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Satya Nadella talks about the future of Xbox and multiplatform: "We are very happy with what's going on in gaming"


Gold Member

Select games?

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Tim Stuart, the CFO, who was sitting beside Satya in this interview, has already name-dropped the two consoles in a previous interview:

"It's a bit of a change of strategy. Not announcing anything broadly here, but our mission is to bring our first-party experiences and our subscription services to every screen that can play games," Stuart said. "That means smart TVs, that means mobile devices, that means what we would have thought of as competitors in the past like PlayStation and Nintendo."
Also the big KEYWORD tho. Our subscription service. So I wouldn’t believe anything till that can bring gamepass in. That not happening on PlayStation

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Its what I was getting at as their plan for years, select games, like I say MP versions of select games was their first intent
If that's all that this amounts to it will be pretty hilarious. I think most people realize the advantage of select multiplayer games being multiplatform, like Marathon and Destiny 2. I guess we continue waiting to see.


Gold Member
If that's all that this amounts to it will be pretty hilarious. I think most people realize the advantage of select multiplayer games being multiplatform, like Marathon and Destiny 2. I guess we continue waiting to see.
It would be just the start before the flood gates open

Thing is I don't think it will have as big of an impact as they hope it would


Moderated wildly
I really dont see how anyone could see this as anything but a good thing?

Microsoft releasing games on Playstation doesn't mean the death of their hardware business. I think it's a jump for people to put those two together.


I can imagine that there are still a lot of hurdles for both MS and Sony to allow Xbox 1st party on Playstation.

These things could have a major impact for both companies.

Do you know what else has a major impact for both companies?

Buying huge third-party publishers. Of course for previous Xbox Studios games (non Bethesda/ABK/Mojang IP) there might be an emotional hurdle.
😂 why do people always willingly take things Microsoft saids out of context all the time to port beg? Are we going to act like they didn’t sign a 10 year contract to bring call of duty to switch and PlayStation? Is warzone not on PlayStation or ESO online or Minecraft or fallout 76? I mean they will continue to ship games on other platforms as they have. Does that mean halo fable and all the other games that keeps their one enticing service gamepass day and date will now be on PlayStation? 😂 get a grip guys !
some of yall cheering for them to go third party dont realize how bad its going to be to have 1 platform. im not counting nintendo.
Consumers need the 2 choices, otherwise enjoy the anti consumer changes were going to get to PS
Who spent 70 billion dollars to compete again?.

If there is some consolation about this is that MS knows that putting their games on other consoles will damage the brand even more....on the other hand....they spent 70B and now they need to make that money back. but how?.... they are fucked in that regard.
😂 why do people always willingly take things Microsoft saids out of context all the time to port beg? Are we going to act like they didn’t sign a 10 year contract to bring call of duty to switch and PlayStation? Is warzone not on PlayStation or ESO online or Minecraft or fallout 76? I mean they will continue to ship games on other platforms as they have. Does that mean halo fable and all the other games that keeps their one enticing service gamepass day and date will now be on PlayStation? 😂 get a grip guys !


I miss arrogant microsoft
My man, they couldn’t be more arrogant if they tried right now. Internal talks about spending Sony out of business, 80 Bs in acquisitions to bolster exclusives soon after, proof they intended exclusives with Starfield, and now telling us going 3rd
party always the plan. Arrogant as F in my opinion.

Also, anyone claiming they have always been doing select multi platform games because of Minecraft or COD are in denial. Come on now fellas.


Gold Member
i miss clever xbox, arrogant MS sucked, just buying all studios for consolidation sucks.

i miss them forcing Sonys hand for cross-play, forcing Sony and Nintendo to improve their Online offerings.

Without XBL and XBGG we wouldn't have PS+ or Nintendo Switch Online. Without gamepass (and EA play to be fair) we wouldn't have PS + Premium or Ubisoft +.

That's the Microsoft/Xbox that i miss, the ones who innovated and forced their competitors to get with the times.
Paid online fucking sucks ass. I remember when Nintendo and Sony offered it for FREE. Not only that, the servers they touted that was in exchange for your money now makes those old online games DEAD. Peer to peer is leagues better in preservation.

King Dazzar

My man, they couldn’t be more arrogant if they tried right now. Internal talks about spending Sony out of business, 80 Bs in acquisitions to bolster exclusives soon after, proof they intended exclusives with Starfield, and now telling us going 3rd
party always the plan. Arrogant as F in my opinion.

Also, anyone claiming they have always been doing select multi platform games because of Minecraft or COD are in denial. Come on now fellas.
Lets not forget the anti UK stuff from Brad too when things weren't going his way.
Except Sony and Nintendo won’t put gamepass on their platforms Sony has already said no because they know if they do that Xbox branding will be all over their platforms. Which will allow Microsoft to get revenue from people buy game pass on PlayStation and making purchases for dlc and content of Microsoft games only in game pass. If Sony does that great I still don’t see it.


