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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Announced?? Irrelevant, sony has more to announce too. Titanfsall is not exclusive its on 360 and PC then lol. Non of those games are on xbox they are all exclusive they are not on PC either. PS4 has more games currently and more coming period.

Bound by Flame is releasing on PC & Xbox 360 too. Edit:FF14 is on PC as well as Daylight.

Yes I said "announced release dates" not game announcements. A month or two ago ID@Xbox said that several games were on their way to certification and GDC is this week so it makes sense there.

I never said anything about Sony not announcing games or Xbox having more games so I don't see why you're arguing with me there.
and why is that? Please do elaborate. If the console, software and accessories went to brutal tests and from the launch it proves it did. How is that a horrible marketing attempt?

They didn't say 'We've tested the xbone to destruction, so there will be no problems at launch' they said 'Technology so advanced, we couldn't test it in regular linear space time without waiting three years - so we sent into the future, tested it, then brought it back'

It's rubbish, it makes no sense.

And I never said half of the Xbone downloadable games aren't shit.

I've wrangled my way through this tortuous sentence and it seems that no, you didn't - and that's the problem.


funny, you can change ps4 for xbox and infamous for titanfall and it would be what a lot of people are thinking. Again people need to stop painting everyone with a huge brush. Your opinion is just that, an opinion, not necessarily the truth.

Exactly. It is my opinion. I was painting nothing with a broad brush. You got testy because I said something about PS4 you didn't agree with.

I think PS4 is a winner.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
PS4 retail games not available on Xbox One
Xbox One retail games not available on PS4
Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
PvZ Garden Warfare

I'd be more than a little afraid that they had to lean so heavily on timed exclusives, ex-360 games and only one 1st party game.


Same here but add Wii and Wii U to their respective gens.

I come out the winner.

only if you can also afford to buy all the games for all those systems. In that case good for you, otherwise youd be better off buying ps3 games instead of systems.


I do wonder how far Microsoft will go with trying to secure exclusives. It's new management in Redmond, but if the gap stays consistent to where it is today, will Microsoft pay to lock up third party games to try and turn the tide?

It's really hard to lock up third party games from a losing position. The opportunity cost is far too great for developers/publishers, and regardless of the myth "microsoft has unlimited money to spend on their gaming division" their gaming division really can't afford to lock up any high profile third party exclusive if the gap stays consistent or increases, the division is consistently receiving criticism from investors and stakeholders in MS.

The reason MS managed to lock in so many third party exclusives for this first year is because before the reveals, most developers/publishers expected MS to retain the North American sales lead with their console.


Except x1 only has better content now for you, for many it doesn't. MS cannot compete with sony in the long haul for great first party material period. Ps4 already has more variety then x1

You buy a console for 100 more because it has better content now but for the next 5 years will have less? ROFL.


I didn't say anything of the sort. I said I would not buy a PS4 until there are more games on the system. I think PS4 will ultimately have a ton of great content, just not now.

If you paid for X1, my point is, there is a decent variety of exclusive games to play now. And your comment about content over the next 5 years is just fanboy drivel. You have no idea what that situation will be.
PS4 retail games not available on Xbox One
Infamous Second Son this week

Xbox One retail games not available on PS4
Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
PvZ Garden Warfare

Lol, so you ignore all digital releases? You never said "Xbox One has more retail exclusives" You simply said "Xbox One has more games!" What about all the Digital PS4 exclusives? Flower, Dead Nation, Outlast, Contrast, War Thunder, DC Universe, Warframe, Contrast, just to name a few.

Moving the goalposts?
360 -> PS4 here and I'm never looking back. Honestly I feel like what MS tried to do with their always online and restricted console was a breach in trust and I'm still waiting for an apology.


I moved from Xbox 360 to a PS4 (I bought a vita too). I've never played a PS3 game. I would have bought the Xbox one at $499 if it had the same specs as a PS4. The lower specs really sealed the deal for me. I've enjoyed my PS4 so far, PS+ is awesome.

I didn't say anything of the sort. I said I would not buy a PS4 until there are more games on the system. I think PS4 will ultimately have a ton of great content, just not now.

If you paid for X1, my point is, there is a decent variety of exclusive games to play now. And your comment about content over the next 5 years is just fanboy drivel. You have no idea what that situation will be.

But I do, look at sony's studios, then look at MS, timed third party deals is the only way MS has much of any exclusive content. Look at ps3 and 360, that will give you an idea. That's not drivel, sony has the studios.
Wow, how can anyone be so serious about a box made of plastic? Why the need to justify my purchase that I made with my own money to others? Blows my mind.

The PS4 is a better console overrall but that doesn't mean the Xbox One is a pos of a console. Just go with the games you care about and carry on.


I'd be more than a little afraid that they had to lean so heavily on timed exclusives, ex-360 games and only one 1st party game.

