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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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If Trump is down massively near the end of October I imagine any GOP official in a swing position will abandon him.

I'm curious what's going to happen after many of these officials have their primaries. If Trump is toxic, some may pivot hard away from him.


Trump just had two Muslim students who were sitting quietly removed from his rally.

Edit: never mind I guess they were protesting non story twitter


Just came back from voting for my state's primary. Hope my faves made it through to the election. All these cute older ladies kept telling me to come back to vote in November, think they were Democrats, so cute.


I'm curious what's going to happen after many of these officials have their primaries. If Trump is toxic, some may pivot hard away from him.

It really is mind blowing to me that they so far seem content to go down with the ship. It's either an amazing and almost admirable show of party loyalty, or proof that they never had a Plan B once there weren't enough racists left to keep re-electing them.
Trump just had two Muslim students who were sitting quietly removed from his rally.

Loudoun is extremely diverse and that's what I really like about living here. My kids have friends of all ethnic backgrounds and it's fantastic. This is the kind of shit I'd never be able to explain to them.


Trump rally up the road at the same high school my kids use for their dance recitals in Loudoun County, VA. (A county, BTW, Hillary won and Trump came in behind Rubio)


First, not a person there pictured that is old enough to vote.

Second, bow ties?

Third, signs where you mention your opponent are not going to work. People see the top word and stop reading. Everyone thinks you're Hillary supporters. Dummies.

What is worse is some of those kids look South Asian. I don't know any South Asian that is voting age that isn't supporting the Democratic party. What is wrong with those kids...do they realize what they are supporting...

Edit: Wait, why were two Muslim kids kicked out? Did they have signs or something?


Maybe I'm weird but if it was my son who died at Benghazi I would be angry at those who attacked it. I would be upset that they haven't brought the killers to justice. I would be upset at those who cut funding for embassies and consulates. I would be pissed that the CIA was running ops next door making it a bigger target.

It takes a sick group of people to redirect all that hate toward someone with limited involvement and use that pain for political gain.
Election Update: Is Clinton’s Lead A Bounce Or A New Equilibrium?

Hillary Clinton continues to poll strongly in surveys conducted after the Democratic National Convention, which show her having received a convention bounce and gaining a meaningful lead over Donald Trump. The polls are coming in quickly enough that it’s somewhat futile to tick them off one by one, but here are some highs and lows as of 10 a.m. Tuesday:

  • Clinton’s smallest lead in any fully post-DNC national survey is 5 percentage points. She achieved that 5 percentage point lead in several polls, such as this one from Public Policy Polling.
  • Her largest lead is 15 points, in a poll from RABA Research. That poll is something of an outlier, though, with most polls showing Clinton’s lead in the 5- to 8-point range.
  • Clinton’s largest bounce in any national poll, as measured in comparison to another survey by the same pollster conducted with a full set of interviews after the Republican National Convention, is 13 percentage points. That comes from a CNN survey, which showed her turning a 5-point deficit into an 8-point lead.
  • And her smallest bounce in any such survey is from YouGov, which had her lead growing from 2 percentage points to 5 points, a 3-point bounce.

But the more important question is not how long it will take Clinton’s bounce to show up in the polls — or our models — but how long she’ll sustain it. If Clinton maintains a clear lead over Trump in the polls by Labor Day, she’ll be in a strong position that has historically translated into a high probability of winning.



When you grow up with money and parents who don't really care about raising you, you never actually learn how to be a human being. This is nothing new. Most of us learn things like empathy and other regular human emotions because it's necessary to integrate with the rest of society.

I would hope that's not why people learn empathy.
crap, Obama is taking good about TPP. I wish he would just be more quiet about it.

I personally don't care about TPP , but I do care more about not tainting Hillary's campaign with Obama's current support on TPP


What is worse is some of those kids look South Asian. I don't know any South Asian that is voting age that isn't supporting the Democratic party. What is wrong with those kids...do they realize what they are supporting...

Edit: Wait, why were two Muslim kids kicked out? Did they have signs or something?

Holy shit, they are really talented at sticking to the absolute wrong narrative.

They were chanting "Hillary" it's not like they could have let them sit there.

Has it been pointed out that Trump has been saying Hillary had a really small turnout for her Penn. "rally", except it was an invitation only event of 200? Guy is so dumb.


crap, Obama is taking good about TPP. I wish he would just be more quiet about it.

I personally don't care about TPP , but I do care more about not tainting Hillary's campaign with Obama's current support on TPP

Well, there is a very good chance that TPP will be passed in the lame duck and Obama has been toiling away on it for most of his administration. He's not going to abandon it just because of populist sentiment. The far left and WW men will probably hate it, but that's life son.
Well, there is a very good chance that TPP will be passed in the lame duck and Obama has been toiling away on it for most of his administration. He's not going to abandon it just because of populist sentiment. The far left and WW men will probably hate it, but that's life son.

i know but he can just wait after November and pass it in his final 3 months ... quietly
I think Trump dropping is highly unlikely but not impossible. Given the way this election has gone and his ego, him wanting to avoid actually losing and instead just saying things are rigged and the media is against him would be a valid explanation in his mind.


