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Sony on the future direction of PS3 and NGP, Watch Impress editor speculates on PS4

Here are my hopes for the PS4...

Stephen Colbert said:
I feel like this upcoming console generation may well be the console generation, or if not, atleast the last generation of consoles that we see until past 2020 (when I'll be too old to game).

So I want them to go all out on the technology front. The current gen is going to last close to a decade. This coming gen has to be built to last yet another decade.


This is why I expect and hope that the PS4 will feature...

The GPU better kick massive amounts of ass while also being easy to program. Something like the NVIDIA Maxwell (The combined CPU+GPU that Nvidia is developing with ARM for 2013 that Nvidia claims will be 10X more powerful than their current high end GPUs) should do nicely.

1TB HVD playback (shouldn't be expensive since HVD players are just modified blu ray players). The PS1 launched CDs, the PS2 launched DVDs, the PS3 launched Blu Rays, it only seems appropriate that the PS4 launch HVDs.

Output up to 4K resolutions (games will still be in 1080p, but the PS4 should playback 4K (film resolution) movies off HVD disks). The ppi of a 42 inch 1080p tv is only 62 (the iPhone 4's ppi is 331). The world will be demanding higher ppi screens soon enough. A 4k 42 inch tv (ppi of ~140) should suffice for the next decade.

USB 3.0 (since so many devices use USB)

Thunderbolt ports (since the technology is so cool and has so much potential)

And don't skimp on the RAM either. I'm hopeful that next gen consoles would pack a bare minimum of either 4GB of normal XDR2 RAM, or 2GB of XDR2 RAM that is upgraded with the technology from the Terabyte Bandwidth Initiative (ideal) or if not, then atleast 4-6GB of GDDR5 RAM (still lightyears ahead of DDR, though not quite as good as XDR2 RAM), a large amount of bandwidth on the memory bus, and a smart api that can split computations between the GPU and CPU.

Likewise, pairing it with a small SSD that houses the actual system OS, and can be used to cache game assets would dramatically reduce boot times and even cut down on power consumption. Considering the $229 iPod Touch houses a 32gb SSD, getting something like that in the PS4 in 2012 shouldn't be too difficult. SSDs are tiny. So running the OS, saving games and streaming game assets off of that, while having a bay that can be used for a regular hard drive to store movies and music would be ideal. It would also mean that you don't lose all your game saves everytime you upgrade your hard drive.

The earliest that Sony can deliver such a device at a price point of $399 for the cheap sku and $499 for the premium sku, that should be when the next gen starts.

Nintendo on the other hand I think can and will deliver on Virtual Reality in the upcoming gen. They already did 3D and they already did motion control, it's time to go that next step, and deliver on what they promised way back in the 90s with the Virtua Boy. What better way to gain more recruits from the blue ocean. Go to any Gameworks and you can experience VR in all it's glory. You step into a booth, put on a headset and it feels like you're on a rollercoaster. And these headsets aren't even 3D. Nintendo's version will be. The technology already exists. Just no one else was willing to take that leap and bring it out of the arcades and into the home yet.

Nintendo has been sinking billions upon billions into R&D for the past several years on something. They clearly wanted to make this happen since the Virtua Boy. And knowing Nintendo, once they get an idea into their head, they'll keep coming back to it and trying it until they can make it happen.

As far as MS goes, I really couldn't care less what they do. They ruined Rare, closed Ensemble, lost Bungie, and really don't have ANY first party studios or first party franchies left that I care about. If Microsoft rushes out a console in 2012, before people feel like they're really ready to upgrade, MS will only get a very short term advantage.

They'll be kicking themselves when Sony shows off a PS4 the subsequent e3 that is based on Maxwell and is almost a generation beyond what Microsoft has to offer.

Deny it all you want, but five years from now, many of you will own 4K tvs and will be chomping at the bit to buy the PS4, the first system to support 1TB Holographic Disks.


It will be the only realistic means for consumers to get their hands on 4K resolution content as well. Most people won't have the bandwidth required to stream or download 4K content over the internet. This the most effective means Sony has to discourage piracy and win back consumers they lost to netflix and hulu streaming.

jeff_rigby said:
The reasons for using 4K in movie production are many and some apply to the consumer market. For a source platform, I.E. Blu-ray player to have a 4K standard and able to output video at any resolution up to 4K is the best of all worlds. Film has a resolution somewhere between 2K and 4K. The current TV standards we use compress color depth while 4K does not. This does create a visible difference even on smaller screens.

