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Phantom Squad threatens to take down PSN and Xbox Live this Christmas





I love this "Its their fault for not increasing the security" mentality. And if you get killed after being shot, its your fault for not wearing a bulletproof west right..
Umm yes?

Imagine a cop or a soldier is killed from a shot to the chest because they decided not to wear a vest that day for comfort reasons.

You cant apply that logic to generic people, since Sony is not a generic company.
They are assholes, but so is Sony for not securing their infrastructure, sitting on piles of cas and let random kids with a stupid DdoS attack take down their service just like that.

Have no worries, Sony will do absolutely nothing and it will probably be down for Xmas. At least Sony is reliable.

Sony is in severe debt. Debt so bad the Japanese government has stepped in. They are not sitting on piles of cash.

That's probably why they don't upgrade. Too expensive for no gain. Very few will choose not to sub because of this.

So many clueless posters, its just plain embarrassing.
I was replying to a post saying that they're in severe debt, so I posted an article saying that they seem to have money and are actually increasing their funds. Isn't that their debt picture? Again, no idea what I'm talking about, if you wanna explain it go for it.

Also, I didn't say that they should upgrade, just confused by the debt comment. Last I heard, Sony was actually turning a profit as a whole.

Yes, this is March 2015 but financial situations just don't turn around 180* easily or in 9 months.

Their current assets (ability to pay short term obligations) are below their current liabilities (obligations to pay) also known as the current ratio. This is typically never good.

Look at their total liabilities, nearly 3x their current assets position in March.

Sony has shown promise but they have so far to go.

Those liabilities HAVE to be paid. Either through contractual means or because they don't want to ruin their reputation with suppliers. They have to find the balance and upgrade their infrastructure as well but saying "LOOK AT THE CASH" does not belong in this debate.


Phantom Squad have no Family / Gifts / Friends / Turkey confirmed. Fucking losers.

Wouldnt it mean the opposite? Maybe they value the meaning of family holidays and seek to "encourage" people to interact with their Friends/ Family/ Turkey during Christmas break.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with Phantom Squad.


I just expect it to be down at Christmas, hasn't it happened a few years in a row now? Sucks for those getting Battlefront etc. But, you shouldn't be surprised.
It was brought to an end thanks to a deal brokered by internet mogul Kim Dotcom.

Desperate to play his favourite game Destiny Mr Dotcom offered the hackers a lifetime worth of premium Mega vouchers to end the cyber attack.
Oh right. Wish he hadn't done that. Doubt the prospect of profit is particularly conducive to discouraging these criminal acts.
The squad tweeted they chose to taken down PSN and Xbox Live because cyber security did not exist.
Media allowing them to glorify themselves as righteous rebels is kind of bullshit. More likely they're doing this because of trollish schadenfraude, wanting attention or notoriety, to feel powerful, perhaps to make money. They're criminals aiming to hijack people's computers to do financial damage to companies and denying service to their users. Pretending like there's anything noble about this is just nonsense. All these groups are doing things like this strictly for themselves.

Anyway, how many of these people have gotten caught since last year? Not enough, it seems.


*sigh* not again. Why give them attention, though?

This. It only increases the shitheads to do stuff like this. I hope the FBI and a lot of government agencies are contacted and every single one of the hackers, if it happens, are given federal prison sentences if they're in the US etc.


Conspiracy A: It's all a ruse by Sony and Microsoft for when their servers can't handle the Christmas rush.

Conspiracy B: Company that would benefit from Sony and Microsoft spending millions to try to overcome DDoS attacks is secretly threatening Sony and Microsoft with DDoS attacks.

Reality A: Dumb kids.

Reality B: Nothing is real.


Unconfirmed Member
There's always an asshole trying to ruin everything for others.

The Grinch of online gaming infrastructure. Will they reconsider and grow their small hearts 3 sizes that day?
Think what you will,,,,but Some of that info isnt far off though.

What info is that?

Sony can upgrade something to stop DDOS?

They purposefully aren't?

They are "hemorrhaging" money and are so badly off and fucked they can't?

Or is it that it is a hack and not simply an attack?

Or PSN is down more than up?

Or that it costs "hundreds" of dollars a year to game online?

Thats just a small selection of oft repeated nonsense in this thread.

We had one poster tell us a ddos just needs the firewall turned on to stop it ffs.
Didn't the lizard people get arrested? Why the fuck would any sane person put themselves in a position where they will eventually get locked up for years and have massive fines just to be an asshole and stop people from playing games?
And they received a slap on the wrist so light you could have confused it with a fly fart

I have Fallout 4 and Witcher 3, they do just fine offline, whatever.
yep. Fallout 4, until dawn, life is strange. I'm set for the holidays without online, still is bs

But I work 7 and a half hours on Christmas. Was gonna come home, have a beer and play Rocket League..
I will be out of town for the week of Xmas to a place where internet is not really fast so single player games it is !

On another note, fuck these guys !


Yes, this is March 2015 but financial situations just don't turn around 180* easily or in 9 months.

