they wanna do with the NX right? Because you are an expert of everything going on in the industry because you are a developer.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I don't even care about anything anymore.

Just keep digging that hole, Nintendo, and let's see where it leads!
I don't really see what's the issue at hand here, but if Nintendo's pissing away 2016 in hopes for a fresh start in 2017, let 'em at it.

Insane Nintendo is best Nintendo.


The generation of delays continues I see

That will be some very rough holidays for Nintendo this year .. yikes
I've got to say I'm rather shocked Nintendo won't show the NX at E3.
Whilst it is a show aimed at press and the more dedicated of the various fan bases, I'd wager it pulls in a decent percentage of each them as viewers, who will filter down information to the more casual players and gaming laymen. Indeed more often that not the news outlets in the UK will pick up on the biggest items. Even then there will be a lot of the late group who will look at the announcements directly in some form. In other words E3 provides a lot of attention for a company for given announcement, all else equal.

Given that both E3 and the Christmas window are going to be missed, there must be a large issue somewhere in the chain, be it hardware, software, or release titles. Plus Nintendo also have perhaps deemed winter 2016 as too busy and crowded to risk launch then?
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