News I've read have Japan and China with broadcast 4K by 2015. Wikipedia is predicting 4K blu-ray players in 2012. 4K is currently required in polarized 1080P 3-D and the 3-D glassless head tracking 3-D TVs (would have something similar to Kinect in them).

The PS1 made CDs mainstream, the PS2 made DVDs mainstream, and the PS3 made Blu Ray mainstream and also sold metric tons of HDTVs, Sony using the PS4 as the means to push 4K HDTVs and HVD disks is almost a given at this point.
jeff_rigby said:
Look at the current limitation of the blu-ray player in the PS3:

Slow, too slow at 2X for 4K and too small for a full 4K res movie. What would Holographic storage give us; a much FASTER drive with more storage. I take it you wouldn't object to faster load times for games. That would come with 4K support for media.


a 120MB/sec transfer rate = as fast as a hard disk

500 Gigabyte size

readable on a slightly modified blu-ray drive

We should bear in mind that GE is suggesting that consumer drives using its technology wouldn't appear until 2014 or 2015, though, suggesting that (read/write) drive cost will be a problem in the early years.

Reading is via a single blu-ray laser and a cheap slightly modified blu-ray player can read the new disks but it takes 2 lasers to write so R/W drives will be expensive.

We can view something less than 4K and greater than the current 1080P on screens of 50 inch or so. We don't have to have a 4K display but depending on the size of the screen some resolution less than 4k should be viewable. I.E. 4K is the upper end and as such should be the standard for the Source.

Something similar happens with blu-ray; it's a 1080P source because some not all TVs can benefit from the extra resolution.

The objections about 4K are not thought out. The same applies to rendering games. Some games on the PS3 can render at 1080P and as such limiting the resolution output from the PS3 because some can't does not make sense. A game on a 4K PS4 does not have to render at 4K, most will render at 2K or some slightly higher resolution that might match what will be supported on most next generation TVs.

I'll close with; why is there a HDMI 1.4 4K standard if it's not going to be used? During the 10 year life of a PS4, 4K will become a standard, all new TVs will accept video from a 4K source and display at the resolution supported by the TV. In some cases that might be 1080P.

The market is still a few years off from accepting 4K. But it will be ready. The iPhone 4 has a 326ppi. That brand new 1920x1080 resolution 42 inch HDTV you just bought has a 52ppi. Consumers will be demanding higher resolutions soon enough.

Until the market is ready, Sony will squeeze as much life as they can out of the PS3. And the best option for them might be to release an intermediate system that plays PS3 games at higher fps and at a higher resolution, using higher resolution textures stored on the same blu ray disk as the normal game textures.

If I were a betting man, I would bet that those sticking with their current PS3s will be playing Uncharted 4 at 720p at 24fps, and the average consumer will be perfectly happy with this. Those updating to the PS3.5 will be playing that exact same disk at 1080p at 60fps.

To sum up...

The upcoming gen has to last well past 2020. 4K projectors and 4K hdtvs are already going into consumer production this year, they'll be fairly common in a few years. They offer a ppi of 140 where as current 1080p tvs have a ppi of around 60. The iPhone 4 by comparison has a ppi of 331.

More importantly, 4K is the resolution that is used in film. It's what Avatar and other blockbusters are filmed in. They could be transferred directly, without loss of color accuracy, onto HVD disks, to play on 4K tvs and 4K projectors. Hell, they could even be used by movie theaters rather than the massive film they currently use.

HVD isn't really that big an investment for sony. It uses a modified Blu Ray drive and the same laser. Offering up HVD playback would help Sony sell 4K tvs, and license out the tech to others.

Digital distribution of 4K resolutions is not feasible and will not be feasible over the next decade. In fact Sony pushing 4K is their best hope of staving off digital distribution from getting too popular. The videophiles and enthusists will prefer to view a movie in the original 4K resolution of it's theatrical release over viewing netflix at 720p.

I still want games to run at 1080p next gen. They can continue to be released on blu rays. But there's no reason why the PS4 can't also playback 4K movies on HVDs.

