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Reddit Compiles Definitive List of All NMS Missing Features/False Marketing +Sources


I think the game is the opposite of boring! 40+ hours in and still can't wait to get back home to play more!

This has nothing to do with the game being boring. This has to do with the the features of the game that were spoken about that Sean said they were in the game but no longer are.
This is less false advertising and more an unfiltered view of game development. Rather than only talking about what they got 100% done in time for release Murray talked about what was either in the pipeline or what he hoped to do for the game. A developer working under a publisher would typically have a PR filter from the publisher. That's why devs can be annoying tight lipped about certain aspects of their games. Part of this is Sony's fault for not sending a PR guy down to control the message early on, part of it is Murray's fault for not controlling his enthusiasm, part of it is the fault of the press and public for running away with the hype.

I still am really enthralled with the game, I lose more hours into it than I do with Civ. Considering the speed at which HG gets out patches I expect to see this game change a lot over the next few months.

pr filter? what? he was advertising and showing his game. unfiltered view of development or not, it doesnt make it cool to do. people are obviously disappointed. im disappointed, i didnt get the game i expected. a lot of people didnt. some people made the game they expected up. for sure. some people expected too much. but look at that list. what they delivered was not what they advertised. people give AAA games loads of shit as soon as they downgrade a game. they still made a game, marketed it like they did, and then charged you 60 bucks to experience it.

i dont believe he was deliberately lying, he seems pretty genuine, he seemed very excited about what he was making. thats awesome. and with 15 people or whatever its amazing what they did its cool i get it and i agree. its probably not some grand conspiracy. but it was still misrepresented.


don't ask me for codes
I also really like the UI/HUD elements seen in preview videos way more than what the game launched with.

UI is one of the things that can change very drastically and only be finalized near the very end. Especially after usability/play tests. A lot of games in early production will turn off UI in reveals/trailers, because they know it can change drastically.


It's a real shame and definitely not worth the $60 price tag for a game this shallow. Hopefully they learned their lesson going forward because people are going to trust them less when it comes to their next game/dlc.


I'm excited to see how this inspires other developers.

That is the one positive I can take away from all this. It's a concept that will definitely be more fully realized. I just don't think that some infinite universe with procedural generation is the way.
Its a compelling list, and more than enough to merit official comment and clarification.

But it shouldn't be taken as gospel as a number of things mentioned are either already in the game, or may be in the game but haven't been witnessed by those redditors though.

Still, something's not right here.

Consider me intrigued to see where this goes.

Considering it's just as easy to say "I saw that", in addition to other people not being able to see it, yeah, it's a bit suspicious. And I'm not accusing that one guy of lying, or being truthful, but after thousands of people got their hands on the game I'd like a few more accounts of dino dining than one dude saying he saw it.
Considering the way the game is structured it makes more sense to believe the one person who said they saw something than even thousands who haven't. To say something rare cannot happen means you've gone through all the permutations, which doesn't seem feasible.

When it comes to core gameplay that everybody experiences all the time - that stuff you can easily call out. But stuff like 'no butterflies' or 'no rivers' or 'no animals eating other animals' is a far trickier proposition to nail down.
Didn't people notice a lot of this stuff wasn't in the game before it released? Videos were flying out of every orifice of the Internet weeks before release. Even the leaked copy/copies generated videos and discussion plenty of time before the game dropped.

At this point, knowledge was power. And if you bought the game expecting something different than what was shown so close to launch then you're to blame for spending your money on something you didn't have the facts about. Just because you *hoped* something was in the game that was talked about while the game was IN DEVELOPMENT, it doesn't mean it has to be in the final build.

Also, I agree no one should be lying about this stuff. But I'm pretty confident that it's not the scenario here.


Which is why I later edited my post to more explicitly highlight that I said SOME are blatantly false. I agree there are features that were discussed that didn't make it into the final game, which is sad.

I'm just one guy playing the game sharing the results of my experiences. I've been playing 30 hours, and I'm still finding new things so don't crucify me if my post on a forum has a few errors.
I know, and thanks.

Stuff like this is what gets this list ironed out faster.

