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Phil Spencer: Some reviewers give games low scores to get more clicks


He makes the mistake of assuming that a review score is a measure of a game's quality, when it's actually a representation of how much that individual person enjoyed the game.
If reviewers aren't even going to try to be objective about something, why even bother with a score? Personally, I think scores are the real issue. The score is the click-bait, in my opinion.


If reviewers aren't even going to try to be objective about something, why even bother with a score? Personally, I think scores are the real issue. The score is the click-bait, in my opinion.

scores are stupid but objectivity is impossible and not something anyone actually wants




Holy shit.


Even if we're talking about Forza Horizon 3, does it matter? If someone were running that game on PC, watching their 1080 choke on it, having stutters and crashes and BSoDs, would you begrudge them giving it a 4? "Yeah, sure the game crashes every 30 minutes for you, but if you could play it properly, you'd recognize it was better than a 4/10." People have differing experiences, and put value in different places.

We either take people at their word, that they are giving their honest opinion about reviews, or we don't trust any of them. It's a slippery slope to pick and choose the people we think have valid critical opinions, and if we ascribe some ulterior motive to every reviewer who does something we don't like, we'll end up with a very short list of milquetoast, "trustworthy" reviewers. Unless there's proof-positive that someone intentionally knocks down review scores to drive clicks or that they are driving at some other purpose, we shouldn't be doing that. Phil should be smart enough to know he's playing with fire when saying things like this.

That could be an argument but the review is completely different.
That could be an argument but the review is completely different.

As I said to the other poster who responded as such, it doesn't really matter what their reason was for not liking it; it was their personal opinion about the game. If we make it such that we decide whether a review is "fair" every time one disagrees with a widely held opinion, we're in for a lot of trouble. You're throwing subjectivity on top of subjectivity in a misguided attempt to find some kind of objective standard opinion. As I said to the other poster:

I've gone around and around in my mind about trying to make an "objective" review. Honestly, I've given this a ton of thought in the past. Unless we have tangible metrics like lines of resolution, frames of animation, input response time, etc, we literally cannot have such a thing as an "objective" review.

In our gut when people say this, I think they're trying to encapsulate what they see as a review being "unfair", but at the end of the day, that's such an amorphous concept that we can't be applying it to a review. Even if this person docked the review because it wasn't the type of game they wanted, that's still a form of criticism, and it may in fact be very helpful for readers who would have a similar reaction.

We can all disagree with a review, but at the end of the day, they're just subjective opinions. Objectivity is either an impossible standard, or would result in reviews that told us only the raw, technical aspects of a game. The notion that we should label all divergent game reviews as click-bait is a disturbing thought, though ever time a game comes out, we definitely see just that. on these forums.

If reviewers aren't even going to try to be objective about something, why even bother with a score? Personally, I think scores are the real issue. The score is the click-bait, in my opinion.

Reviewers cannot be objective. Attempting to do so introduces so many levels of interpretation, that it's insane to think it's even possible. "I don't like this game, but the graphics look nice, and I can see how that would matter a lot to other people. I don't really like the shooting because it snaps to your targets, taking gameplay out of the scenario, but I guess others are used to that, and it seems pretty popular, I think. So while I don't like the game, objectively, it's probably good. 8/10." It just doesn't work.

There is also nothing wrong with a score. The only real problems with scores are either: 1.) People ignore the actual text which adds appropriate context to the score, making the score useless when it was otherwise just a summation of a level of appreciation, or 2.) The reviewer doesn't provide appropriate context for their feelings, leaving the score as a strange outlier that seems to conflict with their text. That isn't a fundamental issue with scores though, but rather, with consumption and creation of reviews.
The same guys Phil interact with on Twitter. Went after Respawn for posting a pic of the ps4 version of Titanfall 2. So don't mention other fanbase when you interact with some of the worst xbox fanboys.

Not just interact.

Timdogg and Crapgamer and others like them get free passes for events, free products and take photos with Phil, Greenberg and Major Nelson all. the. time.

Holy shit.

Shiieeeeetttttttt LOL

Psst. Look at the entire conversation. They are friends who talk regularly. Sorry to be a party pooper and ruin your excitement.


Gamespot does an interview with Phil Spencer, probably didn't get enough clicks.

So Gamespot posts another article taking snippets from the interview, this time providing their own interpretation. (He was actually talking about FH3 where a 4/10 definitely stood out, not Recore).

GAF member takes the bait and posts a thread, now everybody clicks on the article.

Gamespot wins.

It's like clockwork. And often despite someone posting the context of the actual quote, people will still go in on just the headline for multiple pages. Absolutely Amazing haha.


Wow. So Phil Spencer senpei really isn't any better than platform warring fanboys.

Not just interact.

Timdogg and Crapgamer and others like them get free passes for events, free products and take photos with Phil, Greenberg and Major Nelson all. the. time.

Psst. Look at the entire conversation. They are friends who talk regularly. Sorry to be a party pooper and ruin your excitement.

Deplorable. Xbox fanboys have to be the worst.


scores are stupid but objectivity is impossible and not something anyone actually wants
That's my point. Since nobody can avoid it, scores should just not exist. Who is it helping at the end of the day, anyway? I've always thought they were more harmful than helpful.


