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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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I just finnished part 1 of A storm of swords, fucking awesome. But cmon you can't just chop the book in half and expect me to have to wait and go and buy the second half later on (wasn't in stock for some reason)! Im left hanging here!! :(


PhoenixDark said:
-Brienne's POV was boring overall, but there were a couple great parts, mainly the stuff with Nimble Dick and Catelyn. I'm not convinced she's dead, how about you guys? Whatever she yelled ("Arya"?) might have stopped Cat's hand. On a side note it was great seeing Gendry make an appearance

Yeah, I think that there's a good chance she's still alive, which is one of the reasons I've been complaining that GRRM is doing more 'fake-out' deaths than real deaths. Personally I hope she is really dead since she was a boring, predictable POV and her story really isn't going anywhere, since it seems like Sansa needs to stay in training with LF and Arya needs to stay in training with the Faceless Men. Bring back Davos, but leave Brienne dead.

-I loved Samwell's POV in SoS. While it wasn't as amazing this time around, I still liked it. And I'm really wondering about that last sequence with him being introduced to Pate...who seemed to have died in the prologue to me right?

Go back to the prologue and read the description of the man who meets Pate at the end. Does he remind you of someone from a previous book?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
tokkun said:
Yeah, I think that there's a good chance she's still alive, which is one of the reasons I've been complaining that GRRM is doing more 'fake-out' deaths than real deaths. Personally I hope she is really dead since she was a boring, predictable POV and her story really isn't going anywhere, since it seems like Sansa needs to stay in training with LF and Arya needs to stay in training with the Faceless Men. Bring back Davos, but leave Brienne dead.

I pretty much agree with everything you said here.


Solideliquid said:
Anyone have new info regarding the release of the next book?

He just finished a Bran chapter that supposedly took him 6 years to finish yesterday. I hope it gets released this year, but I still don't have my hopes up.

If you guys are looking for something else to read, here's a couple of new books that are pretty damn awesome:

The Lies of Locke Lamora - It's about Locke Lamora who becomes this famous thief, but it has a back drop in Fantasy, and he isn't bad at visualizing the world for the reader. Followed up by Red Skies in Red Seas, which is IMO, the better book (based almost entirely in trying to steal money from the "Greatest Casino in the land"). The 3rd book The Republic of Thieves will be coming out in late October of this year. Written by Scott Lynch, this is going to be a 7- book series, he already has named every book.

The Blade Itself - Another "epic" fantasy, based more on the Tolkien fashion then the previous book. This is a trilogy, so if you do end up getting this book (and maybe liking only one or two of the characters), please read the 2nd book which is a lot better. Before They Are Hanged- Is the 2nd book in the series and is a very good one. The third book, The Last Argument of Kings is already out in the U.K, and is coming out in the US sometime in the next two months (have not read this one, but hopefully I will soon). Written by Joe Abercrombie.
I was browsing the Westernos message board and whoa, those people take the series quite seriously. But I also noticed they were discussing various chapters from AWWD, like Dany 4 and stuff. I thought only one Tyrion, Jon, and Dany POV have been released so far? o_O

I'm reading Game of Thrones again, in part to keep fresh and in part because I keep realizing I don't have a new book in the series to read anymore lol. From January to a few days ago always had a new book/chapter to read. No more though :(


Solideliquid said:
Anyone have new info regarding the release of the next book?

GRRM said the book is not done yet - current goal is to finish in mid-June, which would result in a publishing date of September 30th (which you can see on Amazon). If he doesn't deliver by the end of June, all bets are off.

I was browsing the Westernos message board and whoa, those people take the series quite seriously. But I also noticed they were discussing various chapters from AWWD, like Dany 4 and stuff. I thought only one Tyrion, Jon, and Dany POV have been released so far? o_O

Only those chapters have been officially released, but GRRM has done readings from other chapters at various sci-fi conventions. Fans have then transcribed them and published them on Westeros.


methodman said:
He just finished a Bran chapter that supposedly took him 6 years to finish yesterday. I hope it gets released this year, but I still don't have my hopes up.

If you guys are looking for something else to read, here's a couple of new books that are pretty damn awesome:

The Lies of Locke Lamora - It's about Locke Lamora who becomes this famous thief, but it has a back drop in Fantasy, and he isn't bad at visualizing the world for the reader. Followed up by Red Skies in Red Seas, which is IMO, the better book (based almost entirely in trying to steal money from the "Greatest Casino in the land"). The 3rd book The Republic of Thieves will be coming out in late October of this year. Written by Scott Lynch, this is going to be a 7- book series, he already has named every book.

The Blade Itself - Another "epic" fantasy, based more on the Tolkien fashion then the previous book. This is a trilogy, so if you do end up getting this book (and maybe liking only one or two of the characters), please read the 2nd book which is a lot better. Before They Are Hanged- Is the 2nd book in the series and is a very good one. The third book, The Last Argument of Kings is already out in the U.K, and is coming out in the US sometime in the next two months (have not read this one, but hopefully I will soon). Written by Joe Abercrombie.
Very good recommendations! Particularly the latter, who I think may be better than Martin.