In fact, if anything, it helps the PS4. The PS3 having blu ray plackback inevitably led to a lot of techophiles and early adopters picking it up. It also led to Best Buy and others pushing it and bundling it with 1080p tvs.

HVD/4K playback will push early adopters to pick up the PS4 again, and will lead to Best Buy bundling them with 4K tvs.


disappeared said:
Can I ask why, specifically? Both the 360 and PS3 still have lots of potential regarding features and quality titles. Why the rush?
Not to hijack the thread but if you game on PC, you'll realize why.


disappeared said:
Can I ask why, specifically? Both the 360 and PS3 still have lots of potential regarding features and quality titles. Why the rush?

Probably time for a "new coat of paint" (more power as PCs have walked away pretty far now), and the possibility of the hardware makers to correct their flaws from the current machines.
DarkUSS said:
Not to hijack the thread but if you game on PC, you'll realize why.

It doesn't really matter as many publishers don't want to go into another gen right now. Many are still recovering from how much of a hit they took this gen. I think Sony, Nintendo and MS all realize that. It's just not in the best interest of the industry to start a new generation right now.
mclaren777 said:
So this is not true?

"Both companies [Sony & Microsoft] make no signs of generational change now that the strategy focused on current machines."
Well that sentence isn't saying anything because it's pointing out the obvious. But the line about Sony stopping work on PS4 to focus on the NGP is total bullshit. It's a bad translation.


yes, that talented of a member
SolidSnakex said:
It doesn't really matter as many publishers don't want to go into another gen right now. Many are still recovering from how much of a hit they took this gen. I think Sony, Nintendo and MS all realize that. It's just not in the best interest of the industry to start a new generation right now.

Add to that that Sony arguably has to recover the most of the three, I don't think they are going to rush a half-step system where every example of a half-step has proved to bomb historically.
disappeared said:
Can I ask why, specifically? Both the 360 and PS3 still have lots of potential regarding features and quality titles. Why the rush?

I don't think they have much potential left. The two systems are getting close to tapped out.

Carmack said Rage will look similar on all platforms, but that Doom 4 PC will have a render path upgrade compared to the consoles, that is if the next gen consoles haven't launched at the time it comes out.

512mb ram and dx9 era graphics chips are not impressive anymore. They'll be really long in the tooth 2-3 years from now. And it's hardly rushing. 2011 will be PS3's fifth year on the market, and X360's 6th. If they both release successors in 2013, that will have been a great run, really. And like someone said, a $300 box launched as early as next year could crush what today's consoles are capable of doing. Waiting until 2014, 2015, or 2016 is too damn long.

Even if the first wave of next gen games are terribly unoptimized, they'll be far more impressive than today's AAA games. I'm looking forward to GTA5 but at the same time I'm kind of disappointed to think it won't be a HUGE leap forward in tech. Same goes for Skyrim.


DarkUSS said:
Not to hijack the thread but if you game on PC, you'll realize why.

Indeed. Which is why I don't get the concern for development costs. If games already look so much better on PC (in terms of textures and resolution and effects), why would developing on a PS4 or 720 (or whatever they call it) be so more expensive?

At best one of those would probably equal a top end PC of today (and that is probably too much credit).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Sony really needs to learn some moderation. PS3's design was far too expensive and impractical at it's release, and now they're going so low budget they're like "eh, fuck consoles. We got waggles and handhelds.". Doesn't really do it for me; part of the reason why I'm focusing on PC gaming now.

DiscoJer said:
Indeed. Which is why I don't get the concern for development costs. If games already look so much better on PC (in terms of textures and resolution and effects), why would developing on a PS4 or 720 (or whatever they call it) be so more expensive?

At best one of those would probably equal a top end PC of today (and that is probably too much credit).

It shouldn't be. It's still DirectX, just a newer version. Just running the multiplatform games on PC looks way better due to higher resolutions, free effects, higher framerates. Some gaming companies can't seem to control their budget, like Rockstar with Red Dead Redemption. Look at Witcher 2's production values. I'm betting it was way lower budget, yet better results due to better technology.


JaxJag said:
You mean similar to how the 250 dollar Wii completely blew the original Xbox out of the water 5 years after it's release?

