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Rise of the Tomb Raider - 15 min 'Siberian Wilderness' [1080p] Gameplay Demo

this is clearly the intro to the game in some capacity. tr13 started off similarly then opened up to much more gameplay. this is likely doing something similar.

i'm excited that the devs previously said there will be a bigger emphasis on exploration, puzzles, and tombs than the last. i do wish they showed something indicative of that change but oh well.

Actually it's not the intro to the game. There's another location before this. The Desert area which we see in the trailers. It looks like the majority of the game takes place in Siberia but the beginning is Syria.


Actually it's not the intro to the game. There's another location before this. The Desert area which we see in the trailers. It looks like the majority of the game takes place in Siberia but the beginning is Syria.

Well, it might be the intro part to that area, in which case it wouldn't be so much of a worry.

However, why show an intro part if you want to show off a part of your game that will excited people? This is what's making me concerned that this trailer is indicative of how the the entire game will play.


That looked really generic.

I feel like watching an old gen game again.

I think it's the first year where E3 was all about new systems and technologies, stuff like Horizon, U4 took it to the next level.

This is just the exact same old shit but polished to a great extent. Which doesn't make it bad, but I can't say I'm impressed.
Gamingbolt legit site?

Targeting 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second for the Xbox One version


Its the Definitive Edition Engine, should be no issue to hit this. DE was already 1080p during gameplay and only 900p during some cutscenes.

See above. Let people be excited. Talk about what you want to talk about. There's enough room for everyone.

Stop defending this behaviour.

Im not going into a PS4 thread and say "i will wait for the PC version".

Its annoying and has nothing to do with excitement.


That open ended combat demo a while ago certainly makes it seem as though they're attempting to, and that looked more open and sanboxy than anything TR has done so far if that's your jam.

I disagree. I'd say it's at the level of the village in TRR


I disagree. I'd say it's at the level of the village in TRR

The village definitely isn't as open as the UC4 combat demo. I played through the village a few days ago, it has open areas you can move around in cure, but nowhere near the same amount of flanking options or actual paths that interlink.


Stop defending this behaviour.

Im not going into a PS4 thread and say "i will wait for the PC version".

Its annoying and has nothing to do with excitement.

You do realise that what you're getting so worked up about is incredibly petty, right?

Ignore them.


benevolent sexism
Have any of the devs on this game seen actual human hair? Believe it or not, hair actually has weight, and that's especially true when it's damp, which it would be in this scene.


Enemy walks by: "Someone was here recently, the fire is still warm".

Camp fire is still completely lit behind him.

So, really improving on the dialogue from the last game, huh?


The village definitely isn't as open as the UC4 combat demo. I played through the village a few days ago, it has open areas you can move around in cure, but nowhere near the same amount of flanking options or actual paths that interlink.

You do realise that what you're getting so worked up about is incredibly petty, right?

Are we talking about the same shanty village?
Like Tomb Raider, I'll probably get this when it's cheap. My thoughts based on the gameplay though:

- Lara is still a bland character, and the constant mutters are a poor attempt at hiding the hand-holding
-The upgrade system still looks pointless, and only adds the illusion of depth without offering it.
- While the map design is still open-level, the gameplay looks linear without any type of sandbox elements.
- Enemy A.I is still simplistic, there's no urge to think outside the box unless you want to show off (when they took out the 3 guards)
- Still relying on constantly injuring Lara to artificially raise the stakes
- Cinematic moments are scripted and unimaginative.

I'm sure the first playthrough will be enjoyable, but if it's anything like TR it'll be a forgettable game.

Excellent post, this seems like more from TR 2013 which can be a good thing for some but for me its incredibly dull. Will probably also buy when very cheap for some cheap entertainment.


For what it's worth (apparently not much around here) this is so much better than the demo they played at the MS presser.


Have any of the devs on this game seen actual human hair? Believe it or not, hair actually has weight, and that's especially true when it's damp, which it would be in this scene.

The hair in TR2013 looked possessed at times.

Are we talking about the same shanty village?

There is only one.

And yes, watch the UC4 demo again then compare it to the village, the village doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of traversal options.


The village definitely isn't as open as the UC4 combat demo. I played through the village a few days ago, it has open areas you an move around in but nowhere near the same amount of flanking options or actual paths that interllink.

It might be a little bit better but definitely not by much. I agree that it's a step in the right direction though. They'll still have to fix the bulletsponge enemies because otherwise that won't mean much.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's more ok when it's the character just quipping and not explaining how to do everything.
It seems that she only says that seems "handholdy" is about the healing aspect. Which makes sense since it's a tutorial. Other stuff seems to be related to the story.
I always disliked the shooting in the Uncharted games and you don't really have a lot of options when it comes to the encounters. In addition to that enemies take way too many bullets, bullet sponges are the worst.

I will never, ever get the bullet sponge complaints. Headshots, power weapons, grenades.

I also disagree about options, UC gives you plenty. Settings like the Tibetan village in 2 and the ship graveyard in 3 are wonderful sandboxes in which you can flank, run, climb, jump, roll, dive, swim and shoot and you can see in the PSX demo that ND is building upon that foundation. AI in UC PSX demo looks much better as well.

