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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


I've been duo/triple queuing with friends in the 2600SR range, and I seem to do well each game. I'm currently at 1857, and I find climbing out of Silver solo to be a nightmare. Most people don't communicate or play as a team.

If anybody wants to queue up on PC, and help me get out of this mess, feel free to add me. nikos#1398


I got to masters this weekend. Now I'm moving across the world and won't have access to my PC for a month so my skill will decay back to diamond ;(


Overheard in Comp game - "Give me Soldier back or I'm going to throw" - person who took Soldier wisely left team chat.

The guy who wanted Soldier back took Widow but we won anyway even with solo Zen, 1 tank, and Hanzo/Widow


Overheard in Comp game - "Give me Soldier back or I'm going to throw" - person who took Soldier wisely left team chat.

The guy who wanted Soldier back took Widow but we won anyway even with solo Zen, 1 tank, and Hanzo/Widow

Yeah, some people can be big fat jerks like that.

They really shouldn't play Competitive if they're going to throw fits like that. So dumb.
Just finished getting the arcade wins, got 115 boxes total in this event, 22 legendaries - 11 from the event (3 dupes), 7 regular stuff (4 dupes) and 4 currency. ~8k currency from all the dupes, not bad.

Hopefully they will have this bonus exp weekend more often when there's events going on.

Edit: sometimes I get really pissed with the delay that exists in this game. Playing Mei, see a Hog in front of me and immediately use cryo freeze...he hooks me when I was already inside of it and the proof of that is that my ability is on cooldown. Playing Sombra, I use my teleport to go back, actually saw the place where I was supposed to go back but still die because a soldier shot a rocket into the place where I was before. I mean...


/buys 11x boxes thinking he wouldn't get home in time before the event finishes
/comes home to find event still going
/gets duplicate Tracer skin
/opens the last box
/gets Mei skin that he wanted


Got Mei, Pharah and Lucio as drop. Didn't really needed any of those. But not complaining of course. Said fuck it and bought Tracer, Soldier and the Zarya skins with the massive bulk of coins I had from all the previous events.


You don't want to be up there. It's full of one tricks and the games aren't fun.
In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.


In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.

The only good games are the ones that are 4000+. Masters level games are some of the worst games I've ever seen. Most of the time it's just one-sided stomps.


The only good games are the ones that are 4000+. Masters level games are some of the worst games I've ever seen. Most of the time it's just one-sided stomps.
My duo plays at around 3800. Most of our games are good. I've been matched above 4k plenty of times and the only macro difference I've noticed is that the Sym otps don't use teleporter on KotH. The game quality is about the same, with the main factor being the combination of available heroes to both teams.


I grind this event for 3 weeks amassing an impressive number of loot boxes, around 80 to 100. From these boxes I get maybe 5 dances, to many duplicate player emblems and 3 skins, two of them as duplicates. I finally cave and buy the Cruiser skin and dvas dance emote.

As a last hurrah I play a few games tonight and on my final loot box for this incredibly fair and not terrible rng loot box system... i get the Cruiser skin.

I'm done. I've hit the limit of my patience with this game. Time to return to the normal world.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Solo climbed from 1580 to 2069. The journey to GM continues.
I did that over the weekend. Hovering at low 2000s right now and trying to make it into plat.

Did you notice a sharp decline in the quality of games once you hit gold? I noticed my teams going from friendly people who chatted with each other and stuck together as a team, to people yelling at each other and going in haphazardly as soon as I broke 2000.

I can't tell if it's an SR thing or a time of day thing.
Err, why do I have a 533 minute wait to join the Blizzard servers?! The fuck?

Edit: 7000 minutes now. Awesome.



In my experience game quality increases with SR, except that it takes a nosedive from mid-diamond to early master by virtue of being the resting place of most smurfs and one tricks.

Maybe two seasons ago the games were good. Not my experience this season. People have learned how to manipulate the SR system into giving them more SR than they deserve. Perfect example is a player named Dimes on PC. Dimes is a good player, I've played against him many times. He's been one-tricking Sombra this season and has a 40% winrate. Now you would think he should be losing SR for not winning games, but that's not the case. He's been slowly climbing and now sits right around 4300.



Been on the queue for an hour and the estimated time keeps getting longer.

Just wanted to play a few rounds before work. :(


Found Sentai Gengu in my second arcade box so it was worth it.
Kinda crazy that I found 6 legendary skins with no dupes and I only had to buy one. Way, way better luck than in the other events. Not necessarily the skins I wanted, but still.


Maybe two seasons ago the games were good. Not my experience this season. People have learned how to manipulate the SR system into giving them more SR than they deserve. Perfect example is a player named Dimes on PC. Dimes is a good player, I've played against him many times. He's been one-tricking Sombra this season and has a 40% winrate. Now you would think he should be losing SR for not winning games, but that's not the case. He's been slowly climbing and now sits right around 4300.


I've heard about this issue as well, I definitely hope Blizzard changes the system for Season 6. To encourage flexible hero swapping, it should be 100% based on Wins and Losses.


My duo plays at around 3800. Most of our games are good. I've been matched above 4k plenty of times and the only macro difference I've noticed is that the Sym otps don't use teleporter on KotH. The game quality is about the same, with the main factor being the combination of available heroes to both teams.

My experience has been different. I've been like 4200+ on ps4 the past few seasons and when I started playing on pc trying to hit 4000, I could definitely feel the difference in quality of games. Things like bad team comps, bad ult management, etc., were fairly common in the masters skill bracket, and it can be very frustrating a lot of times.


I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.


I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.

There's been a lot of controversy over people "one-tricking" certain heroes like Torb, Symmetra, Sombra, Widowmaker, and Mercy. You might find these people in high rank games who in all honestly are not even that good for being a one-trick, but the system for whatever reason allows them to climb by giving them way more SR for a win than a loss.


I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.

The game takes into account for your individual performance by comparing your stats against the averages of everyone that plays that certain hero. If your stats are above average you'll gain more SR per win and lose less SR per lose. The game rewards you for playing selfish and padding your stats. Playing selfish and being rewarded in a team game is a flawed system.

Some of the easiest characters to abuse this system of one-tricking are Torb, Sym, Sombra, and Mercy
I've actually always wondered that: how do people with losing overall game percentages gain SR? They're just gaining more than they lose? I gain and lose right about 25 SR, so it evens out for me.

There is quite a few YouTube videos that encourage people to one trick unpopular heroes.

Sr is gained by comparing how you played that hero to how everyone else played them in your skill bracket.

Its grimey as fuck for real.

Edit...JHall explains it better.
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