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Photo shows New Jersey students playing "Jews vs. Nazis" drinking game

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Kills Photobucket
The rules



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Pouring the beer you intend on drinking into the pong cups you're playing with is the real crime here. Jeeeeez.

It's tasteless, but I wouldn't want to see a bunch of young kids get their life messed up over this. Chew then out, put the fear of whatever into them, and move on.

Edit: Eugh, the rules are pretty bad. No defending that. Student leaders should lose their position, athletes get benched...beyond that, I don't really know what else you can do to them.
Okay, so ruining their lives from this moment forward (which is essentially what you're advocating- no college will admit them now)?

That seems fair to you?
It isn't about "fair". If it was about what was "fair", these kids would never make these jokes.

Free speech does not protect one in the court of the public opinion. They've chosen to act racist in a public space (the internet) and this is the natural consequence.


Shockingly, it's possible to go through high school without being a racist that gets their antics uploaded to social media. Acting like we need to coddle them and passively allowing that kind of racial ignorance hurts, not helps.

So, getting caught was their issue.

Something about stones in glass houses. Most people have had poor judgment at some time during adolescence. Stapling a scarlet letter to their chest isn't the answer. The media picking up on it for pageclicks surely isn't morally defensible either.
Thing is, nazis have been bogeymen in media and pop culture for so long that they're not real anymore. Nazis are basically the same as zombies, inhuman cannon fodder. And Hitler has been turned into a joke for decades now. There's no weight to them.


Unconfirmed Member
Let he who has never laughed at an Anne Frank joke cast the first stone.


aka IMurRIVAL69
High school kids making nazi jokes while drunk is a nonstory, but let's see what we can get out of this.

I hope we can put some names to the faces so it makes college admissions a lot trickier.

Yeah, hopefully these kids lives are ruined. Tasteless jokes by teenagers in the year 2016? Not on my watch.


Junior Member
As if the unsaid implications weren't enough, they encourage racist taunts and insults, just to be sure.

Good ole 'niggerjewfag', in spirit. In case it wasn't clear, add a couple of insults.

Racists are so dumb.

Honestly I'd say it's more of a crime to drink Coors Light
Trump said he wanted to make America great again but we still have Coors light, tho. Did they run out of natty light? Did they stop making urine, cuz that's an acceptable substitute, as per Coors regulations.


My friend just told me this is from a month ago. The school supposedly tried to suspend the kids, but couldn't. Not sure why it only got reported now. Maybe this is a new school
In Europe it's not a big deal for people this age drinking. 18 is the legal age for most places.

No let's take them on a trip to Auschwitz and/or Mauthausen and show them the reality of the situation they are making light of.

Obviously much more expensive for americans.
I'm American and got to see it. Born and raised in Europe baby.

Everyone needs to see it as well as the rich history of Germany and surrounding countries.


That's actually pretty creative, but I bet it gets hard to keep all those rules straight after a few rounds.

I mean yeah I guess one could say it's a bit creative, up until this last sentence:

...Also, throughout the game you are supposed to talk a lot of shit and say as many racist things as possible to make it more enjoyable.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The kids are being offensive and stupid but there's no need to put them in the pillory. Public humiliation masquerading as news and "viral videos" needs to stop.


This game with the swastika and star of david has been going around the internet since forever. They probably saw it on 9GAG, thought it was hilarious and gave it a shot.

But I see the torches and pitchforks are already out. Kids should have known better. It's a creative ruleset though.
Yeah, hopefully these kids lives are ruined. Tasteless jokes by teenagers in the year 2016? Not on my watch.

It's not just tasteless jokes, it's about the encouragement of hate speech. I think that there should be consequences for being a racist dipshit in public, and that arguing otherwise is passively allowing more dangerous speech in the future.


....we played a very similar game to this back in my old Jewish youth group at parties. We had the Swastika, we had an "Anne Frank Cup" rule (not the same as this one), but didn't do the Star of David.


Well as I said earlier the acceptance of low key anti Semitism goes deep considering how many of y'all aren't just advocating for their lives not to be over because of this (a fair position) but seem totally cool with what they are doing and find it normal for them to do this.
....we played a very similar game to this back in my old Jewish youth group at parties. We had the Swastika, we had an "Anne Frank Cup" rule (not the same as this one), but didn't do the Star of David.