I get what CD wants to do, but to me they're just nowhere near as talented as ND.


Mostly just looks like a bunch of interactive cinema/qtes and cutscenes. So pretty much same as before. At least I saw a snippet of swimming. Don't think I can hope for much acrobatics though. :(

Looks great, can't wait.

edit: making for Laura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=97&v=csN5dYLWco4


Tomb Raider and Horizon both feature crazy people who talk to themselves really loudly.

The female character in Horizon sounded great. Lara in this (as voice by Camilla Luddington) sounds bad.

I so hope we get Keeley Hawes back for more Tomb Raider games than just the smaller ones like Temple of Osiris. Much more pleasant voice.


There is only one.

And yes, watch the UC4 demo again then compare it to the village, the village doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of traversal options.

What are you on about? you can literally climb and cross every single roof top in the shanty village, and there's at least 9 different roads. Without getting into the industrial part of the village.


It might be a little bit better but definitely not by much. I agree that it's a step in the right direction though. They'll still have to fix the bulletsponge enemies because otherwise that won't mean much.

Disagree, I think what they showed was a pretty vast improvement on both game's combat.

in the UC4 demo it appears like almost every surface is scalable, and every enemy can be approached form almost any angle. That certainly wasn't the case in the village.

The verticality was there in the village, but it wasn't support like it is in the UC4 demo with as many options to exploit it, for example.

It seems that she only says that seems "handholdy" is about the healing aspect. Which makes sense since it's a tutorial. Other stuff seems to be related to the story.

That's fair, is this the only footage we have of this?

Maybe it's the fact that some don't like her VA and the writing is pretty poor, too.

What are you on about? you can literally climb and cross every single roof top in the shanty village, and there's at least 9 different roads. Without getting into the industrial part of the village.

See above. It's open, but it doesn't contain as many actual surfaces that are scalable or actual ways to exploit how open it is. UC4 combat demo had a lot of interlinking verticality and it appears that you could cut your own path, climb everything, the village has nowhere near that amount of interactivity.

Of course, we don't know if UC4 will make use of this often enough.
Mostly just looks like a bunch of interactive cinema/qtes and cutscenes and Camilla Luddington talking too much. So pretty much same as before. :(

How I so hope we get Keeley Hawes back for more than just smaller titles again too. Much more pleasant voice.

My god Keeley Hawes was the best Lara. With Keeley it actually sounded like Lara should sound but with Camilla ... she tries to hard to get her accent back and mispronounces words. It's just really annoying. I wish they got Keeley Hawes back or got Felicity Jones, they're both amazing.


I will never, ever get the bullet sponge complaints. Headshots, power weapons, grenades.

I also disagree about options, UC gives you plenty. Settings like the Tibetan village in 2 and the ship graveyard in 3 are wonderful sandboxes in which you can flank, run, climb, jump, roll, dive, swim and shoot and you can see in the PSX demo that ND is building upon that foundation. AI in UC PSX demo looks much better as well.

I get what CD wants to do, but to me they're just nowhere near as talented as ND.

Agree to disagree then. It's exactly the other way around for me. I thought that ship graveyard section was incredibly annoying and tedious.


My god Keeley Hawes was the best Lara. With Keeley it actually sounded like Lara should sound but with Camilla ... she tries to hard to get her accent back and mispronounces words. It's just really annoying. I wish they got Keeley Hawes back or got Felicity Jones, they're both amazing.

Yeah, Crystal did good there with Keeley. They made the best Lara ever.

Now they've given us the worst Lara ever. :(
Stop defending this behaviour.

Im not going into a PS4 thread and say "i will wait for the PC version".

Its annoying and has nothing to do with excitement.

I see plenty of people say that in Street Fighter V topics. This isn't something exclusive to Tomb Raider. Not sure why th s bothers you so much. Even for completely multiplatform games I see people say they can't wait to play on PC or something of that nature. People have agendas...so what?


See above. It's open, but it doesn't contain as many actual surfaces that are scalable or actual ways to exploit how open it is. UC4 combat demo had a lot of interlinking verticality and it appears that you could cut your own path, climb everything, the village has nowhere near that amount of interactivity.

Of course, we don't know if UC4 will make use of this often enough.

I was nowhere near close to convinced of that. Near everything that was scaled had very clear markers that you could grab on to it(in the form of the crevices. Notice how drake never climbed any foliage covered walls?) Which I in no way consider any more interlinked or open than the shanty town.


I was nowhere near close to convinced of that. Near everything that was scaled had very clear markers that you could grab on to it(in the form of the crevices) Which I in no way consider any more interlinked or open than the shanty town.

Again, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d9bVYAtAwY

Now show me gameplay for the shanty town that even comes close to this level of sanbox approach.

It doesn't matter if the scalable parts we clearly marked, what matters is the amount of them and how well they're placed. And this shows they're covering almost every surface.

Shanty town had nowhere near the amount of traversal options here.


