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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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People who say there is no difference between tiers are insane. The types of games in < 2500 are trash. People legitimately try the dumbest shit. I swear to fucking god it wasn't this bad in 2500-2800, at the very least people actually tried decent comps, and when you got rolled, it was because the enemy team was better at coordinating. Now it's a lot of trying to do dumb cheesy shit, which never works, and people who legitimately have no idea how the game works/muching on cheetos into the microphone while not understanding bare fundamentals.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
rein has to be the most hit or miss character for me

i either get completely shit on or hulk out and beat everyone to death

luckily tonight was two games of the latter

rein requires your team not being shit more than any other hero

rein is more of a babysitter than all the supports combined


People who say there is no difference between tiers are insane. The types of games in < 2500 are trash. People legitimately try the dumbest shit. I swear to fucking god it wasn't this bad in 2500-2800, at the very least people actually tried decent comps, and when you got rolled, it was because the enemy team was better at coordinating. Now it's a lot of trying to do dumb cheesy shit, which never works, and people who legitimately have no idea how the game works/muching on cheetos into the microphone while not understanding bare fundamentals.


There is very noticeable difference between high 2400s and low 2500s. Jump in level of play in just few SR was quite a surprise. Had more intense matches in low 2500's than in high Rank50s during Season 1.


the holder of the trombone
People who say there is no difference between tiers are insane. The types of games in < 2500 are trash. People legitimately try the dumbest shit. I swear to fucking god it wasn't this bad in 2500-2800, at the very least people actually tried decent comps, and when you got rolled, it was because the enemy team was better at coordinating. Now it's a lot of trying to do dumb cheesy shit, which never works, and people who legitimately have no idea how the game works/muching on cheetos into the microphone while not understanding bare fundamentals.


It's more hit and miss, but I've met more teams going for balanced comps than not.


I love it when I speed boost onto the point and drop the beat, and everyone is still standing behind the scared Reinhardt off the point and we all die and lose the game.

Also, how do Reaper's get away with the shit they do? You hear a Reaper teleport and it seems like I'm the only one to move out of the way and watch as he wipes the team. Like it's so predictable how does it keep happening?
Feels like the high 2800s-low 3000s are just another clusterfuck of players trying to claw their way up like the in 2400-2500s.

I remember last season in the high 60s and low 70s people automatically followed the meta, even in groups with all randoms most of the time. This season feels like we are running lopsided setups way more often. Gets a bit annoying playing on a team with 1 Tank, 1 Healer, and 4 Defense/Offense while the opposing team is going 2-2-2 or 2-3-1 and we desperately need counters but no one swaps.


Also, how do Reaper's get away with the shit they do? You hear a Reaper teleport and it seems like I'm the only one to move out of the way and watch as he wipes the team. Like it's so predictable how does it keep happening?

Very situation depended. If fighting going on it's easy to miss that teleporting sound of Reaper, especially if he does some ways off from you. Healers being in back usually are ones hearing Reaper first.

He is my favorite assault hero to play because I can do my thing and be quite self sustained so can just keep going for flanks from different angles, super relaxed role when compared to my "main role" that is healing.
TBF 2800-3000 is 55-60, not high 60-70.

Also what is the meta anymore? If you want to follow the meta you go 3-3.

Err yeah, I know its not as high but given how placements worked, it seems like a lot of the players in this range would have been around that last season. Just seems a lot derpier overall, even when I have run into players in the 3200-3500 range.

And I'm guessing I havent hit the truly skillful level yet as I havent seen any groups running 3-3 yet. (And still seeing people getting yelled at for using Ana, before the damn matches even start lol). I just want to break into the 3200+ range, but some of these players have no business being Diamond/Platinum.


the holder of the trombone
yeah the problem is it's all over the place

you'll get tryhards who work together and counter pick, then the next game it'll be idiot mutes who trickle in one by one

I just take it as it comes. Whatever. It tends to balance out in my experience.

Also weird comps get more leeway at the lower ranks. Just because people follow the meta doesn't mean that they are good.
Its less of a following the meta issue, and more of a seeing the "I picked this character first and refuse to change" or "This hero is my main" mentality over and over and over costing me matches.

Match starts, I pick Zarya or Rein. Instantly 3-4 other people pick Mei/Genji/Tracer/Hanzo, last person waffles for a while then eventually picks Roadhog or Junkrat or some shit, then I have to go Zenyatta then someone instantly steals my tank character I came off of. Then on occasion someone has the nerve to tell me to go Lucio or Mercy instead while they stay on their Offense character while I'm solo healing, or sends a message blaming my lack of heals for the loss.
Its less of a following the meta issue, and more of a seeing the "I picked this character first and refuse to change" or "This hero is my main" mentality over and over and over costing me matches.

Match starts, I pick Zarya or Rein. Instantly 3-4 other people pick Mei/Genji/Tracer/Hanzo, last person waffles for a while then eventually picks Roadhog or Junkrat or some shit, then I have to go Zenyatta then someone instantly steals my tank character I came off of. Then on occasion someone has the nerve to tell me to go Lucio or Mercy instead while they stay on their Offense character while I'm solo healing, or sends a message blaming my lack of heals for the loss.

Ugh, had a match where one person on the team picked Pharah, only for another to immediately complain, "Hey, let me play Pharah! I always play Pharah!"

