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Sony on the future direction of PS3 and NGP, Watch Impress editor speculates on PS4


GAF's Bob Woodward
Flying_Phoenix said:
Then why didn't they put a video out on the PSP2?

IIRC the original article doesn't say anything about 'expecting handhelds to displace consoles'. Nor did I read it as saying that development was 'suspended' - I thought Goto simply said that all had gone quiet on PS4 info since Sony and IBM went back to the drawing board on the CPU, post-Larrabee. Which itself suggests that development wasn't suspended, but simply reset, at most.

There's an awful lot of embellishment and extrapolation in the OP. It's not simply a relay of the original article's info, which we already had threads on.


BroHuffman said:
I still highly doubt that Sony is not currently working on a PS4.

And would the PS3.5 be like a super slim? Just advertise it as that.
Dude thats the best idea I've heard yet. MS could do the same. They could even go with a slightly more powerful GPU. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu - this gen extended by three years :).


thuway said:
Dude thats the best idea I've heard yet. MS could do the same. They could even go with a slightly more powerful GPU. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu - this gen extended by three years :).

PS3 slim and PS2 slim are so fugly. Do not want smaller PS3. :/
Reallink said:
Realistically, Nintendo are going to launch a Wii 2 by the end of 2012. A custom designed $300 box of modern components (even from Nintendo) will blow current gen out of the water--even "current-gen-point-five" (which reeks of 32X/Sega CD and would likely fail pretty spectacularly). If people felt the need (or want) to buy new hardware, they would buy a bonafide next-gen console (Wii 2) not a modified PS3. This rumor made the N4G rounds 2-3+ weeks ago by the way (the shelved PS4 bit and supposed focus on NGP).

If I'm EA or Activision and someone comes out with a legitimate next gen system, why would I make exclusive games for it when I can just include it into my current ps3/360/pc setup?

Nintendo is not going to kill MS and Sony with Call of Duty and GTA, and absolutely no one will care if their next system renders the same games in slightly better fidelity than ps3 and 360 (but still markedly inferior to a modern PC).
gofreak said:
IIRC the original article doesn't say anything about 'expecting handhelds to displace consoles'. Nor did I read it as saying that development was 'suspended' - I thought Goto simply said that all had gone quiet on PS4 info since Sony and IBM went back to the drawing board on the CPU, post-Larrabee. Which itself suggests that development wasn't suspended, but simply reset, at most.

There's an awful lot of embellishment and extrapolation in the OP. It's not simply a relay of the original article's info, which we already had threads on.

Makes much more sense.


aka andydumi
jonnybryce said:
If I could have hd video out then I would actually prefer this to be honest.

Its doable via the USB connection.

Some year old cellphones can already output video via their USB port.
See here:
It does both fullscreen video playback as well as full OS display mirroring.

And some new phones are even skipping out on a separate HDMI output.

That said, while it would create some fragmentation, I wonder if Sony could create a PS3+ with say 1GB of RAM and a somewhat newer GPU but in the same vein as the previous. That way devs can still work on the old spec, but the improved abilities can help with apps or other side stuff rather than be necessary for better games. Particualrly once the apps market thing comes.

It could also update the HDMI chip, add an IR port, rear USB, a media manager, a full Chrome/browser working, maybe the Google OS and other small things people have asked for.

We had a PS2+ that added progressive video output and IR, why not PS3+?


Fuck it.. Here we go.

Under the section:
●当面はプランがないPlayStation 4(PS4) '

The very first part of the paragraph simply poses the question - with the announcement and the release of the NGP, should we be suspecting the successor of the PS3 any time soon? It then goes on to quote Kaz who basically reiterates the 10 year console plan, that the PS3 remains attractive to developers, and that Sony would like to continue this support by continuing to push new features out for the PS3. Further, they would like to use the PS3 and NGP as a sort of partnership for potential releases (ie, basically seeing the NGP as a way to further extend the PS3s life like the PSP did for the PS2 - this is me reading a bit into this, but that's what I'm getting out of this comment).

The second paragraph in this 'header' deals with the same stuff we've heard before, rising development costs, finding ways to support the industry, and how the market may not quite be ready for a next generation of consoles quite yet, because of the current market situations.

The next section is dealing with how Sony may be reworking some of the rumored technology coming with the PS4. It actually pretty much shows that Sony is still planning the PS4 and development hasn't been suspended or halted. Nothing here that we haven't seen before.

If someone wants to correct my gist of a translation, go right ahead. Like I said before, I'm a little rusty.


Game Analyst said:
Hiroshige Goto says SCEI suspended PS4 development. They were working on a PowerPC based system at IBM Rochester after the Larrabee fall out, then shelved it.
They are betting the farm on PSP2 as they expect handhelds to displace consoles.
ahahahahahhaha, Sony you so crazy.