This gameplay demo did nothing for me, too linear, really basic AI, and lame bear fight. Climbing the trees was cool and the graphics are great.


This gameplay demo did nothing for me, too linear, really basic AI, and lame bear fight. Climbing the trees was cool and the graphics are great.

It looks the opening 20 mins of the game. Just before all this is the ice-climbing stuff and then you crash into this area. It looks like a simple tutorial to get you use to controls, crafting etc.


That looked really generic.

I feel like watching an old gen game again.

I think it's the first year where E3 was all about new systems and technologies, stuff like Horizon, U4 took it to the next level.

This is just the exact same old shit but polished to a great extent. Which doesn't make it bad, but I can't say I'm impressed.

I don't want to go off topic, but, this simply isn't true. Horizon revealed an action segment in which the player shoots a large enemy type with a bow, aiming at weak spots on its armor until it's brought down whilst dodging its attacks, i.e. exact same mechanism as most action games in the so-called 'old gen'.

Is it fun? Yes, hence why devs keep on using the same gameplay mechanisms.

Rise of the Tomb Raider isn't much different in terms of design philosophy (hell, the bear encounter involved the same "attack/dodge" as Horizon), i.e. it relies upon tried & tested gameplay which people enjoy.

I say Tomb Raider looks great, my only severe disappointment is the fact it isn't coming to the PS4 this year. But that's another topic altogether. The demo looked good, definitely on the same level as the 2013 reboot which also featured great action - I just hope the story is better this time.





Gold Member
Well it's a sequel to TR2013 so that makes sense.

i don't know: i'm pretty sure cd implied that we'd be moving on from a whining/whimpering novice lara to a more hardened adventurer lara (ie, the one who said, at the end of the game, 'i'm not going home')... which we obviously haven't...

Dr. Kaos

This gameplay section does not look much better than previous game [and much less visually appealing than U4], but I'm sure the game will be good.

I will play it eventually when it arrives on PC.

U4 is on another level. TR is hobbled by being cross-platform.
(and having inferior hardware to run on, but that's not as important).

I loved the first and I believe Crystal Dynamics will deliver something amazing. I'll play it on PC, most likely.

Edit: apparently, X1 version comes out first, so that's what I'll play. I have no patience.


Really enjoyed the previous game and looking forward to this one, but Lara's acrobatics are still disappointingly stiff and unnatural. Her movements on the ground are nicely varied and weighty, but her swings and grabs just don't feel right to me at all.


Again, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d9bVYAtAwY

Now show me gameplay for the shanty town that even comes close to this level of sanbox approach.

It doesn't matter if the scalable parts we clearly marked, what matters is the amount of them and how well they're placed. And this shows they're covering almost every surface.

Shanty town had nowhere near the amount of traversal options here.

That's a demo meant to make the game look amazing. In all honesty, I believe Shanty Town could have been played similarly in theory. In practice however, your best bet was to find a nice spot and kill enemies as they came to you. It remains to be seen if that's the best way to play UC4.


No one did before though. Was anyone ever complaining about Drake's dialogue in UC2 or 3, or about Lara in TR2013? It seems to have become a thing only lately.

Every time a talkative character appears you have plenty of detractors. It's nothing new.

That's a demo meant to make the game look amazing. In all honesty, I believe Shanty Town could have been played similarly in theory. In practice however, your best bet was to find a nice spot and kill enemies as they came to you. It remains to be seen if that's the best way to play UC4.

Shanty town can't because it doesn't support this level of traversal. You can do similar things but on a much smaller scale.

Of course, there's always the most efficient way, but to many a sandbox just looks like a box with sand in it, others see castles.

You get out what you put in.


i don't know: i'm pretty sure cd implied that we'd be moving on from a whining/whimpering novice lara to a more hardened adventurer lara (ie, the one who said, at the end of the game, 'i'm not going home')... which we obviously haven't...

I think this is why I'm ultimately disappointed with what we've seen so far; it looks like TR 1.5. A lot of the same type of set pieces too etc.

I really don't think I'll be buying it anywhere near launch.


Looks decent to me, nothing special but it is equal to the first game. Won't get it at launch as not a major fan of the first game, I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point though.
I don't want to go off topic, but, this simply isn't true. Horizon revealed an action segment in which the player shoots a large enemy type with a bow, aiming at weak spots on its armor until it's brought down whilst dodging its attacks, i.e. exact same mechanism as most action games in the so-called 'old gen'.

Is it fun? Yes, hence why devs keep on using the same gameplay mechanisms.

Rise of the Tomb Raider isn't much different in terms of design philosophy (hell, the bear encounter involved the same "attack/dodge" as Horizon), i.e. it relies upon tried & tested gameplay which people enjoy.

I say Tomb Raider looks great, my only severe disappointment is the fact it isn't coming to the PS4 this year. But that's another topic altogether. The demo looked good, definitely on the same level as the 2013 reboot which also featured great action - I just hope the story is better this time.

What other games do you take an enemy's weapons and use it against them(it had numerous weapons you could do that with) and what game has that rope arrow mechanic for trapping?

Comparing the fight in Horizon to that bear fight is a joke.
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