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Obsidian on why their Microsoft published XB1 RPG Stormlands got cancelled

You can make a point without labeling or name calling, you know...

There is tons of people just like him on here you just got to live with it cause they get away with it all the time.

but as for this it kind of disappointed me but Microsoft seem to be super picky what they want and it kind of kills the urge to get one because they don't take much risk anymore and rely on established successful franchises which isn't bad but makes it a boring choice for its userbase.


Between this and Scalebound, it seems Microsoft will only publish games that will be a guaranteed money maker.

Yeah I wish they would go non-profit like Sony. UNICEF buying out Sony was probably the best thing to happen to the company.

This is not how a business, especially one making entertainment products, is supposed to act.

Buddy...that's how basically every corporation works. Stuff gets green-lit and canned all the time. We just hear about it more with Microsoft because people still have their hate-jerk going for them. That and they aren't half way across the world in Japan where a lot of that stuff isn't made public knowledge on a regular basis unless you're Konami.


Not really, as the original halo wars flopped.

Wait, wat?

It's not a question of how it was positioned or what the quality of the game was, don't take this as a criticism. I've still got my day one ruber armpatch from the LE.

1 million copies of a game in a whole year of sales is probably coming close to only just breaking even.
If Halo Wars had have been considered a great financial success, then we woudn't have had to wait 8 years for a sequel.

It sold 1M in its first month.
Publishers are businesses yes, but there's something to be said, especially in a subjective and artistic medium, for diversifying your portfolio.
What are you on?!

History is littered with great games that sold like crap.

By "sell" i mean "good enough to not get cancelled by the publisher while in development" because thats kinda the conversation were having right now.

And im on a small dose of something called reality. You should try it.

edit: Ultimately, if a game needs to be "sold" by a champion that much in order to simply have an opportunity to finish developing the game successfully....then my friend, i hate to break it to you but the game is probably very problematic.

Ive worked in sales for over a decade in my life and not once ive i had to be a 'champion' of a product that was popular. The popular stuff always sold easily and practically sold itself. The only stuff a salesman ever needs to be a champion of, are the products that arent selling. And if they arent selling, theyre doing so (or not doing so) for a very good reason.
Yeah I wish they would go non-profit like Sony. UNICEF buying out Sony was probably the best thing to happen to the company.

Buddy...that's how basically every corporation works. Stuff gets green-lit and canned all the time. We just hear about it more with Microsoft because people still have their hate-jerk going for them. That and they aren't half way across the world in Japan where a lot of that stuff isn't made public knowledge on a regular basis unless you're Konami.

although this is quite true and possibly even smart I can almost guarantee that Sony didn't want to make TLG, maybe Shenmue.... that particular e3 looked very much like a company trying to win consumers over not just looking at bottom dollar.

p.s. - it appears to have worked.
Because they had someone (or many people) high-up at Sony who believed in the game and wanted it released no matter what. That's what this article is about.

When you don't have that, it's pure business and it's easy to see why Microsoft canceled it. It's a shame, for sure (I love Obsidian), but I really can't blame MS for just cutting their losses in something they didn't believe in.

Xbox defense force activate
lol, you must be new here


Because they had someone (or many people) high-up at Sony who believed in the game and wanted it released no matter what. That's what this article is about.

When you don't have that, it's pure business and it's easy to see why Microsoft canceled it. It's a shame, for sure (I love Obsidian), but I really can't blame MS for just cutting their losses in something they didn't believe in.

yeah well that shows its not all business sometimes it's about the project or the art. too bad it wasn't more common. and you can still blame MS, its not on you to prop them up, you either like their policies or you don't that's the beauty of being a consumer, you don't have to agree with anything any company does. you can just want stuff lol.


The lack of advocates at Microsoft has been a big problem for Xbox games specifically, but it's also going to be a big problem for Xbox itself. It used to have Ballmer who was willing to put up with poor performance in the hopes of greater gains in the future. He was one of the original visionaries for Xbox so he was going to stick with it through thick or thin. Nadella is a totally different story and the lack of an advocate can be a big reason why we keep hearing whispers about the whole gaming segment there.
Awe did I hurt your plastic box ?

Mircosoft is a shit publisher this generation plain and simple. If you are a pub chasing nothing but pure profit/ next big franchise only then you're in the wrong fucking business.
Heh, ironically you are more cringe worthy than the people you try to make fun of. I'm sure that irony is lost on you though ;)


Gold Member
Please contact Sony about doing something for them.

Between you writing ability and their programming expertise, you guys can create something special and within budget.

All the best,
Please contact Sony about doing something for them.

Between you writing ability and their programming expertise, you guys can create something special and within budget.

All the best,

Why would Sony sign them to make an exclusive game? Horizon: Zero Dawn is about to come out, and Sony has no lack of exclusive JRPGs.
wow that sounds horrible, i wouldnt want to be work in this company!


Have to lulz at that kind of acceptable "loss" argument. If a company dumps $80 million into a $10 million budget game and cuts its losses then frankly it has the right to do so. Um sorry things didn't work out for Obsidian but Microsoft likely had its reasons and even if those reasons don't make sense to us they are the ones paying the bills.
The lack of advocates at Microsoft has been a big problem for Xbox games specifically, but it's also going to be a big problem for Xbox itself. It used to have Ballmer who was willing to put up with poor performance in the hopes of greater gains in the future. He was one of the original visionaries for Xbox so he was going to stick with it through thick or thin. Nadella is a totally different story and the lack of an advocate can be a big reason why we keep hearing whispers about the whole gaming segment there.