You mean similar to how the $199 Gamecube completely blew the original N64, PS1, and Saturn out of the water 5 year after their release?


teh_pwn said:
Sony really needs to learn some moderation. PS3's design was far too expensive and impractical at it's release, and now they're going so low budget they're like "eh, fuck consoles. We got waggles and handhelds.". Doesn't really do it for me; part of the reason why I'm focusing on PC gaming now.

It shouldn't be. It's still DirectX, just a newer version. Some gaming companies can't seem to control their budget, like Rockstar with Red Dead Redemption. Look at Witcher 2's production values. I'm betting it was way lower budget, yet better results due to better technology.

Would be awesome if the not introducing a next gen for some time would induce a new PC gaming golden age :)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
itsgreen said:
Would be awesome if the not introducing a next gen for some time would induce a new PC gaming golden age :)

Yep. And to those craving a next gen console environment, just go to the 2011 PC thread, and make a PC. Modern video cards include audio, and connect to a TV with HDMI. It's really not that different, other than some minor tweaks with updating windows/drivers. But the benefit is that you get more control. No pesky ads and rules. And you get mods.


SolidSnakex said:
It doesn't really matter as many publishers don't want to go into another gen right now. Many are still recovering from how much of a hit they took this gen. I think Sony, Nintendo and MS all realize that. It's just not in the best interest of the industry to start a new generation right now.
Though that's understandable; launching new consoles doesn't necessarily mean that the current ones are shelved right away, especially if the leap in technology isn't gonna be as big as it was going from PS2 to X360, I expect PS3 and X360 to be around long after the next-gen systems are out. And frankly, publishers are never going to tell "oh yeah we're ready for next-gen, bring it on!" and will always want the generation to last as long as possible to maximize their earnings.

Personally, I'd like for the platform-holders to hint on their next-gen systems (perhaps throw us some tech specs or something) at this year's E3, then fully unveil their consoles next year and launch them late 2012. That would be ideal, anything beyond 2012 I think is absurd.
teh_pwn said:
Sony really needs to learn some moderation. PS3's design was far too expensive and impractical at it's release,

which is why talk of 1TB holographic 4k res media seems like overkill. I really doubt it will become feasible within the time frame of when next gen will launch. I have serious doubts about the worthiness of upgrading beyond 1080p already. 1080p TVs are just now becoming the standard. It would be repeating the same mistake twice. Doesn't BD go up to 100gb ? That really should be enough for next gen games. Slap a X8 BD player in PS4, with an off the shelf CPU/GPU solution and SSD and you get an order of magnitude more 3d capability than this gen for a reasonable, break even, retail price.

Towards the end of 2013, a $300 box should come very close if not exceed today's bleeding edge PCs in graphics capability with an acceptable power/thermal envelope. And in a closed environment, what developers could accomplish with that, is more than a worthwhile leap in technology over today's consoles. Besides if rumors are true that Nintendo will be releasing an HD system in the near future, I think Sony and MS will be forced to respond


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Death Dealer said:
which is why talk of 1TB holographic 4k res media seems like overkill. I really doubt it will become feasible within the time frame of when next gen will launch. I have serious doubts about the worthiness of upgrading beyond 1080p already. 1080p TVs are just now becoming the standard.

Yeah, greater than 1080p would be ridiculous before 2020. Really contrast, viewing angle, motion handling, lack of image retention, color accuracy/saturation, etc are way more important than resolution at this point. Who cares if you have 4000p if black are bright gray or if the content is mostly sloppy DVD or old grainy film transfers. It's more likely people will get "HD eye vision" with new therapies to remove floaters, improve eye ball contrast, etc than people running out to buy 4000p TVs.


So wait, I haven't even bought an HD television yet and you're telling me by the time I do companies will already be planning to bring out new TV's with twice the resolution? And what about all the movies currently being brought out on Blu-ray? Will they be re-released again? And what about this 8K shit? Fuck you technology, fuck you to hell.


Ezduo said:
So wait, I haven't even bought an HD television yet and you're telling me by the time I do companies will already be planning to bring out new TV's with twice the resolution? And what about all the movies currently being brought out on Blu-ray? Will they be re-released again? And what about this 8K shit? Fuck you technology, fuck you to hell.
Although, 4K is as high as we'll probably ever bother with. It's essentially a perfect Super 35 negative transfer which is what people want.