I find this hard to believe. Sony might as well leave the game business then.


The Super Slim idea is perfect. Sony and MS know the tech leaps offered by current GPUs aren't anything to go wild over. In the few years though, there are some mind blowing breakthroughs brewing. CPUs running past 6ghz and GPUs that are 3-4X performance wise. hopefully by than people like Carmack can get good ideas up and running with Ray Tracing and what not.

The next gen will probably be the last major tech upgrade. So why not make sure its worth it?
I'm totally disinterested in handhelds so if they stop making consoles (yeah, it's not going to happen within the next gen...) then they aren't selling me anything any more. Just saying.


DennisK4 said:
ahahahahahhaha, Sony you so crazy.

I find this hard to believe. Sony might as well leave the game business then.

I find it hard to believe too. However, I don't doubt Sony will work their asses off to make NGP worthwhile.


So if they're talking about adding new features to the PS3, can we please get some motherfucking cross game chat? Seriously tired of their bullshit game on this.
thuway said:
The next gen will probably be the last major tech upgrade. So why not make sure its worth it?

What makes you think that? It's like saying 10 years ago that automobiles already did everything we needed them to do so fuck it, let's just keep selling the 2000 models forever.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I doubt PS4 is shelved, merely not on the horizon so it would be difficult for Sony to be looking at specs etc. until they have a timeframe for it's release.

They will use NGP to try and strengthen the PS3 and encourage shared development between the 2, extending the system's life in a way that Move looks unlikely to.

Microsoft obviously have Kinect to do the same, if they can keep up the momentum.

I doubt next-gen consoles are a priority for either yet, and certainly not for the industry in general. Nintendo will obviously equalise the power-gulf at the very least, sooner rather than later. I didn't think an announcement was likely this year, but I think it may be on the cards now.
thuway said:
The Super Slim idea is perfect. Sony and MS know the tech leaps offered by current GPUs aren't anything to go wild over. In the few years though, there are some mind blowing breakthroughs brewing. CPUs running past 6ghz and GPUs that are 3-4X performance wise. hopefully by than people like Carmack can get good ideas up and running with Ray Tracing and what not.

The next gen will probably be the last major tech upgrade. So why not make sure its worth it?

Because Wii has proven no one actually cares about shaders and ray tracing. Price and games are the king.


Gravijah said:
Just re-purpose all the old phatties that didn't sell. They're beautiful.

If they do want to put out a new model because of new tech, why not...


It has an actual PS2 and PS3 in the same machine. Held together with duct tape


H_Prestige said:
If I'm EA or Activision and someone comes out with a legitimate next gen system, why would I make exclusive games for it when I can just include it into my current ps3/360/pc setup?

Nintendo is not going to kill MS and Sony with Call of Duty and GTA, and absolutely no one will care if their next system renders the same games in slightly better fidelity than ps3 and 360 (but still markedly inferior to a modern PC).

Do huh now? I was merely presenting possibilities for why PS3.5 would be a foolish and useless endeavor destined for failure (reasons which you effectively corroborated). Said nothing about publishers going Nintendo exclusive or Wii 2 killing off PS360 and their Call of GTA's. Just emphasizing that few would opt for a PS3.5 when they could pick up a legitimate next gen console (Wii 2) with several times more horsepower that (would likely) play the same games in even higher fidelity.
angelfly said:
Never heard of 4K but after googling it I'm sure theres no hope for retail games at that resolution considering developers are still struggling with 720p. Would be nice for PSN. Glad to see they're not rushing towards the next generation.

I doubt games will do 4K anytime soon. Its not really necessary unless you're playing on a 70"+ screen. 4K is more for movie purists who want to get every ounce of detail from the original film negatives of a movie-- and even so, it will really only be a perceivable difference on a projector. I honestly think that once you get to resolutions of 1080p though, that upscaling to 4K can probably do just as good of a job.

That being said, remember that the last generational for games leap was from 640x448 interlaced w/no AA (PS2) to 720p w/2xAA.

Thats basically 143360 pixels per frame to 921600 pixels per frame + AA processing (which is intangible with modern AA algorithms, but gives the quality of up to 1843200 pixels being rendered). Thats a huge leap, and thats why games are just hitting 30FPS now. Plus the scope of games went from mainly linear action games to much more open-world style games now.

I do think the next generation will be able to do 1080p easily though. My PC is easily able to do 1920x1200 with 4xAA now with a GPU that is almost a year old and a CPU that is almost 2 years old. And all signs are pointing towards 2012 for new hardware at the earliest, so thats plenty of time for the hardware to get even better and be able to do not just 1080p but 1080p @ 120 Hz (3D) and also have the ability to do more visual effects and better graphical detail in open world games.
Even though this is bad news for next-gen, is anyone else really excited to read anything at all about PS4 and the next Xbox? Even if it's a rumor I can't get enough of it. The start of a new gen is always the most exciting... slowly but surely you get these unconfirmed rumors about the design, then start getting a few leaked tidbits about the CPU or GPU or what have you... and it just keeps snowballing into this epic anticipation with lots of speculation and interesting stuff to read.