You can probably predict what happened next. They were an absolutely terrible Pharah and, as I was playing Mercy, kept whining that I wasn't sticking on her ass and pocketing her the entire time. Despite this, we still managed to push to 1 point on Attack, only for the whiner to type "I'm going to go get tacos" and ditch the match.

It was so nice being in the 2500s for a while there, but after falling down to 2330 and getting teammates like these, I think I'll be lucky to crack back above the 2400s again.


I love it when I speed boost onto the point and drop the beat, and everyone is still standing behind the scared Reinhardt off the point and we all die and lose the game.

Also, how do Reaper's get away with the shit they do? You hear a Reaper teleport and it seems like I'm the only one to move out of the way and watch as he wipes the team. Like it's so predictable how does it keep happening?

People are very bad at the video game, is the answer you're looking for.
when you join a game with more than 1 support or tank

I find it impossible to ever play DPS anymore because that's all anyone wants to play anymore. I haven't played McCree or Tracer in ages. At this point, I'm gonna die of boredom because I can't go around playing tank and Ana 24/7. I want to play different stuff, but I also don't want to lose.

I said this before, but at this point, 6 queueing sounds 10x more appealing than dealing with randoms. I'm ok with going up against good teams if that means that all of my teammates are good and not have to deal with some of these bad randoms.

You know what confuses me even more? I never had this problem in S1. There were bad randoms, yeah, but they seemed a lot more rare and it felt so much easier to rank up back then and it was so much more enjoyable.
If the entire player base is playing her "wrong," blizzard failed in game design. Furthermore, the way they claim is the correct way - as a security camera character - has very low utility in a game all about team fights at choke points and designated areas. You already know the enemy is coming and where they're coming from.

Maybe if she could switch her turrets from attack mode to passive mode- where anyone who passes one will show up on her team's radar. Might be useful for back and side routes on some maps? And she can switch them back to attack once the proximity alert goes off, if she wants- which would basically nail whoever it was in the back.
Or maybe I'm just indulging in my "kill all the Genjis all the time" fantasies? Maybe so.


People who say there is no difference between tiers are insane. The types of games in < 2500 are trash. People legitimately try the dumbest shit. I swear to fucking god it wasn't this bad in 2500-2800, at the very least people actually tried decent comps, and when you got rolled, it was because the enemy team was better at coordinating. Now it's a lot of trying to do dumb cheesy shit, which never works, and people who legitimately have no idea how the game works/muching on cheetos into the microphone while not understanding bare fundamentals.


I feel like you've just been really unlucky. Every single game I've played <2500 has been great. People using their mics and co-operating.
Just finished rewatching Giantbombs old quicklook of overwatch and I couldn't believe Reaper used to have a 3 second cooldown in wraith form. I mean, holy shit.


I feel like you've just been really unlucky. Every single game I've played <2500 has been great. People using their mics and co-operating.

I've gotten a few good games now. I think it's moreso that I'm now in a place where I can pretty much "carry", to the extent that the enemies are significantly less skilled than me. Which is not to say I haven't gotten good teammates, too, I have, but it's that enemies are so retarded that I can 1v1 a Zarya as D.Va and win, stuff like that.

Anyways, one more game to put me back in Plat, or call it a night? I've been doing all solo-queue tonight, for what it's worth.


I fucking did it. I finally fucking did it. I can uninstall this game now, my goal has been completed.

Congrats! This is my goal, but I'll probably have a mild heart attack/hernia before I reach it, if I do this season.
You know, at this point, I'm glad Blizz doesn't listen to their forums for balance because otherwise, Genji wouldn't exist. This is what they think:

-dash shouldn't reset
-ledge jump thing should go
-ult still OP
-deflect uses Hanzo logs
-shouldn't somersault on double jump

Like honestly, when will people just leave him alone already? Everyone hates on the Shimada Brothers ):

^^^ 2499. Now that's a kick in the balls.
I wish I was in that situation. I had to play Soldier and Pharah a bunch today because everyone was playing tanks and defense characters, and fucking Genji.

Seriously, fuck Genji.

The Bastion on the other team was wrecking us, and I can't do Genji or Hanzo, so I played Pharah for the first time. Killed the Bastion and wrecked shop for the rest of the game. Got PotG, won the card battle, and we won the game (I think?). Her shooting is a lot of fun, but after playing so much D.Va her flying is wonky and wobbly as hell. Felt like I had a lit neon sign over my head saying, "Free Kill".

Sneaking behind the enemy team and hitting that Ult felt like every Robotech fantasy I've ever had coming true all at once. It was beautiful.


You know, at this point, I'm glad Blizz doesn't listen to their forums for balance because otherwise, Genji wouldn't exist. This is what they think:

-dash shouldn't reset
-ledge jump thing should go
-ult still OP
-deflect uses Hanzo logs
-shouldn't somersault on double jump

Like honestly, when will people just leave him alone already? Everyone hates on the Shimada Brothers ):

^^^ 2499. Now that's a kick in the balls.

They wont be happy till every character is Soldier 76 or Reaper.
Sneaking behind the enemy team and hitting that Ult felt like every Robotech fantasy I've ever had coming true all at once. It was beautiful.

I know that feeling. I snuck in the side door of that one capture point in Lijiang Tower once and the entire enemy team was lined up against the back wall facing the front of the room. Opened up with Pharah's Ult and killed them all. XD
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