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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I've used this example before, and a lot depends on Sony's vision, but wouldn't this be more practical

2013-2021 - PS4 Lead Platform
2016-2021 - PS4.5 Second Platform

2021-2025 - PS4.5 Lead Platform (PS4 discontinued)
2021-2025 - PS5 Second Platform

2025-2029 - PS5 Lead Platform (PS4.5 discontinued)
2025-2029 - PS5.5 Second Platform

And so on?

Easy to work out what to target, only 2 models to support, quicker turn around of technology - keeping up with pace of change, consoles supported for the traditional 8-year cycle, As before they are pushed in the second half of their life cycle.

This is a HORRIBLE plan!!!! So terrible!!!! In 2021 I DON'T want the PS 4.5 to be the lead platform. That'll be 12 years of games being designed in very similar ways between PS4 to PS5.

That's the WORST thing that could be happening.

I would prefer

2013-2021 - PS4 Lead Platform
2016-2021 - PS4.5 Second Platform

2021-2025 - PS5 Lead Platform (fuck PS4/4.5)
2021-2025 - PS5.5 Second Platform

2025-2029 - PS6 Lead Platform (fuck PS5/5.5)
2025-2029 - PS6.5 Second Platform

One additional hardware every gen and no forward compatible next gen.

This person has got it right! Thank for understand how tech is suppose to work for the betterment of everyone.


Which is already happening.

These doomsday scenarios have no basis at all in reality or even in rumor from the development community that actually knows what is going on.

For the people acting like the small forum chatter of people claiming they are not buying another PlayStation or they are going to PC gaming because of this & concerned about the affect it's going to have on PS4 sells I'll like to point out that there is a bare bone PS4 at $358 out selling the best selling Xbox One bundle at $294 right now on Amazon. So I don't think this backlash is as bad as some people want it to be.

From the look of things PS4 has been selling just as good or better since the rumors of a new PS4 came out so they are not feeling as hurt & betrayed as some of you are making it out to be. And PSVR pre-orders are sold out so all the talk of how it would be crazy for them to release a new PS4 the same year as PSVR is also a none issue.
Do not force forward compatible on new gen, if dev want to aim bigger install base, no one going to stop them to port.

As ever, if this is a thing, I think you are imagining a bigger delta between PS4.5 and PS5 than there might actually end up being. What if the size of the power ratio between PS4.5 and PS5 isn't too far from the difference between P4 and what we suspect PS4.5 to be?
This is a HORRIBLE plan!!!! So terrible!!!! In 2021 I DON'T want the PS 4.5 to be the lead platform. That'll be 12 years of games being designed in very similar ways between PS4 to PS5.

That's the WORST thing that could be happening.

What? Maybe I'm totally clueless on how games are designed, or your expecting the PS5 to be the console equivalent of 10 GTX Titans in parallel, overclocked until time warps in itself, but that makes no sense to what so ever.

If PS4.5 does become a thing and is around 2.5x more powerful than a stock PS4, then games designed around it's hardware well be evolutionary different to games designed for the PS4 8 years earlier.

Do we really expect a PS5 to come along so soon after PS4.5 and be significantly better than 2.5X performance differential? (5X PS4, or there abouts)?

Seriously to get the PS5 some of you seem to be imagining the PS4.5 suddenly makes a lot more sense right now because PS5 is a lot farther away than I ever imagined!


As ever, if this is a thing, I think you are imagining a bigger delta between PS4.5 and PS5 than there might actually end up being. What if the size of the power ratio between PS4.5 and PS5 isn't too far from the difference between P4 and what we suspect PS4.5 to be?

Maybe the different between PS4.5 and PS5 will be small, but anything that holding back PS5 is bad in my eyes.
It's not so much about GPU or CPU power, PS5 might go with 16G or more ram, that's one huge factor when it come to game design.
1) Why?

2) Why would you need a fast local CPU/GPU or BC or FC if all the processing is being done in the mythical cloud?

3) And what about all the poor people with 1830's Internet connections?

