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Porn and video game addiction are leading to 'masculinity crisis'



when young males see this picture and there first thought is 'eww what a hairy arm'
then i think we have a problem, i guess it's not anime enough.
see this gaf thread for proof...

The density of my arm hair is probably 2x that picture and I thought that.... =/


Unconfirmed Member
Hacky old man psychologist claims kids aren't doing the same shit they did when he was a kid. Surely this must be a problem because how can they be mans mans without doing the same shit I did. Btw this is the same idiot that ran the stanford prison experiment, just letting y'all know.

Eh, the Stanford Prison Experiment was an extremely important part of developing research and experimentation. It also greatly advanced the field that it was exploring to a degree in which it showed how far people are willing to go when they are given power and when power is taken away from them even if it is an role-play situation.

People conformed to their roles so quickly and realistically the experiment was shut down after only 6 days, when originally it was supposed to run for an entire fortnight. This experiment not only helped our understanding of power it also contributed to building up the ethical guidelines that experimenters must abide by when performing experiments that contain human subjects.

It is also extremely disingenuous to say that he is simply an old man yelling at the clouds, he isn't randomly making shit up. These are statements that are based off of a multitude of research so simply because they do not adhere to what your worldview is and because the research might not apply to you specifically doesn't mean that there isn't something to discuss and look into.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Addiction fills a void in a person's life that isn't being fulfilled somewhere else. I think the problem is much deeper than a masculine identity crisis. It's about the way technology is pushing society towards greater and greater individualization of experience, often at the direct expense of social engagement/capital/experiences. Despite the instantaneous and interconnected nature of the internet, society now provides less access to avenues and outlets for in person social engagement to occur; the idea of a community center is quickly becoming an anachronism. If our schools provide the only stable and recurring environment in which people can forge true friendships, then it's no surprise that young adults who don't succeed in doing so during that time find themselves drifting into aimlessness as they enter the post-educational world.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Addiction fills a void in a person's life that isn't being fulfilled somewhere else. I think the problem is much deeper than a masculine identity crisis. It's about the way technology is pushing society towards greater and greater individualization of experience, often at the direct expense of social engagement/capital/experiences. Despite the instantaneous and interconnected nature of the internet, society now provides less access to avenues and outlets for in person social engagement to occur; the idea of a community center is quickly becoming an anachronism. If our schools provides the only stable and recurring environment in which people can forge true friendships, then its no surprise that young adults who don't succeed in doing so during that time find themselves drifting into aimlessness as they enter the post-educational world.
For someone who craves electrolytes, this is a very good post.


Eh, the Stanford Prison Experiment was an extremely important part of developing research and experimentation. It also greatly advanced the field that it was exploring to a degree in which it showed how far people are willing to go when they are given power and when power is taken away from them even if it is an role-play situation.
The SPEs are famous, but they're not exactly ethical. Behavioral science is relatively new. Headlines like the one in OP are not truly scientific, they're pop science editorialized for consumption. I'd say, if you're depressed, you should try and think honestly about how you use your hobbies. I abused drugs and used games to escape from the anxiety of day-to-day. Recognizing that behavior on a personal level and being able to confront what was truly worrying me helped more than any random news pieces.

I'm jerkin, playin, and living happy.
While the video game / porn link seems a bit tenuous, right on to them for looking into the effects of porn on the male sex drive, I think the topic is weirdly fascinating. (Is it me secretly sizing up the competition in an area I'm devoted to? Dunno Freud.)

Two hours a week of highly stylized porn... Damn. That's just incredible to me as a person, but I have no trouble believing it. Only in the past five or six years have I really heard women describe encounters with 20 something men who could not perform unless porn was present... I think it's an easy and understandable link to say that kind of consumption desensitizes the brain to 'unenhanced' arousal. Not many women can keep up with professional sex workers in real life...

I think the two or three hours of hardcore has much more of an impact in viewing women and self judgement/performance than 12 hours of WoW, I just don't see games imparting that much of an impact on the self narratives we form for ourselves. Then again, both are rooted in fantasy fulfillment so who knows...