Decado said:
Very good recommendations! Particularly the latter, who I think may be better than Martin.

The only reason I would ever put anyone above Martin is because of how long he takes to finish a book; There is no-one I've read that is a better fantasy author.
tokkun said:
Go back to the prologue and read the description of the man who meets Pate at the end. Does he remind you of someone from a previous book?
The first thing I thought of was the Faceless Men. But could it be Jaquen? I looked it up on some other boards and people seem convinced it was indeed him; as an assassin he must be there to kill someone, but who, and why the Citidal...


PhoenixDark said:
The first thing I thought of was the Faceless Men. But could it be Jaquen? I looked it up on some other boards and people seem convinced it was indeed him; as an assassin he must be there to kill someone, but who, and why the Citidal...

I also think it's him, and came to that conclusion without looking at any boards. The features of the man match the description Arya gives when he changes faces in front of her after the Weasel Soup incident. I think his presence indicates that the Faceless Men may have some ambition beyond just killing.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Anyone been picking up the HEDGE KNIGHT II: SWORN SWORD comics Marvel has been putting out? I havent had the chance yet but I do have the audio book. Its not bad. Probably not as good as the Hedge Knight though. What is cool is all the info you get alot of info about the Battle of Redgrass Field between Daemon Blackfyre (along with Bittersteel) and Baelor Breakspear (along with Maekar and Bloodraven). And like usual in the ASOIAF universe the Blackfyres werent as evil as we've been led to believe.

Chris R

rotaryspirit said:
Finished a re-read of the first three books, going upstairs to start on AffC now. :D God, I LOVE these books.
I just started to reread the series to get pumped for ADWD. Sad thing is I'll probably be up all night to finish AGOT :(


After finishing A Feast For Crows I had to start right over again. Good lord these books are awesome, and so far it's even better now that I have a grasp of this huge fucking world. I'm picking up much more than I ever got the first time.


Just finnished ASOS. Fucking awesome!! started AFFC today.

It was so annoying, when I first got ASOS I opened it up to start as I sat down on the bus. Now my bus trip is about 40mins long so I get a fair bit of reading in. I was pretty exited to start the book so I sit down and open it, the guy next to me looks at the cover and give me a smiley nod... So I said to him, " have you read these then, how awesome is the series!" BIG MISTAKE. It turns out that he hadn't even heard of the books but went on to explain to me for the next 40 mins about some Indian book that's 1000 pages long and the best book ever but I really didn't care. So never got to get past the first page :( :lol
Brian Fellows said:
Well it seems that
will be one of the POVs in ADWD.


Thats could be an interesting view point...

I guess he wanted someone representing what was happening just south of the wall in Winterfell and the rest of the region, which makes sense.

I just got a friend into the book, even though he was really skeptical about it. He has been really enjoying A Game of Thrones so far, and I finally have someone to talk to about the series.


methodman said:
The only reason I would ever put anyone above Martin is because of how long he takes to finish a book; There is no-one I've read that is a better fantasy author.

I'm putting Steven Erikson next to Martin. Maybe not in pure class, but god does Erikson keep a steady pace. And the best parts of Malazan Book of the Fallen are equally as good as the best parts of ASOIAF.


Where can I go to get a good summary of the previous books? I want to read A Feast for Crows but I haven't read the other books in so long that I can't remember the plot at all. Maybe it makes more sense to just start over... I don't know.


Stinkles said:
I could NOT get past the first chapter of the first book for months. Just got back from a vacation where I got hooked and sped through 'em up to about 3/4 way through the third.

What impressed me most was how consistent it is. Each chapter is totally engrossing, and feels correct. The way the fantasy is worked in was nice when it was subtle in the first book, but now that the supernatural stuff is "real" it feels a little more conventional. But still brilliant.

Same here, man. I guess I should try and pick it up again then?


Still Tagged Accordingly
just to clarify, the next book (a dance with dragons) isn't the 5th book in the series, but simply the second part of the 4th book right?

meaning we have 3 more books to go after DwD comes out?

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
God, I loved the first book so much. Then I got a little older, worked with kids who were abuse victims, and now I wish there was a spoiler-tagged version for people who can't really stomach sentences like
Arya was flogged until the blood was running down her legs
. I have high, high hopes for the HBO series, because it will probably deliver me the story without graphic child-beating. But man. I wish there was a version I could read and still feel entertained, because I was so into that shit.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Ela Hadrun said:
God, I loved the first book so much. Then I got a little older, worked with kids who were abuse victims, and now I wish there was a spoiler-tagged version for people who can't really stomach sentences like
Arya was flogged until the blood was running down her legs
. I have high, high hopes for the HBO series, because it will probably deliver me the story without graphic child-beating. But man. I wish there was a version I could read and still feel entertained, because I was so into that shit.
that's what i like about these books. well... not really "like" but it makes them more engaging.

nothing is sacred in this world... it's not a "safe" series to read. I've never read a series of books where main/well liked characters are killed off or seriously maimed or injured
ned, catelyn, tywin, davos?, theon?, being killed; jaime losing his sword hand, bran being a cripple etc.

i couldn't imagine being so intrigued by these books if it wasn't for that tentative feeling each time i turn the page that something really bad might happen to a character i like.