4) It's a dream but I've never seen how building a server farm to support 100m+ users playing the latest and greatest video games at UHD resolutions with acceptable latences could be even remotely possible without a major worldwide investment in seriously overhauling the entire physical Internet infrastructure.

5) If all you want is preservation then Emulation is a better answer IMHO.
1) The final stage of gaming (and computing in general) is to move all hardware (minus a thin client for streaming) to the cloud.

This business model requires backward compatibility and a limited degree of forward compatibility.

Did you know that they've made custom server blades with Cell/RSX for PS Now? That's what I mean when I'm talking about cloud infrastructure hardware. Investing in an obsolete/obscure architecture is not a good idea.

2) You misunderstood my point. Read point 1 for the definition of cloud infrastructure hardware.

3) This a long-term plan. We're talking about 2030+ and beyond. FTTH might be a commodity by then.

4) 15 years ago most people were stuck in dial up internet. No one could imagine that faster, always on connections would become a commodity.

15 years is like a century for technology. Lots of breakthroughs and paradigm shifts have happened since the 2000s.

5) Do you mind telling me what kind of PC do you need to emulate the semi-custom PS4 APU? Why did Sony choose to invest in exotic technology (Cell/Rambus) for the PS Now cloud infrastructure instead of writing a PS3 emulator?

Why there's no decent OG Xbox emulator, even though it's an "ordinary, x86 PC" according to some people?

Rhetorical questions...


Fair enough. If this thing is real and does launch and they can't keep them on the shelves and secondary market prices go through the roof? Well, then you're right. We would be getting iterative consoles forever, because that's what the market would want.

EDIT: In a way, are the people lamenting iterative consoles already assuming that the 4.5 will be a huge success? Wouldn't it have to be if iterative consoles are going to take hold? And if the 4.5 is a huge success, doesn't that mean that a lot of people will find value in buying the new box, meaning that we should all be looking forward to it?

Cant see it happening, 4.5 is only realistic because we have a 14 nm process, GDDr5x with twice the bandwidth, and a huge performance leap with a new ZEN CPU, heck and 4K tv;s AND 4K blu rays. ...Such a list .....hoping it all gets stuffed into a 4.5 will make it a real premium MUST HAVE.

Put them all together it almost compels you to make a new console, everything doubles for less power at minimum.

If sony half ass it and do a 4.1, no zen, no bandwidth upgrade, no 60 FPS.....nobody will care and it will fail imo.

That may not happen every 3 years at such low costs for console viability.

I think if zen gets delayed until 2017, Sony will wait for it....but thats just my opinion. There is no point in an premium product without a major CPU upgrade.


As a business model that makes no sense for the platform holder. Just because technology/the market forced console makers hands in the past to conforming to this model doesn't make it right. The last thing any platform holder wants is to reset their customer base - full stop. Just ask Microsoft who released a fantastic console in the XBox One, have achieved record breaking sales in the XBox One, and yet still saw a large proportion of their 360 customer base desert them for PS4. If only there was a way of avoiding that from happen again and locking customers into your platform...
If it really "made no sense" as you say, that model would have been abandonned a long time ago. It's not like PC architecture is new or anything.
You also think of tech savy (or at the very least tech enclined) people who are willing to read, understand and accept something like a "minimum" and "recommended" specs.

In your scenario, not only would PS5 games have to maintain PS4 compatibility (a LS4K is an iteration of PS4 and thus any break would be artificial by nature), but you would basically ask Sony and Publulishers to put the following equivalent on the back of the game's boxes:
Runs barely ok on PS4.5
Runs like crap on PS4, buy at you own risk

Never going to fly.

Now you're going to say "They'll just say it doesn't work on PS4, and only runs "ok" on PS4.5 and is great on PS5!".
Sure, coming right after a period where ALL games were running on both? Now you're asking for people to feel cheated out of something they would feel should have worked (and to reassure the PS4 owners at first you can bet that the PS4K will be presented like a "more expensive PS4 that is made for 4K tvs, but runs the same games").