They do have just as many upcoming first party games announced as Sony does at this point, though. 3 for both.

Guys, please don't post lists. We really don't need crap like that here.

Things I'm going to do:

Post lists
Post in this thread
Lol, so you ignore all digital releases? You never said "Xbox One has more retail exclusives" You simply said "Xbox One has more games!" What about all the Digital PS4 exclusives? Flower, Dead Nation, Outlast, Contrast, War Thunder, DC Universe, Warframe, Contrast, just to name a few.

Moving the goalposts?

please see my other posts. Thanks.

REV 09

Lol, so you ignore all digital releases? You never said "Xbox One has more retail exclusives" You simply said "Xbox One has more games!" What about all the Digital PS4 exclusives? Flower, Dead Nation, Outlast, Contrast, War Thunder, DC Universe, Warframe, Contrast, just to name a few.

Moving the goalposts?
Speaking of indies, what happened to the hype? There was talk in every ps4 thread about the indie game revolution prelaunch, but most of that seems forgotten now.
People are deserting desktop computers and laptops for Apple. These are the people who used a desktop for email, facebook, PopCap games, and The Sims. We're not talking about the console audience.

Though I've seen it preached many times over the years, I have yet to see any evidence that Apple is "stealing" from the console market. It gets repeated over and over again, but I just don't see the numbers. Heck, I'd even go as far to say this: the decline in the handheld market can be just as easily attributed to macroeconomic conditions, smaller software libraries, the wrong type of games, or several other factors as it could be attributed to "lol iPhone gonna kill the DS"

What happened to the expanded audience from the Wii/DS? And where did the massive iOS/Android gaming audience come from?


XBOX One feels like it's made of quality parts. It feels like a an expensive piece of equipment. Sony cut a lot of corners with the cheap thin plastic used in the manufacturing of the PS4.TitanFall is the 1st FPS game in years that I can't wait to play as soon as i wake up or come home from work .

Nope, owned both & and neither one feels cheaper/more expensively made than the other. This is PURE HYPERBOLE!


Unconfirmed Member
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

I had issues with hardware on both the Xbox (power supply), and 360 (RRoD 5 times). I will not touch a Microsoft console for a long time.


Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

Oh you mean the same Insomniac that been creating Playstation exclusives way before this generation? Oh okaaaaay!

And child please, you're forgetting about Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch.
What the fuck is a "real gamer?" Thus far, I'm having more fun with Killer Instinct on the Xbone than anything on the PS4, short of my time with RESOGUN. Both have their problems and both have unlimited potential going forward. Knock it out with this "real gamer" bullshit.

A "real gamer" IMHO is someone who can appreciate the variety of different type of games, visually and in terms of game design, encompassing the history of video games. Someone who understands the kind of mentality necessary for the industry to prosper, and doesn't deride a game or it's player for looking like a "kid's toy" while simultaneously thinking any game with blood and sex is "mature content".

Why would I knock someone who enjoys fighting games? I love fighters, so why get so pissed off? My comment was more at the crowd who only play stuff like Madden, COD, or GTA and continuously downplay anything that isn't a AAA FPS/Uncharted and doesn't aim to look just like real life.

Also, kind of humorous you took me as bashing XBO, because that's a kinda defensive response. I've got no particular brand loyalty and rag on all 3 when it's warranted, but it's been a common theme lately for mainly XBO owners to throw the "no ghamez" excuse around regards PS4, using AAA "epic" games as their qualifier.

No, fuck that shit.


Speaking of indies, what happened to the hype? There was talk in every ps4 thread about the indie game revolution prelaunch, but most of that seems forgotten now.

on the (eu) PS blog new ones get announced/confirmed/whatever almost every other day.


While I never owned a 360, I just felt like Microsoft just didn't care about the core gamer by the time I got my PS3 in 2011.

Microsoft had a focus on media (well before the whole X1 Media Box-thing that was said at the X1 unviel), larger focus on Kinect software and the "safe" franchises (Halo, Gears, Foza, Fable) for its first party line up, (a personal thing) them butchering the talented developers at Rare (so many great concepts canned :(...), and having online multiplayer cost money when it was free on the other consoles at the time (yes, you have to pay for PS+ for Mulitplayer on PS4, but you get so much out of the service with the Instant Game Collection and Steam-level sales).

I just feel that for people looking to get next gen system at this point, the PS4 looks to be the great long term investment; cheaper price point, garented library of many solid 1st party exclusives, the better running/looking multiplatform games, great services like PS+ and the coming PS Now, cross-buy with many PS3/Vita indie games and more. With the X1, it is a good short term investment, as even though it costs more money, you do get some more first party games and "exclusives" (Titanfall and Garden Warfare are also on PC) while you have I believe a more stable online service (even if you pay for online, at least the online has solid support; why else did many gamers pay for Live on 360 if it didn't offer great connections?).