I'm a PC gamer now but I still can't wait to see what PS4 and the next Xbox have in store for us. Gotta love technology...


infinityBCRT said:
I do think the next generation will be able to do 1080p easily though. My PC is easily able to do 1920x1200 with 4xAA now with a GPU that is almost a year old and a CPU that is almost 2 years old. And all signs are pointing towards 2012 for new hardware at the earliest, so thats plenty of time for the hardware to get even better and be able to do not just 1080p but 1080p @ 120 Hz (3D) and also have the ability to do more visual effects and better graphical detail in open world games.

Heavy said:
Even though this is bad news for next-gen, is anyone else really excited to read anything at all about PS4 and the next Xbox? Even if it's a rumor I can't get enough of it. The start of a new gen is always the most exciting... slowly but surely you get these unconfirmed rumors about the design, then start getting a few leaked tidbits about the CPU or GPU or what have you... and it just keeps snowballing into this epic anticipation with lots of speculation and interesting stuff to read.

I'm a PC gamer now but I still can't wait to see what PS4 and the next Xbox have in store for us. Gotta love technology...
The main thing that makes me excited is that they'll be able to truly fill worlds with detailed art since they won't have to be making huge leaps in rendering technologies for the next generation. If everyone is smart, next gen systems should use similar APIs and whatever next-gen version of Unreal Engine will be out should be similar so that studios will have familiarity with the tools already.

A portable next-gen system that could play games similar in quality to consoles is also something that is intriguing, but I think that the NGP is in a slightly weird place right now. While it looks like it could run most PS3 games with some optimization done, once the PS4 comes out, the NGP will probably start to feel dated, much like the PSP was after the release of the PS3. I think going the year AFTER the release of the next-gen console would have been a smarter move, and MS has a great opportunity since it hasn't entered the handheld market yet but already has experience in making Xbox Live work on portable devices. An Xbox Portable which could play XBLA games would be amazing.


The PS2 was greatly outdated against the PC in the same time period in it's life.
With the slow down of hardware progress and the current consoles connected online and receiving constant updates it's not the same ballgame anymore. Only natural that gens will be stretched further and further.
thuway said:
I read something recently where a processor breakthrough promised 9.0ghz processors in the next few years :-O.

That sounds awesome. A google search isn't turning up anything though :(

Any chance you can post the link?

Do you remember if it was Intel or ARM or one of the major players making this claim. If so, I would be very inclined to believe it.
I would much rather get a real next gen console, but I could see this happening.

ScrabbleBanshee said:
They are definitely not going to release PS3 games that won't play on launch day PS3s.

Obviously not. But what if the launch day PS3s played the game at 540p (exactly one fourth the resolution of 1080p) at 24 fps while the PS3.5 plays those same games at 1080p locked at 60 fps using high resolution textures.

Similar to how you can mod just about any PC game to use higher resolution textures, and run at higher fps, there's no reason consoles couldn't do the same thing. It's not like there isn't enough space on a blu ray disk to store two different textures.

The average gamer isn't going to notice or care that the games run at 24 fps at 540p. However, the tech obsessed gamers that are obsessed with 60fps get what they want.


Reallink said:
Realistically, Nintendo are going to launch a Wii 2 by the end of 2012. A custom designed $300 box of modern components (even from Nintendo) will blow current gen out of the water--even "current-gen-point-five" (which reeks of 32X/Sega CD and would likely fail pretty spectacularly). If people felt the need (or desire) to buy new hardware, they would buy a bonafide next-gen console (Wii 2) not a modified PS3. This rumor made the N4G rounds 2-3+ weeks ago by the way (the shelved PS4 bit and supposed focus on NGP).

You mean similar to how the 250 dollar Wii completely blew the original Xbox out of the water 5 years after it's release?


Incredibly Naive
While handhelds are rising, and may some day be where consoles end up, consoles are still huge, and will be for the era of DD. They're not just gaming consoles, but entertainment hubs, basically an all in one. There's no way they should get away from that. I understand some people are ok with the current gen graphics, but why settle? Games done this generation could not have been done on previous consoles not just from a graphics standpoint, but a gameplay/storytelling standpoint., and I'm sure the future consoles will push that even further.