One of the theories I've heard is that it is not the content of the porn that is the problem, but the volume in variation. Basically, if you watch 25-40 clips per masturbation session, that is a lot of variety of settings, fantasies, positions, girls and so on, and that is what re-wires the brain.

because real sex becomes boring. its only one person, its always the same. its not exciting.

So I think the gist of it, is to avoid things like compliation porns, porn mash ups, cockhero and that sort of stuff. stick to one scene, or try to simply use the good old imagination.
This TED Talk talks about some of these themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRJ_QfP2mhU

Alain de Botton, the british philosopher, actually thinks that he don't think enough about sex (in the right way). It's a very interesting talk; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN250dsDAe4


Hacky old man psychologist claims kids aren't doing the same shit they did when he was a kid. Surely this must be a problem because how can they be mans mans without doing the same shit I did. Btw this is the same idiot that ran the stanford prison experiment, just letting y'all know.

Sorry but you take a massive L for this post. It would have helped to at least take an introductory psychology course.


The SPEs are famous, but they're not exactly ethical. Behavioral science is relatively new. Headlines like the one in OP are not truly scientific, they're pop science editorialized for consumption. I'd say, if you're depressed, you should try and think honestly about how you use your hobbies. I abused drugs and used games to escape from the anxiety of day-to-day. Recognizing that behavior on a personal level and being able to confront what was truly worrying me helped more than any random news pieces.

I'm jerkin, playin, and living happy.

You are missing the context of the SPEs. They were ended early because of what was happening and the ethical issues, and that set the precedence for change in the conduct of such studies amongst other things.

If you are clinically depressed, you are more often than not, not in a state to actually analyse your own habits and come to the right conclusions or the best course of action.

And finally - he doesn't have an issue with porn or video games and in fact is fine with them in moderation. As I posted earlier:

WATCH THIS INTERVIEW SO YOU DON'T KNEE JERK - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02qv3ng


Unconfirmed Member
The SPEs are famous, but they're not exactly ethical. Behavioral science is relatively new. Headlines like the one in OP are not truly scientific, they're pop science editorialized for consumption. I'd say, if you're depressed, you should try and think honestly about how you use your hobbies. I abused drugs and used games to escape from the anxiety of day-to-day. Recognizing that behavior on a personal level and being able to confront what was truly worrying me helped more than any random news pieces.

I'm jerkin, playin, and living happy.

Of course the Stanford Prison Experiment wasn't ethical and would not pass approval in modern times if it was presented in the exact same way as it was back then. That is one of the points though the effects of the experiment actually caused researchers to better understand that ethics are extremely important and they need a strict guideline to follow.

Also of course the headline is sensationalized it is a news article. That doesn't mean that behavioral science is pop science and not scientific. Behavioral science is an extremely important and growing field that helps understand individual behavior to group dynamics.

Using drugs and videogames to escape anxiety of regular day life is certainly sad, but that doesn't really prevent what Zimbardo discusses in his book from being something that does happen in real life.


I love my porn and video games, but I'm also one of the least masculine men I know. However, I can see where it's a pretty big issue


Hes absolutely right.

You are all pathetic shells of men because of your constant masturbating and playing of shitty worst generation games.

Time to own up. How many of you can honestly say that you can will your penis into a gigantic erection, use it as a prehensile appendage, wrap it around the mouse in an iron clad grip and beat Winnie the Pooh baseball?

Exactly. You all need to stop plaing your shitty AAA games, and start doing some penis push ups, before the damage becomes irreversable, and your genitals fall off.


Gold Member
I think the desire to do is not as strong as the desire to want. What do psychologist really want? Controlling what young people do isn't going to solve anything and people (including guys) will be lazy regardless.

The healthcare crisis doesn't spawn from a video game industry. It spawns from people being who they are. You aren't going to make everyone turn from porn or video games because they come out with these reports.