Yeah, not happening imo.
Maybe the different between PS4.5 and PS5 will be small, but anything that holding back PS5 is bad in my eyes.
It's not so much about GPU or CPU power, PS5 might go with 16G or more ram, that's one huge factor when it come to game design.

Yes, and we have no idea yet of the likely specs of a PS4.5 either - aside from 'better GPU/more cores' and 'possibly faster CPU for an extra $100'. I'm sure it was talked about earlier in the thread, if they want to offer 4K gaming and maintain forward compatibility with PS4 then they'll probably need extra RAM in the PS4.5 - possibly a move to 12Gb? That way the original 8Gb can be fully utilised on the PS4 and the PS4.5 has extra space for higher resolutions and bigger assets, etc.

When I look at early PS4 games, even exclusives like The Order 1886, I'm not seeing a huge differential in game design over what was offered towards the end of the PS3 era. The extra power has given us some noticeably better visuals. But large leaps? Sure as time as gone on we've seen bigger and more complex worlds with load times all but eliminated - but whose to say what a PS3.5 might have achieved with just a RAM boost to 2Gb, say, mid-last-gen?

Given the length of time AAA games take to develop - I find it hard to understand how regular hardware updates that brings the models within the platform closer together over time - would hold back your gaming experience? If anything it should improve as it should become easier to develop and target, easier to get more out of a system earlier, since it remains a known quantity?


Yes, and we have no idea yet of the likely specs of a PS4.5 either - aside from 'better GPU/more cores' and 'possibly faster CPU for an extra $100'. I'm sure it was talked about earlier in the thread, if they want to offer 4K gaming and maintain forward compatibility with PS4 then they'll probably need extra RAM in the PS4.5 - possibly a move to 12Gb? That way the original 8Gb can be fully utilised on the PS4 and the PS4.5 has extra space for higher resolutions and bigger assets, etc.

When I look at early PS4 games, even exclusives like The Order 1886, I'm not seeing a huge differential in game design over what was offered towards the end of the PS3 era. The extra power has given us some noticeably better visuals. But large leaps? Sure as time as gone on we've seen bigger and more complex worlds with load times all but eliminated - but whose to say what a PS3.5 might have achieved with just a RAM boost to 2Gb, say, mid-last-gen?

Given the length of time AAA games take to develop - I find it hard to understand how regular hardware updates that brings the models within the platform closer together over time - would hold back your gaming experience? If anything it should improve as it should become easier to develop and target, easier to get more out of a system earlier, since it remains a known quantity?

PS3 was stuck with an outdated gpu, so newer shaders would not be possible there. An updated 360 with more, faster RAM would be able to do more.


Sony and Publulishers to put the following equivalent on the back of the game's boxes:
Runs barely ok on PS4.5
Runs like crap on PS4, buy at you own risk

Never going to fly.

Why ? If a game say witcher 4 gets released on

ps5 and runs at 4K 60
ps4.5 it runs at 1080p60
Ps4 runs at 1080p30

Its would be like automated PC settings like most big PC games give you as standard in 2016.

The box could just list resolutions per platform, done.
It's one iterative console. Not iterative consoles in every gen forever. It's one iterative console to bridge the gap between gens due to 4K becoming more mainstream and to support the purchasing of those sets and the consumption of 4K content. All of which carries a higher price, lower likelihood of steaming and, for media companies, hopefully slow or reverse cord cutting. There's zero evidence or rationale at all for iterative consoles forever.

How do you know it's only going to be one? How do you know when the next system coming out is after that one? We don't know how this is going to change the business model. Going into this generation, we never would have guessed a PS4K. The problem I have is people assuming what the new business model is without any basis. We don't know if it's going to be one iteration a generation, multiple iterations a generation or if generations is gone all together and yet people are acting like, oh of course it's only going to be one mid generation iteration. How does one make that assumption at this point when the table has been flipped?

Which is already happening.

These doomsday scenarios have no basis at all in reality or even in rumor from the development community that actually knows what is going on.

