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Spider-Man out of the MCU after Homecoming 2 - Amy Pascal

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Will we even have the original MCU actors by the time Homecoming 2 comes out?

RDJ looks old as fuck in the recent trailer and I can't imagine him hanging around after all the Avengers are done.



I just want a long-running Spider-Man series with the same elements and world throughout. I'm tired, and I can't keep getting attached to Spidey series over and over when a reboot or retooling is just around the corner. I just can't.

That said, I'll believe Sony will do this when I see it.


I don't understand why is Sony still working with Amy Pascal.

Then again I just don't understand Sony at all.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Considering the MCU is probably going to fizzle out after Infinity War, I don't think it's that much of a surprise.

Bookmarking for later.


I feel like people don't understand what this potentially means and are overreacting.

IF this were to happen all it would mean is that the third Tom Holland Spider-Man film would have no direct connection to the MCU but would instead be part of whatever self contained cinematic universe Sony are able to launch with the likes of Venom etc.


You Marvel Studios fanboys are the worst. First, Homecoming hasn't even come out yet. It could suck. It could be great. We don't know yet. But making a statement like this before we even know what a Marvel Studio/Sony coproduction looks like is beyond silly. Secondly, Sony, completely independent of Marvel Studios, already made the best Spider-Man movie ever, so it's not like they can't handle the character on their own.

I'm a Marvel Studios fanboy?

Good to know.
I feel like people don't understand what this potentially means and are overreacting.

IF this were to happen all it would mean is that the third Tom Holland Spider-Man film would have no direct connection to the MCU but would instead be part of whatever self contained cinematic universe Sony are able to launch with the likes of Venom etc.

No, we understand and aren't interested.


Hahaha I love this so we get two Spider-Man movies and a reboot huh?
I hope they try to shoe horn the dads spy story back in


That's true. You'll understand though that I just don't have the current faith to trust Sony when it comes to letting filmmakers achieve their vision, they interfere way too much like with Spider-man 3, and Rothman is a disease.

I definitely wasn't trying to prop up Sony - they are currently a tire fire - just saying that, if they hired the right director, writer and cast, could produce as good of a movie as anyone else. But people are constantly clamoring for Spidey in the MCU, for Xmen in the MCU, etc. As if it guarantees the best film or something. Meanwhile in the past 2 years FOX has made 2 Marvel films that are each fantastic (Deadpool and Logan) and are arguably better (I want to say "way better", but that'a just personal opinion of course) than any Marvel Studios film yet made. Basically, people should have an open mind when it comes to Marvel properties, Marvel Studios, the MCU, and other studios making Marvel movies.


I feel like people don't understand what this potentially means and are overreacting.

IF this were to happen all it would mean is that the third Tom Holland Spider-Man film would have no direct connection to the MCU but would instead be part of whatever self contained cinematic universe Sony are able to launch with the likes of Venom etc.

I think some people really want Spider-man to remain in the MCU. However, Marvel has so many properties that I would rather they not tie up 1 production slot every two years on Spider-man indefinitely. Two films plus the Avengers stuff is fine.
Well with their great track record of handling Spidey, I'm sure this makes the most sense for the franchise.

Fuck Amy Pascal and fuck Sony.


I definitely wasn't trying to prop up Sony - they are currently a tire fire - just saying that, if they hired the right director, writer and cast, could produce as good of a movie as anyone else. But people are constantly clamoring for Spidey in the MCU, for Xmen in the MCU, etc. As if it guarantees the best film or something. Meanwhile in the past 2 years FOX has made 2 Marvel films that are each fantastic (Deadpool and Logan) and are arguably better (I want to say "way better", but that'a just personal opinion of course) than any Marvel Studios film yet made. Basically, people should have an open mind when it comes to Marvel properties, Marvel Studios, the MCU, and other studios making Marvel movies.

I agree.

I'm just not sure that I can keep an open mind with current Sony Pictures.


