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Paul Ryan denies GOP would try to impeach Dem accused of same actions as Trump




These fuckers impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

And that was before they were as batshit insane as they are now.

I fucking hate Republicans. Lying, hypocritical shits.


It's interesting to watch these guys being stretched to the limits of credibility and decency and still refusing to budge. This is what evil is and it's being revealed starkly.
Will the GOP call for an investigation into Trump's Christmas card list?

Will they accuse him of selling burial plots in Arlington National Cemetery?


Bitch please. You motherfucker would have got a boner the size of the Eiffel tower if Obama did anything close to what Trump did. Impeach? More like that "Traitor, Muslim Commie, Deash loving, Castro huggin, black ass democrat deserves life in prison at Guantanamo" would be excreted out your ass and mouth.

Fuck you Paul Ryan.


I'm starting to view those that staunchly support Republicans like Paul Ryan as the equivalent of hordes of the undead that despise the living (liberals) and want nothing more than to drag them down into the abyss with them.

I really fucking hate him for taking Social Security and wanting to deny it to others while worshipping a woman who wanted to deny it to others and did the same at the end of her life. Makes me so angry I see red.


he is serious


I guess it must be nice sleeping at night knowing you are in power. It's the only thing that makes them function during the day with this amount of mental gymnastics these people experience every fucking day.
Literally unbelievable, since Jason Chaffetz was shamelessly adamant that he intended to continue investigating Clinton in the event she won regardless of any decision by the IC or DOJ.
GAF already shits on Hillary at every opportunity lol. Democrats/liberals have no problem tearing down their own. GOP are masters at falling in line. And they've benefited greatly from it.

Though there is a benefit to falling in line, picking them off is a easy succession. If there is something incriminating and they all fall in line to cover each other's asses, that covers them in shit, and the more Republicans covered in shit, the more body's are going to hit the floor. We all fall down! I wouldn't be surprised, by the end of Mueller's investigation, they have a hefty number of members of the GOP connected to criminal activity.
Though there is a benefit to falling in line, picking them off is a easy succession. If there is something incriminating and they all fall in line to cover each other's asses, that covers them in shit, and the more Republicans covered in shit, the more body's are going to hit the floor. We all fall down! I wouldn't be surprised, by the end of Mueller's investigation, they have a hefty number of members of the GOP connected to criminal activity.
Hopefully. But that is the literal last line of defense between full unchecked power.

That's a lot of faith in one branch.


“The president’s new at this. He’s new to government. So, he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between [the Department of Justice], the FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this,” Ryan said.

Some other GOP quotes via AP: "GOP shrugs off Comey revelations, sticks with Trump"
“I think the last 24, 48 hours were all good for the president, confirmed he was telling the truth all along, that he wasn’t under investigation,” GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio said Friday, referring to Comey’s confirmation that he had informed Trump that the president wasn’t being personally investigated.
“I think he was exonerated,” GOP Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, who chairs the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said Friday of Trump. “He said that he wasn’t under investigation and indeed that was verified.”
And Cornyn, who was at the hearing:
“It’s no secret to anybody that this president is not experienced in the ways of Washington, of how these investigations work,” said GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who sits on the intelligence committee. “When you have the FBI director telling you three times you’re not the subject of an investigation and you ask him, ‘would you please announce that publicly’ and he refuses, I can understand why the president would be frustrated by that.”


Can't wait until the Mueller investigation wraps up. That'll make the Comey stuff look like small potatoes.
Comey says that Clinton did nothing illegal = CLINTON IS GUILTY WE NEED EVEN MORE INVESTIGATIONS

Comey says that Trump wasn't personally being investigated, but there is still a criminal investigation going on = TRUMP IS EXONERATED NOTHING TO SEE HERE

Hypocrisy, man. It kills me.


Yeah fucking right. Shameless bullshit.

I am pretty sure GAF would have turned against Hillary if she did something similar.
GAF turned against Hillary for a winning campaign that got sabotaged by Comey's it's-fucking-nothing announcement and cockblocked at the last minute by the electoral college. So yeah, that's a safe bet.


Hopefully we never find out. If Democrats manage to elect someone as massively corrupt and incompetent as Donald Trump, then we're pretty much done as a country, regardless of what Republicans do.
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