Really? What, do you expect people to record their entire gameplay sessions or something just to quell your suspicions
Unfortunately there are some rather avid fans who have claimed things can happen that haven't been proven or seen.

Until there is evidence that animals "can be eaten", that a planet with sand can actually be generated (out of the small select "environments" there are,) or worms there is no actual proof to them existing.


Since we saw some things in trailers and previews not in the final release I can only assuming 1 thing:

--Sony forced them to meet a stricter deadline than "whenever it's done" and they had to cut out unfinished features in order to get the game stable enough for release.

Sony probably got tired of waiting for a release date (like everyone else in the world), forced Hello Games to give a ballpark date, and from that point on Hello Games probably started cutting unfinished features from the game they may have shown off or talked about in previews and interviews.

They probably even cut MORE stuff out that wasn't ready yet during the 2 month delay from June right up until August 9.

I think Sean and Hello Games would have taken their sweet time getting everything stable and implemented if Sony hadn't told them to get it finished faster. So, thanks to Sony, the game is now out, but it's missing a ton of shit that they didn't have enough time to finish.

Sean and Sony will NEVER admit this due to money and contracts.

But that's what I believe.

I would believe the cut content theory if there wasnt Xbox360 stuff left over in the files. If they didnt removed that why would they remove the other stuff
Just got done reading. My goodness, that list.

I really hope No Man's Sky 2 is like what Assassin's Creed 2 was to Assassin's Creed. This game is just a huge disappointment, but I want it to do well as it has so much potential.
UI is one of the things that can change very drastically and only be finalized near the very end. Especially after usability/play tests. A lot of games in early production will turn off UI in reveals/trailers, because they know it can change drastically.

see: halo 5. what we got and what we could of had...great game but damnnnn i want that old ui


These things would probably still not make the game fun for the people who don't like it though. The honeymoon period would last longer because aesthetically it would be more impressive, but it wouldn't fix the gameplay loop.
Said from day one this was a con running on the coatails of fanboy extremism.

No mans sky is a masterclass in how to manipulate an captive audience. How the game was sold and presented is far more impressive than the game itself.

The decision to sell for $60 was a genius masterstroke.
There's also a poster claiming that animals eat other animals.

Unfortunately it's unfounded and relatively suspicious.
So if players say they *have* seen something, that's unfounded and relatively suspicious. But if they say they *haven't* seen that feature yet, you trust them. I hope you understand this makes your position incapable of disproof.
I think the game is the opposite of boring! 40+ hours in and still can't wait to get back home to play more!

I think it's awesome for what it is. I can somewhat understand some people getting annoyed at the lack of some features that were promised, but I still think it's important to recognise that it's a pretty solid game and a fantastic achievement considering the team size and the fact that this has never been done before. They set out to do something completely new, and for the most part pulled it off. That deserves serious respect.

I'm also finding it hilarious that a lot of features in this list have been updated with "Oh, actually this is in the game after all..." But kudos to the guy for keeping the original list there and correcting himself. Also makes me wonder if many of these features simply haven't been documented yet given the size of the game and the relatively small minority of players who discuss what they find online.


Didn't people notice a lot of this stuff wasn't in the game before it released? Videos were flying out of every orifice of the Internet weeks before release. Even the leaked copy/copies generated videos and discussion plenty of time before the game dropped.

At this point, knowledge was power. And if you bought the game expecting something different than what was shown so close to launch then you're to blame for spending your money on something you didn't have the facts about. Just because you *hoped* something was in the game that was talked about while the game was IN DEVELOPMENT, it doesn't mean it has to be in the final build.

Hello Games and Sony were so aggressive about pulling YouTube and Twitch streams before release , telling people that what they were playing wasn't indicative of the game with a day 1 patch, and holding review embargos until release.


Can't argue with that list. Thing is, even thought I know.....I still enjoy playing it, exploring, hoping that something will happen that no ones seen before...

I like the game.


If I'm paying $60 for a game, does it really matter if 15 people or 500 people worked on it?

No it doesn't, the game should be judged on its merits.
This it the thing I can't get past. So many people are quick to point out that this was an indie game built by a very small team yet they don't care in any way that the game is being sold at the standard AAA title price tag. As far as I'm concerned, I hold Hello Games to the same expectations as I do any other large name developer producing $60 games.

