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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Using "cracka" obviously isn't as bad as using the N word. Never will be. Does it make it okay? Not really, no. Can't really point that out without getting shit for it though.

I honestly don't use that word to refer to white people, but I find myself asking "who the fuck cares?" when people complain about its use.

It's just such a low priority and at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to racial problems. It's not even worth mentioning or pointing out.


Junior Member
This argument is stupid. It doesn't have the same history. Whites weren't oppressed. That doesn't mean that right here, today, it's not meant to be offensive and harmful. It's racist language full stop. You can't argue against that.

It's also irrelevant which racist word is more offensive. Racist is still racist.

Woah, you really need to go out.
Cracker=/= any racist slut man


This argument is stupid. It doesn't have the same history. Whites weren't oppressed. That doesn't mean that right here, today, it's not meant to be offensive and harmful. It's racist language full stop. You can't argue against that.

It's also irrelevant which racist word is more offensive. Racist is still racist.

Pretty fucking relevant, actually.
He's used as a shield by idiots who can't see where Lious CK goes with his jokes and what side of the line he actually stands on.

And that CK doesn't knowingly perform to kids.
I mean, you have to be comfortable that the audience you are delivering to can make sense of the context of this stuff.
Pewdiepie knows he doesn't have that luxury.
I sort of suspect he developed a taste for being in the news cycle after the whole Nazi thing, and this is a low effort way to generate controversy without any serious impact on his business.
This argument is stupid. It doesn't have the same history. Whites weren't oppressed. That doesn't mean that right here, today, it's not meant to be offensive and harmful. It's racist language full stop. You can't argue against that.

It's also irrelevant which racist word is more offensive. Racist is still racist.

This is embarrassing.

Edit: Oh god, you used Urban Dictionary as your source.

L Thammy

I think the guy is just trying to steal some black swag, like the pathetic guy from The Wire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82Jg-Omwmo4

Think really hard about that motivation. What does Pewdiepie think about black people in order to want to "steal some black swag"? What does it mean that he's wiling to say a word that he knows has been used to oppress black people for the purpose of "steal[ing] some back swag"?

He's also previously posted an image that says he "talks like a black man". What does he think "talks like a black man" means?

Pewds is an idiot, but he's not some KKK nazi.

These shouldn't be mutually exclusive. Do you have to be in the KKK and a Nazi to be a racist? Why do people want to push the bar so high?


Wait but I was told his apology was sincere...

Before people get defensive by the word racist, know there are different levels of racism. Spouting racist slurs is one of them. You don't need to read into someone's hearts and minds to know if they truly hate a whole race of people, you can judge them by their actions. Racism isn't just physical violence.


Junior Member


disclaimer: this is of course a reply to LizardKing about the gravity of both terms, not even one close to another.


For you.
Which makes them cowards and enablers of racism, and therefore worthy of condemnation and boycotting.

Don't support racism, or those with the power to combat it but won't.
Same applies to every single developer not issuing DMCAs to PewDiePie videos then.

You might want to get a few pens because oh boy are you going to have to write a long, Kong, long, long list of "cowards and enablers of racism".




Dude what?


I'm not sure where the fuck you guys live but it's pretty astonishing you aren't aware of this.

I'm not sure where the fuck you're living in which you feel a word that was systemically used to describe people what were used as slaves to mothefucking cracka.

Like, get a fucking grip of reality. Cracka has no history, nothing. It was used to oppress an entire group of people for years. And now your equating the two as a whataboutism to defend pewdiepie and how we're just as bad as that. BOTH FUCKING SIDES RIGHT?


Neo Member
When you sit down and think about it, he is only doing what he was taught.

Be white -check
Gain influence and money -check
Act like a complete jerk to people you feel is below you -check

It's like, what does he even get from saying such a disgusting word. How does that even get into your system in the first place.

When I get angry my first reaction is never a racial slur, I just don't understand that mindset and it's inexcusable.
Same applies to every single developer not issuing DMCAs to PewDiePie videos then.

You might want to get a few pens because oh boy are you going to have to write a long, Kong, long, long list of "cowards and enablers of racism".

Way ahead of you.

I'm very picky about what companies I choose to support with my money.


Growing up, I knew a lot of dudes in high-school who talked like this. It wasn't like they were saying stuff like this every other word but you definitely heard it.

These dudes were ignorant as hell, but they were also children.

This dude is a grown adult who should know better. Grow up.
So did he use the n word? Is the Op censoring what he said or are people upset because he nearly said the bad word.
He wants to say "my nigga" in the most recent case but self-censors himself in just enough time to say "my nev" and admits that he almost slipped up there so soon after the apology, and he knows that even saying the censored version (guessing "nigga", ninja, or some other code word) would still catch him a ton of shit. It's all related to how he just can't stop saying some variant of it, and how this is part of his regular vocabulary.

L Thammy

Dude what?


I'm not sure where the fuck you guys live but it's pretty astonishing you aren't aware of this.

What the fuck does that even mean? How can you be the "opposite" of a racial slur? Does that mean it's meant to lift up black people? Or at black and white two sides of the same coin, like the Mystics and the Skeksi from The Dark Crystal? Where do other ethnicities fit into the black-white dichotomy?
In the last threads I said "see you all in a few months." Guess a few days is enough.

When racial slurs like that come out so easily, you got a fucking problem. Do some reflecting of why this is and how you can fix it. Or you know, start up a new stream and do it all over again. See he picked the last.

And that excuse... "slip up". No, you are not slipping up. It is not an innocent mistake you are making. Not at this point anymore.
You cant be racist against your oppressor
Not sure why making statements about people based just on their ethnicity is a one way street.
I'm white and I don't a damn about the word 'cracker'(what is that even supposed to mean?), however simply the fact that it is meant to be offensive specifically to a certain ethnicity should at least be enough to maybe not use it on gaf if you want a somewhat respectful tone of discussion
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