Sex? Video game players can have sex. People who don't play video games may not get laid. Have they thought about that? Real life stands in the way of just about everything. I don't think we'd magically get more partners if we put down the controller. I also think this psychiatrist isn't a fan of video games and warns people to stay away, much like any healthcare professional anymore. They aren't going to turn men away from the adult entertainment industry. Not every guy is going to get a loving wife and a healthy sex life.

I don't think we all love porn. They really don't get that we have our own limits. Sometimes sex is off the table and there can be times in your day when you aren't doing what these professionals want you to do.

Be a healthy person, but don't let these types of professionals teach you that it is wrong. They don't enjoy video games and they don't get why people enjoy them either. They only see it in their job's eyes.

The healthcare industry doesn't care about you. It works its way to make money and do a job. They don't care if you enjoy life beyond their essential efforts at helping people. I don't see why they keep saying video games are so wrong for anyone. They should do it moderation and not stay in doors all the time, but they don't need to stop.

PORN WILL BE AROUND FOREVER! You're suppose to be 18 years of age before you view it, but its not going to go away.

I could possibly get married right now, quit games, and have kids. Will that make me happy? probably not. I'll stick to enjoying games, enjoying being single, and taking care of myself. I'm happier that way.

The whole idea about being an A-typical guy (Johnny Q. Public) doesn't always benefit the person.


Addiction is an atypical consumption of the medium.

I partly agree with the second statement, as for the first, I am going to assume he is referring to the stereotype ascribed to gamers. In fact, it seems to all of this is about the gamer stereotype.

Nah, the first is a literal statement. Most men in commercials these days are fucking idiots, only able to accomplish something due to their sassy significant other. This has been something that's been getting steadily more prominent over the years.
Nope, wrong.

Masturbating to porn burns about 6 calories per minute. 10 if you are going all out anime style. Test your might by doing that for 10 minutes at least 10 times a day. At that point, it's practically cardio. In fact, I call it Porn Yoga, and it's a foundation of my daily cardio.

As for games - nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more manly than honing your skills through a virtual simulation. Learning close quarters combat through Metal Gear, brushing up on sword fighting techniques in the Witcher series, and even tapping into conversational proficiencies in Persona 4 - these are all manly as fuck.

Porn and video game addiction is actually making men stronger and more masculine than ever before.


He's talking about people that spend 15 hours a day playing games by themselves that take breaks only to masturbate to porn -- and that this isolated type of behavior is hurting their ability to deal with reality, rejection, and whatnot. He's not just saying anybody that does either has issues.

That is, he's saying a growing number of young males fall into the above 'excessive' group, not that gaming/porn in and of itself is the issue.

I feel like way too many people here aren't reading the article, but hey, I guess nobody ever does.


Gold Member
Nope, wrong.

Masturbating to porn burns about 6 calories per minute. 10 if you are going all out anime style. Test your might by doing that for 10 minutes at least 10 times a day. At that point, it's practically cardio. In fact, I call it Porn Yoga, and it's a foundation of my daily cardio.

As for games - nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more manly than honing your skills through a virtual simulation. Learning close quarters combat through Metal Gear, brushing up on sword fighting techniques in the Witcher series, and even tapping into conversational proficiencies in Persona 4 - these are all manly as fuck.

Porn and video game addiction is actually making men stronger and more masculine than ever before.

What is masculinity anyway? Going into debt? Raising more than 1 kid? Following orders? Paying bills? Hitting someone? You can define it any way you please. Real life is larger than masculinity. Both don't really seem that appealing.

Obey the rules? Enjoy everything on a conventional level? Enjoy things feeling like you're muted? Where does expression or hobbies categorize itself? Are they taking into context fans or collectors? They just see a picture of a guy and they see his video game. Look around the room and you can see a lot more unhealthy non-video game players.