Nobody is talking doomsday scenario here. Here's another problem with the discussion. People distorting the reality and going with extremes. Nothing I've said talks about a doomsday scenario. I've even said plenty of times, the problems I've outline doesn't quantify the scale and scope of the magnitude. These are merely facts in what will change and what the potential problems that can occur. Saying someone pointing out issues and concerns as a doomsday scenario is quite the hyperbole. But I guess I should expect an ungrounded conclusion from someone who believes the Wii's decline was partly because it wasn't in HD.
How do you know it's only going to be one? How do you know when the next system coming out is after that one? We don't know how this is going to change the business model. Going into this generation, we never would have guessed a PS4K. The problem I have is people assuming what the new business model is without any basis. We don't know if it's going to be one iteration a generation, multiple iterations a generation or if generations is gone all together and yet people are acting like, oh of course it's only going to be one mid generation iteration. How does one make that assumption at this point when the table has been flipped?

Just want to point out, and hopefully my posts have been understood this way, that I'm trying not to assume anything - rather, I'm putting forward a case where this model might actually work against the doomsayers who believe the sky will fall in and Steve Jobs will be resurrected to lead Apple into the leading the new world order should Sony even consider trying something like this...


that current games would not be getting any type of performance upgrades by being played on the system and any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer. When asked if this was going to happen the response was "Its a possibility but doubtful with the exception of a handful of games."

Wtf WTF why even bother at all!? I want this piece of crap to play bloodborne, no mans sky and freaking Final Fantasy 15 as a "pc version on consoles" damn i wonder what the problem is.


Yes, and we have no idea yet of the likely specs of a PS4.5 either - aside from 'better GPU/more cores' and 'possibly faster CPU for an extra $100'. I'm sure it was talked about earlier in the thread, if they want to offer 4K gaming and maintain forward compatibility with PS4 then they'll probably need extra RAM in the PS4.5 - possibly a move to 12Gb? That way the original 8Gb can be fully utilised on the PS4 and the PS4.5 has extra space for higher resolutions and bigger assets, etc.

When I look at early PS4 games, even exclusives like The Order 1886, I'm not seeing a huge differential in game design over what was offered towards the end of the PS3 era. The extra power has given us some noticeably better visuals. But large leaps? Sure as time as gone on we've seen bigger and more complex worlds with load times all but eliminated - but whose to say what a PS3.5 might have achieved with just a RAM boost to 2Gb, say, mid-last-gen?

Given the length of time AAA games take to develop - I find it hard to understand how regular hardware updates that brings the models within the platform closer together over time - would hold back your gaming experience? If anything it should improve as it should become easier to develop and target, easier to get more out of a system earlier, since it remains a known quantity?

You might be right.
But one thing for sure, by keeping past iteration support might make it hard to introduce new feature set from hardware and software.
Say they trying to introduce WiiU like gamepad (don't judge...) in PS5, but supporting PS4.5 will make it hard or out right impossible.
Because games design with new feature can't be play on PS4.5 or the experience will be very different.
If you cut off PS4.5 support (no force forward compatible), then you can have games with new feature and games without new feature and port to PS4.5, it's more flexible for Dev.
Wtf WTF why even bother at all!? I want this piece of crap to play bloodborne, no mans sky and freaking Final Fantasy 15 as a "pc version on consoles" damn i wonder what the problem is.

What developer would want to spend money to make a patch for a game that's been out for years and get little to nothing in return? Instead, develop new games and take advantage of the additional power. Recoding isn't free
Just want to point out, and hopefully my posts have been understood this way, that I'm trying not to assume anything - rather, I'm putting forward a case where this model might actually work against the doomsayers who believe the sky will fall in and Steve Jobs will be resurrected to lead Apple into the leading the new world order should Sony even consider trying something like this...

That's fair. I'm not saying it's impossible for it to work. There's plenty of scenarios that could range from being okay to working well but it feels like some people here are arguing like that's definitely the way it's going to be and it just boggles my mind that some people are so sure when those same people couldn't have predicted this was going to happen at the beginning of this generation. If anything this happening should tell you that you can't assume anything right now.