If only there had been someone with a cell phone to out you all as anti-semitic


It's not just tasteless jokes, it's about the encouragement of hate speech. I think that there should be consequences for being a racist dipshit in public, and that arguing otherwise is passively allowing more dangerous speech in the future.

Let their parents handle it, don't embark on some righteous crusade to essentially ruin their future prospects at the age of 16 or 17.

It makes me uncomfortable when the internet descends on kids like this, even if they are edgelords. Dennis Hastert was 3rd in line for the presidency and he was a child molester. Sure, burn him at the stake. These kids deserve a lecture from the authorities and an earful from their parents and nothing more.
Shockingly, it's possible to go through high school without being a racist that gets their antics uploaded to social media. Acting like we need to coddle them and passively allowing that kind of racial ignorance hurts, not helps.

I think he's saying that we shouldn't have some sort of witch hunt and plaster these kids names all over the internet, which will ruin their lives. Whether or not you want to admit it, they are still kids, and kids do stupid shit.


aka IMurRIVAL69
It's not just tasteless jokes, it's about the encouragement of hate speech. I think that there should be consequences for being a racist dipshit in public, and that arguing otherwise is passively allowing more dangerous speech in the future.

I agree. I want these kids flipping burgers and thinking about what they did 20 years from now.
It isn't about "fair". If it was about what was "fair", these kids would never make these jokes.

Free speech does not protect one in the court of the public opinion. They've chosen to act racist in a public space (the internet) and this is the natural consequence.
I heard these trash children used to play Cowboys and Indians as children too. They're lucky they had enough common sense not to brag about that one online. Scum.

They put a lot of thought into that, it's like it's always on their minds.
That's a pretty big reach. I think everyone knows what it's like when you get really into a game and keep adding little things on as you play over and over.

"Dude, the Anne Frank cup is bullshit"
"Fine, you can make one of us stop playing for a few turns"


i was thinking that i played some terrible, terrible cards when me and some mates were playing cards against humanity the other day and i'm wondering if that's on the same level these days as this kinda thing


It makes me uncomfortable when the internet descends on kids like this, even if they are edgelords. Dennis Hastert was 3rd in line for the presidency and he was a child molester. Sure, burn him at the stake. These kids deserve a lecture from the authorities and an earful from their parents and nothing more.

What has the internet done to these kids thus far?


The rules are admittedly creative, but of course also offensive and tasteless.

I'm sure when they grow up they'll look back and talk about how stupid they were.
....we played a very similar game to this back in my old Jewish youth group at parties. We had the Swastika, we had an "Anne Frank Cup" rule (not the same as this one), but didn't do the Star of David.

This doesn't surprise me. My friends in high school had a drinking game called catch the wet back ( we are all Mexican) that was based around shots of tequila and water. Shit was pretty funny when we invited people of other races to play.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
It is fucking stupid, and getting some embarrassing backfire on social media is deserved as long as it does not get too serious; that is, as long as nobody is threatened, kicked out of school, etc.

I highly suspect that there is no real anti-semitism at work here. Just stupid kids trying to be edgy. I hope that most of them will be embarrassed by what they did, especially when they grow up.


Pouring the beer you intend on drinking into the pong cups you're playing with is the real crime here. Jeeeeez.

It's tasteless, but I wouldn't want to see a bunch of young kids get their life messed up over this. Chew then out, put the fear of whatever into them, and move on.

Thats kinda how I am feeling about it. It's immature, ignorant and fucking stupid but I am not sure they deserve the likely mob of internet justice seekers that are likely going to reign down on them soon.

These are 16-17 year old kids. Now is not the moment in their development where you anchor them to one bad deed they will be unable to escape from for the rest of their lives due to the memory of the internet. Their local community structure is already going to punish them for this in many ways(from teachers to peers to parents), let them have that opportunity to either grow or dig in and fail. If they choose the latter then so be it. But that isn't something I think the internet should be deciding for a bunch of minors.
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