Can anyone think of other major releases that had this many things going against it at launch? I know that Alien Colonial Marines is one game that comes to mind for me because that was pretty obvious.
So if players say they *have* seen something, that's unfounded and relatively suspicious. But if they say they *haven't* seen that feature yet, you trust them. I hope you understand this makes your position incapable of disproof.

hes saying theres no screens or videos i think, this isnt the zapruder film


Do you think the game has sold more than 700K on Steam and got the biggest concurrent players peak of 2016 on PC because of... the power of PlayStation marketing ? :D

If Sony powered most of the mainstream/high-profile marketing, and those who mainly game on PC are still watching and following along because they know it'll also be available on their platform of choice, yes it could have an effect?


So if players say they *have* seen something, that's unfounded and relatively suspicious. But if they say they *haven't* seen that feature yet, you trust them. I hope you understand this makes your position incapable of disproof.

Not going to say that's right, but if the feature has a small chance of appearing such as the chance of players seeing each other, I doubt it's in the game / was a priority in the development cycle to warrant for it to be in the game.
Didn't people notice a lot of this stuff wasn't in the game before it released? Videos were flying out of every orifice of the Internet weeks before release. Even the leaked copy/copies generated videos and discussion plenty of time before the game dropped.

At this point, knowledge was power. And if you bought the game expecting something different than what was shown so close to launch then you're to blame for spending your money on something you didn't have the facts about. Just because you *hoped* something was in the game that was talked about while the game was IN DEVELOPMENT, it doesn't mean it has to be in the final build.

Also, I agree no one should be lying about this stuff. But I'm pretty confident that it's not the scenario here.

Yes it does. If the developer says "this will be in the game", chances are that it'll be in the final game. Otherwise, that's just straight up false advertisement. You can't go around before release, talk about how this and that will be in the game, and then SURPRISE! It's not because "lol we dind't get around to it"!

It's not even that people hoped some of that stuff was going to be on the list. It's that they were told flat out that it was, and it wasn't.


Said from day one this was a con running on the coatails of fanboy extremism.

No mans sky is a masterclass in how to manipulate an captive audience. How the game was sold and presented is far more impressive than the game itself.

The decision to sell for $60 was a genius masterstroke.
..Right. Back to the NMS thread for legitimate discussion on the game.


For the record I'm still having lots of fun with this. Still, seeing that monstrous list makes me sad for what could have been. However, some of that stuff may be still be possible to add through patches or perhaps dlc (ugh). Even though we didn't initially get what was promised, Who knows what this game will look like in 6 mo or a year.


There's also a poster claiming that animals eat other animals.

Unfortunately it's unfounded and relatively suspicious.

The Sand planet with a giant worm is specifically from a trailer clip IIRC.

What is relatively suspicious about it? Is it more suspicious than people claiming it absolutely doesn't exist just because they haven't see a stream or screenshot of it? It could just be incredibly rare.
That is not a good look for the game. I guess when they were running out of funds and had to rush the game out the door, they had to cut a lot of planned and advertised features to get it shippable.

Sounds almost as if they sold an early access game at full price
I have definitely seen quite a few things from this list (it's funny how fast misinformation spreads and hiveminds latch on) but there is objectively a lot of promised stuff missing from the final game. Bummer.
I still like it (it's a great game to chill out with a beer with because I love the exploration) but it could have been so much more.


I still can't understand clearly how the hype and expectations became so high about the game. I always saw it as an Indie-ish interplanetary exploration game. But i've read that some people were expecting almost like an MMO out of it, wich i guess it isn't.

Good thing that someone took the time to gather what the game is or isn't, it might prevent some desapointed future buyers.


So if players say they *have* seen something, that's unfounded and relatively suspicious. But if they say they *haven't* seen that feature yet, you trust them. I hope you understand this makes your position incapable of disproof.

There have been many streams, videos, let's plays, images, communities and more that have no evidence of a sand planet existing.

This is even with the matter that there are only a small subset of planet modifiers/environments that are present in the game.

Unless there's actual proof otherwise, it's not in the game.