The other thing that boggles my mind is how the extra work on the developer is being downplayed. We just had Quantum Break released, which had only two target platforms, and one of those platforms is getting a lot of complaints about the quality of the release. Now we expect adding more work on the developer's load to be a non issue?


As long as there's a 'major' tech advances we will have iterative consoles. If you look at what's being released.... you could have a better idea of what might be coming.

2013- PS4 ( because it was time )
2016- 'PS4K' ( 14nm tech/polaris , 5X/HBM )
2019-2020- PS5 ( 10nm? 7nm? zen core+ vega/Navi HBM2/'nex gen' memory) 8K hype?

2020 also coincides with the Olympics in Japan.. where they want to broadcast in 8K. There's a leap in technology coming. I feel as if some are vastly underselling it.

edit - Is 4K = 720P? as 8K is the new 1080P?


That's fair. I'm not saying it's impossible for it to work. There's plenty of scenarios that could range from being okay to working well but it feels like some people here are arguing like that's definitely the way it's going to be and it just boggles my mind that some people are so sure when those same people couldn't have predicted this was going to happen at the beginning of this generation. If anything this happening should tell you that you can't assume anything right now.

The other thing that boggles my mind is how the extra work on the developer is being downplayed. We just had Quantum Break released, which had only two target platforms, and one of those platforms is getting a lot of complaints about the quality of the release. Now we expect adding more work on the developer's load to be a non issue?

Well, PC is not just one target, it's infinite target like other poster said, which I disagree.
Would it be so bad if the PS4K was just a PS4 that offered 60fps for those who want it.

To me this rumour of PS4K smells of a beefed-up PS4 that could run "normal" PS4 in VR. I would theorize that the games would be compatible with both consoles, but the PS4K can make them work with the same graphic fidelity as a normal PS4 does(or maybe with a little more horsepower for better fps) but in VR.

Just my two cents.
If you cut off PS4.5 support (no force forward compatible), then you can have games with new feature and games without new feature and port to PS4.5, it's more flexible for Dev.

However it finally plays out, I personally think it if a PS5 is released in 2020 for arguments sake, someone purchasing a PS4.5 in 2019 should be able to expect to be able to play the latest games well in to 2022, just like PS4 owners don't want to be left in the cold in 2018 because PS4.5 is were it's at. After all wasn't that the first round of fears when this rumor first came to light?

The other thing that boggles my mind is how the extra work on the developer is being downplayed. We just had Quantum Break released, which had only two target platforms, and one of those platforms is getting a lot of complaints about the quality of the release. Now we expect adding more work on the developer's load to be a non issue?

I don't want to belittle the hard work of developers. From what little programming I have done in the past they have nothing but my up most respect. However, news like that speaks more to the in house development cycle of that particular developer than it does of the industry as a whole. Adapt to survive.

It doesn't help as consumers we have endorsed day 1 patching, non-original DLC, in game currency, episodic releases, and a myriad of other bad practices publishers like Ubisoft and Square Enix are now using to get away with selling us incomplete products. Similarly practices such as pre-rendered hi-res PC game demos and announcing unrealistic release dates, hell announcing up coming games years before they'll ever see the light of day.

I think the industry is drowning in it's own shit and we can lay the blame at the publishers and marketers - the money men. Sony releasing an iterative consoles, or not, isn't going to change that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
As a business model that makes no sense for the platform holder. Just because technology/the market forced console makers hands in the past to conforming to this model doesn't make it right. The last thing any platform holder wants is to reset their customer base - full stop. Just ask Microsoft who released a fantastic console in the XBox One, have achieved record breaking sales in the XBox One, and yet still saw a large proportion of their 360 customer base desert them for PS4. If only there was a way of avoiding that from happen again and locking customers into your platform...

Why can't people understand the different between backwards and forward compatibility? They aren't the same.
Same goes to assuming a huge leap in development costs or fracturing of markets without any basis.

Where did I say huge leap in development costs? I have not once quantified the scope. The fact is though, development costs will rise with this. The fact is, you're fragmenting the user base from a devleoper's view. How big or small these things doesn't change two facts, development costs increase and the user base from a developer viewpoint is fragmented. Some people seem to have trouble accepting these things which are true. Out of all the speculation in this therad, these two points are things that we know.