Either way, both look to be great systems with different features and games, but from the long term standpoint, I personally think that the PS4 is going to be the better of the two systems, thus explaining why so many gamers are "jumping ship" so to speak to from Microsoft to Sony.


I am having kind of the opposite reaction.

I bought a PS4 at launch after all the X1 controversy and price difference. I wanted to play warframe, killzone and wasn't worried about the slow period after launch because Destiny was supposed to launch in the spring. But it was delayed.

I bought the X1 Titanfall bundle last week. I have to say that the X1 controller is much more comfortable than the DS4. Love it. Titanfall is great, Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is surprisingly, amaziningly addictive. Still not a fan of kinect and the tv pass thru doesn't work great. But there is still something I like more about the X1. Can't put my finger on it.


As a former owner of an Xbox One, I'd like to think people are making the right decision. Better games (for the moment,) aside, the system is far overpriced and underwhelming after spending a month of solid time with.

It will suck to miss out on a few exclusives but I can't see myself ever buying another with the Ps4 available. As soon as something decent releases, I'm all over one.
Lol, so you ignore all digital releases? You never said "Xbox One has more retail exclusives" You simply said "Xbox One has more games!" What about all the Digital PS4 exclusives? Flower, Dead Nation, Outlast, Contrast, War Thunder, DC Universe, Warframe, Contrast, just to name a few.

He didn't bother listing them because he thinks they're all shitlol

Speaking of indies, what happened to the hype? There was talk in every ps4 thread about the indie game revolution prelaunch, but most of that seems forgotten now.

Evil Sony returned after spending all the goodwill they made from false promises, and they sacked all those rubbish indie developers.



I didn't say anything of the sort. I said I would not buy a PS4 until there are more games on the system. I think PS4 will ultimately have a ton of great content, just not now.

If you paid for X1, my point is, there is a decent variety of exclusive games to play now. And your comment about content over the next 5 years is just fanboy drivel. You have no idea what that situation will be.

Well it's pretty clear that sony will release a ton of first party games because they have a ton of first party Devs...they are developing games, alternatively there is a possibility the third party xb1 exclusives dry up leaving only ms 1st party exclusives. The strategy ms used for the x360 regarding third party exclusives has put a sense of doubt in a lot of people's minds for the coming generation.


I am having kind of the opposite reaction.

I bought a PS4 at launch after all the X1 controversy and price difference. I wanted to play warframe, killzone and wasn't worried about the slow period after launch because Destiny was supposed to launch in the spring. But it was delayed.

I bought the X1 Titanfall bundle last week. I have to say that the X1 controller is much more comfortable than the DS4. Love it. Titanfall is great, Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is surprisingly, amaziningly addictive. Still not a fan of kinect and the tv pass thru doesn't work great. But there is still something I like more about the X1. Can't put my finger on it.

I think its is that you prefer the line up of games on the X1 and the feel of the controller over the games/controller of the PS4. While Garden Warfare and Titanfall are on PC, they are games that look to be a blast to play with buddies online from the comfort of your chair :). Enjoy your system man :).


Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.

I could afford to go buy an X1 right now if I wanted to. I dont. Kinect is nothing I want and having to buy it bundled is retarded. Also, LIVE, to me, is not worth jack crap. I'm not a big online player so having to pay 50 a year to use netflix, etc is not going to happen in my household and psplus is worth the cost with all the games I can download and play. Factor in multiplats looking better on PS4 and all the well received Sony exclusives that there is simply no way I'm dropping 500 plus tax for a system that pay walls everything, has lesser quality multiplats and maybe 2 exclusives i am interested in that havn't even been given a release date yet. (Alan Wake and Halo 5)
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

Best bet this gen is to get a PS4 now and a xbox/WiiU at the end of generation on the super cheap and the single player exclusives at fire sale prices.

One console future is here.


Respectfully, that's probably something you should have specified in your original post. Instead, you seemed to assume it's all due to fanboyism. Even here on NeoGaf, where members are pretty much all invested gamers, you see loads of people noting that they just can't afford it. If money isn't an issue, I'm with you (I own just about everything), but that just isn't feasible for a lot of people. It's an expensive hobby.

Pretty much this. ^

I bought a 360 for Halo 3. Loved that game to death. Spent 3 years of my life on it. Then switched to a PS3. And never look back at Microsoft.

The only reason I picked up PS4 is because JRPG usually are on Playstation, and because Halo 4 failed to impressed me. So unless Halo 5 will, or some other Xbox exclusive. I won't be picking up an Xbone. Plus money is tighttttt.
Can we change the Thread title to:

Breaking News: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4?

Release that killer app MS and watch them come marching back like moths to a lightbulb
Titanfall is not a killer app


This devolution of this topic has made it one of the most horrible, yet most entertaining threads in a long time. It's a shame it's getting locked soon.
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