Gates is still on the BOD. He still has pull.


The lack of advocates at Microsoft has been a big problem for Xbox games specifically, but it's also going to be a big problem for Xbox itself. It used to have Ballmer who was willing to put up with poor performance in the hopes of greater gains in the future. He was one of the original visionaries for Xbox so he was going to stick with it through thick or thin. Nadella is a totally different story and the lack of an advocate can be a big reason why we keep hearing whispers about the whole gaming segment there.
How do you think stuff like Crackdown gets a 3 year leash and Sea of Thieves gets greenlit. Clearly they have people pushing for those games
Publishers are businesses yes, but there's something to be said, especially in a subjective and artistic medium, for diversifying your portfolio.

So should MS now finish 100% of the games that their developers are working on? Surely none of them are bad right?

How would a publisher like MS go about choosing their games exactly to you? Its different than a shooter and therefore lets green-light it automatically? What about if the game isnt fun? What if the game just doesn't garner any interest internally?

In the interview, the guy really sells his game and you know what, i wouldn't expect anything less from someone that is physically working night in night out and relying on this games success to help his company stay financially viable. But reality is, it might not have been something that was particularly interesting or good. No one knows other than them.

We know literally nothing about the game other than what this guy that was actually working on it said about it in an interview. Of course he thinks its good, it was his game, his baby. Of course he'll believe in it.

Fact of the matter is, the key people at MS probably saw this game running multiple times and it did not garner enough interest for them to keep funding it. Thats the reality. Its easy to be on the outside looking in, 'imagining' what this game could have been but ultimately thats all this is: your imagination running wild with no real facts other than this very 'biased' developers opinion.
Yep MS doesn't support something they don't feel will be a money maker. How dare them.
Nothing wrong with releasing it for the fans they got engaged with it. Could always end up better than they think.

They green light bad ideas and aren't always going to be right.

Higher ups didn't want bf in WWI either.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Let's be real. Neither of those games are going to outsell forza halo gears etc.
Surely you don't see that as a measuring stick Microsoft should use, to determine whether they'll publish a game.

Wait, that would explain their anemic output.


Obsidian can't handle making a big budget RPG without using someone else's pre existing work. This would have likely been a huge waste of time and money and wound up mediocre like Alpha Protocol if it ever came out at all.

"there has to be someone at the publisher" who can defend the project and assure the higher-ups the game is going to be good.

More like there has to be someone dumb enough to give Obsidian all that money for a modern big budget RPG when they still mainly make games that fit in more with RPGs made 20 years ago.


Aftershock LA
I used to work at Obsidian many years ago. It was on Neverwinter Nights 2, and I absolutely loved those guys. Feargus was just a down to earth dude who called everyone by their first name (even us lowly QA dudes), and was always there to listen to anything you had to say. I was on track to move up the ladder and into an art position, but I unfortunately left the company due to health reasons. I miss those guys. A nice, passionate company to work for. Considering that I've worked at a ton of companies, that's high praise from me. Most of the places I worked for were awful.


I used to work at Obsidian many years ago. It was on Neverwinter Nights, and I absolutely loved those guys. Feargus was just a down to earth dude who called everyone by their first name (even us lowly QA dudes), and was always there to listen to anything you had to say. I was on track to move up the ladder and into an art position, but I unfortunately left the company due to health reasons. I miss those guys. A nice, passionate company to work for. Considering that I've worked at a ton of companies, that's high praise from me. Most of the places I worked for were awful.
This doesn't surprise me, but it's still good to hear. Feargus seems like a great person to work for. Too bad that MCA left.
I hate when companies act like a business

Making games isn't like making Office. It's a creative endevour, and largely a gamble. Only going for guaranteed successes is how you end up with nothing but sequels to previous successes.

Lots of big games didn't work early on. Iteration is often necessary to improve elements that just aren't as fun as it seemed it would be on paper.


I used to work at Obsidian many years ago. It was on Neverwinter Nights, and I absolutely loved those guys. Feargus was just a down to earth dude who called everyone by their first name (even us lowly QA dudes), and was always there to listen to anything you had to say. I was on track to move up the ladder and into an art position, but I unfortunately left the company due to health reasons. I miss those guys. A nice, passionate company to work for. Considering that I've worked at a ton of companies, that's high praise from me. Most of the places I worked for were awful.

People mention Scalebound, but I was the most puzzled about Fable Legends. Media coverage was treating that game like it was about to release next month for a long time.


Aftershock LA
This doesn't surprise me, but it's still good to hear. Feargus seems like a great person to work for. Too bad that MCA left.

I always regret that I left, but it wasn't feasible for me to keep working there. Chris Avellone was another cool dude there. It always bummed me out that Obsidian never got the mainstream explosion of popularity as Bioware and Bethesda have.

I still hoped that Obsidian would return to Fallout one day. New Vegas, as jank as it is, is so good.
Oh my. The Thebeardofknowledge defence force active!

What does that have to do with profit and big franchises? All the publishers I listed are dependent on their big hitters.

Maybe you need to go back and re-read my post. Because my point was that mircosoft is garbage as fuck as a publisher outside halo/racing/gears this generation and they have showed they will cancel anything they cant make a huge profit on or turn into a franchise.
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