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Spiderman (PS4 Exclusive) from Insomniac

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Just to make Dr. Doom cry again.

Organic web shooters on his wrists didn't make sense either and the Venture Bros. actually has a Spiderman character in NYC called the Brown Widow that makes fun of just this fact. He shoots webs from just above his ass which makes more sense considering a spiders biology and is also fairly funny to see. He's also a big musical theatre guy.




Just to make Dr. Doom cry again.

Organic web shooters on his wrists didn't make sense either and the Venture Bros. actually has a Spiderman character in NYC called the Brown Widow that makes fun of just this fact. He shoots webs from just above his ass which makes more sense considering a spiders biology and is also fairly funny to see. He's also a big musical theatre guy.

Yeah, but then again nothing about Spider-Man makes biological sense (unless Spiders stick per magnetism on surfaces) so it doesnt matter that much in the end.

But I am still TeamWebShooter


I just meant if you are looking at a ps4 open world within a city. Not that Seattle was very big but it already looks crazy good on ps4.


Can't believe we are getting an Infamous styled Spidy game :)

Thank you IG

I don't see it. But in any case, at least with Insomniac, we know most things in the game will function as they should, and we won't spend half the time in the sewers doing mostly the same things.

This game actually promises to be something great.
I don't see it. But in any case, at least with Insomniac, we know most things in the game will function as they should, and we won't spend half the time in the sewers doing mostly the same things.

This game actually promises to be something great.

Is that the reason why everyone was giddy over the SP rumor?

Could have fooled me then!
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Change.org Petition - Spider-Man PS4(Insomniac 2016) Game Be Ported To XBOX1 & PC Too
For years and years we have all been waiting to have the perfect Spider-Man game for us to all enjoy. Just from this trailer, it looks like it's going to be pretty cool. The bad thing is, it's exclusive to the PlayStation4 console and we ask that this be changed.Not all of us can afford to buy an entire console to play this.So we ask to port this game to the PS4, XBOX1 and the PC. Us hungry fans would would be more than grateful.


But Sony already put a mandate that there can't be any PS4K/PS4 Neo exclusives.

Companies never go back on their word for profit, just like politicians always do what they say they'll do once they're elected.

I just wanted an excuse to use that gif.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
You guys wanna see a more mature and darker story or keep it light-hearted?
Wonder if Kaz made this happen while negotiating with Marvel over the film rights.

Kaz wasn't involved. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sony connection involved but from what Marvel Games VP has said it sounds like they chose Sony because they were confident that the IP would be in good hands.



If I was 12, only had an Xbox One I would do the same thing.

I'm going to start a petition to appeal to the creator of this petition to change the terms so that the Wii U is included. I think it's very ignorant of him or her to port-beg and not include all current-gen systems in the mix.

You think we can get NX stretch goals?


If I was 12, only had an Xbox One I would do the same thing.

You think we can get NX stretch goals?

No no no, NX is next gen. If we include that, we have to have PS5 and XboxTWO.

Seriously though. I'm embarrassed for anyone who signed that petition over 13 years of age.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I want to see the story getting really dark when the symbiote takes over.


Fingers crossed symbiote and Venom is in the game.


It would be interesting to see how Peter's personality changes, and also gameplay wise that Spidey is much stronger with the black suit on etc.


So for all intents and purposes this Spiderman game could be the Batman Arkham equivalent for this franchise, (ie FINALLY a good spiderman game)


I have a feeling this will end up being Insomniacs most successful IP. I'm hearing about the game from casuals which is always a good sign
Think Marvel creating a bit of buzz on the internet in general, will also be benefitial.

No comment needed.
Petitions about every fart appear online every day, barely anyone takes them serious anymore...
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