If the interview was so good I expect several threads around it in the next few days so don't worry

LOL come on, even the part where he said that it is up to devs to go 4K when asked if that should be a standard did nothing for you?
A major publisher like MSS shouldn't be releasing games with technical issues, you have the pockets to delay what is necesary. Technical issues are easy to spot and basically the only objective thing a reviewer can get.

he said the review scores are not necessarily a reflection of the game's importance to Microsoft.
Great now give Recore and Quantum Break sequels


extra source of jiggaflops
Yeah, because Playstation fans never shitpost when they get a chance, oh wait... They are doing exactly just that in this thread!
Can you point out those posters so the moderators can take care of them?

I mean if they do the same stuff that Crapgamer and Tim Dog are doing then this is clear violation of the Terms of Service, as they are vile racists.
If games do bad people may lose jobs.

Getting excited about games not doing well is very short sighted.

Fanboyism is annoying.


Reviewers pointing out actual problems with the game is nothing more than clickbait

Wow. So Phil Spencer senpei really isn't any better than platform warring fanboys.

ReCore wasn't a good game.

Nice fanboy on GAF conspiracy theory level argument there Phil

He wasn't talking about Recore, he is talking about the critically acclaimed Forza Horizon 3.
79 Positive reviews on Metacritic

and a single review that gave it 40


Phil Spencer said:
I mean somebody gave Forza Horizon 3 a four. I think there's certain reviews that are written more to get clicked on than they are to actually accurately reflect the quality of the game, and that kind of bums me out.
Literally no quotes on that point - I want to see his exact wording.
edit: found this quote from the clicked-thru full interview:
I mean somebody gave Forza Horizon 3 a four. I think there's certain reviews that are written more to get clicked on than they are to actually accurately reflect the quality of the game, and that kind of bums me out.

So - he was talking about a FH3 review... but in the context of Recore scores.

Also found this pretty shitty from the interview:
I would have PlayStation fans tweet me, happy that ReCore wasn't getting great review scores from some outlets. I just thought it was such a negative thing for our industry for somebody to be gleeful that somebody gave a game a review that was lower than what the team expected," he said.


I'm not saying Xbox is completely clean here, but as much as I have any influence on it at all, that's not something I will support or entertain. Sorry, that's just something I needed to get out

Quoting you again because no one is getting the context - it wasn't about Recore, the statement was about giving FH3 a 4 out of 10...

I agree questioning review scores isn't a good look, but you do have to wonder how someone plays a game like FH3 and gives it a 4. I don't think the "clickbait" argument is that far off from being possible.

Then again, the head of a gaming division probably shouldn't be saying this stuff publicly, even if there's some argument there to be made.

I made a thread about the entire interview here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1290173
The interview itself is a really good read, encourage all to read it if you're interested in Xbox.


extra source of jiggaflops
I mean at this point doing the quote mining in the other direction is equally as shitty as what you guys accuse the OP of doing.

Just let's leave out the preceding part where Phil clearly talked about ReCore deserving 7-8-9.

And him saying this:
" I'm not saying Xbox is completely clean here, but as much as I have any influence on it at all, that's not something I will support or entertain. Sorry, that's just something I needed to get out"
when he continuous to interact with Tim Dog and Crapgamer which he has been informed about how they behave is mega empty words.


And that's coming from someone that thinks he is absolutely right about clickbait reviews.
Quoting you again because no one is getting the context - it wasn't about Recore, the statement was about giving FH3 a 4 out of 10...

I agree questioning review scores isn't a good look, but you do have to wonder how someone plays a game like FH3 and gives it a 4. I don't think the "clickbait" argument is that far off from being possible. Then again, the head of a gaming division probably shouldn't be saying this stuff publicly.

I made a thread about the entire interview here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1290173

The interview itself is a really good read, encourage all to read it if you're interested in Xbox.
And yet he brought it up when discussing reviews for Recore. Hmm, I wonder if he was trying to make a connection there.


"SonyToo" must be one of the pettiest deflection methods I've seen on this forum.

It's called a tu quoque fallacy, and it's eminently legitimate. Calling out a logical fallacy is pretty germane to logical discussion, so I find it highly misguided and amusing that someone would characterize that as a petty method of deflection.
He wasn't talking about Recore, he is talking about the critically acclaimed Forza Horizon 3.
79 Positive reviews on Metacritic

and a single review that gave it 40


I don't think so.

The question posed was specifically about Recore. He just went on a brief tangent about FH3 as another example of a game that got a 4. Literally 95% of his long answer is all about Recore. Before that one brief mention of FH3 being given a 4, he was talking about how:

1) Recore got reviews that were too harsh
2) Scores in the 7, 8, 9 range he feels are fair for Recore; and
3) Scores of 3 and 4 for Recore are again too harsh

Just as you said there is only a single review that gave FH3 a 40, but yet Phil Spencer's own words state "certain reviews". I think he's clearly talking about both, with a focus on Recore, or on an even broader level basically any game that gets a 3 or 4. He raised FH3 as another example of a game that got scores he feels may have been due to "clickbait".
And yet he brought it up when discussing reviews for Recore. Hmm, I wonder if he was trying to make a connection there.