Ela Hadrun said:
God, I loved the first book so much. Then I got a little older, worked with kids who were abuse victims, and now I wish there was a spoiler-tagged version for people who can't really stomach sentences like
Arya was flogged until the blood was running down her legs
. I have high, high hopes for the HBO series, because it will probably deliver me the story without graphic child-beating. But man. I wish there was a version I could read and still feel entertained, because I was so into that shit.

Far out grow a pair man. Here is a nice replacement sentance for you.

Arya picked a bunch of flowers and played in the snow, what a glorious day in Westeros! The sun was shining and everything was jolly, the end.

It's a book man, how do you get past the rape, murder and general gore of some parts of the series but allow one characteristic like this ruin it for you? Ps I do not condone child abuse.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Stopsign said:
Thats could be an interesting view point...

I guess he wanted someone representing what was happening just south of the wall in Winterfell and the rest of the region, which makes sense.

I just got a friend into the book, even though he was really skeptical about it. He has been really enjoying A Game of Thrones so far, and I finally have someone to talk to about the series.

I dont see him ever getting south of the Neck.
I glanced over the summary and it sounds like Ramsay is taking Theon with him to get "Arya." There's also some discussion on the Westeros boards that he might have Theon attempt to kill his father but I dunno about that.

Seems to me like the character is going from an asshole to a sympathetic figure, although it'll be hard to forgive him. I wonder how he feels about
Robb's murder :(

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
PhoenixDark said:
I glanced over the summary and it sounds like Ramsay is taking Theon with him to get "Arya." There's also some discussion on the Westeros boards that he might have Theon attempt to kill his father but I dunno about that.

Seems to me like the character is going from an asshole to a sympathetic figure, although it'll be hard to forgive him. I wonder how he feels about
Robb's murder :(

But that wont take him south of the Neck.
Brian Fellows said:
But that wont take him south of the Neck.

Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, and that makes sense. Do you think he'll make it to the Wall? I can imagine northern forces will want Theon's head, and he's gotta know that. Perhaps he might try to remedy that situation by killing a Bolton, thus revenging you know who.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
PhoenixDark said:
Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, and that makes sense. Do you think he'll make it to the Wall? I can imagine northern forces will want Theon's head, and he's gotta know that. Perhaps he might try to remedy that situation by killing a Bolton, thus revenging you know who.

Well his sister is gonna end up with Stannis and eventually Stannis is going to have to do battle with the Boltons. So I guess Stannis could liberate him. Though with Stannis' obsession with kings blood I'm not so sure New Reek will be any better off.
I'm going to go with three months and that's probably too optimistic. From the last couple ramblings on his blog, it sounds like he's behind schedule already (been sick, been traveling, etc...) I hope it's worth the wait. :D


I honestly wonder if the HBO series were to be successful, and even at one season per book... would the show catch up to the books?


Still Tagged Accordingly
man... a HBO series of this could be godly with excellent writing, acting, and directing. even with a small budget and little/limited CG this show could be awesome.

i'm thinking deadwood quality show.
Scrow said:
man... a HBO series of this could be godly with excellent writing, acting, and directing. even with a small budget and little/limited CG this show could be awesome.

i'm thinking deadwood quality show.

It was announced that it was a possibility back in late 2006 I think. George R.R. Martin has blogged a bit about it too.
I think it'll be out this year honestly. But in the meantime what are you guys reading? I'm re-reading Game of Thrones and I also started Glen Cook's Black Company. It's pretty good

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
PhoenixDark said:
I think it'll be out this year honestly. But in the meantime what are you guys reading? I'm re-reading Game of Thrones and I also started Glen Cook's Black Company. It's pretty good

I restarted the series again.


PhoenixDark said:
I think it'll be out this year honestly. But in the meantime what are you guys reading? I'm re-reading Game of Thrones and I also started Glen Cook's Black Company. It's pretty good


Scrow said:
just to clarify, the next book (a dance with dragons) isn't the 5th book in the series, but simply the second part of the 4th book right?

meaning we have 3 more books to go after DwD comes out?

Yes and no: It's the second part of the fourth book, but there will only be seven total (so two more after). Then again, this was originally supposed to be a trilogy, so who knows what old GRRM will come up with?

As for the September 30th thing: that's been the date for a while now, hasn't it? I'm guessing that if the book were to be delayed, Martin would know it by now since we're only a couple months away. I bet he's in final revisions right now...hopefully book 6 won't take so damn long.
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