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Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed [WE DO IT!]


Nice to hear the official confirmation, though no surprises here. In any case, glad we're moving towards having all the main RE games modernized and easily available on current systems. Never had the chance to play the classics back in the day and I really enjoyed REmake, so looking forward to it!


I can almost bet it's made to be like the new games, they haven't made a classic style RE game since Mikami left and I just don't see them going the classic path, and if they do it might not turn out so well or faithful
We do it, people!

i'm so hyped.

My biggest fear is that they will turn it into an action movie or drop the ball on what made resident evil so scary and awesome, but if they stick to how they improved resident evil 1 in that remaster it should be fine!


Yes!!! I'm so glad they didn't leave us hanging for long after the pitch announcement.

I'm hoping for the classic style, I personally assume it will be, this seems like a direct response to the huge success of REmake HD.


This will be interesting.

RE2 style: people will complain about tank controls and it being a short game.

RE4 style: people will complain that it's not a survival horror game and doesn't feel the same.

of course there are other ways people would complain, so I feel sorry for Capcom. As for me, I'm thinking of it as a reimagination of Resident Evil 2 rather than a remake, I know it won't be as nearly as good as REmake but it will be an enjoyable experience.


I can almost bet it's made to be like the new games, they haven't made a classic style RE game since Mikami left and I just don't see them going the classic path, and if they do it might not turn out so well or faithful

They specifically said they would do more like REmake HD since the game sold past their expectations.

They're even bringing RE Zero, which is pretty much the same thing.

It's going to be traditional RE with some modern control options. I dont know why people think otherwise. That's not what people have been begging for since REmake first launched.


now lets just hope, the listen to all those facebooks comments, of which by far the most wanted a remake in the same style as the REmake of part 1.
classic camera, movement and gamedesign.


Daniel Gasparini Make the Resident Evil 2 Remake in the same vein as REmake ( the original). What that means is... Keep classic camera angles ( maybe even do pre-rendered backgrounds if not 3d will do)....NO over the top action, don't change the cutscenes for more action oriented, NO round house kick type ideas.

Keep it classic. Additions should be added but in the vein of classic resident evil. Defense weapons in REmake is a good example of that. Added story and files, added bosses....Keep the two character scenario system. Keep the gore of the original ( legs shot off, zombies blown in half...)

Fans have been craving one of the best Resident Evil's to be remade in a long time. Please consider doing it.
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Gefällt mir · Antworten · 1.711 · 30. Juli um 03:52
Classic RE gameplay or bust, besides that...


I'll be happy if it's like REmake.

I'll be really sad if it isn't.

Seriously, anyone wanting it to be similar to RE4-style control, please don't. Let me have this one. Let me have this one in the classic style that I loved and enjoyed and will hopefully fall in love with again. Please let me have this.
I'm expecting REmake style. Including analog controls like the HD Remaster of REmake.

People complaining about RE4 Vs regular RE style should realize that it's just a camera change. I could see them put in a RE4-style Camera since it's still tank controls. Make it an option, RE4 Camera or Original Camera.
this is the question of all questions

are we getting REmake2 or are we getting a resident evil 2 remake that is "modern"
aka re4/5 style

they could do REmake quality backgrounds in real time, now, most likely. and still just lock the camera in fixed angles
then maybe have an unlockable mode after you beat it that gives you free look, to check out the environments from different angles

..i'm already setting myself up for disappointment

I think we need a option to switch between classic camera view and Modern camera view. That way everyone wins. Capcom already did this in Resident Evil 5 DLC



Announcing games just at the start of the development cycle? Seems these guys haven't learned anything from the S-E folk.

Oh wait, S-E announces games even before that.
RE2 style: people will complain about tank controls and it being a short game.

The REmake port already removed tank controls for the plebs and the original RE2 already has tons of replay value, plus getting at least one real ending is probably a 10 hour game anyway.


RE2 is very action-focused, so I wouldn't be upset with sick RE6-style mechanics. I don't expect that, though, and am kind of worried that IF we get a third person shooter we'll get the weaker mechanics in Rev2. I'd much prefer the classic-style game we'll probably be getting to that.
The whole unveiling process from Facebook post -> pitch -> no detail announcement has been pretty bizarre to see for a game. Usually it's movies that get that kind of transparent treatment.
My body is almost ready..
Optional Tank controls please!

I'll be really sad if it isn't.

Seriously, anyone wanting it to be similar to RE4-style control, please don't. Let me have this one. Let me have this one in the classic style that I loved and enjoyed and will hopefully fall in love with again. Please let me have this.

This guy gets it
RE2 Ada in HD x remake D: :3
Leon the gods first game B^)

i'd say you keep it like RE2, the controls x style, dont make it like RE4, maybe include an option if its possible


I think we need a option to switch between classic camera view and Modern camera view. That way everyone wins. Capcom already did this in Resident Evil 5 DLC


i dont think that works. they can't decide the gameplay around the fixed angles then
i dont want some wishy washy trying to please everyone game design
that's how we will end up with something mediocre
either go full on classic re, or don't bother

which is why i think having that mode being unlockable after you beat the game once is the best way to handle it
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