The rumor and reporting right now is for one iteration. Not multiple. So you're extrapolating without any basis. It's unknown how it will go.

No, an extrapolation is taking what we know and making a conclusion. I'm not making any conclusion here and pointing out that we have no idea how things are going to be moving forward. Nobody here can answer with any type of certainty what the new business model is like, how frequent are we going to get change, and if we even have generations anymore. Nobody can answer these questions. That's not extrapolation, that's being open and not jumping to any conclusion.

No table has been flipped. Since you're a developer, surely you have contacts at Sony with their third party support teams and could get some real answers, rather than just making huge assumptions?

It has been flipped. Consoles used to be in generational form which lasted for at least 5 years if not more. Having a mid generation upgrade is a completely different paradigm in the console market. So yes, things have been flipped and developers didn't see this coming at the beginning of the generation. Not all PS4 developers are privileged to all the information about what's going on the business side either. When things like this happen, larger, more important partners are disclosed on some details, and then they slowly bring in more people on to the tech until it's formally announced and then the gate is wide open. Just because I can gather info on the devkit and the tech doesn't mean I'll be able to gain insight in the 10 year plan Sony has.

Sure there are. Lots of people, actually. But they're likely very wrong, but it's still going on.

I was referring to the current discussion, not earlier in the thread which seems to have died out with the knee jerk reactions.

Such as yourself with the fragmentation and significantly higher costs/time of development argument?

Quote me where I quantified the scope. You've somehow read, it'll take time, money and resources to support and added in the "significantly higher" part on your own.

However, your arguments have not been facts. They have been assumptions. And yes, there are potential problems given your assumption set. Insight into those potential problems are valuable indeed.

Fact - We don't know how many iterations we are going to get
Fact - We don't know if the generation model still exists
Fact - The user base will be fragmented
Fact - Development costs go up

These are all facts.

You've been insulting from your first comment. And you continue to be personally insulting.

My take is far from "ungrounded", friend.

Sorry, you were insulting first. I can quote you if you can't remember. I'm just calling you out on how you tried to dismiss what I posted, which I supported with what was the real reasons behind the decline of the Wii.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
As ever, if this is a thing, I think you are imagining a bigger delta between PS4.5 and PS5 than there might actually end up being. What if the size of the power ratio between PS4.5 and PS5 isn't too far from the difference between P4 and what we suspect PS4.5 to be?

This is horribly bad shortsightedness if Sony is thinking like this also. The delta between he PS5 and PS4.5 need to be HUGE!

The PC is not doing this stupid stop gap crap every 3 years. They are still pushing as hard and fast as they can on a year to year basis.

If you are correct then that means by time we get to the PS5.5 it will get smoked in performance by the best the PC has to offer. And it won't even be close.
Why can't people understand the different between backwards and forward compatibility? They aren't the same.

Mmm, I didn't confuse anything. BC is a natural side effect of iteratively upgrading your hardware/software platform rather than pressing the reset button every X number of years - which is the point I was making.

FC is, in my view, a necessary evil of more frequent iterations otherwise you are in danger of alienating buyers of the newer iterations when the next model hits. The question with FC is always how far back do you go least you effect development of newer games. This is a point I have been making in other posts, not the one you quoted and highlighted ;)
This is horribly bad shortsightedness if Sony is thinking like this also. The delta between he PS5 and PS4.5 need to be HUGE!

Lol, the only time it has been that HUGE in the past was PS1 -> PS2.

The question becomes - what power draw do you envision for a PS5, and how much are you willing to pay for it? Because to get what you suggest both will have to increase exponentially...

The only other answer for for PS5 release to be closer to 2022 than 2019.


there is a bare bone PS4 at $358 out selling the best selling Xbox One bundle at $294 right now on Amazon.

I just checked and you're right. There's the BOPS3 bundle at #9, and then the standalone (without any game) at #68 and XB1 with GoW is at #75.