I've heard this from a healthcare guy on the local news. He said "put down the controller". He is probably the guy who loves talking about healthcare and he probably does the entire list of healthy things and it sucks. I think you should try and be healthy, but after a while that whole health life begins to suck. It's like we're all androids being tuned with gas and oil. I got sick of talking about being healthy and then having a good 40-60% of healthcare workers being obese, having their own difficulties, and whatever.

There are probably more overweight doctors out there and nurses. They smoke, drink, etc. They're the ones with all these facts too. They just want to take "vyda gamas" out of the question or keep warning us about them. Get the kid into a physical activity, but don't play this sexual advocate about video gamer(s).

All that healthy sex I'll have after I take my ED meds because my job sucks and I have countless bills to pay. But at least you were "one of us", am I right?
Nah, the first is a literal statement. Most men in commercials these days are fucking idiots, only able to accomplish something due to their sassy significant other. This has been something that's been getting steadily more prominent over the years.
Not only commercials, but a lot of comedies also do this kind of stuff.

Anyway, all this stuff is a symptom, not a cause (although it might be part of a self-sustaining feedback loop). We've seen the same damn thing happen in Japan over the past 20 or so years and it's partly due to economics. For a lot of guys, it's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to depend on porn and video games than it is to put yourself out there financially and personally for questionable returns.

I don't think the mixed signals society has been putting out about what women look for in men and how men should do certain things on dates really helps matters either. In a game analogy, there's a huge difficulty spike at the beginning for some people due to obtuse rules, so they don't bother and spend their time elsewhere.


How is this a crisis? Why wouldn't I want to spend my life playing videogames and wanking? And if I spend money on both, how does society not benefit from me doing this?


It's not that porn and video game addiction are causing a "masculinity crisis", but rather that there is currently a widespread identity crisis as men confront the toxic view of masculinity posited by society and are consuming more porn and video games as a coping mechanism. It would seem judging by the article that Zimbardo holds this same viewpoint.

The real cause of the masculinity crisis is that men are finally confronting the emotional repression that society prescribes for them.


I imagine the lack of money (recession) probably exacerbated this. Video games (and free porn) are substantially cheaper than going out, and paying for drinks/dates. I imagine once wages are actually not stagnating, and most people can afford to spend money this "Crisis" will be reduced.

Most people are not buying houses or really expensive cars. In fact there were news stories about how different the Y2K generation is... and almost all of it is due to being delayed on decent jobs by 5-10 years longer.


How is this a crisis? Why wouldn't I want to spend my life playing videogames and wanking? And if I spend money on both, how does society not benefit from me doing this?
Well that's one way of looking at it. There was something in GTAV about this outlook, I'm sure.

As long as you are happy then I don't see the problem.


I find it hard to believe that anyone could possibly spend 15 hours a day playing video games. I doubt anyone could manage to play an hour a day for that matter.
^ It's true. Almost every sitcom on TV features men who are gullible idiots who can't do anything. I think women are just as annoyed by it as men are.

How is this a crisis? Why wouldn't I want to spend my life playing videogames and wanking? And if I spend money on both, how does society not benefit from me doing this?

Increased suicide and depression among men. That's the point. There is a lot of data that suggests isolation has negative ramification, which leads to poor health, which leads to other problems.

If you are doing something to the point of abuse, it does not benefit society. That would be like saying that alcoholics are good for the economy because they buy beers.


Hes absolutely right.

You are all pathetic shells of men because of your constant masturbating and playing of shitty worst generation games.

Time to own up. How many of you can honestly say that you can will your penis into a gigantic erection, use it as a prehensile appendage, wrap it around the mouse in an iron clad grip and beat Winnie the Pooh baseball?

Exactly. You all need to stop plaing your shitty AAA games, and start doing some penis push ups, before the damage becomes irreversable, and your genitals fall off.

Might be too late for me.


You are missing the context of the SPEs. They were ended early because of what was happening and the ethical issues, and that set the precedence for change in the conduct of such studies amongst other things.

If you are clinically depressed, you are more often than not, not in a state to actually analyse your own habits and come to the right conclusions or the best course of action.