I feel like people don't understand what this potentially means and are overreacting.

IF this were to happen all it would mean is that the third Tom Holland Spider-Man film would have no direct connection to the MCU but would instead be part of whatever self contained cinematic universe Sony are able to launch with the likes of Venom etc.

Sony would also be in complete creative control though, right?
They get to put Spider-Man in their movies

And then they don't. Plus, you do know that Disney pays Sony a percentage of the BO gross for Spiderman movies, right? This has been true since 2011 IIRC.

Spider-Man Merch >Ticket sales. Although, unless you own Disney stock and see it plummeting as a result of this statement I don't know why you'd give a shit about the business side. As a fan all that matters is that we got him along side the Avengers.

I own shares of both DIS and SNE.
I'm looking at it from a business perspective, not a fan's perspective. Horrible, one-sided deal that heavily benefited Sony. Not sure why Marvel/Disney signed it, to be honest.

Disney owns the merchandising. Right after the deal, I took a picture with spiderman at disneyland, he wasn't there before. If Disney can get spiderman in THEIR movies, they can guarantee merchandise to be in their terms for the images from those movies.


You wound me. Raimi Spidey for life.

Words cannot describe how perfect of a movie Spider-Man 2 was at the time. God damn did the movie hit all the right notes if you were a angst-filled teenager/young adult struggling to get through life in 2004. That shit was profound.
The corporate wrangling over this character just makes me tired, and movies aren't supposed to make you THIS tired. They're supposed to challenge you, make you think, be dumb fun, or great art, yes, but this makes me tired on a different level then watching something like say: Oldboy.

This makes me tired in a way where I feel like I can feel the years ahead and the meaninglessness of this whole franchise weighing down on me as a Spidey fan, and I honestly just want to forget the whole thing.

My apologies if I was wrong. I'm all ears to hear a logical, rational reason for being done with Spider-Man movies after Homecoming 2 then, if it isn't based on brand loyalty.

Wanting one consistent world and series and not being able to hold out for yet another reboot going into my late twenties and early thirties. I feel like I'm 80 right now.
I definitely wasn't trying to prop up Sony - they are currently a tire fire - just saying that, if they hired the right director, writer and cast, could produce as good of a movie as anyone else. But people are constantly clamoring for Spidey in the MCU, for Xmen in the MCU, etc. As if it guarantees the best film or something. Meanwhile in the past 2 years FOX has made 2 Marvel films that are each fantastic (Deadpool and Logan) and are arguably better (I want to say "way better", but that'a just personal opinion of course) than any Marvel Studios film yet made. Basically, people should have an open mind when it comes to Marvel properties, Marvel Studios, the MCU, and other studios making Marvel movies.

...and I would argue those Fox movies only happened because Rothman wasn't there, lol

I agree with your overall points, but even with good filmmakers at their disposal, they frequently force them into fucking stupid situations just like they did with Raimi on SM3, and now Rothman is there so I'm doubly cautious haha


I am sure this has been Sony plan all along. Get Marvel involved so they can rebuild some good will then ride the thing into the ground with spin off movies etc. until the wheels fall off in typical Sony fashion. Then they will try to broker another marvel deal.


Movies planned isn't a guarantee. I could see RDJ exiting before 2028 and that would honestly hurt the entire MCU as a franchise.

New MCU movies that have nothing to do with RDJ are making $500-700M. The meta-franchise isn't going anywhere in the immediate future.


Not so innocent timing by Amy saying that on the same day a new trailer is released.

Deadpool and logan were fine, but overrated.
They're overrated because unlike previous attempts they didn't tank hard, making an impression that they hit gold with this formula I guess.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Once the MCU machine sinks its claws into Spidey there's no way Disney is giving that shit up. Spider-Man is one of the most recognizable characters on Earth and by starting with a young actor, the perfect character to replace Tony Stark as the face of the MCU.

Movie already looks to have the feel of a hand off from one generation to the next.
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