How do you know it's only going to be one? How do you know when the next system coming out is after that one? We don't know how this is going to change the business model. Going into this generation, we never would have guessed a PS4K. The problem I have is people assuming what the new business model is without any basis. We don't know if it's going to be one iteration a generation, multiple iterations a generation or if generations is gone all together and yet people are acting like, oh of course it's only going to be one mid generation iteration. How does one make that assumption at this point when the table has been flipped?

We don't know but what's the point in caring about something that's at least 5 years away?


I honestly will wait for the PS4K till next year sometime maybe when I get a 4K TV that is cost effective then sure. Right now it just doesnt make sense to get a PS4K when I have a 1080p LED TV. Plus Nintendos NX is coming out and PSVR is coming out money is tight with those 2.


Only 10 weeks until these facts can be confirmed at E3. Or not, maybe.

No. Nothing of value since you last posted.

Even if everything is true, Sony won't make any announcement until they're close to release.
I think people should not expect hardware related announcements at E3.
TGS (end of summer) is a more likely venue to announce price drops, Slim models and upgrades.


I honestly will wait for the PS4K till next year sometime maybe when I get a 4K TV that is cost effective then sure. Right now it just doesnt make sense to get a PS4K when I have a 1080p LED TV. Plus Nintendos NX is coming out and PSVR is coming out money is tight with those 2.
Right now theres no PS4K to buy anyway. And Sony wanna focus on VR launch.


I honestly will wait for the PS4K till next year sometime maybe when I get a 4K TV that is cost effective then sure. Right now it just doesnt make sense to get a PS4K when I have a 1080p LED TV. Plus Nintendos NX is coming out and PSVR is coming out money is tight with those 2.

where's the indignation and outrage though? 5/10

haha jk, Ya I'm in the same boat Ps4K is definitely a great idea of a product but I'm not a day one adopter.


Fact - We don't know how many iterations we are going to get
Fact : we also dont know if its just 1 model

Fact - We don't know if the generation model still exists

Fact - The user base will be fragmented
No it wont be, they will play the same gme together.

Fact - Development costs go up
Fact : for some it may get cheaper and less risky knowing there are say 70 million + customer base on console for ps4, Ps4.5, Xb1.

Maybe for you, cant imagine it effecting say Frostbite or COD engine or Witcher 3 engine or any other major developer that have scalable engines and assets and make games from Titans to toasters.

Until I see say EA say this will cost us more, or activsion, or Ubisoft, then it may effect a small team somehow, but its irrelevant in the grande scheme of things.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Do we really expect a PS5 to come along so soon after PS4.5 and be significantly better than 2.5X performance differential? (5X PS4, or there abouts)?

Seriously to get the PS5 some of you seem to be imagining the PS4.5 suddenly makes a lot more sense right now because PS5 is a lot farther away than I ever imagined!

Great questions. I'm expecting a PS5 to be at least 10 Teraflops, at least 32 GBs of RAM, and to come out in 2020. Fall 2019 at the earliest.
What happened to that additional info?

Did Sony have OsirisBlack taken out?
From a few days back:

I do have more information but have decided not to post it. Boogz brought something to my attention last night and after sleeping on it, he is right. Also Diana of Themyscira is not sure who all has access to her information outside of Mr Wayne so I will not throw her under the bus.

The only thing I can add is that after checking around the date seems to be in question. Diana suggests the holiday 2016 date is not what she has heard and is early. Mr Wayne is sure that its holiday 2016. Her belief is that they wont even announce until after the holiday to try to get rid of as many OG units as possible during the holiday without the new sku interfering with the PSVR and OG sku sales.
Great questions. I'm expecting a PS5 to be at least 10 Teraflops, at least 32 GBs of RAM, and to come out in 2020. Fall 2019 at the earliest.

Edit: Mis-read. Corrected reply:

Ps4 = 1.8TFlops
2.5x (PS4.5) = 4.5TFlops
2.5x (PS5) = 11.25TFlops, with 32Gb Ram - seems realistic to me.

However, I think nearer 9TFlops and 16-24gb Ram is what we'll see. But that's all just guess work.
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