And finally - he doesn't have an issue with porn or video games and in fact is fine with them in moderation. As I posted earlier:

Yeah that is a good video.
But man am I pissed to hear

Paren'ts don't know that the child is spending that the child is spending as much time as she is

So you got a kid. You have a responsibility. Nah fuck that. Let's just let the kid do whatever they want and ignore any sort of upbringing. Let the computer/tv/games/school do that. I get so pissed when I see a few friends do that. Even more pissed when I hear this fucking excuse.

But if I take away his videogames or computer/phone s/he just yells and smashes her room to bits and pieces

Holy fuck did I want to smack that couple on the head. Go out and bring in a sledgehammer and try to smack some sense into their fucking dull heads because talking to them didn't help in the least. Parents should be parents and if they can't teach moderation to their own kids or even enforce some sort of rules? They need help because the kid wont give a fuck that is for sure.

What is masculinity anyway? Going into debt? Raising more than 1 kid? Following orders? Paying bills? Hitting someone? You can define it any way you please. Real life is larger than masculinity. Both don't really seem that appealing.

My father was always kinda gungho on the part about being a "real man".
His vision of a real was that I should always stand up for myself, always stand up for friends, always stand up for the weaker* ones and help those in need. Always be ready to shoulder responsibility for that I could and if I couldn't try to help the ones that could shoulder it. And the first important step to that was when I was 7-8 and had spent most of my time crying coming home from school since I was the only *nigger* they had seen and the teachers didn't understand why a nigger would be upset that the others called him that or that it was just *boys being boys* when they had some sort of mini lynching going and gathered around to throw rocks and shit at me or just try to beat me up.
This is how you throw a punch.
Throw it if you can't find another way
Just throw it to defend yourself or your friends
I threw that punch every week for 12-13 years but my little brother, the newly moved in asian couples kid and my *ugly/fat/nigger loving friends* could at least spend most of their primary/middle and high school in peace since that little town of 2000 people knew that I would hit back, no matter who it was. But honestly, I think I did more crying than the people that I hit. I always hated to hit someone and I always ended up crying since I felt like shit. Anyway, everything my dad thought as "Manly/masculinity/whatever" I think it as being a good person today. Unnecessarily violent but at least for a good thing.

Man that put me in a foul temper....and I miss my dad. He wasn't perfect I know that but it feels like he was this towering giant I'll never come close to. Neither as a person or as a father. 2 months and 5 days and it still feels like it was yesterday. I miss you dad I really do.

* I should add that the weaker ones was meant for those that couldn't defend themselves no matter gender. Dad might have had some archaic views on "manhood" and indirectly belittled women in some cases, this fighting, but he always thought me that women was as good as men but physically they where weaker and men who took advantage of that deserved a trashing.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.

The concept of masculinity in the classical sense indicates autonomy, independence, self-sustainability, personal responsibility, strong self assertive personalities, self-motivation, etc...

It's been shown that excess of escapism can severely affect your "go getta" neurons.

If all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, what does all play and no work do for Jack...?


Gold Member

The concept of masculinity in the classical sense indicates autonomy, independence, self-sustainability, personal responsibility, strong self assertive personalities, self-motivation, etc...

It's been shown that excess of escapism can severely affect your "go getta" neurons.

If all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, what does all play and no work do for Jack...?

Who walks around with a checklist? That definition may sound great on paper, but for the most part those are all checked off without any actual progression in life.

If Jack gets a job, owns his own place, and marries then he is still at risk for living one of the worst possible lives imaginable.

Most video game players check off those lists because that's how you survive. You aren't guaranteed a benefit just because you did everything defined by the book.

Half of living life is hanging on by a thread. You could possibly lose everything you ever gained in life just because that's how it works. Women are attracted to men regardless of what they enjoy because that's how life works. Not all men will find the right spouse in order for it to work. You're literally treating life like it was a 24/7 job.

The concept of masculinity in the classical sense indicates autonomy, independence, self-sustainability, personal responsibility, strong self assertive personalities, self-motivation, etc...