The answer is pretty clear imo.
The Activision acquisition is signaled by Nadella as the turning point compared to what they have done so far that will allow their long time goal of being a major publisher releasing their games on all platforms.If he was talking just about a few selected titles there would be nothing new compared to the past that they can only do *now* (post Activision acquisition), the answer would have not much sense.

The reason behind that is clear, you can't invest 80 billions on publishers that used to work also financially by being fully multiplatform just to try to drive sales of an almost dead console brand or only to push a subscription service that has already saturated and is unlikely to get the subscribers they need to offset the costs of putting all their games day one there.

More games they add, more difficult and complicated is to sustain the situation. Adding COD on Gamepass this year will create a revenues hole even with the game still available on Playstation.

Also not focusing on console platforms anymore has been their desire, their decision to kill console exclusives is the main culprit behind Xbox Series doing worse than Xbox One...and this is all on them, not even the competition.

So this is a logic conclusion, not a sudden development.

Of course there will be graduality, they will never say they're abandoning hardware, they'll never issue a PR stating they're going third party. We won't see games where they already paid for the exclusivity (ex. Indiana Jones) becoming multiplatform day one.

But we'll see more and more games going fully multiplatform. Multiplayer games and old catalogue games will be the beginning.
Those words are nothing more than the representation of reality right now, there is nothing that implies a change in the future (whatever happens in that future).
You are reducing "all platform" to Playstation consoles (where they are now) when there he is referring to all types of current and new platforms.
That is, The "new" with ABK Is that they are now on platforms where they did not reach before....
Of course, there is nothing in those statements that imply the "full 3rd party" or end of the exclusives in their own ecosystem that some are announcing.
In any case it would coincide with the well-known (but denied by many, supposedly because it was a lie by Phil) of the "case by case".

Then, again, I think you don't remember that Xbox is already the main publisher on PS5 consoles. Those words identify with that. It is not the situation where COD, Quake, Minecraft, Overwatch, Fallout, Psyconauts, etc, etc, etc do not exist on PS5 and no more games will be released on Playstation or Switch in the future. It is believing that MS is not going to launch exclusive some more in their ecosystem and pretend to believe that MS spent 80B just to become an EA or Take Two.

It is simply applying logic, and logic tells you that you are not going to create an ecosystem where you do not have exclusives while your competition can create another where they do exist and there are also your games.

Then, if the reason for buying Studios and Bethesda+ABK was to become a full 3rd party and stop making exclusives.... Then explain to me the reason for jeopardizing that strategy by denying in court the obligation to release ABK and Bethesda games on other consoles beyond COD for 10 years. Or all the statements during those sessions in the court in front of FTC and CMA doing difference about MP vs SP games when they were defending exclusivities.
Or how to think that Sarah Bond's reward is to make her head of XBOX hardware when she is business is going to be liquidated or made residual at a product of ~ 20 million maximum.

It's funny how some here have done a 180° turn from what they defended in that famous ABK acquisition thread to now🤔:

-MS lies to the judge about "case by case".

-"The acquisition must be prohibited because the reason for buying ABK is to put an end to PS consoles."

-"MS can afford to lose money to gain market share"

-"MS wants to confuse the judge and regulators by launching games on PS5 and then making them exclusive to the next Xbox console in the next generation"

It is clear that neither before nor now did some speak from lucidity and logic but rather based on the narrative that best suited their desires.
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Gold Member
Except Sony and Nintendo won’t put gamepass on their platforms Sony has already said no because they know if they do that Xbox branding will be all over their platforms. Which will allow Microsoft to get revenue from people buy game pass on PlayStation and making purchases for dlc and content of Microsoft games only in game pass. If Sony does that great I still don’t see it.

Game Pass isn't a requirement for Microsoft to put their games on other platforms.


Xbox is competition is not an answer as to why killing exclusives would push more people to xbox
As long as Xbox is selling consoles, it would be dumb for Playstation to just casually allow MS to start selling (all) their 1st party titles on their platform, since there is a chance it might persuade people to switch platform.

How is this even a question?


Gold Member
😂 why do people always willingly take things Microsoft saids out of context all the time to port beg? Are we going to act like they didn’t sign a 10 year contract to bring call of duty to switch and PlayStation? Is warzone not on PlayStation or ESO online or Minecraft or fallout 76? I mean they will continue to ship games on other platforms as they have. Does that mean halo fable and all the other games that keeps their one enticing service gamepass day and date will now be on PlayStation? 😂 get a grip guys !
This sounds more like a case of folks denying reality. They may not be dropping hardware, but if you really believe there’s no fire where that smoke is coming from, you aren’t paying attention.

Hint: silence can be deafening.


As long as Xbox is selling consoles, it would be dumb for Playstation to just casually allow MS to start selling (all) their 1st party titles on their platform, since there is a chance it might persuade people to switch platform.

How is this even a question?

If Microsoft is publishing their games on PlayStation and Xbox, why would PlayStation owners buy an Xbox when they can just save $500 and play the games on PlayStation?
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