And it's more than 4 times 1080p.


Drop the price of the PS3 to 249.99
Release slim PS3 with PS2 BC at 299.99 (call it s PS3.5 if you please)



PS3.5 makes too much sense to ignore.

Nintendo's profit-from-hardware strategy has worked so well (NTDOY +67% from Wii launch to now) whereas MS and Sony both stuck with peripheral and software markups to fund hardware losses. MS has already switched to Nintendo's strategy with Kinect, making money on each unit sold with or without software. Sony has to follow suit (sooner rather than later).

It's probably safe to assume NGP will be selling at a loss from launch... Sony was able to rely on PS2 residual profits to cover PS3 hardware losses. It makes sense to use PS3.5 profits to cover initial NGP losses, delaying Sony's next-gen foray until NGP has long been profitable and can safely fund new R&D.

NGP + PS4 doesn't make sense. The money isn't there; the shareholders wouldn't allow it.


Ezduo said:
So wait, I haven't even bought an HD television yet and you're telling me by the time I do companies will already be planning to bring out new TV's with twice the resolution? And what about all the movies currently being brought out on Blu-ray? Will they be re-released again? And what about this 8K shit? Fuck you technology, fuck you to hell.

Well actually 4k is 4 times the resolution ;)

But yes you have to chance to buy all the movies you already own in multiple formats in beautiful upscaled 4k ;)


itsgreen said:
But yes you have to chance to buy all the movies you already own in multiple formats in beautiful upscaled 4k ;)

Which nobody with anything less than a 70 inch TV or projector will be able to tell a difference with. Aside from sitting 6 inches from the screen.

But perhaps that's what your winky face was getting at.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Always seems like they'll deny the existence of a new console being developed up until the moment it's announced. Such is life.
confused? so this would just be a firmware update and something about it would make the ps3 run better? or do you have to rebuy a ps3.5 to get this advancement?


I like this news. The industry has been in a downward spiral with layoffs and businesses going down left and right. With a PS4 development costs will extrapolate even further, so I'm glad things can stabilize for now.


Well...the whole PS3 can handle 4k doesn't make much sense to me outside of pure movie playback. The PS3 doesn't have enough RAM or GPU power to do 1080p games well let alone 4k.

The whole focusing on the PSP2 I do like, but then I've long had a dream of computing where it was just people phones that they docked at home to use with keyboards, monitors and network storage. So I'd certainly love to see a PSP2 which you dock with a TV and use regular controllers with. Of course it does not seem like its powerful enough for that.

There would be issues I think just releasing a PS3.5 as a revised PS3 sku in terms of developers using any extra performance. The again I guess iOS and PC developers manage it.


StuBurns said:
Although, 4K is as high as we'll probably ever bother with. It's essentially a perfect Super 35 negative transfer which is what people want.

And it's more than 4 times 1080p.

Mother of God.

Watching Transformers in that would be ... *faints*


Quasar said:
Well...the whole PS3 can handle 4k doesn't make much sense to me outside of pure movie playback. The PS3 doesn't have enough RAM or GPU power to do 1080p games well let alone 4k.

i bet even if the only thing that the PS3 did in 4K was the XMB, early adopters would still go nerd-out crazy (as it would probably be the only device to output ANYTHING in 4K for a short time).


going from 30fps 720p to 60fps 1080p, and adding few extra sparks to the game... people expect this ps3.5 to be between 6x to 8x more powerful than original? for almost no cost at all? amazing technology!
This is bullshit if there isn't a new console for awhile. 360 has already been out over 5 years. It's time for something new with better graphics.
Stephen Colbert said:
Deny it all you want, but five years from now, many of you will own 4K tvs and will be chomping at the bit to buy the PS4, the first system to support 1TB Holographic Disks.

If anything, Nintendo would probably be using those discs as well. They've been pumping money into Holographic Discs for years and years now.


« generous god »
jstevenson said:
I so want a 4K TV and 4K movies... if nothing else so I can send George Lucas some more money

You want your PS3 games to look like PS1 games on a 1080p tv? :p


Quasar said:
Well...the whole PS3 can handle 4k doesn't make much sense to me outside of pure movie playback. The PS3 doesn't have enough RAM or GPU power to do 1080p games well let alone 4k.