It's been shown that excess of escapism can severely affect your "go getta" neurons.

If all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, what does all play and no work do for Jack...?

makes him jack off
Has anyone noticed males in their 60s have a similar issue?

I often hear in conversation with older women who are either aunties or friends parents etc how the husband in question is spending a lot time on PC role playing games or war strategy games. I always ask what game and usually have to google it because it's not in our circle of games.

Being a male I can guess what's happening when he's not playing the war or role playing game. So even if you have a partner and been successful or social, the porn on tap, sophisticated gaming cycle of today can consume you for 10 hours a day. I hear tales of full days being spent at the computer by some of these guys.


I'm currently working towards a PhD in sociology, and I've done some research into Zimbardo's experiment in a couple of classes. It's flawed in many ways(Zimbardo pushed too often when he should have let things be, for example), but still an important work overall.

As for this article, the problem I have with just leaving the findings are they are is that I feel it doesn't go deep enough. There's been a major shift in gender roles recently everywhere, and it's not just on feminism(actually, it can be argued that some of the gains in feminism have been due to shifts in capitalism requiring households to have two breadwinners to get by, therefore almost requiring women in the workplace by default). I can see video games and porn being a part of the cause, sure(both provide easy rewards and tend to cater towards the male demographic), especially since the expectations of women are changing as gender roles shift, but I wouldn't put it at the feet of those things entirely.
I've really enjoyed the acceptance of "nerd culture" in society. I think my high school years would've been better for me if I was there today vs the 90s. Articles like this just proves society's reluctance to accept change. I know many guys who will watch every NFL game with a laptop on the ottoman. However, if I spend that same amount of time with a controller in my hand I'm no longer man enough?

Me and my nerd friends also have a good jobs and families. What more must we do to prove our masculinity? Like, who should I fight? Should I buy a truck? Vote republican? Hunt?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Uh, isn't this the guy that made a fake prison at the college, then had half of the students be prisoners and half be officers and it lead to actual psychological damage to students?!?


Gold Member
Has anyone noticed males in their 60s have a similar issue?

I often hear in conversation with older women who are either aunties or friends parents etc how the husband in question is spending a lot time on PC role playing games or war strategy games. I always ask what game and usually have to google it because it's not in our circle of games.

Being a male I can guess what's happening when he's not playing the war or role playing game. So even if you have a partner and been successful or social, the porn on tap, sophisticated gaming cycle of today can consume you for 10 hours a day. I hear tales of full days being spent at the computer by some of these guys.

I've heard of older men (possibly in their late 50's early 60's) playing World of Tanks. I don't think it should be questioned unless they are not doing something they're suppose to. I can't imagine every male wanting to sit and read the newspaper next to the fire while their spouses eye their every move.

Anyone, no matter what age, should have the right to enjoy a video game. Why is it taboo? I can understand spending countless hours in one sitting, but it shouldn't be such a negative. I've been to a couple nursing homes with Wiis. There was a massive load of Wiis on Craigslist with WiiFit balance boards like a year ago.

The appeal of the Wii were for these health-nuts. Get up and play a game was considered okay by the it-group. I'm not preaching down to healthy people because I care about my own health, but sometimes it's downright parenting.


Uh, isn't this the guy that made a fake prison at the college, then had half of the students be prisoners and half be officers and it lead to actual psychological damage to students?!?