What is worse is some of those kids look South Asian. I don't know any South Asian that is voting age that isn't supporting the Democratic party. What is wrong with those kids...do they realize what they are supporting...

Edit: Wait, why were two Muslim kids kicked out? Did they have signs or something?

As a Southeast Asian Indian myself (Singaporean though), I'll say this:

There is a good chance these kids are just doing that to be part of the conversation. A lot of kids here think its cool to get all involved in American politics and the hot thing to be a part of now is Trump.

Maybe I'm just cynical and my view on this isn't representative but I base this off the people I know.
Well, there is a very good chance that TPP will be passed in the lame duck and Obama has been toiling away on it for most of his administration. He's not going to abandon it just because of populist sentiment. The far left and WW men will probably hate it, but that's life son.

I hope this doesn't happen. Both parties are loudly against TPP right now. Having a lame duck session pass the bill would just re-enforce outsider discontent. Its not like TPP is that big a deal anyway outside of the contain China aspect.


Obama don't give a shit anymore. He put Trump in the same sentence as jihadists in his DNC speech. He's out for blood.
This will largely overshadow whatever TPP discussion was had. He's tying a boat anchor around the necks of McConnell, McCain, Ryan, etc. Trump will have to respond.


As a Southeast Asian Indian myself (Singaporean though), I'll say this:

There is a good chance these kids are just doing that to be part of the conversation. A lot of kids here think its cool to get all involved in American politics and the hot thing to be a part of now is Trump.

Maybe I'm just cynical and my view on this isn't representative but I base this off the people I know.

Hey, thanks for sharing your perspective. I could definitely see that, bandwagoning politically is really common in high school. What I don't understand is why it'd be "cool" to support Trump. You'd think the kiddos would love Khaleesi.


Goddamn, that answer was a fucking nuke. EVERYONE is going to have to respond to that. Thank you based Obama for getting everyone to ask the right question.
Meanwhile, in Trump Land:


Yes, that is what you think it is. And yes it's real. Says someone gave it to him.

"I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier."
Yes, that is the exact quote, with context. Nothing omitted at either end to make it sound less awful.

Edit: Not like it's anywhere near as awful, but he's openly threatening people who donated big to Hillary's SuperPAC.
More edit: Nope. This is 100% bullshit. He claims $60M of her donations were from 20 total people.
Meanwhile, in Trump Land:


Yes, that is what you think it is. And yes it's real. Says someone gave it to him.

"I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier."
Yes, that is the exact quote, with context. Nothing omitted at either end to make it sound less awful.

Such respect for the military.


Ali Vitali
Ali Vitali‏ @alivitali

Trump says a man here gave him his Purple Heart. "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," Trump says. "This was much easier."

Yes, he always wished he could get wounded in battle (don't we all?) but deferred 4 times for school and once for "bone spurs".


I hope this doesn't happen. Both parties are loudly against TPP right now. Having a lame duck session pass the bill would just re-enforce outsider discontent. Its not like TPP is that big a deal anyway outside of the contain China aspect.

Ironically, it will probably be the last big "bipartisan" bill passed in Obama's administration going through with majority Republican support and support from the White House.


This will largely overshadow whatever TPP discussion was had. He's tying a boat anchor around the necks of McConnell, McCain, Ryan, etc. Drumpf will have to respond.

As he should. It's kinda ballsy for the President to be so outwardly going after the GOP but its the absolute right move here.

Name calling has no place in politics.


Hey, thanks for sharing your perspective. I could definitely see that, bandwagoning politically is really common in high school. What I don't understand is why it'd be "cool" to support Drumpf. You'd think the kiddos would love Khaleesi.

Anti-establishment is always cooler, I think. They're attracted to the controversial pick. particularly when they have no educated position on the matter.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Megyn Kelly just tweeted about Eric's sexual harassment quote.

I think the anti women stuff is actually the most deadly for Trump
Oh it 100% is in terms of maybe fucking with the math on one of the demographics republicans need. They've already largely written off the possibility of winning black people, but if Hillary can get a 5 point lead with white women? Its fucking done


Meanwhile, in Trump Land:


Yes, that is what you think it is. And yes it's real. Says someone gave it to him.

"I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier."
Yes, that is the exact quote, with context. Nothing omitted at either end to make it sound less awful.

Edit: Not like it's anywhere near as awful, but he's openly threatening people who donated big to Hillary's SuperPAC.
More edit: Nope. This is 100% bullshit. He claims $60M of her donations were from 20 total people.

Holy shit, the dude just can't stop digging. At this point, he should just make some insanely racist comment about Hispanics to divert attention from his implosion with veterans.


Well that'll get Trump to have another meltdown. And Obama just put the GOP on the spot. They either have to support their nominee openly or repudiate him. No in betweens
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