Their current assets (ability to pay short term obligations) are below their current liabilities (obligations to pay) also known as the current ratio. This is typically never good.

Look at their total liabilities, nearly 3x their current assets position in March.

Sony has shown promise but they have so far to go.

Those liabilities HAVE to be paid. Either through contractual means or because they don't want to ruin their reputation with suppliers. They have to find the balance and upgrade their infrastructure as well but saying "LOOK AT THE CASH" does not belong in this debate.

Makes sense, I mean, as much sense it it can for me.

Though, again, I wasn't saying that they should upgrade their infrastructure. If anything, having an infrastructure like that seems pointless in a world with Amazon AWS and Azure, though I guess maybe it's cheaper to run on their own network.


They'll probably succeed, just like last year, if they're determined enough.

I also see just like last year we have some posters suggesting Xbox Live will be 'fine' through this again as well. Will enjoy watching the crow consumption for the second year running.

I'll be playing Xenoblade X this Xmas :)

Thats just a small selection of oft repeated nonsense in this thread.

We had one poster tell us a ddos just needs the firewall turned on to stop it ffs.

Personally, I think it's fun to see which threads bring out the random uninformed juniors. Some of whom seemingly don't even know what DDOS means :D

Makes for a fun read on a cold, wet evening.


So, this is what the kids that got stuffed into lockers during high school and middle school have been up to?

I hope they get arrested.


The problem is if Sony or Microsoft uses a DDoS mitigation service on their multiplayer gaming servers, it will likely induce too much lag that the service will still suffer regardless. Sure, you'd dump the bad traffic from these script kiddies, but what if it adds 500ms of latency. Not a great solution.

These kids claiming this is due to a lack of security on the part of Sony or Microsoft shows how clueless they are. DDoS is not a problem of an unpatched vulnerability, it's a result of script kiddies taking advantage of inherent flaws in IPv4 to overwhelm a target with traffic that is most times undistinguishable from legitimate traffic. These kids need to grow up and spend their energy elsewhere.

Question is, how much throughput can Sony and Microsoft servers take before they cripple? 10Gb? 100Gb?
Buncha' pussies behind computer screens.

DDOS'ing doesn't take any skill, any shmuck with a computer and some time can do it, so why waste your time taking down a network that doesn't negatively impact your life whatsoever?

Or is this some dick measuring contest between "hacker" squads?
The problem is if Sony or Microsoft uses a DDoS mitigation service on their multiplayer gaming servers, it will likely induce too much lag that the service will still suffer regardless. Sure, you'd dump the bad traffic from these script kiddies, but what if it adds 500ms of latency. Not a great solution.

These kids claiming this is due to a lack of security on the part of Sony or Microsoft shows how clueless they are. DDoS is not a problem of an unpatched vulnerability, it's a result of script kiddies taking advantage of inherent flaws in IPv4 to overwhelm a target with traffic that is most times undistinguishable from legitimate traffic. These kids need to grow up and spend their energy elsewhere.

Question is, how much throughput can Sony and Microsoft servers take before they cripple? 10Gb? 100Gb?

Stop being sensible.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't want to sound harsh but your post literally means nothing. Sure they have cash in their bank account, so does every business that's operating. What's their overall debt picture look like? How are their different business segments doing. You can't just say "oh look, they have cash right now, they should upgrade". Sony has been hemorrhaging money up until very recently and some of their segments are still doing it.

No, that's what net debt means. It's cash minus debt. They have a net cash position. He's refuting the earlier post, which is literally nonsense. What is a company in "severe debt"? Gross debt? Leverage? Rating? All companies have debt. Some have lots of debt. It's not meaningful, and the original post was a throwaway line from a drive by.

Wtf am I reading in his thread.

Ok I don't understand IT infrastructure. It's not what I do. So I don't talk about it because then I would seem stupid.

So why do people who don't understand finance talk about finance? I don't get it.


Junior Member
So people will simply go do something else until the servers are back online? Great job, elite hackers. Your reign of terror will be one for the history books.


on one hand. screw these people.

on another, MS and sony better be READY this christmas

Be ready for what exactly? You don't really defend a DDOS outside of having more servers.

Since the entire point of a DDOS is to repeatedly ping an specific series of IP addresses to the point in which the server cannot keep up with the constant requests.

There ARE some things like IPS and IDPS which allow some network traffic to be filtered, but it's not always a fail safe measure.

Outside of purchasing a server farm and restructuring the entire network (Which would still cause downtime to accommodate the new batch of servers being setup with the existing network anyways)

This is just a case of stupid fucking kids with nothing better to do then be stupid fucking kids. To borrow a quote from Xenoblade X directed towards Phantom / Lizard Squad whatever the hell they call themselves.

"I don't have enough middle fingers to reply that"


Another reason to de-anominize the internet, link every ip to a name and start tracking everything that happens


Another reason to de-anominize the internet, link every ip to a name and start tracking everything that happens
And what if they're using your compromised home router? Or your malware infected PC? The source of the DDoS traffic is rarely ever the true culprit, but rather people who have already been victimized themselves. Most people don't even know that they're contributing to a DDoS attack.
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