Pretty sure you completely missed the point of why this is probably the most famous sociological/psychological experiment of all time... and it's not because it made him look bad.
if some random person pulled that fake prison crap at any college i ever go to id prob leave immediately and go home
seriously what idiot allowed such a thing to even happen?
Be a healthy person, but don't let these types of professionals teach you that it is wrong. They don't enjoy video games and they don't get why people enjoy them either. They only see it in their job's eyes.
For God's sakes, the last thing the metal healthcare profession needs is more dimwits like you telling them to ignore us. We don't enjoy video games? We don't get why people enjoy them? Hm, I'm pretty sure we do and many of us play them. I work in a developmental psychology lab and I know that among the undergrads, many of us enjoy games. Same for the graduates.
if some random person pulled that fake prison crap at any college i ever go to id prob leave immediately and go home
seriously what idiot allowed such a thing to even happen?
It was 1971. Good ethical guidelines weren't set up. The SPEs were actually a huge part of setting those up.
It's not that porn and video game addiction are causing a "masculinity crisis", but rather that there is currently a widespread identity crisis as men confront the toxic view of masculinity posited by society and are consuming more porn and video games as a coping mechanism. It would seem judging by the article that Zimbardo holds this same viewpoint.

The real cause of the masculinity crisis is that men are finally confronting the emotional repression that society prescribes for them.
The bold is absolutely spot on. There's really a lot to unpack in that and we need to do more to explore it


Gold Member
For God's sakes, the last thing the metal healthcare profession needs is more dimwits like you telling them to ignore us. We don't enjoy video games? We don't get why people enjoy them? Hm, I'm pretty sure we do and many of us play them. I work in a developmental psychology lab and I know that among the undergrads, many of us enjoy games. Same for the graduates.

It was 1971. Good ethical guidelines weren't set up. The SPEs were actually a huge part of setting those up.

The bold is absolutely spot on. There's really a lot to unpack in that and we need to do more to explore it

The young guys do. I am an ex-nursing student and we were told much different than what you're saying in lecture. It was mostly violent shootings = violent video games. I'm not a dimwit either.

You say that now, but age a good 10 years and see if you don't see my point.

It's true. The young out of med school student plays WoW or any other game for the time being.
Nope, wrong.

Masturbating to porn burns about 6 calories per minute. 10 if you are going all out anime style. Test your might by doing that for 10 minutes at least 10 times a day. At that point, it's practically cardio. In fact, I call it Porn Yoga, and it's a foundation of my daily cardio.

As for games - nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more manly than honing your skills through a virtual simulation. Learning close quarters combat through Metal Gear, brushing up on sword fighting techniques in the Witcher series, and even tapping into conversational proficiencies in Persona 4 - these are all manly as fuck.

Porn and video game addiction is actually making men stronger and more masculine than ever before.

Teach me more senpai
The young guys do. I am an ex-nursing student and we were told much different than what you're saying in lecture. It was mostly violent shootings = violent video games.
That may have been common thinking a decade ago, but it's not what anyone is teaching. It's also not what the results our labs are saying. You know how I know that? We run a lab that does research on video games and aggression right on campus.
I'm not dimwit either.
A dimwit is a person who says this:
The healthcare industry doesn't care about you. It works its way to make money and do a job. They don't care if you enjoy life beyond their essential efforts at helping people. I don't see why they keep saying video games are so wrong for anyone. They should do it moderation and not stay in doors all the time, but they don't need to stop.
I mean, my God. Come the hell on. Yeah, the insurance industry doesn't care about you. But we, the actual workers in the industry don't care about people? You can pretty much go to hell with that line of thinking. Just within America, you're throwing over 12,000,000 people under the bus because you're uncomfortable with what one researcher said. He is precisely saying to do it in moderation. He isn't saying to NEVER play games.


Gold Member
A dimwit is a person who says this:

I mean, my God. Come the hell on. Yeah, the insurance industry doesn't care about you probably. But we, the actual workers in the industry don't care about people? You can pretty much go to hell with that line of reasoning. Just within America, you're throwing over 12,000,000 people under the bus because you're uncomfortable with what one researcher said.

That's great. They do care. I'm saying a lot of it is made up. It has to look good, it's healthcare, it's a service.

It's a service that has many different faces attached to it, some good and some bad.

You see this "whole picture" right? Everyone? For the rest of your life? I think there's a bad egg in there and its basically there no matter what happens to the professional.

The show goes on and you're voice and your job can be easily replaced by the next caring person. I can go to hell, but I know its true. It's life.
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