Excitement: that Sony has scrapped plans for PS4--we don't need new consoles

Disappointment: that Sony thinks handhelds will eventually replace consoles


Zoe said:
I can see Playstation Suite support only going to a "3.5" revision.
PlayStation Suite probably requires a touch screen interface so handheld only most likely.
mclaren777 said:
Excitement: that Sony has scrapped plans for PS4--we don't need new consoles

Disappointment: that Sony thinks handhelds will eventually replace consoles
it's not true, they didn't halt/scrap anything.

ffffuuu the misinformation one thread can bring.
BMF said:
Nintendo joining the PS360 capability band most of the way through the generation has some very interesting effects. They end up with a machine that's by it's very nature more powerful than the PS360. They automatically get a port of nearly every major 3rd party game that's released starting with that holiday season. They technically start the next generation a couple of years before their competitors, and coming at that new generation from their current standing gives third parties a very strong reason to support them early on.

Epic is the only one that has me scratching my head. It seems like there's bad blood there, but that may wash when Nintendo has an easy platform for them to target.

Very interesting effects. Many could be argued, I'm sure.

This sounds good in the short term but I don't think is the best route to take long term.

If Nintendo releases a console, they shouldn't be aiming to slightly top the PS3 and 360, they should use cheap but nevertheless cutting edge hardware (the AMD Bulldozer for example) that absolutely trounces the PS3 and 360.

Otherwise, once MS and Sony release their console successors, it will look Nintendo look positively ancient again compared to them, and compare to current gen PCs, and they're going to have the same problems attaining sales from multiplatfrom titles or attracting third party developers to make games for their systems. Without a gimmick like motion controls to give them an early push, they need third party developers and hard core gamers to succeed.


yes, that talented of a member
i'm pretty sure they wouldn't just pull all their resources doing r&d for ps4. it might not be close, but it doesn't make sense that they would HALT. people don't just burn bridges for anything that would be an asset for the future.

as for this ps3.5 business---i hope not. sony has had a hell of a time raising out of the gutter of consumer scorn, and they're not even close to being out of the woods. don't shoot the other foot.


-Pyromaniac- said:
it's not true, they didn't halt/scrap anything.

ffffuuu the misinformation one thread can bring.
So this is not true?

"Both companies [Sony & Microsoft] make no signs of generational change now that the strategy focused on current machines."


SwiftSketcher said:

What ever this 4k shit is, nobody in hell is going to upgrade to that after this expensive HD transition. They're lucky that so many people moved to HD in the first place.

Edit: And look, there's an 8k resolution too. It never ends!
To think we stuck with the 480i NTSC standard for over 50 years. Now they keep shoving new HD standards in our face every few years.
As unlikely as it sounded a few years ago, I could see Sony waiting out the PS4 until they're ready to launch yet another media format with it.

The PS1 launched CDs, the PS2 launched DVDs and the PS3 launched Blu Ray.

I had trouble picturing a scenario where Blu Ray would be insufficient but some of the storage requirements for 4K content is just absurd.

Toshiba is about to unveil a consumer ready 4K tv the also displays 3D without glasses, akin to the 3DS.

4K content will need 1TB Holographic Disks. And why do I think Sony is going to sit on the PS3 until they are ready to unleash that format upon the masses and get it a victory with the PS4.

The thing is, I just can not picture 4K ever going mainstream. I don't think broadcasters can broadcast that much data over the airwaves. Streaming super high res content over the internet seems to be a nonstarter. So I guess that's one thing the disk format can offer that netflix, hulu and cable won't be able to match.

Don't be surprised if 4 years from now, you'll be playing PS4 games on these disks, and displaying them on a 4K Glassless 3D HDTV...



Game Analyst said:
Hiroshige Goto says SCEI suspended PS4 development. They were working on a PowerPC based system at IBM Rochester after the Larrabee fall out, then shelved it. They are betting the farm on PSP2 as they expect handhelds to displace consoles.

This is the most idiotic thing I've ever read. If by some foul fortune it becomes true, it's when I become a PC-only gamer, and hope Sony falls and goes 3rd party.
Death Dealer said:
+1 I'm ready for next gen. Although it sounds like it's still probably 2-3 years away.

Can I ask why, specifically? Both the 360 and PS3 still have lots of potential regarding features and quality titles. Why the rush?
What the Wii proved was that casual gamers and nongamers don't care about graphics. They care about easy to play casual games like Mario Kart and easy to understand gimmicks with broad appeal like motion controls and glassless 3D. This has no bearing on what core gamers actually care about.

The Wii also proved appealing only to casual gamers is a great way to diminish software sales and drive away third party developers.


Can someone update the OP with the numerous debunkings of the Google translation? A lot of people aren't reading the thread and seem to think that Sony is exiting the console business.
disappeared said:
Can I ask why, specifically? Both the 360 and PS3 still have lots of potential regarding features and quality titles. Why the rush?

PC hardware is now significantly better and the consoles are pretty much maxed out in terms of performance. I don't want next gen right away, but in the next 2 years would be nice.
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