Another poster claimed that animals can be eaten and planets rotate, in which the contrary has been proven or there is no evidence.


I have definitely seen quite a few things from this list (it's funny how fast misinformation spreads and hiveminds latch on) but there is objectively a lot of promised stuff missing from the final game. Bummer.
I still like it (it's a great game to chill out with a beer with because I love the exploration) but it could have been so much more.
Named those things please it helps.


I still can't understand clearly how the hype and expectations became so high about the game. I always saw it as an Indie-ish interplanetary exploration game. But i've that some people were expecting almost like an MMO out of it, wich i guess it isn't.

Good thing that someone took the time to gather what the game is or isn't, it might prevent some desapointed future buyers.

That's because there was hardly any information on the game. And since Sean did nothing to alleviate the hype-train things got worst and worst until they were blown out of proportion.
Proof required. Yes, the patch notes said they "toned down" the effect...we already know they've been less than honest about a lot of other aspects of the game, maybe in Seanspeak "toned down" means "removed completely." There are numerous observations and quotes from players that currently planets do not rotate, nor do they revolve around the sun.

You could be right about this, I later edited my post to call that out saying I was proven wrong. Could have sworn I saw it in the patch streamers were playing, but like I said I could also be wrong. I haven't noticed it in my playtime, as I find the day and night time cycle very nice.

Not an example of something false/wrong. It's just saying "yes it's correct but you shouldn't care," and who are you to say what might disappoint any given person?

Never meant to imply this is false, and I also do wish there was more alien interaction and unique things you could see them doing. I went back and changed the language of the original post to be more explicit these are just my thoughts on the post rather than me explicitly pointing out what is true/false.

Proof needed. Animals don't eat animals. They just aggro on them like they would players, and leave the corpses where they sit. If you think you see it happen and can't find the other animal it's due to a glitch and not because it was "eaten." And animals simply clip through foliage.

Not really sure what you want, here. Carnivores attack their prey and kill them yeah they don't carry around their dead bodies in their mouths (which would be awesome), and they'll kind of nibble at their bodies with no apparent damage. I don't think the trailer showed anything more explicit than that anyways?

Yet again, something not in the game that you're just saying you don't want, nevermind others who might want it. Regardless of all else it's still a difference from the game as it had been shown previously.

I agree it isn't in the game, and it's kind of sad it got lost along the way maybe in a more elegant system than they have right now, but what they have in place is functional, and I've never had trouble finding a location by visual scanning either.

Overall a very poor rebuttal, attempting to present itself like an imposing list of corrections but half the items leave the Reddit post unchallenged and the rest are suspect.

I agree with some of the info in the reddit post, and didn't think they needed to be addressed one way or the other. Overall very poor post, I have some mixed feelings on the mechanics of the game. There are far more errors in the Reddit post than in mine, which admittedly incorrectly stated that planets rotate, which doesn't seem to be a thing.


I guess I'm glad I didn't really lose my mind over the ambiguity of the game's marketing and just asked 'what am I doing in this again?' whenever I heard anything about it.


You're telling me it's not obvious how much the delay angered both fans, and fueled detractors? Could you imagine the chaos if they had delayed it another year after the august delay? If the climate surrounding delays was more passive, I'm sure both dev and publishers would be willing to give the game the extra time it needed, budget willing.

Now we have the opposite situation, where they will hopefully work in their lofty goals on the base game that was released via patches and updates.

Okay, but your inference was still speculation, and you implied it was true. If you're going to blame fans for the current state of NMS, you need better evidence than whether your speculation seems reasonable to you.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Do you think the game has sold more than 700K on Steam and got the biggest concurrent players peak of 2016 on PC because of... the power of PlayStation marketing ? :D

No Man's Sky hype was at the top as soon as the game was revealed during the VGX 2013. The vision shown in that trailer was enough to capture everyone's dreams.

The poster asked how the guy was on chat shows, the Colbert report, etc. The answer is because they had Sony behind them.


Yeah this is just aggroing and attacking, not eating.
This is true. I've seen predators attack and kill herbivores, and herbivores run away from predators, but never eating. And, as I said, I've also seen predators swimming in a pack of their presumed prey and neither reacting.
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