Eh, maybe. I just think he was making a general statement about reviews, in general, not necesarilly about Recore itself.

He probably shouldn't have made this comment, I agree. Even though he was directly asked about critical reception, he probably should have left it alone.

And I don't think what he's saying is really that far-fetched (I personally do think there are reviewers that sometimes go after more controversial scores, possibly to get clicks). But being in the position he's in, he shouldn't be making these kind of statements. He obviously cars about the project, and was venting a bit (when he shouldn't have).

Here's the full quote if you want proper context (from here):

GameSpot: How do you feel about the response to ReCore from critics, given it was highlighted as one of the major Xbox One exclusives?

Spencer: I feel great about ReCore. About being able to work with with Inafune-san and Armature. And I'm very proud that it's in our portfolio. I wish it reviewed higher, but I don't necessarily look at the reviews as a reflection of the game's importance to us. The game is selling well, which I like. The gamers' response to the game has been positive, which is the most important thing.

And we priced ReCore lower than a full triple-A game because we knew the game that we were building and the size of the team, I wanted to make sure that people felt like it was fair value for what it was. I think in the end that was a good decision, because I think trying to get people to buy a $60 game when it's not a $60 game short-term might feel like a money-making thing but in the long run I don't think it helps the game or the IP.

On the reviews, honestly I thought some of the reviews were a little harsh in terms of their view on the game. But for us, inside, again I feel really proud to have the character, the story, the gameplay style, and the partnership with Armature and Inafune-san as part of our portfolio.

I didn't try to tell anybody that it was a ten. I think we knew, as with any games, that there are certain things… if we started from the beginning and we knew what we'd get, there's a couple of things we would've done slightly differently. But we're very proud of how the game ended up. And I think seven, eight, nine, like anywhere in there is fine. Three or four… I mean somebody gave Forza Horizon 3 a four. I think there's certain reviews that are written more to get clicked on than they are to actually accurately reflect the quality of the game, and that kind of bums me out.
For once I agree with him. This practice needs to stop. Reviewers do review too high in general, so a general lowering of scores would be nice not out-of-the-blue shocker low scores to get clicks.
Not just interact.

Timdogg and Crapgamer and others like them get free passes for events, free products and take photos with Phil, Greenberg and Major Nelson all. the. time.

Psst. Look at the entire conversation. They are friends who talk regularly. Sorry to be a party pooper and ruin your excitement.

Yep. Timdog is a straight dbag. he was calling a gaffer piece of shit on twitter earlier.

It's okay around here when Sony does it.

I mean...I don't get this. Was there a gamespot article about that tweet as well or was it a three year old tweet most of us never saw?
I've read the full quote. It still reads like he thinks reviews were low for clicks. There's no other reason he'd bring up the Forza review as a response to a question about the poor reviews for Recore.
I've read the full quote. It still reads like he thinks reviews were low for clicks. There's no other reason he'd bring up the Forza review as a response to a question about the poor reviews for Recore.

Yeah exactly, nowhere was he prompted for an answer about FH3.

Remember the question he was responding to was:

How do you feel about the response to ReCore from critics, given it was highlighted as one of the major Xbox One exclusives?

Phil is NOT Donald Trump at the Presidential Debate. I think he can focus on the question being asked.
It's not, where did you get that bs from?

BS? Every time MS does something we get a shit show of a thread here about it to dump on them. Sony does the same thing and we get a thread about how hilarious it was.

Best example is MS's recent online marketing pointing out Xbox has UHD and HDR and the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't. MS is clearly juvenile and using scummy marketing tactics was the shtick... But when Sony did it during E3 with the used games lie everyone thought it was just hilarious and good marketing, BS? Nah, fact.


extra source of jiggaflops
[...] Best example is MS's recent online marketing pointing out Xbox has UHD and HDR and the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't. MS is clearly juvenile and using scummy marketing! But when Sony did it during E3 with the used games lie it was beyond hilarious. BS? Nah, fact.
What lie?
BS? Every time MS does something we get a shit show of a thread here about it to dump on them. Sony does the same thing and we get a thread about how hilarious it was.

Best example is MS's recent online marketing pointing out Xbox has UHD and HDR and the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't. MS is clearly juvenile and using scummy marketing! But when Sony did it during E3 with the used games lie it was beyond hilarious. BS? Nah, fact.

So you don't really have an answer to his question, but are instead bringing up a bunch of other SonyToo not related to this thread.
BS? Every time MS does something we get a shit show of a thread here about it to dump on them. Sony does the same thing and we get a thread about how hilarious it was.

Best example is MS's recent online marketing pointing out Xbox has UHD and HDR and the PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't. MS is clearly juvenile and using scummy marketing tactics! But when Sony did it during E3 with the used games lie it was beyond hilarious. BS? Nah, fact.

You're full of crap man. There were threads shitting on Sony for lack of mods, UHD, the pro not being great, etc. Only people ignoring those are those with an agenda imo.
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