The whole focusing on the PSP2 I do like, but then I've long had a dream of computing where it was just people phones that they docked at home to use with keyboards, monitors and network storage. So I'd certainly love to see a PSP2 which you dock with a TV and use regular controllers with. Of course it does not seem like its powerful enough for that.

There would be issues I think just releasing a PS3.5 as a revised PS3 sku in terms of developers using any extra performance. The again I guess iOS and PC developers manage it.
Dream no more...


OverHeat said:
You want your PS3 games to look like PS1 games on a 1080p tv? :p
It's not the same thing at all.

In fact, we call it 4K, we'll actually be getting QuadHD most likely, which is exactly four times 1080p, so with 1080p video you can have per pixel mapping with four pixels per source pixel, and assuming the same screen size, it'd look practically identical.


aka andydumi
spwolf said:
going from 30fps 720p to 60fps 1080p, and adding few extra sparks to the game... people expect this ps3.5 to be between 6x to 8x more powerful than original? for almost no cost at all? amazing technology!

A modern 2010-2011 GPU can easily crank those resolutions for relatively little money. Which is what could be in there in a 2012 release, 6 years after the PS3. Much like the 3 came out 6 years after the 2.


yes, that talented of a member
i want this newfangled ps3-point-five to emulate psone and ps2 games at a higher resolution.

edit: and psp games i guess.


jstevenson said:
I so want a 4K TV and 4K movies... if nothing else so I can send George Lucas some more money

I'm pretty sure he shot the prequels at 2k, and he probably remastered the originals at 2k too (and destroyed all the film prints he could find, supposedly). No 4k Star Wars for you!

I'd happily sell you a 4K projector but unfortunately, it's currently in the prototype stage. Now if Insomniac wants a 4K projector prototype... ;)


Stephen Colbert said:
Deny it all you want, but five years from now, many of you will own 4K tvs and will be chomping at the bit to buy the PS4, the first system to support 1TB Holographic Disks.

I can't say I'm convinced of needing 4k unless I have a video wall or cinema sized screen. Cinema seems to be standardising on 4k, but that seems way unnecessary in an average or small sized home. I'd be much happier I think with high bandwidth/bitrate 1080p.

And anyway, just like with audio we're going in exactly the opposite direction from higher quality presentation. Or at least the mainstream is.


FoxHimself said:
If anything, Nintendo would probably be using those discs as well. They've been pumping money into Holographic Discs for years and years now.
There are two competing mediums. Holographic Versatile Disc has a coalition of corporations incuding Sony, Apple, Hitachi LiteON, etc. Nintendo is working with InPhase Technologies on the other Holographic medium.


Would the PS3.5 be theoretically be more or less expensive to make compared to the slim? Based on the information we know.


aka andydumi
BroHuffman said:
Would the PS3.5 be theoretically be more or less expensive to make compared to the slim? Based on the information we know.
I think all the info we have is speculation but I cant imagine it would be cheaper.


Okay guys, I think I should note just for the record that Hiroshige Goto is the writer of the article. He is an editor at the site, and is not a Sony employee. The final paragraph in the article is merely his opinion on the direction Sony is going, and speculation he is making based on the facts uncovered last year about possible technical candidates for the PS4 hardware.

Please keep that in mind.


duckroll said:
Okay guys, I think I should note just for the record that Hiroshige Goto is the writer of the article. He is an editor at the site, and is not a Sony employee. The final paragraph in the article is merely his opinion on the direction Sony is going, and speculation he is making based on the facts uncovered last year about possible technical candidates for the PS4 hardware.

Please keep that in mind.

this needs to be in the OP

so basically this is just a random opinion of an editor


KAL2006 said:
this needs to be in the OP

so basically this is just a random opinion of an editor

It's not really random. It's relatively grounded based on known facts, the official company line, and the reality of the worldwide market. But it is also expressed in much more detail and in a less tabloid manner in the actual Japanese article. He is basically saying that because of the nature of the market now, and based on the recent announcements Sony has made about the NGP, Xperia Play, and Playstation Suite, that Sony finds it more important at the moment to tackle the issue of Smartphones entering into the portable gaming space, rather than focus on another console.
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